
Chapter 194 Upgrading Spells, Strange Shadows

Chapter 194 Upgrading Spells, Strange Shadows

"Order to go on, just say that I was chasing the enemy earlier, and I was injured a little bit, and I need to rest and recuperate, so I don't want to interfere with my business."

After entering the town of Thorns, Zhang Kun ordered his knights and soldiers to return to their camps, took the knight attendants back to the baron's manor, immediately dismissed his servants, and called Xiao Zhihu and others over.

It was already dark at this time, and candles were lit in the study room of the east courtyard.

The candlelight made the expressions on the faces of several people flickering and flickering, and they all looked a little ugly.

"Tell me, you can talk about whatever you have in mind next. Now that the hardest step has been completed, it is very difficult to swallow this plate in one bite."

Zhang Kun is not a domineering person. In a flash of inspiration, he thought of the method of dove's nest and magpie, overcame various difficulties, and finally deceived him, and obtained the barony in name.

However, as the old saying goes, you can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever.

As a lord, it doesn't mean that you can completely control the territory by fooling the people around you. All aspects of the relationship need to be reorganized, as well as how to farm and how to control the many forces in the territory. There has to be a charter.

"Captain, first of all, I think the problem we have to solve first is the problem of the space channel. The battle we just came in today can basically show that this place is very malicious to our world. Maybe it is the Church of Gods, or it may be the world. The country, or more likely, the two parties have joined forces. Once they find someone coming from the space passage, they must be killed. Moreover, I heard from the soldiers below that the Judgment Knights of the Dawn Church rushed through the passage and fought back. There is a loss, and if this matter is not resolved, it is like a sharp sword hanging above the head, which makes people feel at ease."

Xiao Zhihu spoke first, with a worried face.

As worthy of being a person from the Qinglong sequence, the consciousness of worrying about the country and the people is superior to others.

Zhang Kun also nodded in approval.

This Instructor Xiao looks at the problem on the knife's edge, and if he doesn't relieve his worries, he will not be able to develop here.

Xu Changsheng, however, somewhat disagreed: "It's still not clear how much power the Church of Dawn puts into the Forest of Green Fields. We can't rush to make a decision on this matter for the time being. Although the Judgment Knights don't have many people, there are only about [-] people. , it is said that the weakest are masters above tenth level, and the leader Oliver is a seventeenth-level golden knight. The power is obviously not enough."

Xu Changsheng's meaning was very clear, that is to get up first, ignore the people of the Judgment Knights, and just concentrate on the development of the territory.

The little monk Fang Yulong also quickly echoed: "Yes, yes, the chances of winning with them are too low. Previously, Captain Zhang had a hard time dealing with the old gold knights of level [-] in the forest. The Judgment Knights have many helpers." , they are extremely guarded against outsiders, and they have no chance...

In my opinion, it's better for us to grab a ticket and leave. Before no one finds out, we can learn all the materials, documents, and secret techniques that we can get.As long as you can find a suitable opportunity, find a space channel that is not so heavily guarded, and take the things back, it is a great achievement. "

After Fang Yulong finished speaking, they all turned to look at him.

Seeing that his face with make-up was a little unnatural, he quickly raised his hand and said, "Beforehand, I am not greedy for life and afraid of death, but from the perspective of self-protection. Didn't Chief Instructor Qin say that before coming in?" ? Everything is for self-preservation, if you can take no risks, you will not take risks..."

"Ruolan, what do you think?"

Zhang Kun didn't express his opinion, but turned to ask Gong Ruolan.

He found that this girl has more experience, and she often speaks to the point, which is more practical than the two monks. Moreover, she does not have Xiao Zhihu's extreme family and country feelings, and she sees things more to the point.

"I want to ask, can Captain Zhang be sure that he has been fooling the high-level empire and the church here?"

Gong Ruolan asked seriously.


Zhang Kun wanted to say yes.

But he knows that the level of power in this different world is too high, and he will never be able to figure out what kind of unique means the other party has to know the truth.

It is a bit ridiculous to try to speculate on the power of those gods with mortal thinking.

In this situation, if you try your best, you can't last for a month, and you will probably be exposed.

You can't get mixed up.

"Then there's only one way."

Gong Ruolan stood up, she was obviously dressed in blonde hair and green eyes, but she still gave off the feeling of a counselor with wisdom in her hands: "Only by cutting through the mess with a sharp knife, doing mental calculations without intention, and directly trying to find a way to destructively unify the thorns in the south of the green field. Territory, do not give the opposition forces a chance to survive, no matter who wants to reach in, they will all be cut off."


"Yes, it is rebellion, coercion, hiding our purpose under another purpose, so that those big shots can't figure out what went wrong for the time being. When they find that things are not that simple and want to concentrate their forces, Add more masters, and we are already stronger."

"In this way, even if the Baron Edward I incarnated behaves wildly and is a little different from the past, people will not be aware of it. They will only think that it is ambition that makes people crazy."

Zhang Kun pondered for a moment, and felt that this method was actually better than passively waiting for the enemy to discover the truth before besieging him.

At least, the initiative is still controlled by oneself.

"So, the only problem is that of strength. It doesn't matter whether these soldiers and knights under us are exhausted, but our own strength is far from enough."

Zhang Kun reached out and took out a roll of sheepskin from the magic bracelet on his wrist, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please copy this book, this secret book of fighting qi, called Yaoyang Douqi Jue, was practiced by the dead golden knight earlier. Dou Qi seems to be a very good inheritance, at least, everyone can cultivate to the gold rank... I hope you can greatly improve your strength in a short time."

"As for the inheritance of magic, here is the practice of fire magic from level [-] to level [-], as well as some magic formulas. However, this thing is more difficult. If you can memorize it, you can memorize it. If you can't memorize it, you can copy it. After a while, our bodies seem to be able to practice, whether we can go far depends on our mental strength and compatibility."

"However, in my opinion, if you can cultivate to the level of energy transformation at the age of 20 under the extremely thin energy of Blue Star, you should have a very strong understanding of the essence of qi, blood and power. Innate talent. Take the road of fighting qi warriors again, and with the training conditions here, it will definitely make rapid progress..."

After hearing this, several people were all happy.

He didn't talk nonsense at the moment, and hurriedly stepped forward to copy it.

Even Xiao Zhihu, who seemed very calm, threw away all his worries and concentrated on studying which path he would take.

In the end is to take the road of magic or the practice method of physical battle qi.

As for whether the physical attributes are suitable, there are not so many opportunities to choose for the time being, so I can only learn what I can.

After researching for a while, several martial arts practitioners still feel that this method of fighting qi practice is more in line with their own ideas. As for magic, they seem to be reading from heaven, what kind of spiritual meditation, what feeling of magical energy , it is a little difficult.

This thing is harder than doing math problems, and they are not math geniuses, so learning it is equivalent to starting from scratch, which is a bit inappropriate.

After the few people left, Zhang Kun silently added points.

After discussing with several people earlier, he felt that the thinking of several people was not wrong. In the final analysis, it was because his own strength was too weak. Even if he had a good start, he might not necessarily have a good result.

What is urgent at the moment is not any development or aggression.

Gong Ruolan said it well, it is serious to occupy this territory first.

As long as it is occupied, the hands and feet protruding from all sides are cut off, and then a large number of good seedlings can be recruited from the back of the space passage, and they will wantonly spread fighting spirit and magic practice methods.

On the one hand, Blue Star began to popularize fighting spirit cultivation methods. On the other hand, a large number of people were sent here to form an army. Relying on a world, it is not impossible to fight against countries in the world's magic continent.

Of course, you can't beat it in the early stage.

But that's okay too...

In this world, one can understand countries, sects, and races. It is a bit exaggerated to say that there are thousands of ethnic groups, and it is still possible to talk about a hundred ethnic groups competing for hegemony.

There are elves, dwarves, orcs, half-orcs, half-elves, underground demons...

Anyway, there are all kinds of strange races, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be of the same mind.

The attitude towards the human world on the other side of the space passage cannot be all hostile.

Sometimes, an enemy's enemy is a friend, and this relationship can be put to good use.

The specific operation method.

This can only be planned after the command and staff groups of the Blue Star countries come over.

Now, Zhang Kun's idea is very simple, to gain a firm foothold first.

First of all, it is to improve strength.

The realm of cultivation cannot be improved at present.

Seeing that there are still a lot of dragon energy points, I will upgrade all the skills that may be used.

The Eye of the Nine Mysteries costs 64 points to upgrade to the second level. At this time, you can see the rules of the void energy world more clearly, which is enough for the time being.

The Seven Emotions Technique has reached the second level, and it is also very useful against opponents of the same level or even one level higher, so there is no need to upgrade it.

Calling the Wind and Rain has not yet started farming, and there is no need to upgrade it.

Just fine at the entry level.

It took 64 points to upgrade to the second level of the transformation technique, and he found that he can now change between Edward and his original appearance at will, and it is no longer the slow process like before.

In the blink of an eye, he changed into a human form, and even turned into a woman, which is a bit advanced.

Zhang Kun changed for a while, and also changed the images of Xiao Zhihu, Xu Changsheng, and Gong Ruolan a few times. He took a look in the mirror in the corner of the room, and felt that they were lifelike, so he was satisfied.

The second-level change technique can only change people, and the change is not too big.

He tried it, and if he changed into animals or plants, it didn't work.

If you want to come, you have to go to the third level to do it.

After upgrading to the third level of the transformation technique, I found that it needs 256 points, which is too expensive, so I put it on hold for now.

The rest, which can still tap its potential, is "Dunjia Tianshu". Among other things, the five elements escape method learned from this Taoist book copied from Zuo Ci's lair is actually very useful.

In the world of the Three Kingdoms, because there was no need for it, Zhang Kun held his hands steady and did not use the dragon energy boost.

He just studied the basics to understand the deep meaning, but he didn't practice it to the first level, and he stumbled when using it. It's not because of his innate talent. This is the case with any spell, especially the practice of very deep spells.

As a full-time Taoist priest, Zuo Ci pondered spells all day long, and he practiced for 50 years before reaching the first level, and after 80 years of practice before reaching the first level.

He fished for three days and posted nets for two days. After governing the country and collecting dragon energy for most of his time, he was able to teach himself to become what he is now, which is actually pretty good.

The main reason, of course, is that the rules of the Three Kingdoms world are not obvious, the Taoism is not prosperous, and it is extremely difficult to practice.

It seems that it is easier to practice spells in this different world, and Zhang Kun doesn't have the time, so he can only reluctantly consume the dragon energy value and directly increase it.

Five elements escape technique, either don't learn it, or learn it comprehensively.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth five-style escape methods, all of which cost 32 points to upgrade to the first level.

Consuming 160 points of dragon energy, the current spells can be considered comprehensive.

Let's look at the Dragon Qi value again, only 111 points are left.

After looking at the column of Dragon Qi for a long time, Zhang Kun let out a long sigh.

After 30 years of hard work in the Three Kingdoms world, when I came to another world, I didn't make much money, and almost broke my fortune.

As for the realm of cultivation, it has not improved much in essence. If it does not get enough rewards, it will really be a big loss this time.

Now, he can defend, attack, change and escape. In a fight, even an eighteenth-level golden knight would find it difficult to injure himself.

As long as you don't encounter legendary fighters and magicians, you can basically guarantee your own safety.

In this way, it is possible for Gong Ruolan's proposal to be implemented.

Since we want to clean up the land of the Forest of Green Fields in the Thorn Plain, we must first deal with the mercenary group.

The persimmons were pinched softly, stained with the blood of the Blue Star soldiers, how could they let them go easily.

'First gather the combat power of several major mercenary groups, and then attack the Judgment Knights of the Church of Dawn, and secure the passageway before Earl Bauhinia reacts. '

Made up my mind.

Zhang Kun waved away the little girl Jasmine who came to serve the bath, and exchanged a candle, and he carefully studied the secret manual of fighting qi and the manuscript of magic.

There is nothing wrong with the transformation technique, and I am not afraid that someone will recognize it.

However, the aura and energy fluctuations on the body can't be concealed. If you really meet a master, it would be a little funny to be seen by others at a glance.

In order to avoid the kind of social death that occurs in advance, Zhang Kun feels that it is necessary for him to practice fighting qi and magic at the same time.

You don't need to practice too high, you just need to reach Edward's silver grudge level and the great magician's magic level.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Practicing Dou Qi is beneficial to his martial artist path. Practicing magic is also helpful to his Taoist practice. In his opinion, these two kinds of exercises are actually different expressions. It's the same idea.

One specializes in internal training, transforms itself from the inside out, accommodates the energy of the world and the earth, and sends out hurting people.

One is to study the laws of the world, attract energy, and pull the energy of the world to kill the enemy.

Therefore, on the one hand, we are looking for a path of tyranny of the physical body, and on the other hand, we are walking the path of spiritual strength.

In Zhang Kun's view, he has to go both ways, and he doesn't want to let go.

Nothing happened overnight, the candles were dry, and the east was slightly bright.

Zhang Kun's eyes were tired from reading, and he felt that he was using his brain too much, so he couldn't help but yawned and stretched a long way.

In the shadow of the corner of the room, like flowing water, a black shadow as thin as a piece of paper twisted and passed through the crack of the door, and arrived behind him silently, creating a dark shadow.

The corner of Shadow's mouth curved into a strange arc, and in his hand was a dagger, which was also pitch-black and dull, and it was inserted into the back of his head soundlessly.


Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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