Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 132 King Wu's Respect for Idols

Chapter 132 King Wu's Respect for Idols
The time when Wu Chuzhi and Bao Yueqiao met was precisely when Lianzhong began to lose the market.

This is also the reason why Wu Chuzhi chose to rely on Lianzhong World to open the first shot in the consumer market.

Without it,

Just four words:

Take advantage of the fire!

"Mr. Wu, you are young and promising, and you are a formidable future!" Bao Yueqiao also extended his hand, and a group of people greeted each other at the door of the conference room.

He is not being polite, he will lower his posture to anyone who can help him solve his predicament.

Inside the company, there are complaints about NHN, which has changed its major shareholder to Silla.

But what can Bao Yueqiao do?
That is a matter for shareholders to decide, what does it have to do with him?
From the moment the equity fell, Lianzhong was no longer the time when the founder trio had the final say.

He just didn't want the Lianzhong world he created with his own hands to decline and perish, and he was struggling to support it.

He was very interested in the cooperation model proposed by Tianjing Company.

After the courtesy is over, after everyone sits down according to the guest and host, the necessary process of the meeting will naturally begin.

Introducing the participants to each other, exchanging business cards, complimenting each other again, introducing the companies of both parties...

In the joyous atmosphere of the venue, a discordant sneer sounded out,
"I don't know Mr. Wu, what kind of bright future do you see for Lianzhong, a sunset company? There should be a bottom line for flattery!"

Wu Chuzhi took a closer look and smiled.

The speaker was Jian Jing, one of the three founders of Lianzhong.

He was also the developer of the later Iphone application 'Dial Wizard'.

At this time, he is at the moment when he is about to retreat in Lianzhong World.

Of course, this is also the end of the stage of competition between the founders of Lianzhong and shareholders.

Among the three founders, Wang Jianhua has already resigned, and Jian Jing has long been interested in leaving. Only Bao Yueqiao is still struggling to support his ideals.

Although he can't last long.

NHN's wolf ambition has long been exposed.

2006 was when Bao Yueqiao was out.

Ignoring Bao Yueqiao's ugly face, Wu Chuzhi smiled and said, "Mr. Jian, you are polite, you are testing me, right?"

Seeing that Jian Jing didn't want to talk to him at all, Wu Chuzhi didn't think he was disobedient. The water in Lianzhong was too deep for him to swim.

His purpose is just to do business, and he doesn't want to get involved in the fight.

"I don't know if you have heard the term 'silver economy'.

Internet access has never been the exclusive province of young people.

When our post-80s and post-90s who are younger than us are playing with the Internet, our seniors are not to be outdone.

Surfing the Internet has become a new way for them to kill time, watching news, chatting, sending E-mails, playing cards and chess in Lianzhong World, and so on.

According to statistics, the number of Internet users in the world has exceeded 10 billion.According to experts, by 2050, the elderly over the age of 60 will account for 20% of the total population in the world, and more and more elderly people will be "connected to the Internet".

The country is also paying attention to the needs of the elderly to surf the Internet.

This year, Huating City launched the "Helping the Elderly Internet" project. At present, more than 10 elderly people are proficient in surfing the Internet, sending and receiving E-mail, and drawing with a mouse; 50 elderly people can browse the Internet regularly.

In order to benefit more people by "helping the elderly go online", Xiandu will provide 3 elderly people with free training on "Barrier-Free Internet Access for the Middle-aged and Elderly" this year.At present, the project has opened remote classrooms and remote answering rooms, making training and tutoring zero distance, and you can get training and tutoring from online teachers with just a click of a mouse.

Previously, in order to solve the barriers for the elderly to access the Internet, the Huaguo Senior Daily and IBM held a "Symposium on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly's Network Information Accessibility", calling on the government to provide guidance and advocacy on a macro level, and to consider it in legislation..."

Jian Jing was not used to seeing the young Wu Chuzhi talking in the conference room.

He is a programmer, the second batch of programmers born in Huaguo in the 60s, and he is most impatient with these business and macro policy matters.

"Okay, okay, I understand what you mean, Mr. Wu, you can talk directly, I have something to do, Lao Bao, so let's go first."

After finishing speaking, Jian Jing left the scene directly, and the expressions of Wang Bingbing and Kong Hao beside Wu Chuzhi suddenly changed.

It's so disrespectful, how can there be such a thing!

If you really have something to do, why come to this meeting?

This made Bao Yueqiao very helpless and embarrassed, and he laughed awkwardly to smooth things over, "Mr. Wu, Mr. Kong, Manager Wang, Mr. Jian has some other things to deal with at the moment."

Jian Jing is going to resign next week, and she is going through the resignation procedures. Due to the situation and reason, he has nothing to do with Jian Jing.

This matter was a bit disturbing, Lianzhong was rude, and he also changed his address in embarrassment, and no longer called Mr. Wu.

Wu Chuzhi shrugged his shoulders, "It's okay, I understand."

After finishing speaking, he laughed, "Continuing what I said just now, to make a long story short, we know that the fastest way to get in touch with computers is actually games.

Because interest is the best teacher, and Lianzhong provides a good start for middle-aged and elderly people to go online.

I think your company should have statistics that the middle-aged and elderly people in Lianzhong account for at least half of your users. "

Bao Yueqiao nodded, "68% of the users of Lianzhong World are middle-aged and elderly people. However, this is the silent majority who have no willingness to pay at all.

According to our statistics, users aged 22-35 account for less than 20% of the total number of users, but contribute 87% of revenue. "

Wu Chuzhi chuckled, "President Bao, that's why I'm here today. What if I can help you activate the silent majority?"

Bao Yueqiao's eyes lit up, "Mr. Wu might as well elaborate."

Wu Chuzhi signaled to Wang Bingbing to hand over a folder, "This is our cooperation plan, Mr. Bao can take a look first."

Bao Yueqiao is also a manager who was born as a programmer, but he has a more sensitive sense of commercialization, so he has always been in control of the operation in the trio.

Wu Chuzhi was not idle while he was looking at the plan, "The bottleneck of your company's current business is actually the silent majority of middle-aged and elderly customers who are less willing to pay.

But are they really not willing to pay for it?I'm afraid not at all. "

Hearing this, Bao Yueqiao couldn't help raising his head and said, "I don't know what Mr. Wu has to teach."

I don't understand my business, so I want an outsider to point fingers?

Bao Yueqiao wanted to slap Wu Chuzhi in the face with this plan.

Young people don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, they really don't know what it means.

Wu Chuzhi smiled, took out his laptop, asked the staff for a data cable and connected it to the projector.

The discomfort in Bao Yueqiao's heart eased a bit, it seemed that he came prepared, not just talking nonsense.

"A simple market research was done in Yanjing. We did not conduct random research, but selected five university teacher dormitory areas in Haidian District to conduct a building-sweeping survey."

Bao Yueqiao was taken aback when he heard the words, "Why this range?"

Wang Bingbing next to Wu Chuzhi answered the question, "Because the dormitory area of ​​university teachers is a gathering area for middle-aged and elderly intellectuals, the proportion of your company's products will be higher, and their questions may be more representative."

She was in charge of the entire research work. Of course, it was also carried out by a professional research organization, but she also followed a lot.

Once she gave up the insurance research, her time would be much freer.

After all, she and Kong Hao took out a few stacks of documents and a dozen USB flash drives from the suitcase behind them, "This is the draft of 1845 investigation materials and interview recordings. If Mr. Bao is interested, you can Read it."

Bao Yueqiao was a little shocked.

If you want to do research, in fact, their own company is the fastest.

Very simple, the client can solve the problem with a pop-up window.

But this team of young people spent a lot of time doing field research.

Although it is clumsy, it can be seen that it is really hard work.

At this time, he looked at the people around him, feeling very resentful.

A vegetarian meal!

Then he could only sigh in his heart.

If major shareholders don't act, it's no wonder that the people below don't want to do things.

Bao Yueqiao signaled his staff to go through the materials and study hard, while he looked at the PPT on the projector.

Wu Chuzhi's PPT is very concise, but the text is very eye-catching.

"From so many questionnaires, we got a common answer that the current recharge channels are very unfriendly to middle-aged and elderly people.

At present, your company's recharge methods include real card recharge, online banking recharge, telephone and mobile phone recharge, and bank remittance.

Let's take a look at the real experience of 'convenience' and 'safety' from the feedback of users.

Real card recharge: you need to go out to recharge, and you need to scratch the card code area, and then go online to check and input to realize the recharge.

The pain points of users are: 1. It is possible to recharge to a counterfeit card, you need to pay attention to distinguish it, and buy as much as possible if possible. 2. Middle-aged and elderly people go to newsstands to buy game recharge cards, which can't save face.

Online banking recharge: Bind the bank card with the game recharge account online. You can recharge as much as you want, which is very convenient.

The pain point of users lies in: In terms of security, middle-aged and elderly people have great doubts about the operation of online banking itself. "

Bao Yueqiao nodded with a wry smile, "It's not just the elderly. According to our current data, there are less than 100 customers who have recharged through this method."

He felt very sorry, this recharge model is the most profitable way for game companies, and the bank's handling fee is only 1%.

Wu Chuzhi smiled and comforted him, "There is nothing to do about these things. Our current network environment is too bad, with viruses and hackers rampant, and online transactions themselves are inherently untrustworthy at this stage."

After that, he continued to click on the PPT to explain, "To recharge voice calls and mobile phone text messages, you only need to dial a designated number or input and send a designated text message, and recharge to the corresponding number, which is very convenient.

But for middle-aged and elderly people, especially certain middle-aged and elderly people, this pain point is very prominent.

In the dormitory area of ​​the old campus in the school, the phone bill is paid by the unit and deducted from the salary, but the detailed bill will be issued.

You know, the reputation of the audio phone is not very good now, which is difficult for those old professors and teachers to accept. "

Bao Yueqiao shook his head when he heard the words, and shrugged helplessly.

Voice and phone calls have become notorious for being pornographic. If someone typed this thing in detail, the family would definitely be in trouble that night.

Bao Yueqiao also analyzed it himself, "I understand what you mean. The text message part is also the same. Many units' communication fees are reimbursed. It is shameful to have this thing on the phone bill."

Wu Chuzhi spread his hands, "Bank remittance needs to be processed through the bank counter for cash remittance or transfer business, and you need to queue up and wait for the system to arrive.

Security can be guaranteed, but not only is there no convenience, but no timeliness.I estimate that this figure is even worse than online banking. "

Come on, throw yourself into the arms of Shenzhou Fu!

Looking at the PPT on the screen, Bao Yueqiao sighed, "So, the middle-aged and elderly market can only be the silent majority."

University teachers who are highly educated are more open-minded and have a very high ability to accept new things. They all have such an attitude, let alone those ordinary middle-aged and elderly people.

Wu Chuzhi closed the PPT, closed the laptop, pointed to the plan in front of Bao Yueqiao, "Mr. Bao, this is the meaning of our Shenzhou Pay. I can perfectly solve these pain points for you."

Bao Yueqiao simply put the documents aside and didn't look at the plan anymore. He felt that what Wu Chuzhi said was much more detailed than the plan.

Wang Bingbing's little face turned red, she was the one who made this plan.

When doing it for the first time, it is natural that there are some flaws, and the key points are not clear.

Wu Chuzhi also did it on purpose, and taught her a hundred times by hand, it is better to let her actually experience it once.

In this way, she will understand what the program users are concerned about.

He quietly squeezed Wang Bingbing's little hand under the table to give her some comfort.

Wang Bingbing's face turned even redder, and he pinched his hand hard, then glanced at Kong Hao at the side with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Kong Hao debugging the data on the computer with no expression on his face, Wang Bingbing felt relieved and continued to take notes seriously.

"It's very simple, through our top-up platform, customers use physical mobile top-up cards, so that they can avoid embarrassment when purchasing, and don't have to worry about buying fake ones.

Buy at any time, charge as you want, this is the convenience of our model.

Of course, this method also avoids the embarrassment and worry of middle-aged and elderly customers during the use process.Anyway, it's just a recharge card for a mobile phone, so you don't have to worry about reputation or the security of the recharge. "

Bao Yueqiao was silent. He opened the folder of the project and looked at it, then closed it again.

"Mr. Wu, what is your relationship with Shenzhouxing? Or what is your relationship with Huaguo Mobile?"

Bao Yueqiao felt that this matter was not simple. Could it be that there is some unknown connection between "Shenzhou Pay" and "Shenzhou Xing"?

How did this young man achieve this pattern?
Wu Chuzhi pursed his lips, squeezed his eyes at Bao Yueqiao, and then smiled without saying a word.

Bao Yueqiao seemed to understand something and skipped the topic.

"The deduction point you ask for is 30%, which is no different in cost from the recharge channel we choose for voice calls and text messages.

And I'm on the physical card, the cost is only 20 points.They are also physical cards, Mr. Wu, don't you think it's too much? "

Wu Chuzhi laughed, "Mr. Bao was joking, these are two different models. You only saw that our deduction point is 30%, which is no different from that of telecom operators.

But I didn't see the timeliness brought by our settlement method.

Yes, our deduction points are the same as those of telecom operators, but compared with telecom operators, it takes three months, or even four and a half months to pay you the income. What we bring to your company is capital Reflow aging.

I can fully promise that our income will be settled within 30 minutes. What this means, I think, Mr. Bao, you, an old man who has experienced shopping malls, should be very clear. "

Seeing that Bao Yueqiao was silent again, Wu Chuzhi continued, "And, as far as I know, 80% of your company's revenue comes from voice calls and text messages.

As for the physical card, IMHO, your company has almost no sales channels other than Yanjing.

Therefore, if you compare the 20% deduction point of the physical card with the 30% of our Shenzhou Pay, it is not comparable. "

Bao Yueqiao squeezed his fist under the table again and again, Wu Chuzhi's words were quite slapped in the face.

It's as close as saying, 'You don't even have a sales network for physical cards! '

But he still can't refute it, it's a fact.

Even Yanjing's physical card sales are actually done through a company called Yidiantong.

Yitong’s point card can recharge hundreds of games, but the point deduction is also very high, reaching 25%.

Moreover, it cannot solve the pain points pointed out by Wu Chuzhi.

He doesn't know that middle-aged and elderly customers are the direction of our development in the future, but he has never been able to solve this problem.

Now Wu Chuzhi's plan made him very tempted, but the conditions of cooperation made him very uncomfortable.

With the 30% deduction point, Wu Chuzhi is equating himself with a strong telecom operator.

But what Wu Chuzhi said was indeed reasonable.

If they really achieve the 30-minute settlement time limit, it is not unacceptable.

Compared with the long settlement period of telecom operators, how much can you do with the funds that are withdrawn quickly?
But Bao Yueqiao was still a little unwilling. Negotiations, the price must be negotiated.

"Mr. Wu, I am very interested in your company's model, but the deduction point is indeed too high, why don't you let it go?

What do you think about the deduction of 22 points? If it is suitable, we can sign the agreement on the spot and start working immediately. "

Wu Chuzhi pondered for a while, then looked at Wang Bingbing and Kong Hao pretendingly.

Wang Bingbing and Kong Hao understood each other, and their eyes communicated inexplicably in the air.

They didn't know what it meant, they just rolled their eyes anyway.

After so many years of playing games such as Doudizhu and Shuangkou, there is still a tacit understanding.

Kong Hao was a little bored. As an evolving programmer, he was very impatient with this kind of business negotiation.

A few things, what is there to argue about?

Wang Bingbing thought it was quite interesting.

In essence, this was not much different from the diplomatic negotiations she had observed.

They are all intrigues based on strength.

It seems that it is not very difficult.

After finishing the eye 'contact', Wu Chuzhi sighed, "Mr. Bao, in order to express our sincerity, and out of my respect for your idol, I give up... a point."

After all, he looked at Bao Yueqiao opposite with a sincere face, his face was full of respect for the idol.


【Recommendation Ticket】Channel~
【Monthly Pass】Channel~
  Report to siblings.

  After a difficult month of hard work, Riwan's 30-day medal has arrived.

  so. . .Let me rest. During this period of time, I will write 20 characters every three times, and I will guarantee no less than [-] characters per month.

  Lao Qing kowtowed.

(End of this chapter)

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