Chapter 189 Talent
What made Guo Jing sweat non-stop was not the frequent fights and jealousy in the electronics factory.

These things seem to be noisy, but they are actually easy to solve, after all, they are individuals.

But now in front of him is a whole line of student workers sitting in the dormitory, neither sleeping nor going to work.

Know what happened without asking.

The looks of resentment written on each face made it clear to him.

Got it!
It's time for a strike.

Guo Jing instantly felt like a dog.

Mp3 has only two lines in total, and one of them is paralyzed.

This is the stage when the Mp3 player is rushing to meet the construction deadline. An hour of delay will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per line.

What's more, he knew that these teenagers were all fucking classmates!

If it is not dealt with in time, there will be a chain reaction.

"You guys have turned upside down! What are you doing here? Are you still going to work? Are you still making money!" Line leader Mu Kaiyuan trembled with anger at the scene in front of him.

He couldn't help but not tremble, he understood that at this moment the director Guo Jing was standing behind him, holding his hands and watching coldly.

In any case, the worker was not on the production line when he went to work, which was his dereliction of duty as the line leader.

How to deal with it?

The general process is to appease the workers first.

How to appease?

In ancient times, it would be borrowed from others, and in modern times, it would be borrowed from its position.

He is in his 40s, taking this position is actually no different from borrowing a head.

One is the death penalty and the other is death sentence with reprieve.

Mu Kaiyuan was in a hurry, calling people next to each other in the dormitories, cursing angrily.

But no matter how hoarsely he yelled, the factory brothers on the first floor didn't move at all, they just looked at him silently, their eyes full of sarcasm.

The aisle on the second floor was full of factory girls. Seeing that the boys on the first floor didn't move, they also retreated after hesitating for a while.


There will be no disturbances, and people's hearts are fleshy. In all fairness, the boss and director of this electronics factory are very kind to them.

It's just that there are villains in the factory!

This is the one jumping in front of me!
"Little Gu, what's going on? Come out and talk."

Ignoring the four team leaders who were constantly accompanying and being cautious, Guo Jing leaned at the door and asked his familiar factory brother.

This little Gu knew him very well and was a frequent visitor to the factory director's office.

It's not nepotism, but this kid is too troublesome, and he will cause trouble every now and then.

But the things are not big, it's all about breaking into the cafeteria at night to steal food, and changing the phone line privately, which makes people dumbfounded.

Therefore, Guo Jing often brought him into the office to teach alone.

When Xiao Yajun came to the factory for an 'inspection', this kid was also the one who complained.

But such a person, in a group of basically student dolls, is a bit of a leader.

After coming and going, the two of them naturally became familiar with each other.

Xiao Gu snorted when he heard this. He didn't want to talk at first, but it was Guo Jing who came, so he had no choice but to stand up and walk to the corridor to stand in front of Guo Jing.

As an adult, I can still tell the difference between good and evil.

Although the director Guo in front of him was very vicious on the face and beat them a lot, but he also knew that Guo Jing was doing it for their benefit.

"Guo Tou! You come to judge! Today at noon, when the shift was about to turn over, our line completed the task ahead of schedule, so we got together to chat about the European Cup.

The line leader saw it, and without questioning whether it was indiscriminate, he said that we gathered together to chat during working hours and ignored labor discipline, and he wanted to deduct 50 yuan from each of us!

He is completely tossing us on purpose..."

Slowly, a group of factory boys surrounded Guo Jing, and even the factory girls on the second floor went down the stairs, standing aside to support Xiao Gu.

The line leader Mu Kaiyuan blushed and interrupted Xiao Gu's words, "You are talking nonsense! As a factory, if you want to make a profit, you can only make a profit if your output increases!

After you finish the task, can't you do more?All day long, I just think about playing!Do it if you can, get out if you can't! "

Guo Jing understood.

In fact, according to the salary system of the core, more pay for more work is the basic principle.

From the perspective of grassroots managers, Mu Kaiyuan has no problem in supervising and prolific.

In fact, how to manage this group of dolls is a huge test for every manager.

But in any case, too rigid management methods will not work on this group of young people.

Mu Kaiyuan's words, especially the last sentence, hurt the fragile nerves of this group of factory brothers and factory girls.

Xiao Gu threw the towel that he was wiping sweat in his hand to the ground vigorously, and rushed towards Mu Kaiyuan with his neck stuck.

Several impulsive factory boys present also followed after seeing this, ready to beat someone up.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Mu Kaiyuan retreated again and again, while yelling sternly, "You little bastards, you are going to turn the world upside down, right! Call 110!"

Guo Jing was a little dumbfounded.

What the hell is two hundred and five!

Mu Kaiyuan, the line leader, was left over from the old factory. He was used to the group of experienced workers in their 30s and [-]s who worked hard to make a living. He really did a little too much in managing the "baby soldiers".

He didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly reached out to stop Xiao Gu.

"Mu Kaiyuan! Damn..."

Xiao Gu's roar disappeared in Guo Jing's palm, he struggled a few times, but couldn't break free.

After all, Guo Jing is from the reconnaissance company of Huaguo's meritorious troops, and his skills are not bad.

Not every young man is called Wu Chuzhi, so Mao Maotou, who is in his teens, is still a little tender in his hands.

"Calm down! Don't fucking force me to do it!" Guo Jing's roar shocked everyone present.

The angry eyes widened, and the people behind also abruptly stopped in their tracks.

Guo Jing, who was standing in the middle of the corridor at the moment, had a dark face like Zhang Yide in front of Changbanpo, which made people fearful.

They can't help but not be afraid.

They knew that the strong 'Guo Tou' in front of them was not a good person.

Some time ago, they had a barbecue outside and fought with others, and suffered a little.

'Guo Tou' heard about it, and led a few people to sweep the gang of dozens of local ruffians, beating the group of people to the ground.

While venting his anger, anyone who was lucky enough to witness it knew that this black face was an out-and-out ruthless person.

Guo Jing secretly called it a fluke in his heart, fortunately he found someone to act in a play some time ago, otherwise he really couldn't restrain this group of dolls who are prone to passion!
Seeing that the situation was stabilized, he coughed lightly, turned his head and looked at Mu Kaiyuan, "Mu Xianchang, you are right, the factory wants to make a profit, and only when the output increases will it be profitable. I agree with you very much." .”

Mu Kaiyuan's face immediately relaxed when he heard the words, as long as the factory manager supports him, it will be easy to talk about.

Isn't it just a group of factory brothers and factory girls?

Three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged toads are gone.

As far as the salary level and benefits of Guoshi are concerned, there are many people who want to come in.

Among other things, those old colleagues and subordinates in the past all wanted to come in because of their own connections.

In the past, Mu Kaiyuan regarded himself as being assigned by Zhou Xianke to stay here.

The familiar environment and familiar people are gone, leaving him with only uncertainty about his fate and future, which made this middle-aged man very depressed.

But now, after witnessing the new boss's generosity and tangible benefits, Mu Kaiyuan is happy.

Therefore, his work enthusiasm is also very high, urging the young people under him to climb one output peak after another.

Guo Jing's words froze the faces of the 'child soldiers' on the scene.

Xiao Gu looked at the back in front of him in disbelief.

For a time, he regarded this factory manager who was actually very good to him as his big brother!
Not only fairy tales are deceptive!

So is reality!

When it comes to the stakes, big brother shit!
A raccoon dog!
Black-hearted capitalist!
Quit it!
Just when Xiao Gu and the others were angry, Guo Jing spoke again to Mu Kaiyuan, "However, discipline does not make a profit! As long as others complete the task and things are done well, why do you have to control it so hard?

On the premise that they have completed the task with quality and quantity, it is not too much to chat and brag.

People are not machines, people also need rest!I declare that this punishment is cancelled. "

"But..." Mu Kaiyuan never expected Guo Jing to say that.

In his view, whether right or wrong, managers should stand together.

The order is changed day and night, how will it be managed in the future?

"The chairman has high expectations of them..."

Speaking of this, Guo Jing turned around, looked at the stunned crowd around him, and said kindly, "Don't be surprised, it was indeed the chairman who said it.

The chairman said that I hope that each of you can become a technical engineer of future fruit cores.

I didn't believe it at first, what do you little bastards do?If you want technology without technology, it is very powerful to be lazy and slippery.I have to wake you up every day. "

Xiao Gu and the others scratched their heads in embarrassment.

They are all people who understand good and bad, Guo Jing's words at this moment are obviously aimed at them.

But what made them wonder was, did the young chairman really say that?
They all feel that they are not worthy.

Guo Jing smiled when he saw this, "The chairman has seen the production report, and he said that you can complete the task ahead of schedule with quality and quantity, which shows that you have used your brains.

I didn’t realize it at first. The chairman pointed to the report and said, your line can complete tasks 20% ahead of others every time, so there must be something unique about you.

The time is very accurate each time, no more, no less is 20%, so it proves that your experience in this line is mature.

The chairman said that since you are a future engineer, you must learn to think and learn to summarize. I hope you can spend the time you save on process optimization and technological innovation and improvement.

For this reason, the factory will set up a "golden idea" award later. Those who win the award will not only get a bonus, but also get the opportunity to go to a college for further study and training. "

The eyes of the surrounding 'baby soldiers' lit up.

Who hasn't had a time when they were young and ignorant?
Three years ago, they missed the opportunity to enter higher education. After they started to contact the society, how did they not have any regrets about not studying hard?
Xiao Gu stammered, "Guo Tou, you are not a liar!"

He is actually very smart.

But when he was in school, he hadn't woken up yet, and he only wanted to play all day long, and the teachers felt sorry for him.

Guo Jing sneered, and kicked him on the leg, "I'm so rare to lie to you guys? In two days, the red-headed documents in black and white will be posted on the bulletin board!"

"Director, what if several people came up with that golden idea together?" asked immediately with a quick mind.

"The factory will verify everyone's contribution to this idea, and the bonus will be distributed proportionally. As for going to school..."

Guo Jing said that he paused on purpose here, his eyes circled in the crowd, and after whetting everyone's appetite, he said leisurely, "Of course we will go together! But, it must be divided into batches."

There were several cheers and more envious sounds from the crowd.

As expected by Guo Jing, Xiao Gu and the people around him clapped their hands in celebration.

Smart or not, it's really hard to tell at a glance.

But it is an indisputable fact that naughty children are usually very smart.

Of course, talent also needs to be continuously cultivated to be realized.

People who bury their talents have always been the vast majority.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Guo Jing is actually very envious of this group of dolls who still have the opportunity to continue studying.

This is not a blank check, but Wu Chuzhi has indeed negotiated with several vocational universities, and even secondary schools.

The company appoints Pearson, and the company pays for them to study.

Of course, for the school, this is also a mutually beneficial thing.

Since the school accepts the training, the enterprise will also accept some students from the school accordingly, making some contributions to the employment rate of the college.

"Don't go to work yet? I'll make up for the wasted time by working overtime!"

"Understood~ Guotou! Just watch it! We can go faster!"

Smiling and cursing, he drove the group of dolls to the production line, and Guo Jing pulled Mu Kaiyuan, who was livid, to sit down on the steps of the smoking area outside the workshop.

He smiled and handed over a cigarette, but Mu Kaiyuan became angry, "No smoking, quit!"

Guo Jing looked at the middle-aged man with a temper in front of him with a funny face, forced a cigarette into his mouth, and lit him while protecting the fire.

Mu Kaiyuan was a bit crazy, but he wasn't stupid. The factory manager had already lit a cigarette himself, and it was time to get off the donkey along the slope.

After taking a puff of the cigarette, Mu Kaiyuan, with a gloomy face, started the conversation by himself, "Guo Chang, I also have a good heart, and the factory treats us well.

To be honest, many people now envy our factory for its high wages, good food and good housing.

I watched them play like that after finishing their work, and I thought in my heart that if they did more, it would be great.The factory is more efficient, and they can earn a little more. "

Guo Jing let out a puff of cigarette with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder, "To put it bluntly, they are still children, and they don't know much about the hardship of making a living.

Just take your time.I understand what you mean, Lao Mu, actually it depends on what kind of workers we need. "

Seeing that Mu Kaiyuan didn't understand, Guo Jing continued, "If our factory likes a group of honest people.

Then we can even go to the kindergarten to find a group of children. You ask him to put his calf in place and his mouth closed. He will never dare to move or talk nonsense. But can such a group of people make our products well? What economic benefits does it bring to the factory?

Or we go to the countryside to find a group of semi-literate people who have dropped out of school to work as workers. Yes, I admit, it is very trouble-free from a management point of view.

But, Lao Mu, you feel your conscience and say, can they surprise you from time to time like these kids?

20% increase in production efficiency! "

Mu Kaiyuan was taken aback when he heard the words, but he still agreed with Guo Jing's statement in his heart. Looking at it from another angle, it is true that others have vacated 20% of their unit time to rest with their minds, which is not bad.

But in his mouth, he still couldn't get off the stage, and muttered, "There are surprises, and there are a lot of shocks, these little bastards!"

Guo Jing knew that Mu Kaiyuan was stubborn, "These little bastards are really children, so we need to make appropriate adjustments in management.

Don’t move around is fines and fines. They are all workers. It’s not easy to earn some money. It’s only 40 yuan in the previous morning. You can lose 50 yuan with a flick of a pen. It’s strange that they don’t want to be anxious .

Moreover, don't look at the fact that many of them were sent by their parents when they entered the venue, so you treat others as apprentices.

Others are here to work, not to go to jail!If you follow the requirements exactly, and you can't move or talk, what's the difference from going to jail?
Why do we have to manage it like this?
I know that your original intention is good. The state-owned state-owned law factory has factory regulations. Yes, it is also a rule not to gather and chat with people during working hours.

But factory regulations are dead, people are alive, we can apply them flexibly. To put it bluntly, they are all part-time workers, and they come out for a few taels of silver.

They are still young and have not even been in the factory for a month. In other words, aside from the advance wages, they have not received their own labor income.

Old Mu, be patient, after the salary is paid next month, the situation will be different. "

After listening to his words, Mu Kaiyuan pondered for a while and turned his head around.

That's right, only when you really get your salary, you will know the value of your labor, which is much better than wearing your own mouth.

Frankly speaking, these little dolls are a bit lazy, but they do have bright minds.

He has been making Mp3 stuff for several years, and he never thought of how to save time by making adjustments on the production line.

Seeing the astonished look on Mu Kaiyuan's face, Guo Jing smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and left on his own.

As the factory manager, he still has a lot to do.

In the evening, the technicians who just arrived had to be invited to dinner.

They are all high-achieving students from EETC, and each of them has a master's degree or a doctor's degree.

It's not entertainment, it's actually entertainment.

He doesn't understand technology, so he has to serve these "big babies" well.

Fortunately, this group of people is relatively simple, and they don't even drink much alcohol, let alone go out to spend time.

Guo Jing, who has been fooling around outside for several years, has long been tired of those flesh and blood.

Does your own wife not smell good?
And clean.

Thinking of this, Guo Jing was extremely looking forward to God's blessing, and hoped that some parts would not be lost during Zhang Jiayin's weight loss process.

She is about to give birth, and naturally the house cannot be rounded.

But Zhang Jiayin, who is sympathetic to him, brought him endless joy from the gift.

This is talent, bestowed by God, most women cannot do it.


Of course, Zhang Jiayin is not the only one who is talented.

Qin Wan, who is very talented in this area, did not waste the weapon that God bestowed on her.

But at this moment, Qin Wan's face was not as happy as Zhang Jiayin's.


【Recommendation Ticket】Channel~
【Monthly Pass】Channel~
(End of this chapter)

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