
Chapter 51

Chapter 51
The policeman named Shi Shi brought Luo Qi to a secluded house and left in a hurry.

Luo Qi and the driver looked at each other with slight hesitation.

After knocking on the door, I don't know what kind of impact it will have on Yuanshun Escort Bureau?
However, I can't care less.

"Do you really want to do this?" The coachman got down first and helped Luo Qi to go forward.

"I can't swallow this breath."

Luo Qi's eyes seemed to be lit with will-o'-the-wisps.

"Now, from top to bottom of the Yuanshun Escort Bureau, everyone is praising Zhang Kun as a young hero and hopeful master in the future. Even Master Qi and my master didn't say anything, and even went forward to toast to show their appreciation. "

"He reached the sky in one step, not only got a lot of silver, but also got the position of a great bodyguard. He raised his arms, and many people in the bodyguard responded... But what about me? I can only hide in a dark corner, like a mouse. Remember. Even, even my father warned me not to hold grudges, and leave the capital after recovering from my wounds, and go to Wancheng to be a small landlord. Xiaohe, don’t you also think that I’m useless, useless, and I’m about to leave Bar?"

The young man smiled uglier than crying: "How come, brother-in-law, don't say that you gave me my life, and dare not be ungrateful. Just say that I have done many things with you these years. If it spreads, who will Can you tolerate me?"

"You have resentment. However, don't worry. Although your brother-in-law has lost his martial arts, as long as he makes meritorious service this time and follows the path of Eunuch Cui, the queen mother can make a fortune if there is something leaked between his fingernails. It will definitely not happen in the future." I will forget your loyalty, and there will always be some benefits."


Knocked on the door, stuffed the silver, and the porter went to report.

Soon, a young eunuch with gloomy eyes and a beardless face came out, followed by four strong and tough men, with a bloody smell on his body, looking at Luo Qi like a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered.

"Grandpa Qiu, this is Luo Qi, the bodyguard of Yuanshun Escort Bureau, the only son of Luo Wei's bodyguard head, and a gangster named 'Tiger Might Spear'."

A big man next to him leaned close to the eunuch's ear and whispered.

"Tell me, come to see our family so late, have you heard some gossip? Does the patrol camp know?"

The eunuch looked young, and his voice was soft, but the tone seemed to have the smell of a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

Luo Qi felt a chill in his heart, and quickly cheered up: "Grandpa Qiu, this matter is also a coincidence. Since someone Luo got the news, he just wanted to tell Mr. Qiu to know, and he didn't talk about it everywhere."

"Tell me in detail."

Eunuch Qiu's expression became more gentle.

"...On that day, I accidentally ran into Zhang Kun fighting with the Honglian Huixiangtang, and also saw the little girl surnamed Li with him. According to the Red Lotus believers, the little girl looks exactly like the one wanted by the inner court. The prisoner is a great achievement."

"What does that girl look like? How old is she?"

Eunuch Qiu asked sharply, with excitement in his eyes.

This matter is simply the Empress Dowager's heart disease.In recent days, there have been some rumors in the inner city and outer city, but it is impossible to find out who sent the news.

When I was having lunch the day before yesterday, there was a thunderstorm, and I killed two servants who were waiting in front of me.

The Empress Dowager is always kind and kind to her servants, but now she is uncharacteristically, which shows the anger in her heart...

Eunuch Cui issued a death order, and the inner court guards are all over the city of Sona, and they are investigating everywhere. They must get news within three days...

Otherwise, he is a fourth-rank eunuch and deacon, with a high position and authority, how can he be so leisurely, guarding the outer city all night, and even come to meet this rough guy who is unpleasant at first sight.

"The little girl's name is Li Xiaowan. She is thirteen or fourteen years old. She has a pretty face. The most important thing is that she has first-hand medical skills, healing wounds and diseases, and she is proficient in everything. She has a wide range of subjects..."

"Except for the wrong name, everything else is right. It should be her."

Qiu Gonggong turned his head and ordered: "Chang Wei, you pass on my order, no, use Cui Gonggong's warrant to go to the Wuwei Central Army. Make a bid for the troops, and remember to send the Shenji Battalion to follow. The little girl who has contacted People, don't let anyone go, grab them if you can, but if there is resistance, shoot and kill."


Behind him, a tall and strong man with a black face was ordered to leave the mansion.

"Great merit, it will benefit everyone...Luo Qi, you are very good!"

Since meeting, Eunuch Qiu had a smile on his face for the first time.

Luo Qi also laughed along with him.

Smiling and laughing, the two looked slightly dull.

I saw Chang Wei, who had walked to the gate of the courtyard, his head rolled off as he walked...Blood and bones protruded, his tall figure paused, and fell to the ground like a wooden stake.

On one side of the screen, in the shadows, a person came out slowly.

This person is slender and looks thin, but he has an extremely strong and fierce feeling rushing towards his face, like a fierce leopard in the dark forest.

He was holding a standard steel knife in his hand, the tip of which was dripping with blood.

The saber that pierced the wind just now was silent and as fast as lightning, obviously he had mastered the essence of saber technique.

"Zhang Kun..."

Luo Qi recognized who it was at a glance,
"Why bother? I had already let you go, but I wanted to kill myself."

Zhang Kun's eyes became more and more red, and under the light of the candle, they seemed to be dripping blood, revealing a trace of ominousness.

"You are Zhang Kun, the one who beat Luo Qi into a cripple? How dare you take in criminals. It's very good. It seems that you have learned some skills and underestimated the people in the world."

Seeing Chang Wei's head falling off, Eunuch Qiu didn't even frown. Instead, he sized Zhang Kun up a few times, nodded and said, "Except for the ugly pink eye disease, his body shape, demeanor, and appearance are all top-notch. Not bad, not bad. , I will pick out your eyeballs later, and after wasting effort, after cleansing, I will train you well, and maybe you can get a meritorious deed from the Queen Mother."


Zhang Kun's heart churns for a while, the eunuch is really disgusting.

You shouldn't have spoken to them at all.

His figure twisted slightly, and when he moved three feet horizontally, three potholes appeared under his feet, and the arrow tails could be seen buzzing and vibrating.

Lights and shadows flickered in front of my eyes, a strong wind was blowing, and a sinister smiling face appeared on the left side of my body, only half a foot away from me.

At the same time, the left kidney was slightly cooled, and there was a bone-piercing rotational impact, and the left neck was cut sharply, like a knife like a saw.

'Gossip about...'

Zhang Kun's heart shuddered.

During the day, he was still asking classmate Wang Xiaoya, what is the fastest martial art in the capital city.

As a result, we saw each other at night.

The young eunuch's figure was like a ghost, he moved silently, his two palms were like two sharp knives, his moves were sinister.

He said incoherent words, but his attacks were ruthless, piercing his waist, cutting his throat, as long as he hit him with one move, it would basically be ruined.


Zhang Kun didn't move on the spot, his muscles and bones all moved together.

Big tendons collapsing and vibrating, like hundreds of big bows vibrating in unison; bones exploded like firecrackers, muscles even more like tides, surging from top to bottom, and the figure obviously swelled a little bit.

As soon as Qiu Gonggong's two-style hand saber struck, he felt numbness in his palm.

It couldn't be cut.

Where it came into contact, at the first moment, it seemed like the cotton had been chopped into, or it was like being stuck in a quagmire, with nowhere for strength to enter.

Immediately afterwards, there was an overwhelming force, which bounced back, causing the palms of the hands to go limp and lose all strength.

(End of this chapter)

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