
Chapter 195 Assassin strikes, target counterattacks

Chapter 195 Assassin strikes, target counterattacks

The bloody red light in the dark shadow's eyes flickered slightly, and the dagger in his hand fell.

It was silent at first, and when it was about half a foot close to the back of Zhang Kun's head, the sound of thunder burst out from the short sword, and the speed increased ten times and a hundred times in an instant...

A black glow flourished on the dagger, and a corrosive, sour, and chaotic energy ripple swept across it suddenly.


Amidst the crackling sound waves, a ray of light fell, and the tables, chairs, and walls made of high-quality bluestone were chopped apart by this sword like dust.

The floor of the room was covered with cracks, and each crack penetrated more than ten meters deep into the ground.

One strike down with a sword is so powerful, even if there is a golden knight in front, if he is unguarded, he can at least be cut to death.

However, the touch on the sword was empty. The noble young man who was sitting quietly reading a book by the candlelight was like a phantom. The light of the sword fell and the phantom dissipated.

It seemed that he had never sat there in the first place, but he was dazzled.

A gleam of unbelievable shock flashed in the eyes of the pitch-black assassin. With a chill in his heart, he was about to escape into the shadows again, when a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded behind him, "This is the Dissolving Shadow Technique and Backstab, let's assemble!" The energy and blood of the whole body burst out with a bloodthirsty and violent blow, and the lethality is indeed not small... But what I don't understand is, where did someone show off their feet, and someone sent an assassin like you to do it?"

The reason why I say this voice is familiar is because I heard it when I was a child.

Strange, of course, the pitch-black figure has never heard of it before. The other party will speak in such a majestic and indifferent voice. All along, in that mansion, the other party has always been cautious, respectful and polite. Anyone.

Even, facing the servants and servants who are like ants, they are full of smiles, which will not make people feel oppressed.

Edward was originally a gentle and polite young nobleman.

He has always been called "the gentle young master" by the people, and later, another person called him "the kind-hearted baron".

Hearing the other party's questioning words at this time, the pitch-black figure only felt chills, and didn't find it strange. He thought to himself, what the master guessed was indeed true.

He turned around slowly, revealing a pale face. The candlelight had already been extinguished, and only the faint moonlight from the broken wall and window could be seen clearly. This person was thin, with sharp eyebrows, His cheeks were fleshless, his eyes were red and frantic, and there was a faint sense of killing intent.

"You saw me, and you still don't know what's wrong? Eldest young master, I don't know if you are pretending to be stupid or really stupid. What the master said is true. You are the root of trouble. You shouldn't have gotten away with it in the first place." Opportunity."

Black smoke slowly rose from the pitch-black figure's body, and his voice was dry, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Master, you are talking about Earl Bauhinia. He actually sent someone to kill his own son. It seems that there are a lot of secrets in it."

Zhang Kun was a little surprised.

He thought about it, maybe it was the enemy from the forest of green fields, or maybe it was the competitors of the Star Academy who wanted to eliminate this "hidden danger" and cut off the joint strategy of the opposing academy and the local nobles.

I even guessed that it might be the younger brother Steve with this identity, who sent someone to assassinate his brother in order to fight for the inheritance...

The only thing I didn't expect was the person sent by Earl Bauhinia, the supreme ruler of this territory.

Tiger poison does not eat children, what is the reason for the earl to assassinate his eldest son to death?What kind of deep secret is there?

Zhang Kun suddenly felt that choosing this identity replacement did not seem like a good thing, but seemed to cause some serious trouble.

"You don't even know, how could you not know?"

The face of the pitch-black figure changed in an instant, and it looked slightly gloomy at first, but now there was a little more fear.

"You are not Edward, who are you?"

As soon as he yelled, his body was full of energy, as if he was going to fight with all his strength, but the next moment, the figure that was rushing forward turned into light smoke and dissipated in the air, under the thin light and shadow of the moonlight. Now, there is no more shadow of him.

"Bluffing, shadowing and absconding, you can be regarded as an old Jianghu. If you change someone else, you might escape. Unfortunately, it was me you met."

Zhang Kun stepped out with one step, his body sank slightly, submerged in the earth and rocks, he only felt the soil around his body like wind and water, gently pushing his body, which was more strange than when he was running his body to rush on the road.

The five-element escape method recorded in "Dunjia Tianshu" indeed has a strange and magical effect, especially after the five elements have reached the second level, he feels that no matter whether it is mud or water, fire or gold, he can escape in one go .

The only pity is that this evasion technique does not seem to be able to escape too far at once, but it is too weak to escape for more than forty meters, so I have to come out to take a breath.

Zhang Kun knew that this was because his mental strength was not enough, and he could only control the operation of spells at such a distance.

But that's enough.

The speed of the escape technique is almost time-free. Compared with space teleportation, it may be a little slower, but it is not easy to distinguish the fact that it is actually slow.

When he appeared, in Jiuxuan's mind, a black light and shadow was rushing towards him like lightning.

Presumably seeing his own figure, the black figure suddenly slammed on the brakes, his face turned paler with fright, his figure went from hiding, directly broke the kung fu, and appeared in the real field of vision.


"You can't escape, just obediently grab it with your arms tied."

Zhang Kun tried the magical effect of the escape technique, and his mood became better, and he didn't blame the other party for breaking his temporary house.

"Joke, do you think you can eat me?"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the pitch-black figure also became fierce.

The dagger in his hand danced wildly forward, drawing a wonderful trajectory, and his figure also danced like a dance.

The sword light flickered, and even cut off dozens of vital points on Zhang Shen's body.

It was actually a frontal pounce.

The attack was like a storm, and it was close to him. Zhang Kun cut the uncut man with a single knife, but suddenly retracted the knife and looked back, and stabbed out without any fancy.

The offensive was ahead, but he shot backwards.

It just happened to be cut.


As the blade entered the flesh, there was a muffled groan.

Blood splattered.

The assassin's figure reappeared ten meters away,
An arm just fell to the ground at this moment, and it jumped a few times crazily as if it was full of vitality, before it stopped moving.

Zhang Kun turned around slowly, nodded and judged: "This frontal sneak attack is very good. It uses sword pressure to press the acupuncture points in front of me, but it turns into an arc, stepping on the void, and going around behind me to attack. ...However, you are not my opponent, surrender, I will surround you and not die."

Zhang Kun held the long knife in his hand, stood there like a mountain, and locked his opponent firmly with a burst of energy. At this time, he was not afraid of the opponent's escape.

The two sides' qi and machine attract each other, pulling and mobilizing the whole body, no matter whether they go to heaven or earth, they can't escape.

The reason why he surrendered was not because he was interested in secrets or not.

But simply feel that talent is rare.

This assassin seems to be less powerful and powerful than the golden knight he met during the day, but the two are not warriors of the same style, and cannot be measured by attack power.

In Zhang Kun's view, under certain circumstances, the assassin's lethality in front of him was even higher than that of the golden knight.

If he didn't have the "Nine Profound Mind Eyes", as well as the Transformation Technique and the Five Elements Escape Technique, he would definitely be handicapped when facing this assassin, and it would be very difficult to keep up with the rhythm.

Because, this guy is used to being sneaky and sneaky, and he will never fight you head-on.

As for the attack power, the backstab of the first sneak attack actually reached the attack power of the Golden Knight's full blow.

Strictly speaking, it can be regarded as a sixteenth-level assassin.

That Earl, who can command an assassin of this level, must not be too weak in his own strength, and no matter what, he will not be lower than the gold level.

After the hasty discussion of the previous few people, Zhang Kun understood that in this foreign land, it is impossible to achieve great things by fighting alone, unless it is so strong that one person pushes the gods alone and sweeps the other world. For a long period of time, the level of force, Blue Star, will be at a huge disadvantage after all.

In this way, it is inevitable to absorb experts from other worlds.

I heard that on the opposite side of some space passages, they encountered some races that could not communicate, such as monsters, orcs, or half-orcs.

However, facing the same human beings, there is communication, negotiation, and the opportunity to surrender.

Loyalty issues are indeed not easy to solve.

There is no need to solve it, as long as you survive the early stage, everything will be easy to handle.

At least, people in this world can't be allowed to treat Lan Xing opposite as a pig or cow waiting to be slaughtered. Once they have fear, it will be easy to handle.

Besides, according to Zhang Kun's judgment, in this foreign world, it is impossible for all forces to have ideas about Blue Star.

They don't have that strength, and they don't have that kind of thought.

For most forces, even self-protection is a problem.In other words, focus on your own one-acre three-point land, and will not be distracted by others, wasting strength and energy for an out-of-reach foreign space.

The real threats to Blue Star are those ignorant orcs and monsters.

This kind of intrusion following the instinct of escape is unreasonable.

What's more, some high-ranking gods, for some purposes, may instigate believers to seize a huge belief base. This kind of attack is the most dangerous.

Therefore, in view of this, it is not a good way to survive the crisis of alien invasion. Killing people at sight is not a good way. Blue Star is at a disadvantage and cannot do this.

Passive defense is also not good. If you defend for a long time, you will lose. If you continue to defend like this, one day you will be unable to defend.

The best way is to pull a batch and fight a batch.

Take the attack as a guard.

Gather and subdue a large number of forces in the foreign world, lay down a large territory, expand the flames of war, and hit the enemy's territory.

In the course of the war, quickly strengthen yourself until, until one day, it is so strong that it can make it difficult for any invading opponent, that is when Blue Star is truly stable.

The assassin in front of him was a rare master. Since Zhang Kun dared to surrender, he was not afraid of his backlash, so he naturally had his own means of control.

A small method used by the Seven Emotions technique, the Seven Emotions Heart Seal, can do this.

The more you study this spell, the more you will feel that it is infinitely useful, but it's just a little sinister.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to use it, but it is very suitable to use it on enemies who have assassinated themselves.

"To want me to surrender is ridiculous."

The assassin suddenly sneered.

His eyes became more fierce, his face was shrouded in black light, and he muttered mantras.

The breath on the body rises endlessly.

There are black lines running on the skin, and the muscles are abnormally raised one by one, like tree roots entangled...

Although Zhang Kun had a good idea, this assassin with a broken arm didn't seem to cherish life that much.

Perhaps, he still felt that he had enough trump cards, that he was sure enough to escape, and even kill the enemy in front of him.

This time, the assassin's style of play was completely different from before.

The black light around his body was flickering, and he rushed towards Zhang Kun like a strong arrow from the string. In the middle of the man, he used the short sword as the arrow, and the whole person rotated, the whole body twisted into a spiral shape, and the huge torque turned into a piercing hole. Press hard and hit Zhang Kun's chest.


Zhang Kun snorted coldly.

Taking a long breath, he swung his knife suddenly.

The light of the blade faintly transformed into a roaring silver dragon, the dragon's head sticking out more than three feet from the edge of the blade, and the whole manor seemed to be illuminated brightly from night to day.

In the long roar of the dragon that faintly spread into everyone's hearts and ears, the assassin's spiral piercing sword, like snow in the scorching sun, turned into powder dust and dust, scattered on the ground, wow...

A cloud of dust was splashed.

He was actually led by Zhang Kun with a sword, and he was beaten to ashes with a single sword.

In the distant void, there was an angry roar, and as the black smoke on the black-clothed assassin was melted by the power of the sun on Zhang Kun's long knife, it gradually disappeared.

Zhang Kun took a few steps back and stepped on a few deep footprints, his eyes were a bit more cautious.

"I was almost summoned by this guy to an unknown monster. It seems that it can't be too sloppy. The opponents in this world can summon weird things on the alien plane at any time. If you really make some big monsters, it's not easy to fight." up. '

With a thought in my mind, I saw the knights and guards who were awakened and rushed over, all with anxious faces.

Dancing with a long sword, he stepped forward to support.

Feeling slightly weird in his heart, Zhang Kun coughed lightly, put on a gentle and gentle face again, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it was an assassin attack just now, it should be a master of strange demons, everyone back down."

"Yes, my lord the baron."

The fastest runners were the two silver knights, Yalins and Arman, two middle-aged strong men, one holding a big sword and the other holding a warhammer.

These two Zhang Kun knew.

When Edward had the Seven Emotions spell "Confidence", he had heard that they were all trusted subordinates brought by Edward's dead mother, including the golden knight "Uncle West Asia" and the old housekeeper Colin.

Being "exiled" to Thorn Ridge as a baron was both a disaster and an opportunity for Edward.Most of the people who followed him were recruited, and a small number of masters were the power left by his mother.

Originally, Edward still had some chances, and finally turned the tables and won the Earl.

Because, he has the "ultimate means".

It's a pity that he kept talking about what this "ultimate measure" was... Later, when the three hundred knights were about to rush into the green jungle, Zhang Kun had to stop and ask.

He called four knights into the jungle, disposed of several people on the spot, and hurriedly buried them together with the bodies of "Uncle West Asia" and "Edward".

After changing their identities and changing their identities, Lan Xing and the others completed the act of impersonating their identities after changing into armor.

At the same time, the opportunity to inquire about the details was lost.

"Master, are you injured? This assassin?"

"It's probably a strong hand sent by Steve."

Zhang Kun casually threw the pot on Edward's half-brother.

"damn it."

"Steve, that boy, has been malicious since he was a child. He should have found a way to kill him earlier."

The two Silver Knights are obviously not fuel-efficient lamps.

At this moment, he spoke harshly.

The veins in his arms were throbbing while holding the weapon.

"It's okay, it's the same if we think of a way to deal with him in the future. The most important thing at the moment is to integrate all the forces in Thorn Ridge first. It's a pity that Uncle Xiya's whereabouts are unknown, and the Church of Dawn..."

Zhang Kun talked around the bush and understood the situation of the barony in general.

I also understood why there was a reward order, and knew that all of this was led by the Church of Dawn, calling on all forces to deal with Blue Star.

Upon receiving this news, Zhang Kun's heart tightened, knowing that his action plan was about to be accelerated.

If Knight Oliver of the Judgment Knights called for reinforcements, as more and more masters came to Thorn Ridge, whether it was to attack Blue Star again, or use this force to force himself, the "baron", to take the lead, Neither is a good thing.


(End of this chapter)

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