
Chapter 31

Chapter 31
"Thief, if you still want to kill someone, don't go."

Zhang Kun and Li Xiaowan hurried forward, while a large group of vicious men and women were chasing after them.

The one chasing at the forefront was an old woman in her 50s with a withered complexion.Dancing with a broom in his hand, he seemed to beat to death the two doctors who were preparing for "free consultation" on the spot.

Behind him are those holding hoes, kitchen knives, and dung forks...

After chasing and killing for two miles, he stopped.

Zhang Kun was fine, he just looked back, frowning, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Li Xiaowan was indignant.

"Obviously I was suffering from wind and cold. As long as Lie Que Ying Xiang Zhizheng Fengmen, Fengchi, and Hegu acupoints, it can be relieved. Prescribe two doses of medicine and it will be cured. I want to say that we kill people. I also said that it will offend the gods. , really, really..."

The little girl didn't know if she was angry, or she was too tired from running, she retched beside her, and finally recovered her breath.

"Stupid, too stupid."

The medical skills of the two are not too high, and they can only treat some common diseases, mainly for relief.

Although I don't know why Zhang Kun wants to spend money to treat people, but since "cousin" has decided, Li Xiaowan naturally has no objections.

She acts as a very qualified "consultant" next to her. When the two diagnose the disease, basically there will be no deviation, and they are still very sure when they do it.

Where is the problem?

The problem is, people won't treat it...

Among the five families visited, one family fed its children with human-blood steamed buns, and refused to let Zhang Kun and the two get close at all.

There were two families who begged for holy water from Guangming Church, gave it to their children, and waited happily for their children to get better;

One person dug up incense ash in Qingzhen Temple, mixed it with water to make a black paste, and poured it into the patient... Zhang Kun said that he wanted to practice medicine and prescribe medicine, but as soon as he said it, he was called a liar.

There is no chance to make a move at all.

Just now, the old woman and the old man in charge of the house caught a cold and had a severe fever, and his brain was almost confused.

The family got the folk prescription from somewhere, and moved the old man to the cellar to dry.It's damp and cool here, blown by the swishing cold wind, the temperature has dropped a bit, half life has actually been lost.

And her family members burned incense and worshiped right in front of the Fox Fairy's throne, very respectful.

Zhang Kun repeatedly frightened and bluffed, even persuaded and seduced, and finally managed to convince the old woman to agree to treat her illness by herself.When the silver needles were taken out, before the acupuncture started, the old woman called a group of people to hunt them down.

"There is a problem with the strategy, and I have taken it for granted."

But Zhang Kun was not discouraged. Instead of being angry, he smiled: "No wonder the saying goes, doctors don't knock on doors, and the truth is not passed on lightly. If you don't cherish what comes easily, you will be suspected or even rejected by others. Ancient wisdom It’s really a big deal.”

In fact, he still underestimated the people of this era and their ignorance.

The concepts in their minds are very strange, but they are deeply ingrained. They won't listen to what you say.

"Let's take out the needles and prick his acupuncture points. Her family has never seen it before, so it's not surprising that they overreacted."

"Then it won't be cured. Is it possible to ask for medical treatment? There is no such reason in the world..." Although Li Xiaowan also understands this truth, she is really frightened by being chased and killed just now.

"Of course they can't be cured, but these families can't go, they've already shown their identity, and they have prejudices in their hearts."

Zhang Kun shook his head: "Xiaowan, tell me, how do you talk to a hysterical prisoner so that he can calm down and listen to you?"

"Why don't you follow him?" The little girl is still spiritual.

"That's right, have you noticed that these people generally have a characteristic, they either go to Guangming Church, or to Taoist temples and monasteries to obtain talisman water and incense ash. They even believe in their own guardian spirits, such as fox fairies, snake gods, etc. Keep safe."

"Yeah, I believe in God so much, and I don't see gods curing them. Sigh...we are not gods, so they won't listen..."

When Li Xiaowan said this, she suddenly froze and looked up.

"Pretending to be god... playing tricks!"

"Yes, Xiao Wan is really smart."

Zhang Kun nodded and smiled.

After being praised, Li Xiaowan was already out of breath, her eyebrows were crooked and her eyes were narrowed with a smile: "Then how do you pretend to be a god?"

"We can't dress up as gods, but monks and priests can still do it. Dressing up as a monk requires shaving your head, which is inconvenient, so let's dress up as a Taoist priest. And you, you don't need much makeup to pretend to be a white crane boy."

Zhang Kun clapped his hands and made an immediate decision.

This time the two changed their minds, first went to the Guandi Temple in the north of the city to donate some incense money, and went to Miaozhu to buy the old Taoist robes that had been washed white, and then came to change their appearance.

"Why do you need an old Taoist robe and a hair whisk that has shed its hair?" Li Xiaowan was wearing the clothes of a little Taoist boy, which did not look out of place at all. Although the clothes were old, they still couldn't hide her clean and dusty air.

Zhang Kun touched his fake beard and fake bun, and danced the whisk in his hand, looking like an old fairy: "Tell me, why are the immortals and Bodhisattvas that mortals meet in the play always dressed in shabby clothes? Or In the mountains, or by the water..."

"Maybe they think that the gods and bodhisattvas are as poor as they are?" Li Xiaowan replied uncertainly in a low voice.

He laughed as he said that, and he knew that this was a bit unreliable.

"Just like them... These few words reveal the mystery."

Zhang Kun clasped his palms and sighed.

People's sense of trust and affinity are actually very idealistic things, which cannot be explained clearly.

People in the world only believe in what they can imagine, just as they believe, the emperor will also plow the land with a golden hoe, never imagined, things beyond cognition.

In fact, even if there are gods and bodhisattvas in this world, they are still high above them, so how can they care about the life and death of your commoner Qianshou.

"let's go."

The two of them went back and searched for clues... No, they visited patients according to the booklet.

This time it was much smoother.

In this family, the old woman with a haggard face is already looking like she's exhausted.

Seeing someone coming to the door, he just raised his eyelids, his eyes were blank, as if he was waiting to die.

She's not really sick.

It was her son who was sick.

A skinny man about 27 or [-] years old was lying on a wooden couch... His abdomen was covered by a thin quilt, and his abdomen was high and swollen, as if he was pregnant in October.

Sweat dripped from the man's face like a stream, he groaned in pain from time to time, and his body twitched from time to time, he seemed to be extremely uncomfortable.

"Master Dao, this is the devil's womb entering the body, may it subdue the devil?"

The honest middle-aged man who led Zhang Kun into the house was named Zhang Tiezhu, but he was an enthusiastic person.

He looked at Zhang Kun with a humble face, and his eyes were full of pleading: "Aunt Wang's son is just such a son. When he went to work in the field, he ran into some monsters and ghosts? It hasn't been good for so long, life can't go on."

"Have you invited anyone to see it?"

"I begged for three sticks of longevity incense from Master Lianxin, and I'm lighting them up...maybe it can drive away the demons."

Zhao Tiezhu replied.

Real person Lianxin?

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, thinking that this is another bluff, can burning incense cure the disease?
After seeing the patient with Li Xiaowan, they discussed it in a low voice.

Both of them confirmed that the patient actually had worms in his abdomen, and without targeted treatment, the condition was already very serious and was about to endanger his life.

Zhang Kun felt that the family was lifeless, and the patient and the patient's family members had little will to survive, so it was very difficult.


Even if I act on the symptoms, the patients will not cooperate too much.

maybe even crazy...

Not to mention any gratitude.

Are you going to miss again?
First of all, you still have to give them some confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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