That's what we do with silver

Chapter 112 WE is too strong in the lane, you can't beat it without changing the lane

Chapter 112 WE is too strong in the lane, you can't beat it without changing the lane
Chapter 110 His thinking is really too clear!

The dragon is gone.

They were also beaten up three times and five times.

This change is simply a devastating blow to WE at this moment.

Ever since, it didn't take long for them to be destroyed.

Accompanied by IG's extremely powerful highland team with the dragon buff, Nightmare Galio Qinggangying's three big moves, forced to focus fire to kill the small cannon that did not flash, Yasuo flew into the field, and it was a direct hit Slash mercilessly.

Xiaopao's teammates couldn't keep him at all, they could only watch helplessly as Uenosuke and Uenosuke in IG gathered fire, instantly vaporizing Xiaopao under the Highland Tower.

As soon as Xiaopao died, the entire occupation lost any suspense.

At exactly 29 minutes, WE was played one for five by IG on the high ground, and was wiped out again.

At 29 minutes and 17 seconds, the remaining four players from IG drove straight in, ending the game in one wave.


The crystal explodes and the game is over.


"Beautiful teamfight, perfect play!"

"With the explosion of the base crystal, let us congratulate IG for beating WE with a score of [-]-[-], winning the game cleanly and successfully advancing to the finals!"

"Congratulations IG!"

In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan's voice was full of excitement.

In the venue, there was an instant burst of incomparably warm cheers.





At the end of the game, everyone in IG smiled and walked over to shake hands with the WE players.

Then, five people walked to the center of the stage and bowed together.

In the commentary booth, the three commentators couldn't help but reminisce about the last game just now.

Guan Zeyuan: "Well, the situation of WE in the early and mid-term was really good. It was already the best round of the three games today, but there is really no way for Dalong Nabo."

Remember: "In that wave, it can only be said that the three of IG drove too decisively. Galio and Nightmare's control was full, and Yasuo's explosion output combined with the wind wall directly restricted WE's double C too seriously. A three-on-five attack directly reversed the situation."

Su Xiaoyan: "Indeed, before that wave, although WE was at a disadvantage, they were still able to fight, but after that wave, the general situation is really over."

Guan Zeyuan: "Thinking about it carefully, the idea of ​​the nightmare Lancer, the wave of dragons, is quite clear. I know that under the circumstances at that time, Yasuo had a wind wall in his hand to limit the output of double C, so the only threat to Yasuo in the audience The control is the blind man's R skill, so this time he didn't fly Ryze and Xiaocan at all, but took the blind man as a fire target, and Yasuo could play wantonly after killing the blind man.

It's no wonder that three strikes and five strikes are not in vain, their thinking is simply too clear. "


Then, during the analysis of the three commentators, the MVP of the third game was also given out.

Yasuo who gave Rookie a perfect record.

Soon, the director's camera turned and went straight to the commentary.

He even specially gave the three people in the commentary a close-up close-up of their faces.

Changmao is the same as usual, there is no difference between the smiles on his face, but whether his eyes are drifting to the smile next to him, it feels like he is holding back his smile.

"OK, the semi-finals are over, do you have anything to say to the two teams that competed today?"

For this question, Xiaoxiao is also the first to answer.

At this moment, compared to the restrained smile before, his expression now is a complete smile, and he keeps smiling with his mouth open, his small eyes almost narrowed.

"Today's game, I feel very happy. The five members of IG played very well, especially the middle and upper field, especially the new top laner Lancer, who really surprised me. To be honest, today's Sion and Nightmare are all new things that have never been shown before, and they all played quite perfect effects.

So far, they are here with me, they are the strongest IG ever!

As for WE, it can only be said that it is a pity. The first two rounds were a bit too miserable, and there was no room for development at all. The third round finally started normally, and was robbed by Nightmare and collapsed. Alas, maybe It's a bit of bad luck, I hope they can cheer in the bubbling match. "

When a person is in a good mood, not only walking is windy, but even talking is windy.

After Xiaoxiao's evaluation, he can talk eloquently and feel comfortable all over. Everyone can see that he is in such a good mood now.

And the smile on the side is completely another style of painting.

"Today's match, in general, is still quite an exciting match."

With a rather forced smile on his smile, he slowly opened his mouth and said.

"The five members of IG have performed very well. Not only the overall tactics and strategies but also the operation performance of the players are very impressive. Their state today has indeed blown up WE. It can only be said that they deserve their name."

"As for WE, I really feel that compared to IG, their preparations are still insufficient, and their attention in the game is not concentrated enough. After three games, only the third game played at a normal level. Although they lost this game today, but There is still a chance for the bubbling match, I hope they can quickly adjust their status, seize the last chance, and prepare for the bubbling match!"


After all, it was a live broadcast, and what the two of them said was relatively official, not too arrogant or too defensive.

But the expression on his face was clearly seen by the audience.

Immediately, the audience barrage in the live broadcast room all burst into laughter.

"23333~The smiling smile is uglier than crying (laughing and crying)"

"A smiling smile is kind of ugly."

"Laughing at this B, my mouth is almost bursting with laughter."

"If it was not at the scene, but in the live broadcast room, I seriously doubt that Sun Yalong has already started dancing."

"The director is too messed up, hahahaha, you have to give people special effects for facial expressions. Didn't the king's face turn black into carbon?"

"I feel like crying~"

"Public execution, right? Whether the director is good or bad, I really like it."


The screen of the commentary quickly switched, and the live screen switched to the main stage.

At this time, it was also the routine post-match interview session.

The people interviewed were Rookie and Zhao Yun.

The person in charge of the interview was Yu Shuang.

The classic green and white blue and white cheongsam set off her tall and radiant.

"Okay, first of all, I would like to congratulate IG for winning the game, with a clean score of [-] to [-], and successfully advancing to the finals."

"Then I also want to ask you two, have you ever thought that today will be such a result, and now you have won [-]-[-], how do you feel?"

She smiled like a flower, and turned to look at Zhao Yun and Rookie.

In this regard, Zhao Yun and the two also picked up the microphone to answer.

Zhao Yun: "I thought I could win, but I'm still very happy to win three to zero."

Rookie: "I thought I could beat them, but I was really happy to be able to play [-]-[-] and play Yasuo."

Yu Shuang smiled slightly and started to ask other questions as well.

"First of all, the first question. What we can see is that in the first two games today, IG selected the hero Sion as the top laner, and they all adopted the rare buff stealing routine at the beginning, and even the second The line was changed directly in the round, and then using such tactics, they all played very good results.

So my question is, Lancer, in the regular season you rarely used similar opening routines, but you suddenly used it in the playoffs, what did you think at that time, this is a black technology specially prepared for WE Big move? "

Hearing this, Zhao Yun didn't think too much, and just opened his mouth with a slight smile.

"Uh, it's actually not a big black technology. We just thought that WE's top and bottom lanes are very strong in laning, especially in the second game. It's hard to play, and I don't have any advantage against Shen, but we can make more money after changing lanes, so we just changed."

Hearing Zhao Yun's answer, the audience laughed at that time.

"I'm dying of laughter, I switched lanes because the laning was not easy to play. Is it really that simple?"

"WE is very good at the top and bottom lanes? Wuwuwu Brother Yunzi is really too gentle. Although he won the opponent, he still wants to save face for WE at this time."

"Crazy and modest off the court, he can't beat the laning. On the court, he directly transforms into the torture king and strikes out. Brother Lancer, he really... he really understands it too well, I cried to death."

(End of this chapter)

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