
Chapter 179 Wang Zuozhi's Talent, the Son of Heaven

Chapter 179 Wang Zuozhi's Talent, the Son of Heaven

"Rebel, damn it."

There was a moment of silence inside and outside the city, Cao Hong immediately reacted.

He saw one man and one horse break through the city gate, and he also saw thousands of red-armored cavalry rushing towards him like a torrent. Judging by the speed, within dozens of breaths, he could rush into the city gate and make a big impact.

And there are only [-] tiger and leopard riders in my city, so I can't stop them.

Of course, even if it can block this cavalry army, it is useless.

As long as the city remains open, the general situation cannot be changed.

The Wu army's 20 troops are ready to wait. Once the whole army enters the city, even if the number of troops in Xudu is several times larger, it will be of no use at all.

So, no matter what, the city gate must be closed.

Once you break the goal, you have to block it.

Although, the opponent looks very strong and fierce.

It seems that some can't beat it.

However, Cao Hong didn't think that the opponent could stop the attack of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

'Even if Lu Bu came and was surrounded, he would have to die. '

With a roar, Cao Hong hit his horse first, and the tiger and leopard rider behind him turned into a torrent and rushed forward. Now is the time to rush.

"No, General Cao..."

Xun Yu was shocked, and before he could finish his sentence, he saw Cao Hong rushing up.

Then, it was faster to go back than to go.

However, what came back was the head.

He rode a snowflake black-hoofed horse, brandished a spear, and roared ferociously, charging forward.

The spear was able to stab, his arms flicked, and he was about to exert force.

A bloody light had already passed over his neck.

The head flew into the air, jumped more than ten meters straight, and rolled to the ground, rolling in front of Xun Yu.

"Why bother? In the battle that day, he beat all the generals under Meng De's command without daring to fight. In the end, he could only flee in a panic...

Cao Hong, Cao Hong, you always think that the famous generals in the world are nothing more than that, and other people’s reputations are all bragging, but secretly, you must still be laughing at your elder brother, alas..."

Seeing Cao Hong staring at his head, as if he couldn't believe it, Xun Yu shook his head, straightened his clothes, and walked forward slowly.

The opponent has already entered the city, so it doesn't matter whether they fight or not.

He seemed to have seen the end of things.

look up...

The seven or eight tiger and leopard cavalry who rushed to the front fired their guns brazenly. Even if the main general Cao Hong died with one move, he could not destroy the ferocity in these people's hearts.


In a series of crisp sounds.

There was a buzzing sound in front of him, and on the red giant horse, a looming golden bell shape appeared around the person, and the runes flowed.

The point of the spear touched, the barrel of the spear broke, and the force rebounded. Those cavalrymen who dared to attack all screamed and fell off their horses. Two or three were trampled to death, and five or six were half dead.

This time, the remaining hundreds of tiger and leopard riders who rushed forward in a group finally understood what happened.

For a moment everyone was terrified, they hurriedly reined in their horses, and did not dare to move forward again.

Of course, the endless flow of red cavalry at the city gate was also one of the reasons.

I saw the seven cavalry rushing forward, with swords and guns at the same time, rushing to kill, and in the blink of an eye, a large number of black-armored tiger and leopard cavalry fell down.

This elite team, facing the red-armored dragon rider, is like chopping melons and vegetables, vulnerable to a single blow.


Face impossible enemies.

Even the tiger and leopard cavalry, known for their fearlessness, ferocity and tyranny, had to play around with the wind for a while.

Cowardly, not a shame.

At this time, knowing that there is nothing to be done, but rushing forward to kill, it is a disgrace, that is too stupid to be cured.

After Zhang Kun beheaded Cao Hong with his sword, he stayed on the street and turned his head to look at the palace gates. He didn't seem to notice that there were so many spears stabbing him just now.

Even, the jade crown on his head was still upright, his hair fluttered in the wind without any mess, his clothes and armor were clustered like new, and there was not even a trace of blood on them.

"Wen Ruo, I know you have the Han family in your heart and are loyal to the court, but you really don't need to follow Cao Cao's. His ambition is barely concealed. I don't believe it, and you can't see it."

Zhang Kun raised his left hand obliquely, blocking the charge of thousands of cavalry behind him.

Turning to look at Xun Yu.

This is also a great talent, enough to be called a national scholar.

The difference from Guo Fengxiao is that this person is very clumsy and generally does not show his sharpness, but his political and strategic talents are rarely matched by others, and he is called "my son-in-law" by Cao Cao.

Not only was he able to put forward correct strategies and tactics, but he also gave Cao Cao the correct political policy of "following the emperor's orders and not being ministers"...

It can also distribute food and grass and recommend talents.

It can be said that everything is good, and everything is fine.

Therefore, when Cao Cao sent troops to fight many times, he was always made the chief dispatcher in the rear, and he was the strong backing of Cao Wei's army when they sent troops outside.

Without Guo Fengxiao, Cao Cao is equivalent to losing an arm.

Without Xun Wenruo, Cao Cao would lose a leg.

With one arm missing, he can't hit people at most, and his attack power is much weaker... But, with one leg missing, he can't even walk steadily.

In the original trajectory, Xun Wenruo served as Minister of the Book, and was called Xun Lingjun, who held the position in the middle for decades.

Cao Cao knew clearly that this man's heart for the Han Dynasty was not the same as his own.

But still can only use him.

If you think about it, you can understand this person's ability.

The world calls him "Wang Zuo's talent", which is not flattery at all.

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, Xun Yu showed bitterness: "I don't know, that's the case, but although the world is big, only Meng De can protect the emperor. Only he can continue the Han family."

"Deceiving yourself."

Zhang Kun sneered and shook his head, "What's the use of lingering on like this? On the surface, the Han court is still there, but as the emperor, he can't even keep his own woman and children, and so does the uncle of the country." Being beheaded at will... The king also heard that the emperor was crying all day long, with deep hatred in his heart, but he still had to force a smile...

Wen Ruo, do you think such a Cao Cao is still a courtier?And why did he really take the world of the Han family to heart? "

What Zhang Kun was talking about was of course the news that Guo Fengxiao's undercover spies came some time ago.

The emperor secretly ordered Dong Guiren's father, Dong Cheng, a chariot general, to contact his foreign ministers to seize power from Cao Cao.

As a result, the news leaked, and Dong Cheng and others were killed on the spot. Afterwards, Dong Guiren and the child in his stomach were not able to keep, and were killed directly.

Han Xiandi Liu Xie could only watch helplessly, there was nothing he could do.

Such a son of heaven.

It is not so much the emperor as a puppet.

Leave a spiritual symbol to those courtiers who are devoted to the Han Dynasty, and give them a reason to work hard for the Cao Wei Group.

They are all lying to themselves, Fu Wan, Kong Rong and others are doing the same, Xun Wenruo and others are doing the same.

Moreover, Zhang Kun also knew how sad this Han Xiandi was?Empress Fu of his family was also imprisoned to death. The two princes born to him and Empress Fu were poisoned to death, and finally married Cao Cao's daughter Cao Jie as queen.

Then, Cao Cao was made king of Wei;

In the end, he was forced to abdicate the throne to Cao Pi, Cao Cao's son, and Liu Xie was named Duke of Shanyang, and the Han Dynasty ended.


Zhang Kun hit the nail on the head, exposing Xun Yu's self-deceiving ostrich mentality, and then said: "I don't want to lie to you, saying that I will respect the emperor of the Han family and be loyal to the Han family all my life. However, I can give the emperor Liu Xie a decent one.

As long as he surrenders and abdicates, this king will protect his throne... If he does not do anything against him, he will always be able to grow old safely, and he will pass on his wealth and honor to his family.Treating them like this is worthy of the Han family for hundreds of years.I don't know, Mr. Wen Ruo may be satisfied? "

Xun Yu understood as soon as he heard it.

This is recruiting yourself.

It is clearly said that it is preferential treatment for Liu Xie, Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty, but it is actually said to himself, the civil servants and generals who are interested in the Han Dynasty, whether to surrender or not?To fight to the end, or to hand over peacefully... In fact, all you need is an attitude.

"If I swear to the death that I will not surrender, I don't know what the prince will do?"

Xun Yu was silent for a while, then asked with a slightly dazed expression.

These days, he has been in torment, pinning his hopes on Cao Cao, deep in his heart, but he knows clearly that this is not a minister of Zhongxing in the Han Dynasty, he has his own ambitions.

But is there any other way than doing this?
Will others be worse?
Now that the princes of all parties have strong soldiers and horses, and the emperor himself has no strength and influence, how can the emperor alone clean up the mountains and rivers and restore the glory of the Han family?
Both guarding against and relying on, this is the complex emotion of the survivors of the Han family towards Cao Cao.

Sometimes, you see through the truth, but you don't want to believe it.

"If you swear to die and don't surrender, that's easy to do. It's nothing more than that those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. Fighting for dragons in the world and conquest by princes are not like entertaining guests and setting up houses to kill all the resistance. The world is peaceful and the people are happy. Mr. Wen Ruo, tell me, is this the truth?"

Zhang Kun sat on the horse with a gentle expression, talking like seeing an old friend...

Inside and outside the words, the meaning of bloody slaughter made Xun Yu feel chills in his heart.

"Those who have achieved great things since ancient times, don't care about small details, don't care about reputation..."

If I can't answer one of them well, not only will all the loyal people in the court die, but even Emperor Han Xian himself will have to lie dead on the spot...

The same is the end of the Han Dynasty. One kind of ending is to save some dignity, formally abdicate, and get the throne; the other kind of ending is to bleed on the spot and kill everyone.

How to choose?Even fools know it.

Xun Yu's face turned green and pale, and after much deliberation, he finally straightened his clothes, pushed the golden mountain, poured the jade pillar, and bowed down: "Xun Yu sees the master, and is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse."

"Okay, okay, I get Wen Ruo, it's like getting an ovary."

Zhang Kun laughed loudly, helped Xun Yu up, and looked around the tiger and leopard cavalry and [-] infantry, all of them got off their horses and threw away their weapons, kneeling on the ground.

From here, we can also see the prestige of Xun Wenruo.

In other words, the latent forces behind the scholar group.

Xun Wenruo's surrender was not the only one, he represented a class, the middle class of the empire.

Just as these gentry were attached to Yuan Shao and Cao Cao back then, in some respects, it also represented the heart of the world.

If you get the gentry's refuge, you have the qualifications to unify the Central Plains.

Otherwise, raising the butcher's knife all the way to kill the past, the world will still be peaceful, but it will waste a lot of time, increase countless internal frictions, and the hearts of the people may not be so easy to submit.

This is just a benefit from the general trend level.

Focus on the small things, get Xun Wenruo, the benefits are not small at all.

This person is very good at internal affairs and strategy.

It is a real prime minister level talent.

Now Zhuge Kongming is still nesting in the thatched cottage in Longzhong, Deng County, Nanyang County, and has no plans to go out of the mountain, and Zhang Kun is not in a hurry to ask him to come out to help.

With Xun Yu's obedience, a large number of talents can be attracted to come over. In this way, the staff team has finally formed slowly.

He didn't forget that this guy is famous and likes to recommend talents.

Even Guo Jia was recommended by him to Cao Cao's side.

"Wen Ruo, I didn't expect that we would have a day to work together. It's really gratifying."

Guo Jia happily rode a pony and ran into the city. When he saw Xun Yu, he got off the horse and laughed happily.

"Feng Xiao's body is in good shape."

Xun Yu was startled at first, and when he looked carefully, he saw this strong scholar in front of him, who turned out to be an acquaintance, and was so startled that he almost lost his voice.

Is this still the original Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao who was about to float away when the wind blows?

The man in front of him with a red face, sharp eyes, and slightly bulging muscles is completely different from the image of the tuberculosis ghost.

Do you think that the "ghost" Guo Fengxiao refers to his cunning schemes?

No, because he looks like a ghost.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this person would die violently at any time, so don't call him a "ghost".

"Haha, of course it's great. I can talk with you for three days and three nights without getting tired. Would you like to try Wen Ruo?"

Seeing Xun Yu shaking his head, Guo Jia said solemnly: "Although my lord is cruel to the outside world, he is still very good to his own people. Since Wen Ruo has become a colleague, he should concentrate on doing things and don't think about other things.

In my opinion, the world will be at peace within three months... Whether Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, or Liu Biao, none of them will work.They are all because of people, and the protagonist, even if he is alone, can look down on the world, and he is not at the same level at all. "

"Feng Xiao thinks so highly of the lord? '

Xun Yu was also a little shocked.

He knew Guo Jia's skills.

This person has a dissolute temperament, but he is by no means a vain person who speaks out loud, but he has everything he says, and he claims to be able to understand people's hearts, to understand tricks, and to judge the general trend of the world, and he is still superior to himself.

Since he said, within three months, the world will be pacified.

It will not be delayed until the fourth month.

"Wen Ruo didn't know that, apart from his tyrannical martial arts, the lord also has another ability. He is proficient in the acupoints of the human body and can control the flow of qi and blood...

Look at the three thousand dragon riders, that is, the three thousand riders led by Zhao Zilong with the white horse and silver spear. I saw it just now. They are ten times more elite than the tiger and leopard riders. Each of them can count as ten with one, or even with one. Hundred.This is just the cavalry that the lord spent three months training. "

"I see."

A while ago, Xun Yu saw that after the red armored cavalry entered the city, they not only ordered and prohibited them, but also killed some tiger and leopard cavalry.

In just one round of impact, dozens of tiger and leopard riders fell down...

The one who made the move was just the pawn and the seven cavalry pawns.

Xun Yu thought that this was the leading officer among them, but from Guo Jia's tone, those few were actually just ordinary cavalry pawns.

If there are three thousand riders, everyone has such a majestic blood and powerful force, which army in the world can take the lead?

Look again, there are 20 troops outside the city.

Xun Yu was flustered for a moment, he was grateful and ashamed at the same time, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

He thought for a while, then quickly turned around to catch up with Zhang Kun, and said anxiously: "If my lord is going to the palace, you must slow down, and you must not be disrespectful to the emperor."


Zhang Kun was a little curious.

This guy has just taken refuge, so could it be that he still wants to win some more power for the emperor?

"My minister suspects that the Son of Heaven still has a powerful force in his hands, so we must guard against it.

In fact, Cao Mengde didn't really respect the emperor, secretly, he also had various means...

Although I don't know all of these, I still know some.

However, every time he acted, he always failed...Even after killing Dong Cheng and Dong Guiren, Cao Mengde hadn't entered the palace for half a year.Judging by his situation, he seemed to be guarding against something. "

"This king already knows all about this matter, and it was caused by the immortal master Zuo Ci. This person has met him before, and this trip to the palace is to see what kind of plan this immortal master Zuo is planning... , nothing happened naturally. If you really want to get in the way, I have to try to see if I can kill the immortals?"

There was a killing intent in Zhang Kun's eyes, and he said coldly.

Three days ago, I was threatened by someone outside the city. At that time, I couldn't understand what kind of method the other party was using, so I could only swallow my anger.

Nowadays, Taiping Qing Lingshu has already practiced successfully.

He wanted to see again, how is this Zuo Xianshi better than Yu Ji?
At that moment, Zhang Zhao and others were left behind to gather up the defeated soldiers and appease the people, and led three thousand cavalrymen, rumbled straight to Jingfu Hall of Xuchang Palace in the south.

Zuo Ci is still missing. Zhang Kun thinks that this person probably doesn't care whether Xuchang City is destroyed or not. What he cares most about is the descendants of the Han Dynasty themselves.

As long as Liu Xie's status as the Son of Heaven is still there, it doesn't make any difference to him whether the other party is a puppet or in power.

Even if Liu Xie's heir was directly beheaded, he would not bother.

So, why is he protecting the emperor?
What kind of plot is there?
Find out soon.


"You came."

"I am coming!"

"You shouldn't have come."

With a sigh.

Behind Han Xiandi Liu Xie, whose face was as pale as a sheet of paper, slowly walked out an old Taoist priest with a sword in his arms and dressed in hemp cloth.

Although the old Taoist had a kind face, there was a cold light in his eyes.

He appeared in Jingfu Palace, extremely uncoordinated.

However, from the emperor and queen, down to civil and military officials, and palace guards, there is no surprise at all.

Perhaps, it wasn't that he didn't feel the surprise, but because he was frightened and didn't dare to reveal anything wrong.

Zhang Kun stood at the gate of the hall, Jiuxuan's heart eyes had been opened...

He saw that in addition to the colorful thin energy floating in the hall, there were also countless shadowy shadows.

Those black shadows were floating and roaring, invisible to the naked eye, but they were real.

It's more palpable.

As a result, the atmosphere in the hall became very gloomy and cold.

Stepping into the hall, swishing cold air, he drilled deep into the neck.

No wonder, Cao Cao has been reluctant to enter the palace recently...

No matter who it is, who has experienced this coldness, even though he doesn't understand what's wrong, deep down in his heart, he still has to be in awe.


Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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