
Chapter 196 Subduing the mercenaries, pointing to the ruling with the sword

Chapter 196 Subduing the mercenaries, pointing to the ruling with the sword

Sure enough, shortly after the sun rose the next day, a knight in pure white steel armor came to the manor.

Ask to see the Baron of Briar Hill, aka Edward, by name.

Zhang Kun wanted to come so fast, so he told the old butler Ke Lin: "Just say that I am injured and can't see the guests for the time being. Go and ask what's the matter?"

After a while, butler Colin, whose hair was half gray, came to report: "Young master, the men sent by Thomas of the Judgment Knights called us to gather troops at the passageway of the space tomorrow morning, and jointly attack that passageway. The specific battle plan, It didn't go into detail."

"Didn't it mean that Thomas was on the other side of the passage and retreated after suffering a little loss? Why didn't he give up and wanted to attack?"

Zhang Kun smiled inexplicably.

If it is said that after the two spaces are completely connected, the underlying rules are fused and adapted, and the really entangled strong team fights over, Blue Star naturally has no resistance.

But at this stage, world suppression still exists.

Although the technological creations of gunpowder equipment from Blue Star are somewhat unsatisfactory to use in this side world, they do not lose much power in the opposite world.

However, warriors and magicians in this side of the world will be suppressed after passing the Blue Star.

One goes up and the other goes up. In an away game, it is not so easy to take advantage of too much under the situation of Blue Star's strict defense.

So, after Thomas has already suffered a loss, how can he get the confidence to rush into the passage again after struggling with manpower?

In other words, he wanted to use the soldiers and horses of his baronial territory as cannon fodder to pave a way for his Holy See.

Why is he thinking so beautifully?

In other words, where did he get the confidence to think that he would not refuse.

"What else did the people from the Holy See say? Does the steward think we should go to war?"

"Didn't say anything? It's just that, according to what the old slave saw, this order is not good. Judging by the attitude of the knight, it is very likely that the knights will have reinforcements coming, and the tone of the man is very rude. I'm not worried that we won't agree. Afterwards, there may be backhands... The young master must not let him catch something. If he is labeled as a strange demon, it will not be easy for the Earl to explain. Not even the empire can excuse you."

The old housekeeper Colin was full of anxiety, and Zhang Kun didn't know what he was anxious about.

After Edward got the Seven Emotions Technique, he talked about some things, although they were very detailed, after all, they were not his own personal experience.

What kind of model is the theocracy and kingship in this world?

Is it cooperation or confrontation.

He is not very clear about what kind of deal the two sides have in dealing with the evil disaster.

Of course, with regard to the attitude of those "strange demons" on Blue Star, whether the lords of this land should kill them quickly, or they have nothing to do with themselves, and hang on high...

He was kept in the dark about these things.

Zhang Kun even suspected that the old butler Colin in front of him had already begun to have doubts about himself, the completely invisible "Master Edward".

Because, he had already heard the whispers of the two silver knights hundreds of meters away.

No matter how you pretend to be like one, with different strength and temperament, if you stay with these close people of the former baron who you have followed day and night for a long time, you will always be able to see that something is wrong.

But so what?

It's just a suspicion, but it can't be confirmed.

Even if it is confirmed that he is an impostor, seeing the force he displayed in the battle with the assassin in the early morning, if these old guys are smart, I believe they will understand what to do.

For example, although the old butler Colin in front of him couldn't help being suspicious, he didn't dare to ask, and he had to do his best to manage everything for the barony, and he had to do his best to plan for himself, the "young master".

"What does the steward mean, whether I like it or not, I must obey the orders of the Holy See?"

Without waiting for the old housekeeper Colin to answer, Zhang Kun said with a chuckle: "It's a beautiful idea, and the strength of the territory is not easy to come by. How can you hurt yourself for other people's goals, pass orders, and summon soldiers and horses..."

"Master, the Church of Dawn is too powerful, so don't act rashly."

Butler Colin turned pale with fright.

He keenly grasped Zhang Kun's intentions.

"There are a few mercenary regiments in the territory, and there are 800 people in total. Adding them, it's almost the same."

Zhang Kun gave a rare explanation.

"No, the mercenary group is all rebellious, and it is impossible for them to listen to us... No one has the courage to deal with the Church of Dawn."

This is not a question of being able to fight or not at all.

As long as they attack the Church of Dawn, it will be very difficult to gain a foothold on this continent, let alone the succession of the Earl's title.

"Call it."

Zhang Kun glanced at the old butler indifferently, and there was some coldness in his eyes.

"Yes, sir."

The old butler Colin passed away with a sad face.

Soon, soldiers and horses gathered, more than [-] riders, and [-] soldiers were all present.

Zhang Kun spoke in a hurry and gave orders, regardless of whether others understood or not, first of all, he sent troops directly to the Sword and Rose Mercenary Group.

After leaving the city, they marched for a quarter of an hour and arrived at the opponent's camp.

In the distance, there was a horse rushing forward, and a young knight shouted loudly: "I don't know what the Baron is doing here?"

"Leader Sophia, please come out and speak."

Zhang Kun said in a deep voice, his voice was engulfed by energy, and he had already been sent into the barracks far away.

His eyesight was far superior to that of a falcon, and he had seen it long ago. The 500 members of the Sword and Rose Mercenary Corps were already in full formation, each with their weapons, and were on high alert.

Sure enough, the lords of this world don't have any cards, and the empire's governing power is not too strong, and the civil forces dare to openly confront the nobles.

'In this way, my plan is a little more feasible. '

Faith belongs to the gods, and it is very difficult for the people to have enough to eat.

The nobles lived extravagantly, and the commoners yearned for freedom...

In addition, the power of warriors and magicians is not controlled, so absolute authority cannot be formed, and most of them still cooperate in balance... If something happens, everyone discusses it to solve it.

A red shadow came galloping, followed by more than ten riders.

"I don't know what's the matter with the Lord Baron coming in person? The Sword and Rose mercenary group responded to the order of the church and was about to attack the opposite side of the passage. They didn't have time to deal with other things, let alone go to the forest of green fields."

The woman Zhang Kun had met once at the entrance of the passage reappeared in front of him.

However, Sophia at that time was murderous and heroic.

But at this moment, the captain of the female mercenary had a tired face and doubts in his eyes.

Half a horse behind her was a skinny young man with a cloak covering his head, cold eyes, and a magic wand in his hand. He looked at Sophia slightly worried.

Zhang Kun now knows that the magician who trapped several people in the southern Blue Star District to death with a cage of thorns is the magister Sauron. It is said that Sophia picked up the beggar when she was young. The two are very close. Sisters and brothers, later, the mercenary group made money and knew that Sauron had a talent for magic. Sophia sent him to the Magic Academy without hesitation, and joined the mercenary group when he was successful in his studies.

Generally speaking, this is a very beautiful story.

However, Zhang Kun didn't come to listen to the story, and he certainly didn't invite the other party's mercenary group to search for the "strange monster" in the forest of green fields.

"Captain Sophia is worrying too much. I didn't want you to help me search the Forest of Oz, but I wanted you to join hands with me to kill Thomas."


Sophia's complexion changed wildly, and she looked at Zhang Kun as if she was insane.

"Do you know what you're talking about? That's the Knights of the Holy See..."

"I know what I'm doing? I'm not asking Miss Sophia's opinion, it's an order."

There was no smile on Zhang Kun's face.

"The Church of Dawn ordered us all to obey orders, to slay strange demons, and to attack the passageway... I said the will of the gods, but the will of the gods requires us to fight with our lives. It may not be of any benefit, it is better to directly violate Ling, behead him and bring peace to the thorns, what do you think?"

This is of course nonsense.

Zhang Kun really couldn't think of any way to fool his subordinates and even the mercenary group to deal with the Holy See knights. He didn't want to be cannon fodder, and couldn't stand the bullying, so he simply fought back. This was more or less a valid reason.

However, Sophia obviously didn't agree.

"Crazy, you must be crazy."

She shook her head and sneered, turned around and beat her horse to leave.

"Your Excellency the Baron is willing to do it, so he can do it himself. If you want to die, don't drag our mercenary group into trouble."

The awe of the Holy See is not one year, ten years, or even a hundred years or a thousand years.

In this world, the brilliance of the gods has been shining for tens of thousands of years, and the belief has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one will follow a lunatic to attack the church of the gods.

Unless, Tie Hanhan, who has been obsessed with "loyalty is my life" since he was a child.

That is, knights and house soldiers under the command of nobles.

Their life and death are in the hands of the lord, and it is no different to let them die, that is different.

Sophia was full of puzzlement and anger. The baron was out of his mind. Did he think that his mercenary group was his family's own soldiers?
How dare you make such an untimely request in front of yourself?
He wasn't afraid that if he didn't agree, he would report his rebellious words to Chenxi Church.

Just think about it.

Sophia's complexion changed drastically, and the silver flames shot up to the sky.

There was a clear howling sound from the throat, which was already a warning, ready to meet the enemy.

Then, she saw on her right hand, the magister Sauron who was as close to her as a brother and sister, just raised his magic wand, and just said three words in his mouth. Silver-red blood flashed by.

The huge whistling thunder rumbled into the ears.

The photomask is like a bubble, appearing and disappearing at once, without any effect.

"What a ruthless arrow."

Sophia felt a pain in her heart.

Eyes are red.

This time she didn't run away again, instead she turned her horse's head and charged towards "Edward".

Since the opponent has such archery skills, even the magic armor was pierced by an arrow.

If he turned his back and fled backwards, he would definitely not be able to escape the heavy arrows.

Also, the opponent came prepared, with so many cavalry behind them, chasing and killing, and their own mercenary regiment was not yet ready for the battle, let alone listed their formation, wouldn't it mean that they would collapse at the first touch.

There were many thoughts in her mind, Sophia fought in the bloody storm for more than ten years, and even fought with monsters in the mountains and forests for many years. She didn't know that sometimes, the more she avoided, the faster she would die.

She danced her sword like a rose in full bloom, and the whistling sword turned into a rose-red light wave. With the help of horsepower, her fighting spirit was like a wave, and she had already slashed in front of Zhang Kun.

Originally, she thought that if she was caught in a siege, as long as she lasted seven or eight breaths, her mercenaries would rush over. No matter what, if she fought and retreated, even if she couldn't fight, she would still be able to retain most of her strength , I will get a chance in the future, and I will take revenge today.

Unexpectedly, the sword light slashed at the opponent's chest, but the knight phalanx did not move. No one stepped forward to attack, but each looked at him strangely.

"Surrender, life is precious, as long as you promise to obey my orders and join us in attacking and killing the Judgment Knights, I will let you live today."

Zhang Kun danced lightly with a long knife in his hand, and sat upright on the horse, but the light of the knife turned into drizzle and formed a net.

Sophia's gale-like sword slashed on this layer of nets, only making a series of muffled sounds, as if all her strength had been cut into the tendon ooze, and she couldn't use her strength at all.

When the strength was almost exhausted, there was an infinite counter-shock force coming from the sword, making her body weak and numb.

I already feel bad in my heart.

She did not show any weakness in her mouth, "Unless I die, I will definitely take your life one day."

After attacking dozens of swords, she didn't want to fight anymore.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he suppressed the light of hatred deeply, slashed lightly with his sword, and used his strength to pull his horse to run diagonally, but he wanted to escape.

"Okay, then you will die."

Zhang Kun nodded.

chuckled softly.

The body was full of silver light, and even the man and the horse turned into a ball of light and shadow, rushing forward.

The long knife in his hand sticks out like electricity, touches Sophia's chest, the long knife retracts, and the horse stands still.

"What a fast sword."

Sophia sighed.

The body was still sitting upright, and a deep blood hole suddenly exploded in the chest.

As the red horse jumped up and down, her body slowly fell on her back, and her eyes lost their brilliance.

"I don't know, this is a knife..."

Zhang Kun murmured.

People in this world don't distinguish between swords and swords, as long as they are not curved like the moon, as long as they are straight-edged, no matter whether they are long or short, large or small, single-edged or double-edged, they are generally called swords.

For example, in the mercenary group on the opposite side, he saw countless shapes of big swords and small swords, broad swords and thick swords, and even a square-edged iron piece with a half-width door panel, which was probably called a sword.

'Now, it can be regarded as revenge for some fellow countrymen in the southern district.Originally, I wanted to give you a life. As long as you make contributions to Blue Star, it doesn’t matter if you get revenge. '

Zhang Kun smiled, raised the blood-leaking long knife, and ordered: "Follow me to the battle, those who don't surrender will be killed, and no one will be spared."


The baron led three hundred knights to follow closely and rushed forward.

The two silver knights, Yarins and Arman, followed closely behind.

The eyes of these two people flickered, they quietly hid all their thoughts, and rushed forward with all their strength.

Only half an hour later, the Sword and Rose mercenary group was beaten to pieces, and voices of surrender resounded everywhere.

"Master, together with Sophia and Sauron, beheaded 120 people; surrendered 380 people, including a silver knight."

The silver knight who surrendered was named Hades. He was a 27-year-old rough youth with a rough face and cunning eyes.

He suffered three sword wounds, but Hao Xuan didn't hurt his vitals.

As soon as he saw Zhang Kun, he immediately kowtowed.

Zhang Kun laughed and helped him up, "Smiled, I will be my own from now on, if I make meritorious service, I will not hesitate to reward the land."

"Willing to be the sharp sword in Lord Baron's hand, and charge forward."

Hades immediately professed his loyalty.

Earlier, he watched the Lord Baron from behind, shot Sauron Magister to death with one arrow, and then stabbed Sophia to death with a sword. While he was shocked by the cruelty of the other party, he had already planned in his heart.

These days, no matter who you are with, as long as you can eat and drink well, you will have a future.It is better to submit to the nobility than to go through the wind and rain of the mercenary regiment.

He was originally a wandering swordsman, and he joined the Sword and Rose Mercenary Group because of Sophia's amazing personal charm.

It's a pity that after joining the mercenary group for so many years, no matter how he pursued it, how hard he tried to do things, and went through fire and water, he never got the love of beauties.

Later, he understood.

The leader of the beautiful woman had actually made a private decision with the magister Sauron for a lifetime.

Hades didn't think about leaving the day he heard the news.

It's a pity that the sky is big and the earth is big, and he doesn't know where to go.

The strength of the fourteenth level is indeed relatively strong, but, apart from the mercenary group, who would really trust a wandering swordsman with unknown roots like himself, no matter which force he seeks refuge in, he will become cannon fodder, so why bother.

Just hang around in the Sword and Rose Mercenary Corps until Sophia died...

Facing the strong pressure of the thorny leader, he is not that stupid to fight to the death knowing that he will lose.

"What if I say, let you deal with the Dawn Knight?"

Looking at the man's dog-legged appearance, Zhang Kun asked again with a move in his heart.

"To tell you the truth, my lord, the villain has long disliked the church, and I will definitely kill them all if I have the chance."

"Okay, I just hope you remember what you said today."

Zhang Kun took a deep look at Hades, and a brand of seven emotions had been imprinted in his heart.

Whatever you think about, there must be a spiritual response.

Whether it is true or false.

Since he said it, Zhang Kun can make him real, otherwise, he will become dead.

Hades felt a chill in his heart. For some reason, he felt that this lord was really amiable. Perhaps, it would be a very honorable thing to charge to death for him.

He shook his head, slightly feeling something was wrong, but he didn't know what went wrong.

After thinking about it for a while, if there is no result, I will stop thinking about it.

It's just that the license ordered to gather the rout soldiers and knights, form a team, follow behind Zhang Kun, and head towards the "Hellfire" mercenary group.

On the day of the ambush, the Sword and Rose Mercenary Group, the Black Dragon Mercenary Group, and the Hellfire Mercenary Group each occupied three directions.

Zhang Kun killed Oliver, the leader of the Black Dragon Mercenary Group on the spot. This mercenary group was scattered in the west of the city, and there were about [-] people left.

The Sword and Rose Mercenary Group has now surrendered.

And William Swordsman, the head of the Hellfire Mercenary Corps, was unscathed. If he heard the news, he might play tricks.

So, deal with them first.

Gather three troops and besiege the Judgment Knights with 500 people.

Although the individual strength is not comparable, the number of people is six or seven times that of the opponent. As long as there is no change, it is sure to be sure.

Of course, someone must be able to stop Thomas, the Golden Knight of the Judgment Knights, otherwise, this battle will still be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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