
Chapter 46 Brave Champion 3rd Army

Chapter 46
"I'll go as well."

Li Xiaowan trotted up to follow, and said timidly.

But the brows are full of firmness.

"Why are you going to cause trouble? The soldiers are fierce and dangerous, and no one can protect you in a fight."

Zhang Kun laughed.

"I'm a doctor. I can set bones, treat knife wounds and gunshot wounds, and stop bleeding with first aid..."

Li Xiaowan wrung her fingers and said solemnly.

I didn't forget to show the small medicine box on my back.

Zhang Kun knew that there were various tools in it, such as short knives, pliers, silk cloth, silver needles, etc., and of course, there were some regular painkilling and hemostatic powders.

This is left over from the free clinic when the two dressed as "immortals". She always carried it with her, and never left her body except for sleeping.

As soon as Li Xiaowan said this, dozens of pairs of eyes all around looked over, including Wang Jingya, their eyes lit up.

"Okay, then you will follow behind, the farther away the better."

Zhang Kun pondered for a while, and ordered everyone to dress up as a caravan and drive the carriage along the road towards Jigong Mountain.

When it was time to fly the dart flag on the road, Zhang Kun thought about it, and asked Wang Jingya to hang up the dart flag she had embroidered by someone else.

Yellow background, gold lettering.

It is embroidered with the pattern of a fire phoenix about to fly.

"Why are you flying my flag?"

Wang Jingya was a little embarrassed.

Her font size is "Ya".

This time, there are Wu Zhongda, a veteran big bodyguard, two senior brothers, Du Fengjiang and Tang Wenjun, and five or six other big bodyguards, all of whom are Ming Jin...

She is more qualified to hang the flag than she is.

People have really gone through the rivers and lakes.

As for Zhang Kun, he hadn't had time to make a bodyguard flag yet. He had just been promoted to bodyguard master, and his time was too short, so he wasn't counted in it.

"Because your flag is the prettiest."

Zhang Kun said seriously.

"That's true."

Wang Jingya laughed when she heard that.

She spent a lot of effort to make this, and she thought that one day she would become famous in the world, and she would be able to deter the world.

It hasn't opened yet.

Watching Wang Jingya hang up her own phoenix flag, the bodyguards and trainers around couldn't help laughing.

Li Xiaowan approached quietly, and whispered: "Sister, it's because no one recognizes your flag. In this way, when we arrive at Jigong Mountain, the people from Crouching Tiger Village will come to rob the darts, and then we can lure the snake out of the hole and weaken the opponent again. strength."

Wang Jingya was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and gave Zhang Kun a hard look, then patted Li Xiaowan's head, and without saying a word, she rode on the horse and walked ahead.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Li Xiaowan asked blankly.

"That's very good, don't say it next time." Zhang Kun also touched Li Xiaowan's head, and couldn't help laughing.

There was laughter all around.


More than [-] people, two carriages, eight war horses, and four donkeys, a group of people hurried on the road for two hours, and it was almost past the meal time, but they didn't stop.

On both sides of the avenue ahead, there are strange mountain shapes, like a rooster about to fly, and it is not far from the destination.

At the end of the road, I saw two caravans, one in front and the other in the back, carrying their own flags, moving forward at a leisurely pace.


When the horse neighed, someone swung the horse and turned around to meet him. A knight shouted at a distance of a hundred paces: "Where is the friend who came, moving the mountain or breaking the plate?"

As soon as the flag was hit, the effect really came out.

Not only the bandits don't know each other, but their colleagues don't know each other either.

No, in front of the team with the Li character dart flag of Huiyou Escort Bureau, someone came to walk around.

Ask if it's friend or foe.

Wu Zhongda rode his horse to meet him, cupped his hands and said: "So it's Master Sun, this trip is just passing through, there is no other intention."

"It's Master Wu, it's easy to say..."

The knight on the opposite side recognized Wu Zhongda's iconic dark red face and iron ring on his arm, and immediately smiled all over his face: "I don't know what brother Wu is doing is a dark dart, how offending, please?"

"Thank you."

Wu Zhongda didn't say much, after thanking the other party, he immediately greeted everyone, and walked quickly, overtaking the other party's caravan.

Encountering the caravan with the "Tong" flag at the Tongxing Escort Bureau in front, they still took advantage of the road without encountering obstacles.

"Master Wu has a lot of face."

Zhang Kun was amazed.

Excuse the excuses, the two caravans did not even put on a defensive posture, saying that their colleagues are enemies, but it depends on who.

The other two escort agencies must trust Wu Zhongda's character.

Know that he is not a villain with a weird heart.

"Would it be possible to show signs and arouse the suspicion of Crouching Tiger Village?"

Wu Zhongda was not very happy. Once he showed up, it would be convenient for him to go on his way. However, Yuanshun Escort was completely exposed when he came here.

"It doesn't matter. After today, there must not be so many bandits who dare to provoke Yuanshun Escort."

There was deep meaning in Zhang Kun's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.


"Isn't the Yuanshun Escort Bureau blocked in the capital and the South Road blocked? Why is there another escort team passing by? Jigong Mountain is ahead."

Li Huaiying, head of the Escort Bureau of Friends, frowned slightly as he watched the smoke and dust dissipate in front of him.

"Master, do you want to send someone to the rear to inquire about the situation? I don't think the situation is right."

"No, tell everyone, slow down and don't rush too fast."

"You mean, these people are looking for bad luck in Crouching Tiger Village. Could it be that Zhao She and his gang have already been killed?"

"I'm not sure at the moment, I think it's probably the case." Li Huaiying nodded: "I didn't expect that Dao Wang Wu is not in the bodyguard bureau. Yuanshun still has such courage, which is really amazing."

When acting in an escort agency, you should pay attention to "harmony makes money", make friends, and eat everywhere...you must also have the courage to shine.

If there is no prestige, how can there be friendship?
It's just that Crouching Tiger Village is different now, it's a hard bone, it depends on whether the Yuanshun Escort can chew it.

Now that he has judged that there must be a confrontation ahead, Li Escort will naturally not rush in and cause disputes.

It is not a good thing for the members of the Escort Bureau.

Most of the people who can fly the dart flag and walk around the world are extremely strong in martial arts, seasoned dart heads and big dart masters...

Li Huaiying of Huiyou Escort slowed down, and saw Tong Biaotou of Tongxing Escort three miles away in front of him, also slowed down.

They were all ready to wait and see.



Under the beak-shaped hill ahead and above the official road, there are trees lying down in the middle of the road.

Wu Zhongda narrowed his eyes, waved his hand, and the convoy stopped.

He turned his horse's head, approached Zhang Kun, and said in a low voice: "Here we come. There are about thirty people on the other side. Tan Laoba, the kite who turned the sky, led the team. This man has hidden weapons and a slippery temper. He also attaches great importance to it. When encountering an unfamiliar caravan, he should come out to negotiate a price, and when encountering a soft persimmon, he will swallow the skin and bones..."

His eyes are really sharp, just seeing a little figure, he has almost figured out the bottom of the person.

Sure enough, before Wu Zhongda finished speaking, there was a sound of a gong, and more than [-] people came out from the trees and grass on both sides.

Some held knives, some held spears, and some even drew bows and arrows, full of murderous looks.

The leader was a man dressed in black, with eyebrows and mustaches, a thin sword in his hand, and light feet. He stood in front of the crowd and was about to ask questions.

Hidden weapon powerful?

Old world?
Zhang Kun sneered and ordered, "Check the guns and crossbows, aim, and focus on Tan Laoba."


The curtains of the two carriages and the wooden walls of the carriages suddenly collapsed more than half, seven guns protruded out, and crossbow arrows struck strings.

Bang bang sound exploded.

Crossbow bolts shot.

The fierce light in Tan Laoba's eyes has not dissipated, and five blood holes have already appeared on his body.

His eyes were wide open, his figure was only halfway sideways, and he fell into the grass with a thud, and remained motionless.

It's not that he didn't notice something was wrong, and it wasn't that he didn't hide fast enough. In fact, Zhang Kun's work was too sloppy, and he didn't say a word. More than a dozen foreign guns and crossbow arrows were fired, and the space in front of him was covered. Where is he? I can hide.

There were more than 30 mountain thieves, who were originally relaxed, but suddenly encountered a change, and before they could react on the spot, seven or eight fell down.

For the rest, some rushed forward, some ran backwards, some fell to the ground, and some were frightened to stay where they were.

"Go on, don't begrudge the bullets."

It takes time for a crossbow to be wound up, about two or three breaths, but foreign guns don't need it. When the bolt is pulled, the muzzle shakes slightly, and the target can be locked on.

After firing three rounds in a row, by the time the crossbow could start firing again, 30 people were almost dead.

Zhang Kun ignored the remaining bandits who were lucky and escaped quickly, and just shouted: "Go up the mountain, Master Wu, Senior Sister Wang... You take me as the front and go straight to the mountain stronghold. The faster the better, the spear and crossbow are the rear!" ..."

With a call, he shot lightning from his body, stepped on the grass, leaves and branches, jumped up and rushed up the slope.

One after another figure followed.

Zhang Kun found out that Li Xiaowan had already sneaked under the carriage and hid without even saying hello.


Zhang Kun has encountered many battles, and he is always full of enthusiasm and quiet... He estimates that this is the effect of his "blood courage" talent, the more dangerous he is, the more he can exert his full combat power.

There was movement on the mountain at this time.

There were shouts of killing from all around.

Just rushing to the middle of the mountain, there was a burst of gunshots in front of him.

"Hei'er Department..."


A strange tone sounded.

Zhang Kun's heart sank slightly, and he leaned to the ground. He heard a few muffled groans in his ears, indicating that someone had been shot.

"It's a foreigner, and there are foreigners on the mountain..."

Someone from behind panicked and exclaimed, and the momentum of rushing forward couldn't help but stop.

Zhang Kun also didn't care to tell who was shaking the army's morale, and sternly shouted: "What's wrong with the foreigners? Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! Sister, chasing wind steps, snake shape, draw your guns first!"

Before he finished speaking, his body bounced up, like a spirit snake, and continued to rush up the mountain.

The feet flutter, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, and sometimes to fall down, drawing an S-shaped arc... one-handedly tap the ground to borrow strength, and rush like an arrow.

In just three or four breaths, the sharp wind passed by one by one, Zhang Kun's eyes lit up, and he had already seen the gunman.

(End of this chapter)

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