
Chapter 52

Chapter 52

"No, it's Anjin Great Boxer."

Eunuch Qiu felt as if he had stepped on butter, and returned to the original place in a slip, with layers of ghosts dragging out behind him.

This movement is simply indescribably fast.

He was still in shock, and was about to say a few words to beg for mercy, but if he missed today, he would move his troops to find an excuse.

I will definitely kill you all over the house.

What about Anjin Daquan, can he stop the siege of the army?

Just as the thoughts in his mind turned to this, he suddenly let out a loud hiss...

"My hand! You, you..."

His two arms were severed shoulder-to-shoulder, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Because the coming and going were too fast, the pain nerves hadn't been conveyed to his mind, so he didn't notice it.

"Baguazhang is good. If you lose your hand, come and try to dig out my eyes."

Zhang Kun covered his body in a dragon style, moved the knife softly, and cut off Eunuch Qiu's arms silently.

At this time, he smiled happily, his teeth reflected the candlelight, and the cold light was shining.

Before he could finish his sentence, his body shot out backwards, and the sword flashed, beheading three crossbowmen hiding behind the rockery and among the flowers, and with a movement of his body, he was in front of Luo Qi again.

Luo Qi's face was as pale as paper, as if he had seen a ghost, cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

His voice became dry and hoarse: "If it is said that I am only here to visit friends, there is no malicious intention, do you believe it?"

"What do you say?"

Zhang Kun looked at him with a half smile but not a smile, at the bodyguard who was so high in front of him and suppressed everywhere.

He made contributions to Yuanshun, and he shed blood for Yuanshun.

His father was also one of the five escorts, the veteran of the escort agency.

Killing him might cause big trouble.

But what does it matter?

Zhang Kun's left fist moved suddenly, making a rumbling sound that broke the wind.

Hit like a giant hammer.


Luo Qi's head was like a watermelon, its juice was splashed when it was smashed open by a hammer.

Unable to bear the tremendous force, the neck twisted backwards and was torn apart... The tall body flew upside down, and a cloud of dust splashed up when it landed.

Zhang Kun spent 8 dragon energy points to enter the realm of Yijin, not only the tendons became thicker, but also his strength increased greatly.His bones are also stronger now.

It was originally a bone that was as steel as iron, but a flexible fascia emerged faintly, which could withstand greater blows and unleash stronger attack power.

As for the muscles, they are connected up and down into one piece...the muscles move and the muscles move together.

At the time of the shot, the three forces overlapped one after another, and the power of the mind came to the fore, with infinite power.

His physique has risen to 32 points, and if he punches at will, he weighs about 650 kilograms. This can no longer be called a fist, but a sledgehammer.

The agility has also increased to 24 points, and the reaction force, shooting speed, and movement speed have all improved a lot.

He tried it, and in terms of running speed alone, he was able to run to the level of [-] meters and [-] seconds, and he ran like a gust of wind.

Although it was not as good as the ghostly movement of eunuch Qiu before, it wasn't too slow either.

The property bar has also changed.

【Name: Zhang Kun】

[Talent: Blood Bravery]

【Age: 17】

[Physical: 32]

[Agility: 24]

【Spirit: 12】

[Martial arts: Sanda (proficient)]

[Liuhequan: (Breaking Limits) Forging Bone, Yixing Tendons]

[Skills: Medical Skills (Proficient), Liuhe Knife (Small Success), Language (Beginner)...]

Dragon Qi: 5
Nethergate: (1.6% regression)

Now that it has been done.

That is naturally beheading and killing.

Just left from the banquet with the excuse of letting the water go, everyone in the escort agency should not find out in a short time.

If he hadn't been so careful and kept an eye on Luo Qi's whereabouts, he wouldn't have discovered that this guy was secretly reporting.

Regardless of the safety of the Escort.


Hidden dangers, of course, still exist.

However, the eunuch's residence is relatively quiet, and there are no people living around, and there are no women, children, or children in the house...

Killing a few people in this courtyard can be delayed for a long time, even if it is not unknown.

What the current self lacks is actually the time to develop.

When the wings grow and the strength improves, and then Li Xiaowan's trace is discovered, or the truth of his murder is discovered, then there is no need to be afraid.

After killing a few strong men in black and hacking Luo Qi's brother-in-law to death, Zhang Kun kicked Eunuch Qiu's legs off before starting to search him.

Not surprisingly, nothing.

"Tell me, where did you learn Bagua boxing, and where do you keep the boxing score?"

"Hehe, Eunuch Cui will avenge me...he is ten times better than me in martial arts, and he will soon find out that something is wrong. When the time comes to strengthen the search, it will be very difficult for the Yuanshun Escort to get rid of the ties. It is best to let our family go. Let it be revealed."

"Trust you asshole."

Zhang Kun chuckled and squeezed his throat bone hard with his palm.

He knew that if he wanted to learn Bagua boxing, he would most likely fall on this Eunuch Cui.

It's a pity that the opponent is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also lives deep in the inner court, and is also extremely powerful and has many subordinates.

If he really found it on his head, maybe it was delivering food, and this matter has to be discussed in the long run.

As for attacking the apprentices of the two direct descendants of Master Dong, Zhang Kun is not so brainless.

Even if those two were not masters, they were still top masters, and they were on par with Dao Wang Wu.

Who wins and who loses has to be compared to know.

Although I have reached the level of Anjin Great Boxer now, I am still a beginner after all. Compared with Wang Wu, I must still be far behind.

So, don't go to die.

He raised his head and took a breath of bloody air, the bloodshot eyes quietly faded away.

Seeing the blood on the ground, he let out a long sigh in his heart.

"Why, one or two want to force me to kill?"

"I originally just wanted to live in peace and stability. In this precarious age, is it really so difficult to live?"

The old society turned people into ghosts.

Indeed, being a good person is really difficult.

Zhang Kun thought about it on the spot, but he didn't give up. He went into the house and searched, but he still couldn't find the boxing score, but he found hundreds of taels of silver notes.

Immediately tidied it up, stuffed it into his bosom, and carried the bodies of Luo Qi and Xiao He out of the courtyard.

Follow the wall and the dark place, all the way to the inner river.

Tie the stones with clothes and sink the two into the river.

Zhang Kun was also a little relieved, and walked quickly to Yuanshun Escort.

Naturally, the bodies of Luo Qi and the other two couldn't be left in the eunuch's small courtyard. Anyone with a heart can find out if something is wrong. Now there are no dead people and dead bodies, and they can mislead others.

"It's a difficult problem in the patrol room."

Thinking of the policeman who led the way for Luo Qi, and the arrester Chen Fengming, Zhang Kun had a faint feeling that he still couldn't do everything in his own way.

But this is impossible.

You can't go to the patrolling camp for no reason. In the face of countless masters and hundreds of patrols, it's better to rebel directly.

"You can ignore the patrolling camp for now, and they won't find me on my head by such a coincidence. After all, I'm just a bodyguard master who has just broken through to the bone forging stage. If I don't have this ability, I can take Eunuch Qiu They killed cleanly, but their strength is insufficient."

"However, there is one person who will definitely suspect me... According to his domineering temper, he would rather believe in something than believe in nothing, and he will come to the door soon."

Quietly, Zhang Kun's eyes were bloodshot again.

He raised his eyes and looked in one direction, his eyes were as cold as a knife.

"It's better to strike first!"

(End of this chapter)

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