Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 167 Kong Hao's Anti-killing Moment

Chapter 167 Kong Hao's Anti-killing Moment
Although Xiao Yuejia came to the company very few times, Ling Wanxi, who is also in the general affairs department, had the most dealings with her.

Even though Xiao Yuejia hid it well, the mistress's attitude revealed in her bones was somewhat stronger than her male cousin Wang Bingbing.

And, most importantly, Xiao Yuejia doesn't wear makeup!

Kong Hao reminded her that Wu Chuzhi has severe allergies.

The allergens are two substances in cosmetics, niacinamide and tranexamic acid.

The former locks water and the latter whitens, which are widely used in cosmetics.

The reason why Kong Hao told her this kind of privacy was because she was about to come to the door, and these taboos must be paid attention to.

Because of Wu Chuzhi's status as the eldest in the entire three families, he is the most favored.

Over time, Kong Hao also knew from his parents' conversations that it seemed that their parents were not interested in girls' make-up.

The implicated effect of Ai Wu and Wu.

Kong Hao thought for a while, but still said truthfully, "Yes, Xiao Yuejia is also Chuchu's girlfriend."

Of course, he also knew that such a thing could not be concealed at all.

Whether it's dressing, or talking and demeanor, Xiao Yuejia, who is full of ladylike demeanor, is obviously more like a proprietress than the kawaii Wang Bingbing.

What's more, Ling Wanxi is his girlfriend and his future wife, so she is entitled to know about it.

Moreover, Wu Chuzhi didn't ask him to keep it a secret from Sister Xixi.

Hearing Kong Hao's positive answer, Ling Wanxi was still a little silly at this time, even though she had guessed in her heart.

Qin Wan, Wang Bingbing, plus Xiao Yuejia, three girlfriends?
Well, having seen Wu Chuzhi's photo, she has to admit that her man's eldest brother is indeed quite attractive to girls.

Being handsome is an advantage in itself, but being handsome plus being talented, young and rich makes it unstoppable.

However, not everyone falls into it.

She ruthlessly grabbed Kong Hao who was about to sneak a drink of smoothie, bit her lip and stared at him, "If you dare to be as fickle as big brother, I will castrate you!"

Kong Hao quickly raised his hand and swore a poisonous oath.

After listening to her boyfriend's heartfelt words for a while, Ling Wanxi remembered something again.

Looking at the smoothie in her hand, she lowered her head and sneered quietly.

When she doesn't know why she wants to buy smoothies in the middle of the night, right?

Want to do that?

The parents of both sides met and got engaged!
Since you have delayed my youth for three years, I have delayed you for three months, isn't it too much!
Ling Wanxi rolled her eyes and turned to look at her boyfriend beside her, "Hao Hao, let me ask you, do you think I look better without makeup or with makeup?"

Faced with this question, Kong Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

One hundred thousand questions about why his girlfriend died!
Damn, it's finally here!

Moreover, among the [-] whys of girlfriend's death, this is definitely one of the top ten questions.

Why is he so clear?
Because Qin Wan, the queen of the first generation, is a leader in asking such questions.

A few years ago, he was used to seeing Wu Chuzhi's miserable situation.

And the popularity of this kind of question is still very fast, and there are many people around who have been asked this way by their girlfriends.

This makes Kong Hao, who is not emotionally enlightened, understand that no matter whether his girlfriend is as beautiful as a fairy or as strong as Mount Tai, she will always, frequently, long-term, and from time to time ask you this kind of question.

Because, this is a woman!

A species that can bear hundreds of hours of bleeding debuffs every month, how can their thinking be understood by men?
"Haohao, do you think I look better without makeup or with makeup?"

Ling Wanxi hugged his arm and repeated the question with a smile.

You don't need to look at the playful look in sister Xixi's eyes at this time, Kong Hao also knows that this kind of question is very difficult to answer.

Answering that she looks good without makeup means that Ling Wanxi doesn't know how to make up, or her makeup skills are not good, and she indirectly mocks her for not loving beauty and living a sloppy life.

If the answer is that makeup looks good, it will be a dead end, that is to say, the girlfriend has a bad background and relies on makeup to support the scene.

Do you think that simple problems can be dealt with by 'the lesser of two evils'?

That is too young.

Because this is just a breakthrough for women.

They will take this opportunity to expand the results of the battle, followed by even more inhumane and vexatious practices.

Fortunately, both Kong Hao and Wu Chuzhi are extremely smart masters. After Wu Chuzhi lived a miserable life for a year, they summed up the standard answer template for this "death question".

From then on, Wu Chuzhi lived a happy life, and Qin Wan never troubled him again.

The problem is diverse, otherwise there would be no title of 'one hundred thousand whys'.

Wu Chuzhi had never encountered Ling Wanxi's question before. After all, Qin Wan didn't need to put on makeup due to his faults.

However, the buddies in his dormitory met him before.

In fact, the answer is simple.

For this kind of question, it is necessary to analyze the mentality of the girlfriend when she asks this question.

She actually wants to know how much her appearance is worth in your heart.

Combined with the matter of Xiao Yuejia just mentioned, Kong Hao is very clear that his sister Xixi is a little unconfident in front of Xiao Yuejia, who can be described as beautiful with the words "overwhelming country and city".

Even a beauty like Xiao Yuejia couldn't control Wu Chuzhi's heart, and she might not be able to control him, Kong Hao either.

She subconsciously wondered if she would tire him even more if she took off her makeup.

After all, at home, it is impossible for women to wear makeup.

The skin needs to breathe, otherwise it will age faster, so plain makeup is the norm.

Ling Wanxi, who was originally two years older than him, was actually very concerned about this in her heart.

At the same time, she should also want to know whether her love for her is loyal enough.

Kong Hao still remembered what he said when he called Wu Chu for help when he was analyzing this kind of problem in the dormitory.

"Do you think she really cares about whether she looks good without makeup or makeup? Doesn't she have some B number in her heart? If she thinks she looks good without makeup, why does she still use makeup?
Even if you know you look good, women, you can still wear makeup.Because women's pursuit of beauty will not be capped.So why is she asking you this question?

I just want to hear you praise her beauty, then fill her with infinite confidence, and finally hear you express your love for her by the way...

When your girlfriend asks this kind of question whether A is better or B, please remember that this is definitely not a multiple-choice question! ! !This is a quiz! ! ! "

This kind of analysis shocked the people in Kong Hao's dormitory, and later provided a lot of materials and evidence for the answers to the [-] questions.

So, he, Kong Hao, is not afraid of this problem!

To answer this question, you have to jump out of the topic itself, find out the breakthrough point of anti-killing, and then change the center of the topic by the way, so that you can save yourself from this kind of death problem, and then make progress to enjoy the tenderness of your girlfriend.

The formula for the answer is simple:
Pretending + questioning + helplessness + licking + transfer + super sublimation anti-kill!

It's a one-size-fits-all formula!

Kong Hao turned his head, held Ling Wanxi in his arms, fixedly looked into her eyes, and said affectionately, "Sister Xixi, in fact, I have always felt that I am not good enough for you.

So, do you think I care if you wear no makeup or makeup?

Not at all!
Because, whenever I stand by your side, I feel very ashamed of myself. I know that I am not handsome and I am not tall, and I am afraid of embarrassing you when I walk on the road.

You are youthful and beautiful without makeup, but you are sexy and charming with makeup. In my eyes, you are so beautiful. "

Looking at the rippling mist of Ling Wanxi in his arms, Kong Hao smiled slightly.

Now is the time for the genius Kong Hao to fight back!
Ling Wanxi was really moved.

It never occurred to her that Kong Hao thought so.

Reminiscent of Kong Hao's youthful appearance back then, the complaints in my heart that I dared not confess to him before disappeared.

A man is looking for someone like Kong Hao.

Straight men also have the benefits of being straight.

They don't understand romance and sweet talk, but they speak honestly, act bravely, are cute, honest, and have few tricks...

All Kong Hao's shortcomings turned into advantages.

Naturally, she suddenly became so eloquent just now, but in her eyes at this moment, her true feelings are revealed.

"By the way, speaking of makeup, I bought you lipstick on Joyo Amazon two days ago. It was recommended by Qin Wan. Have you received the package yet?"

Kong Hao's face is full of sincerity, but his heart is full of complacency.

Super sublimation anti-killing, this is the routine summed up by Wu Chuzhi.

Regarding the death issue raised by the girlfriend, after turning the corner, we must take the opportunity to counterattack, and sometimes there will be unexpected gains.

Often Qin Wan would be very moved under such circumstances, and thus agreed to Wu Chuzhi's excessive conditions.

Although Kong Hao didn't know what the conditions were, he knew from the eyes of the two of them that it was definitely a matter of embarrassment.

He looks forward to the romantic moment tonight, looking up at the sky, the moonlight is charming.

As he expected, Ling Wanxi took the initiative to come up and stamped on the corner of his lips.

Kong Hao lowered his head slightly, and hurriedly touched Sister Xixi's soft and fragrant lips.

This kind of scene is very common on the campus of Yenching University.

However, on the campus of Huaqing University, it is very eye-catching.

Several boys who passed by the two of them on bicycles suddenly became depressed, and stopped the discussion of 'the ambiguity will arise when using the tracking cube algorithm of Lorensen and Cline to draw the isosurface of the [-]D data field'.

Awesome, no matter how good the [-]D visualization is, there is no such thing as a real girlfriend!
Kong Hao was continuing in his mind the few words he had just heard from the group of boys discussing, "A group of idiots! Obviously both methods are wrong! Using the midpoint recursive segmentation algorithm, you only need to use non-ambiguity to extract the isosurface The isosurface topology lookup table for cube mode is done!"

He rolled his eyes, lowered his head, and was shocked to find that at some point, sister Xixi in his arms was staring at him unkindly.

"Say! Where did you get the money to buy me lipstick!"

Kong Hao immediately became ill when he heard the words.

Damn, I forgot, theoretically, my money is under sister Xixi's control.

The mobile account reminder of the bank card is linked to Sister Xixi's mobile phone, but she has two hundred yuan in cash on her, which is reimbursed according to actual expenses.

While Kong Hao was still hesitating, Ling Wanxi twisted his ears, "If you don't answer, are you trying to lie to me?"

Ling Wanxi's vicious words made Kong Hao quick-witted, "No, Sister Xixi, I borrowed it from Chu Chu, and I wanted to surprise you."

At this time, Ling Wanxi's big beautiful eyes were narrowed, and she squeezed lightly with her hands, "Hmph! Don't you have to pay back the borrowed money?"

"I have to pay it back, you know, I used to write software, in the software store, I occasionally earn a little money..."

Kong Hao complained a little bit, telling a lie, he had to use another one to cover it up.

At this time, he had no choice but to confess a little private money.

The experience of the three musketeers for so many years told him that occasionally he still needs to take the initiative to confess a little, so as not to be turned into a bigger lair.

It's okay, there is not only one software mall.

Ling Wanxi sneered, let him go, and let go of the hand on the ear, "Be honest! Go home and explain to me clearly!"

Kong Hao pushed her back and called Qu, "Sister Xixi, how can I buy you surprise gifts in the future when you are like this."

Ling Wanxi folded her arms and gave him a sideways glance, then said arrogantly, "You're forcing me? You think I don't know your tricks? My dad told me that!
So, don’t miss out on gifts!You must have other ways! "

Kong Hao blinked his eyes, too guilty to dare to say anything more.


The future father-in-law doesn't talk about martial arts!

Aren't ancestral handicrafts passed down from son to daughter?

What do you mean by doing this all the time?
Seeing this, Ling Wanxi didn't know that there was a ghost, and immediately turned her face, "Wow! You really have other ways to hide your private money!
Kong Hao!If you don't tell the truth today, I will never stop giving you! "

Kong Hao complained incessantly, he was still a little tender.

It seems... there is only a few more to explain.


"Little man, Yanjing Company will not be able to survive any longer. We must send a person in charge there." Ye Xiaomi said serious business.

"Let's talk about it later!" Wu Chuzhi responded fiercely.

The little demon girl begged for mercy, "No! Say it now, okay? I'll do other things later."

She cursed secretly that she was also insane.

Thinking that Wu Chuzhi would go to Yanjing to pick up Qin Wan the day after tomorrow, and the two of them would hang out in Yanjing for a few more days, the little demon girl's heart was filled with depression.

When she got angry, she wanted to haunt Wu Chuzhi to death these two days, and she didn't have the energy to make trouble with Qin Wan.

But she overestimated her own strength and underestimated his abnormality.

The little demon girl who was good at provocative frontiers paid a heavy price.

After turning off the lights, he turned around and put his arms around Ye Xiaomi, who was completely speechless, and fell into a deep sleep.

A good night is too short to talk about business without doing business!

Wu Chuzhi drove to the sports center. He was going to visit Yan Heng's father at night, and the appointment was at 7:[-].

It's five o'clock now, and it's troublesome to go home to eat, so why not go directly to Yan Heng's house to eat something casually.

"Chuchu, let's go eat the Catholic Church Chicken Slices. It's said to be near the stadium. I haven't eaten it yet."

Seeing that he was going to the sports center, Ye Xiaomi felt a little hungry.

She remembered that the girlfriends in the dormitory said that the chicken slices here are delicious.

Wu Chuzhi felt pity in his heart, and rubbed her head, "Okay, let's go now."

The Tianzhutang Chicken Slice has nothing to do with religion, but it is actually just a classic folk snack in Xishu.

The finished chicken slices are large and thin, refreshing and boneless, spicy and mellow, with a slightly sweet aftertaste, which can be described as complete in color, fragrance and shape.

Wu Chuzhi took out the tissue from her bag and wiped it gently for her, while Ye Xiaomi shook her head impatiently, blaming him for wasting the tissue and hadn't finished eating yet.

The girl was carrying a dilapidated schoolbag when she first met her, and now she is wearing an expensive Bulgari. In just over two months, her attire has undergone tremendous changes.

However, nothing changed inside.

Still the thrifty little girl who makes people feel distressed.

The Bulgari that Wu Chuzhi bought for her was held in his arms like a treasure, covered with a tissue, worried that the red oil would drip on it.

She didn't want to accept such an expensive gift, but she could only agree to Wu Chuzhi's statement that "executives need to support their appearance".

After all, I have seen a lot and know that the current social environment is like this.

Most of the time, when she went out to do errands, she represented the fruit core and Wu Chuzhi, so she couldn't help it.

After dinner, the two of them wandered around nearby, which can be regarded as digestion.

Now Ye Xiaomi has also experienced the loneliness of being an executive. She is used to being alone whether it is eating or taking a walk.

Because of the avoidance of suspicion in the company, she can only be alone most of the time.

It's so cold at the top, even my best friend Li Yajuan has started to be cautious in front of her now.

It is rare to have someone to eat and take a walk with, and Ye Xiaomi also let go of her little girl side, bouncing around when she walks.

The two of them just spent time on the streets of Jincheng, and walked towards Yan Heng's house when the time came.

Yan Heng's family is in the government compound, and the canteen in Jincheng's government compound is very famous for pastries. When Wu Chuzhi was young, his parents even made a special trip to buy them for him.

Walking outside the cafeteria, the corners of Wu Chuzhi's mouth curled up. He and Yan Heng met playing marbles here.

At that time, Yan Heng's father was just a small section chief in the agency.

That was Wu Chuzhi, and he was just a 7-year-old child suffering from rhinitis and dropping his nose.

"How time flies, Xiao Wu is so tall now." Yan Dongming, who was sitting on the single sofa, sighed.

"Uncle Yan is more and more energetic, his face is ruddy, there must be a happy event!" In front of Yan Dongming, Wu Chuzhi doesn't need to be too polite.

What's more, Yan Dongming is a good teacher for him, and he has solved many problems for him before.

Yan Dongming smiled, with a lonely expression on his face, "What a happy event! You are the first guest to visit this year."

"So, I'm the first one to turn on the cold stove?" Wu Chuzhi raised his brows at him and said jokingly.


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(End of this chapter)

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