
Chapter 47 You Have Foreign Guns, I Have Skills

Chapter 47 You Have Foreign Guns, I Have Skills

"Mr. Gavin, thanks to your help this time...there is nothing good in the mountains, only these game treats, come and bring the newly dug daughter red."

Zhao Ying sat under the parasol, courteously persuaded the dishes to toast, with a very respectful demeanor.

On the opposite side was a middle-aged man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't you have a saying? Everyone is for one, and I am for everyone... You also helped I am very busy, Mr. Zhao is now a member of the church again, so he is not an outsider..."

That's it.

There was a series of gunshots down the mountain.

Zhao Ying was startled when he heard the sound, and stood up abruptly.

"what happened?"

A few days ago, the third child, Zhao Bao, went to the city to discuss business. There was absolutely no possibility of accidents, but when the news came, he was beaten to death by a newcomer from Yuanshun Escort.

Who doesn't know that Crouching Tiger Village has strong soldiers and strong horses, relying on mountains to eat mountains, no matter who comes here, they have to give me some face.Even foreigners asked to do things, and gave a lot of benefits.

I don't know where the courage of the Yuanshun Escort came from, so isn't it afraid that his family's business will not be able to continue?

Zhao Ying did not understand this point.

Yes, Great Swordsman Wu is very strong.

But he is strong, and he is the only one...

In terms of comprehensive strength, Yuanshun Escort is far inferior to Huiyou Escort.

Even Huiyou Escorts had to be careful when facing Crouching Tiger Village, they dared to kill people indiscriminately.

Jianghu people, Jianghu affairs, if you are weak, you will be strong.

Therefore, Zhao Ying sent his second brother Zhao She out to teach Yuanshun Escort a harsh lesson.

We set off early this morning, it was just after the hour, and the second brother came back before lunch was finished.

As soon as this thought came to mind, screams were heard down the mountain.

"There are enemies coming up, and they come so fast."

The place where the banquet is held has a wide field of vision and can be seen at a glance.

Among the trees in the mountains, a few black shadows rushed up like star pills jumping up and down, with the momentum like a mad tiger.

"With so few people, you want to attack my stronghold? Someone... the enemy attacks."

Zhao Ying stretched out his hand and pulled it, and put the two golden steel claws hanging on his back on his hands. His breath was soaring, and he swung his right hand obliquely. A deep gap was cut in the stone pillar beside him, and stone chips flew around.

"Mr. Zhao, don't panic. Since we bumped into each other today, let me show you the skills of my bodyguards... They are all retired sharpshooters in the army, and they are all good at marksmanship. With such a small force on the opposite side, they can rush to the middle of the mountain. Not bad."

Gavin is a businessman, he lost his fortune in the country, and had no choice but to go out to sea with his cousin.Unexpectedly, gold is everywhere here.

After several years of operation, he now not only owns three large ships, but also joins the Guangming Church, has a deal with the Weihaiwei colonial high-level, and intervenes in the affairs of the Huayong Camp.

On the northern land of this ancient empire, no one would dare to mess with them, not to mention being able to walk sideways.

Meeting with this copycat bandit leader, I also want to make a good win over... For the future layout, I will settle first.

As soon as Gavin finished speaking, not far behind him, six tall and strong soldiers suddenly moved...

Some people rushed to the tree twice, and some people lay down in the grass and poked out their guns;

Someone half-knelt on the ground, blocked his body with a stone wall, only his forehead and eyes were exposed, and raised his gun to shoot.

The six people ran at the same time, faintly forming a crossfire net that covered each other and had no dead ends.

Moreover, the tactical literacy of these people seems to be extremely good.

Before shooting, find a hidden spot and put yourself in a safe place before killing the enemy.

It seemed that there was a lot of action, but from the time the six strong men started to move until they fired their guns at the foot of the mountain, only two breaths had passed.

The gunfire sounded like fried beans, round after round, without stopping...

Six people played the rhythm of gunfire of dozens of people.

Seeing the figures charging from the bottom of the mountain, they immediately fell down several times, the momentum couldn't help but stagnate, and a mass of figures crouched low and dodged.


Zhao Ying was dumbfounded.

I thought to myself that it is no wonder that foreigners are so arrogant and arrogant. They do have the capital to be proud.

If this kind of strong army attacks in groups, relying on those veteran soldiers of the imperial court, they will simply suffer death.

The fall of Weihaiwei and the Jiaodong Peninsula, and the land being gradually eroded... Now it seems that it is a matter of course.

Zhao Ying didn't have any feelings of worrying about the country and the people.

Seeing this scene, all he thought in his mind was, if he also bought a large number of foreign guns and trained a group of powerful gunmen.Not to mention the seven towns and thirteen townships near Jigong Mountain, even the three surrounding counties can be captured...

Thinking of this, Zhao Ying's heart became hot.

He didn't even pay much attention to the fact that his family's subordinates hadn't been gathered together yet.

"It's fortunate that Mr. Gavin is here today, otherwise he would have been attacked."

The second younger brother had just left the house not long ago, and the cottage was mostly empty, even if he gathered all his troops to beat back the opponent, he would still have to suffer heavy losses.

Yuanshun Escort, is it so courageous?
Zhao Yingren lives up to his name, not only has his eagle claw skills cultivated to the point of perfection, but also his eyes are very unusual, and he can see extremely far.

Among the group of people rushing up from the mountain, there are quite a few familiar faces.In the past, when we were walking darts, we met on the road, and we had to greet each other a few times to improve our relationship.

At this time, nature is the enemy.


A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhao Ying's mouth just now, and he was about to see how the people below died, but before he sat down, his eyes froze.

Something is wrong!
The gunshots on the mountain didn't stop, but the gunshots down the mountain also followed.

The opponent's fighting spirit is very good, and he also has seven or eight guns in his hand, which is nothing.

But who the hell are those people attacking in front of them?

Especially the young man who was the first to charge with a knife, his figure was as erratic as a ghost...

On the tree, under the tree, in the grass, on the stone pile, there is no place he cannot go.

Sometimes leaning down, sometimes jumping up, like a crazy monkey...

You can never guess where he will jump the next moment.

But this person is powerful and agile.It seems that this kind of pounce and dodge can go on forever.

After watching for a while, Zhao Ying found that the figure had jumped more than ten feet in front of him, had left the forest and reached an open place.

"It came so fast."

"They all hid and didn't hit a single shot. What a waste!"

Gavin couldn't maintain a calm and calm gentleman's demeanor this time, his complexion darkened slightly, he threw away the wine glass, and drew out the revolver at his waist.

He has always believed that a person's brain is the most important, population is wealth, and wealth can solve all problems...

Therefore, he was not keen on fighting and killing, nor did he practice spear skills diligently.

The marksmanship can only be said to be passable.

However, at this moment, he faintly felt bad.

Without something for self-defense in hand, I feel very insecure.

Looking at the young man who rushed forward, his eyes seemed to be stabbed, and Gavin felt a little regret in his heart.

These retired soldiers are not too reliable.

Could it be that I went up the mountain this time by mistake?
(End of this chapter)

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