
Chapter 32

Chapter 32

"Tong'er, you stand in the Xuanwu position, block the evil wind, and watch as the teacher breaks the demon's magic power and clears the evil fetus."

Zhang Kun winked, and Li Xiaowan hurriedly stood at the door, making gestures with her fingers, her small face solemn.

Aunt Wang's eyes moved slightly.

The young man on the hospital bed also hummed a little weaker, and forced his eyes to look over.

The stagnant water is slightly billowing...

Zhang Kun stepped seven steps in a row, stepping on the direction of the seven stars, swung his whisk, and suddenly looked at the water tank by the door... Shaking his head, he asked Zhang Tiezhu, "Did the little brother of the Wang family go to the water's edge recently? The devil enters the body."

"Yes, yes, the Taoist priest is really accurate."

Zhang Tiezhu nodded quickly.

"That's right, the water demon is causing trouble, and the devil's embryo enters the world, it is not impossible to solve it, wait for the poor to cut off its mana..."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and put it on the side of the water tank in an understatement.

A jar of water weighing three to four hundred catties was lifted lightly by him, like picking up a bowl, and slowly put it outside the door.

"Old fairy!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Tiezhu kowtowed suddenly.

But already stunned.

Not to mention a big tank full of water, even if it was empty, a strong man like him would have to be carried by two people.

However, the old Taoist priest in front of him raised it with just a light touch of three fingers, without using any force at all.

"Get up."

Zhang Kun stroked his long beard lightly, turned his gaze, and looked at the kitchen knife on the chopping board. He walked over and took it in his hand, weighed it, and knew that it was made of low-quality pig iron. He smiled and said; Mana, and this knife, cannot be kept either."

As he spoke, he stretched out two fingers and pinched them. On the surface, he didn't use any force, but secretly, all his strength had already been concentrated on the two fingers.

Liuhequan has reached the stage of great achievement, in the late stage of Heli, he can gather all the strength of his whole body when he makes random moves.

Among them, the strength of the force is so wonderful that ordinary farmers can't understand it.


The blade had been broken in two.

This time, even the old lady got up in shock and bowed her head in worship.

Calling him an old fairy, there is already some life in his eyes.

It's easy to do next...

Zhang Kun used needles (casting spells), fed medicine (taking pills), and then, the young man on the bed scrambled and crawled to the latrine by himself, and pulled a bunch of bugs out...

Most of the illness is cured.

There was a lot of energy on the spot.

Zhang Kun's reputation as an old fairy in Gezao Mountain disappeared without a trace.

A little bit of dragon energy, quietly inserted between the eyebrows, was given by the old lady.

Don't look at that Tie Zhu's busy face full of respect, but he didn't give it.

After the young man who was lying on the sickbed and struggling for his life got better, he didn't give him thanks when he thanked him.

'Sure enough, we still have to cast a wide net. '

People's hearts are against each other, dragon energy gathers, and everything comes from the heart.

What are other people thinking, will they be grateful?Zhang Kun didn't force it, but just took Li Xiaowan to the next house.

This time, I met a young scholar.

After failing the scientific examination several times, the whole person was a little distracted, thinking that the examiner was blind and wasted his talents.

When Zhang Kun entered the house as a fairy, he saw that the young man had already pulled the black cloth, put the door bolt, and locked himself in the room, no matter who called the door, he would not make a sound.

Looking through the window opening, you can still see the guy, shrunk in the corner, trembling all over.

His old parents were so worried that their hair turned gray: "Since my child came back that time, he can't see the light of day, avoids strangers, and rarely speaks a word all day. After a while, he will hide when he sees us, as if It's like seeing a ghost..."

Zhang Kun pulled Li Xiaowan aside, and asked in a low voice, "Did you see anything?"

"You can't see anyone in it, and you can't see anything. Like this, I'm afraid it's because of contemplation and worry. I want to win the exam all day long, and I got into the horns. The liver qi is stagnant and it's not easy to cure. Cousin, this time we may have stumbled." .”

Li Xiaowan frowned, thinking that her level is really not enough. There are many kinds of diseases in this world, and not every disease can be cured.

"Since it's liver qi stagnation, and his emotions are out of control. Then, soothing the liver and regulating qi, starting from the place he is most interested in, and stimulating a change in mood, may be able to save him."

After thinking for a while, Zhang Kun walked back and said loudly: "Now, your son is fascinated by demons and ghosts, so don't delay, let the poor Taoist use the truth to subdue the demons..."

After finishing speaking, let the old couple find the articles written by his son on weekdays.

Lang Sheng read it out: "Remember, people have the power of accumulating for a lifetime, and they will finally understand themselves, but they must wait until the person who develops his mind and accumulates it. He has never tried it at the beginning, and he does not know that others have already known the wise, and the gods know... Try it Look up to the way of heaven with others, look down at the world, and lift people up..."

Zhang Kun just glanced at the article and realized that he didn't quite understand it.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, you can read it.

Moreover, it can be misread...

He corrected the words and omissions, and read the articles written by the scholar beyond recognition, but the voice was still so loud that he couldn't hear it.

After reading three paragraphs, the door of the back room was suddenly opened with a bang, and the scholar ran out with red eyes.

"Wrong, wrong, can you read it? Is that what I wrote? It's degrading, it's degrading. I'll read it to you..."

He was so angry that he grabbed the manuscript, opened his mouth and began to read.

"It turns out that people have the power to accumulate life, but they will not understand themselves in the end, but they must wait until they develop. People who have the heart to accumulate meditation, who have not tried it at the beginning, and do not know that others have already known it, will be told by God...Try to be with others. When people look up at the sky, look down at human affairs, and take care of me..."

Once, twice.

After reading the manuscript, the scholar suddenly burst into tears, and his whole body felt comfortable. He first confessed his mistake to the old couple, and felt that today was right and yesterday was wrong, and he came to thank Zhang Kun again.

He was fine.

After a burst of anger just now, the liver qi was unobstructed, the complexion was rosy, and the anger improved.

"If you can't succeed in the imperial examination, Xiaosheng can actually find a job as a teacher to support his family and parents. If it weren't for the Taoist chief to give him a blow, Xiaosheng will be like this, harming others and himself, which is a heinous crime!"

Two points of dragon energy, from the scholar and the old man, jumped into the center of his eyebrows.Satisfied, Zhang Kun swung his sleeves and took Li Xiaowan away without taking a cloud.


In the next two days, Zhang Kun finally discovered that even if he was pretending to be a ghost, there are actually [-]% to [-]% of the patients, and there is nothing he can do.

Even Li Xiaowan didn't see what the cause was.

In the middle, a few patients with mental problems were treated.

In particular, there is a young man who likes to read idle books. He thinks he is Zhang Sheng in "The Romance of the West Chamber". He wants to meet Cui Yingying every day, but his family stops him and beats him.

I miss her so much that I think about Yingying every day in my dreams, so I go crazy and can't listen to normal people anymore.

Zhang Kun's treatment method is also simple.

He went to the gymnasium and invited an old, chicken-skinned and white-haired veteran, pretending to be Cui Yingying... rushed to the patient's home, and sang a private meeting in the backyard with him.

The play sang and sang, and the patient was shocked.

"Why did Miss become like this?"

"Time urges people to grow old. It has been a hundred years since we privately ordered life, and the harp and the harp. There is no reason for people not to grow old. Zhang Lang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you too. Why don't you..."

The chicken skin on the veteran's face trembled for a while, and the fragrance powder fell down.

The patient vomited out with a "wow", his face was pale, and he was awake.

"I, I, Taoist priest, where did you find this Yingying? It's too harsh..."

The patient was already cured, and now he was smiling wryly, looking at Zhang Kun like a heavenly being.

"Hehe, heart disease still needs heart medicine. You are not fascinated by reading books, you are infatuated with Yingying. You are delusional about throwing yourself into the arms of beautiful women like flowers and jade... After this experience, how do you feel?"

Zhang Kun scolded contemptuously.

'Yes, yes, it will never be so absurd in the future. Xiaosheng has realized the truth that beauty is easy to grow old and life is short. From now on, he should be down-to-earth and no longer indulge in illusion. '

Harvest a little dragon energy.

Zhang Kun was a little satisfied, but also a little regretful.

Satisfied, his plan was a complete success.

Regret of course.

The forty patients were scattered in the outer city. He led Li Xiaowan to work hard for two days, and paid seven taels of silver, and lost most of the family property. In the end, he got six points of dragon energy.

When you see a patient, they don't necessarily let you treat it.

Even if it is cured for you, it may not be cured.

If it is cured, it may not be able to get sincere thanks.

Most of them are verbal thanks, and there is no gratitude.

"This man..."

Zhang Kun has a little more understanding of this world and this era.

Now that the dragon energy point has been obtained, the most urgent task is to improve his cultivation.

The next step requires four points of dragon energy to improve Liuhequan until it reaches perfection.

Not surprisingly, after completing the boxing technique, one should be able to go from training flesh to forging bones.

The forged bones are like steel, and the strength is obvious, and the boxing skills are greatly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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