Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 131 Meeting with Half Idol

Chapter 131 Meeting with Half Idol
Wu Chuzhi laughed and shook his head, "But he will still die, and even if he doesn't die, there will be no harm."

Seeing that Guo Jing didn't understand, he shook the soot, "He is a medical student, so he knows better, he has missed the two-hour golden blockade period.

The period from HIV infection to the production of anti-HIV antibodies in the body is called the window period. During the window period, the blood of the infected person is negative for anti-HIV.

During this period of treatment, AIDS blocking drugs can be taken orally. Generally, it is taken within two hours after high-risk behavior or accidental exposure, which can prevent AIDS, so it is called the golden two hours.

In fact, studies have proved that there is a theoretical feasibility of a 72-hour blocking period.

It takes 72 hours for HIV to spread from the initial infected local cells to other cells.

But now there is no 72-hour effective blocking drug in China. With the current medical conditions, what do you think he will do? "

Wu Chuzhi smiled crookedly, "He will definitely save himself."

"How to save yourself..." Before Guo Jing finished speaking, he suddenly realized that his lower body was cold.


Hanging up the phone of the familiar personnel in the patrol room, Guo Jing's forehead and back were covered with cold sweat.


If these scholars become bad, it will be too dark.

It's better to be dark, in this world...

It's dark and the roads are slippery, and society is complicated.

If you climb to a high place, villains will come to find fault.

The spirit comes from the soul, but it does not hurt people with hands. The temperament comes from arrogance, but arrogance does not mean entering prison.

Seeing the mother of the child lying on the bed, Guo Jing secretly made up his mind that after the child comes out, even if he is killed, he must be made to read more books.

This little Mr. Wu is taking advantage of the situation to kill people without even a drop of blood on his body.

Without the roots of a man, Ben is the most discriminated rapist among felons, Tan Feng couldn't survive at all.

The only thing that can kill in this world is never the murder weapon.


After the four and six exams, Wu Chuzhi was not in a hurry to go to Yanjing, and Xiao Yuejia, who had entered the exam month, understood this very well.

Judging from the news from Senior Sister Yunmeng and Senior Brother Ye Yin, Wu Chuzhi is now at a time when he is full of thoughts.

Don't make trouble for yourself, after telling him to pay attention to his body, Xiao Yuejia took the initiative to reduce the time for phone calls.

Considering the inextricable connection with Tianjing Company, Wu Chuzhi finally rented half a floor in Digital Plaza as the new company, which is also the office location of the future group headquarters.

In the survival of the fittest in human resources, after sorting out by the financial team, Wu Chuzhi's first management report of Guohe Technology was also released on June 6.

Wu Chuzhi put forward a request for weekly updates on the management report.

In the absence of financial software support, this requirement is very stringent.

But the two deputy managers of the financial team, Yang Yi and Xiang Li, still gritted their teeth and finished it.

The two did not fight each other. They were from accounting firms, and each recruited their former subordinates to participate in team building.

The finance department is the one who can best see how a company is run.

Within two days, they keenly discovered that they could actually coexist.

Because they who understand the overall accounting can see at a glance that Wu Chuzhi's business has many sectors, and the sectors are independent of each other.

So there is no need to worry about the position arrangement, the two quickly reached an agreement, and the two teams merged into one.

The difficulty factor of the first report is a bit higher, after all, the time span is very long, and fortunately, Tianjing Company's previous accounts were very clean.

Wu Chuzhi also knew that without the support of financial software, his request was really difficult. Yang Yi and Xiang Li both asked him to make this request.

But on this issue, Wu Chuzhi delayed for a while.

He wants to go to the ERP system in one step.

Through the ERP system, the enterprise's human, financial, material, production, supply and marketing and corresponding logistics, information flow, capital flow, management flow, value-added flow, etc. are closely integrated to realize resource optimization and sharing.

In this way, human resources can be saved to the greatest extent, and it is also convenient for management in different places.

Yang Yi and Xiang Li also contacted Kingdee, UFIDA, SAP, and Xindazhong respectively according to his request.

The grass-roots team also has this advantage. Planning from the beginning will save trouble later.

Of course, the premise is that you have money.

Fortunately, Wu Chuzhi, who has the cash inflow from Tianjing Company, can now say lightly, "Brother is not short of money."


Sitting in the office, Wu Chuzhi thought carefully about the potential of his brother-in-law's original Tianjing Company, and by copying and pasting, it might be possible to expand the scale.

But it will soon be in trouble. After all, it is in the nature of trade and does not have its own products.

It's like moving bricks and bricks wholesale, earning the price difference from it, but it doesn't generate value at all.

At this moment, Wu Chuzhi couldn't help thinking of a person, Da Qiangzi.

In 2001, the Big Hadron faced such a situation,

Between 1998 and 2001, Daqiangzi represented several brands and sold multimedia equipment in Zhongguancun, such as compression cards, CDs, recorders, etc.

Relying on the reasonable price and providing customers with equipment operation services, Daqiangzi's business is doing very well, and the optical recorder monopolizes 60% of the Huaguo market.

It was a price war that prompted the transformation of the big hadron.

The son of Ryder, the world's largest optical disc manufacturer, came to China for inspection and found that the recorder market in Huaguo was monopolized by a small company and made a lot of money. He felt unbalanced.

He also wanted to get a piece of the Huaguo market, so he won the agency rights of several high-end brands through his father's relationship.

Because of his business relationship, Ryder has a very good relationship with all recorders and OEM disc manufacturers in the world, so his father personally came forward to speak for him.

Jingdong has a good reputation, and Daqiangzi's business is also doing very well. The supplier is unwilling to offend Jingdong, and does not want to lose Daqiangzi as an agent, so he and Daqiangzi and the son of the boss of Ryder Say, everyone backs down and adds an agent.

There used to be only one agent in the market, but now there are two agents, and the two sides began to fight. The boss of Ryder's son is 20 years old and is about the same age as Da Qiangzi. He said arrogantly that he would consume Jingdong to death.

The two sides began to fight a price war, to what extent, the cost of importing Yamaha recorders at that time was 2700 yuan, if the Daqiangzi sold 2700 yuan, the other party immediately marked the price of 2650 yuan, and it kept falling like this. The pressure reached 1700 yuan per set, and one set lost a full 1000 yuan, and it was sold at a loss.

If the loss continues like this, Da Qiangzi can't bear it. He found a few good suppliers and sold it to the boss of Ryder to buy it, and Da Qiangzi sold it again. A machine lost 50 yuan.

Not only Yamaha, but also products of other brands, the whole line is launched, and whoever is out will lose the market.

Although the big Qiangzi also lost money, but the price war was very strategic, and the loss was less than that of the opponent. The big Qiangzi lost less than 100 million, while the opponent lost at least tens of millions. The money in 2001 was much more valuable than it is now. The opponent's loss is huge, one can imagine.

The opponent's vitality was severely injured, and after a while, he withdrew.

After this incident, Da Qiangzi has been thinking about a problem. In this wholesale model, the agent’s source of goods depends on the manufacturer. If the manufacturer does not give you the goods, the agent will immediately lose its advantage. The customers are not yours, they are all counters in Zhongguancun Yes, without access to end customers, there is no value.

From this point of view, the big hadron's vision is advanced, and it is only valuable if it reaches end users.

In 2001, Daqiangzi decided to transform from wholesale to retail.

At that time, Synnex International was the world's largest professional distributor, and for a small company like Daqiangzi, it was a company that was as good as heaven.

But Daqiangzi told the employees: Although Synnex is very good now, it has no future in the future. The agent will be cut off sooner or later because it cannot create value. It is not as good as Gome and Suling, which have access to the first-line customers. .

At that time, none of Jingdong's employees could understand what Da Qiangzi was going to do. Some opposed it, and some found it incredible.

Da Qiangzi told the employees: If we go upstream, we have no money or strength, so we can go down and be end customers. If we have end customers, we are not afraid that manufacturers will not supply goods, and Yamaha will not supply goods. We can sell them. In addition, I have customers in my hands, and they are end consumers.

Daqiangzi transformed from wholesale to retail, which laid the foundation for Jingdong to develop an online mall in the later stage.

The corners of Wu Chuzhi's mouth curled up. Da Qiangzi was going downstream, but he decided to go upstream.

In the future, Huaguo has a lot of downstream, but a shortage of upstream.

Master the upstream of the real core technology.

Wu Chuzhi doesn't like to be choked, he likes to be choked.

In Huaguo, the innovation of business models must be done by human beings, and there is no shortage of him.

What's more, the innovation of some business models is completely devoid of conscience.

For example, the so-called social e-commerce.

This is not rational consumption in the traditional sense, but a temporary purchase behavior lured by social networking and low prices.

Presumably people who shop online have a personal experience of this irrational consumption:
When I get hotheaded, I want it, I point my fingers, I buy it, I receive it, it breaks... I bought a bunch of useless things, I thought it was very enjoyable and took advantage of it, but when I got the things, I would regret it later.

Some platforms have created this kind of business model by taking advantage of the psychology of consumers who are greedy for cheap and lazy to defend their rights.

To revitalize the real economy and return the dignity of consumers in Huaguo, someone must do the "hard work" of technological innovation.

We can’t “destock” those defective and low-quality products by selling counterfeit and shoddy and illegal and infringing group buying platforms, let alone rely on such false and prosperous business model innovations to revitalize the country’s real economy.

Looking at the world outside the window, he smiled, now Jingdong Online Mall has come out, and Da Qiangzi is almost at the time when he is most short of money.

Maybe you can catch a leak.

I don't do downstream, but someone can do it for me.

To be upstream, you must have your own products.

But what to do?

Wu Chuzhi frowned, turned around the chair, and cast his eyes on a motherboard box.

Prosper the world.

old friend.

In his previous life, he conspired once.

After receiving instructions from parallel time and space, when he looked at this issue again, he had a new perspective.

The reason why 2001 was criticized was because his methods were not too glorious in the early stage, and he was suspected of being involved in politics.

So today after Sansheng III, can I defeat Wu Junjun in an open and honest manner?
Wu Chuzhi is very envious of Xingtianxia's board business and those skilled industrial workers.

After all, there is no faster way to expand than mergers and acquisitions, especially in the IT field where licenses and authorization agreements are rampant.

Moreover, to complete the Internet of Everything, some things cannot be bypassed.

On the terminal, if the computer terminal as a productivity tool is missing, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to break through the barriers of multiple platforms.

However, if it involves the computer side, then it can only challenge Liu Shen again?

If a new entrant in the Red Sea market cannot knock down the overlord of this industry, the act of entering itself is a kind of brain-dead move to lose money and make money.

Either become the new overlord, or be excluded by all the original players in this market.

Then, there is only war.

Defeat the godfather of business ways head-on, so as to establish your own business ways?
Wu Chuzhi himself laughed.

It's a bit of a fantasy.

How can He De He can!
Suddenly he hit the table with both fists, and the cup on the table jumped.

Very meow!
Why not?

If you can't fight domestically, you can take it abroad to fight, and the people of the world will unite and fight him upside down.

Wu Chuzhi paced in the office, thinking about the path.

Actually, not impossible.

I'm not allowed to take shortcuts, so let's be tough.

Now that they have been defeated once, how difficult is it to defeat them a second time?

On June 6, Wu Chuzhi still came to Yanjing.

It was not Xiao Yuejia or Wang Bingbing's urging.

The two girls are actually very sensible.

It's not that he wants to come to meet his girlfriend, but when he has to come.

With the help of his future father-in-law, Qin Yuanchao, Wu Chuzhi quickly obtained the communication recharge outsourcing from the Design Institute.

This is also a matter of legal compliance, and all processes are correct.

Even Qin Yuanchao didn't say anything at the meeting, and the proposal won the collective approval of the team members.

Without him, it is too troublesome to recharge and find an invoice.

Either go to the newsstand to buy a recharge card, and encounter fake invoices from time to time, and the financial department will not reimburse you according to the rules.

Or go to the business hall to queue up for recharge business.

At the beginning of the century, it was not as convenient to handle business in the telecom business hall as later generations. It took half a day a month to queue up, which was pure waste of time.

We are reluctant to send it directly to the salary, after all, there is still a tax to be withheld.

Since someone can provide such a service, why not do it under the premise of financial and disciplinary compliance?
The speed of the design institute is very fast, so Wu Chuzhi is in trouble, he has not yet settled the demand side.

Although it would not be a breach of contract, at worst, he would go to Telecom to buy a card to recharge. With the advantage of large quantity, he could also get some discounts.

But this kind of small money is meaningless to earn.

Therefore, Wu Chuzhi quickened his pace, got off the plane, took Wang Bingbing and Kong Hao without saying a word, and came to Weigong Village in Zhongguancun.

No matter how powerful Wang Bingbing's ice skate is in the future, it needs to be sharpened now, and he will be the first negotiating partner to make a sample.

This is the headquarters of Ourgame World.

At this time, the head of Baoyue bridge has long since lost its hair, and it is completely bald.

Wu Chuzhi felt a little sad suddenly, it seemed that he would suffer from serious hair loss in the future.

"Mr. Bao, I've admired you for a long time. You are my idol."

There are many idols of Wu Chuzhi...

Yang Xu, Qiu Bojun, Mr. Ren, Rebus, Da Qiangzi...

In fact, Bao Yueqiao really counts as half.

In 1993, in the computer room of Lin'an Rubber General Factory, 26-year-old Bao Yueqiao knocked out China's first decompilation software UCDOS, which became popular all over the country.

After becoming famous, Bao Yueqiao went north and ran to the capital to realize his "computer dream".Because they like to play Go, in 1998, Bao Yueqiao, Jian Jing and Wang Jianhua borrowed 50 yuan to establish Lianzhong.

Like Pengcheng Ma, Bao Yueqiao once registered 3 IDs by himself to play chess with users to maintain the daily activities of the client.

By the end of 1998, the registered users of Ourgame had exceeded 1000.

Only one year after founding Lianzhong, Bao Yueqiao doubled the original 1 yuan.

Lianzhong World sold 500% of the shares to Zhonggongwang for 79 million yuan. During the negotiation, Bao Yueqiao didn't know how to convince the other party that Lianzhong could make money.

But in 2002, Lianzhong contributed 9388% of the [-] million yuan profit to Haihong Holdings, the later controlling party.

In 2003, Ourgame had occupied about 85% of the game market, with more than 2 million registered users and 1500 million monthly active users, making it the largest casual game platform in the world.

Note that it is the largest in the world.

But the good times didn't last long, that is, in August 2003, the first public beta version of Penguin QQ game was officially released.

One of the rumors in the rivers and lakes is that Bao Yueqiao felt that this opponent was very ordinary, so he missed the opportunity to kill him.

But in fact, Bao Yueqiao was very anxious when he saw this copy of Lianzhong game. He once went to Pengcheng to discuss cooperation with Pengchengma.

Peng Chengma didn't give Bao Yueqiao any chance.

In less than a year, Pengchengma pushed Lianzhong down from the throne of China's No. [-] casual game portal through its huge number of social users.

It's not that Bao Yueqiao didn't think about fighting back. Lianzhong once wanted to use the power of Xinluo's NHN to seize the opportunity of large-scale online games.

In 2004, NHN acquired a 1% stake in Ourgame for US$50 million.

But he never imagined that NHN did not want to help Lianzhong develop the online game market, but wanted to replace Lianzhong with its card and board business Hangame in Xinluo and become the leader in Asian chess and cards.

In addition, the payment habit of the game interface developed by NHN is too Xinluo, which does not match the preferences of Chinese people.

By 2009, Ourgame began to lose money.

In 2010, NHN withdrew from the Chinese market.

But all of this has nothing to do with Bao Yueqiao. He chose to quit in 2006.

Lianzhong is not losing to Peng Chengma's social advantage and plagiarism model. Bao Yueqiao personally admitted that Lianzhong ignored the opportunity of large-scale online games.

Even Peng Chengma once asked him: "Why don't you make online games?"

In 2001, "Mythology" operated by Shengda became popular, and the rise of RPG online games seized the time of our users of chess and card games.

Jian Jing, another founder of Lianzhong, proposed the idea of ​​online games in 2000.

However, since our major shareholder Haihong operates the online game company Yalian, we are indifferent to our online game proposal.

Lost Wang Jianhua and Jian Jing resigned in 2003 and 2004, and Bao Yueqiao quit in 2006.

After transforming into an investor, Bao Yueqiao still feels unwilling to be suppressed by Penguin. His investment principles have two points:
1. Items that are only done, will not be done, and cannot be done

2. Do not vote the game.

Of course, if he did this, he could only be lost in the torrent of history.

Therefore, Bao Yueqiao can only be regarded as half of Wu Chuzhi's idol.


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(End of this chapter)

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