That's what we do with silver

Chapter 113 I want to play RNG in the final, against Letme

Chapter 113 I want to play RNG in the final, against Letme
"Classic, WE's laning is too powerful, we can't fight without changing lanes."

"Cunning Lancer has started demagoguery again."

"Why do I feel that you, Zhao Zilong with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are actually killing people?"

"I can't do classics, you are amazing, but I blow you up."

"I suspect he was cupping, but I have no proof."


On the barrage in the live broadcast room, the audience was discussing in full swing.

On the stage, Yu Shuang also smiled and asked the next question.

"OK, next question then."

"In the third game, we also saw that you used an ultimate swing tactic, swinging Nightmare to the top lane, and Galio to the support, and they all played very well, even in the most critical wave at the end. In the Dragon Regiment, they successfully defeated Team WE in three hits and five regiments."

"Then what I would like to ask you two is, when the jungler and AD were both killed, what did you think, and finally made the decision of three-on-five?"

The audience was also very curious about this question, and they pricked up their ears full of anticipation, wanting to hear the answer.

As for this, Rookie thought for a while, and then replied with a smile.

"Uh, because there were two people missing and no jungler, to be honest, I didn't want to fight, but Lancer kept telling us that we could fight, so let's hurry up, and I didn't even have time to think about it, he Just go directly, there is no way, I can only go along with it.

That's it... just hit and go and win haha. "

Hearing this, Yu Shuang couldn't help showing surprise, turned her head to look at Zhao Yun, and asked with a smile.

"Oh? Was that wave actually directed by Lacner at that time? Then I'm really curious. May I ask Lancer, what did you think about the situation at that time, so decisively chose to fight in threes and fives?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yun showed hesitation at that time.

What were you thinking at the time?
What I was thinking at the time was to trick my teammates to go down and kill the blind monk together, and then I used my luck talent to snatch the dragon and escape!
But at a time like this, how could it be possible to say that!

After a little hesitation, facing the expectant eyes of the host and the audience, Zhao Yun finally answered yes.

"Time was running out and I didn't think too much about it. I thought I could fight, so I went."

Hearing this, Yu Shuang also laughed.

"Indeed, at that critical moment, there really wasn't much time for thinking, but what we can see is that the target of your ultimate move in that wave of team battles was not the Ryze you had been locking on before, nor was it The small cannon with the highest output chose to fly the blind monk instead, what made you make a temporary change?"

Because only the blind monk is punished, only by killing him can I have a chance to snatch the dragon, big sister!
Zhao Yun complained crazily in his heart, but when he said it, it became.

"Because I think he is the biggest threat to us, so I will kill him first."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Shuang also laughed.

"Understood, just as everyone thought before, it is precisely because among the five people in WE at the time, both Cs could be restricted by the wind wall, and Luo's skills were on CD, so the only control that threatened Yasuo was only The blind monk's ultimate move is left, so you will use the blind monk as a fire target at that time.

Being able to maintain an extremely clear team battle thinking in such a chaotic situation, this rare psychological quality is indeed very admirable. "

After asking a few more simple questions, Yu Shuang finally spoke.

"Now that IG has been confirmed to advance to the finals, and tomorrow there will be a BO5 match between EDG and RNG, who do you two think will win? If you face this team in the finals, do you have anything to say to them?"

For this question, Zhao Yun and Rookie looked at each other, and quickly answered with a smile.

Rookie: "In my opinion, RNG has a better chance of winning. I also really hope that I can face RNG in the finals. I hope they all work hard."

Zhao Yun: "I don't know who will win, but I really hope that RNG can win, because to be honest, I am looking forward to playing against Letme again on the stage of the finals."


With the end of the post-match interview, soon, today's extremely hot semi-final was officially declared over.

It started at three o'clock, played three games, included the halftime break, and conducted some commentary analysis and interviews, plus small post-match activities. In the end, it dragged on for two hours and ended at five o'clock sharp The game was broadcast live.

The bad news is that the commentators really didn't have lunch when they got off work for dinner, so they weren't very hungry.

The good news is that after the players had finished tossing for a while, it happened to be meal time.

After winning a big victory, I just slurp my food, eh~ very comfortable.

After this day, everyone in IG felt that they were in a big mood, and they were extremely happy physically and mentally.

Similarly, the fans of IG feel the same way. The grievances that have been suppressed by WE fans in the past two years have all been swept away in one day today!

However, there are few IG fans at this time, and the purity is high, and not many people take the initiative to go to WE's site to mock and find trouble.

On the contrary, many fans of WE have become extremely active at this time, creating wave after wave of rhythm in many places.

Chaohua teammates split the pot, open fans, Weibo trash coach bp... etc. can only be regarded as routine operations.

The most outrageous thing is that, as one of today's commentaries, Su Xiaoyan's Weibo has been hit hard again.

If she lost the WE game she commented on before, and she was only ridiculed by a few irrational fans on Weibo, then today's WE fiasco was really scolded frantically.

Normally, Su Xiaoyan's Weibo basically has a hundred or so comments at most, which is quite a lot.

When WE loses a little in the regular season, it can reach three or four hundred.

Then after today's 0:3 loss to IG, there were more than 2000 comments on Su Xiaoyan's latest Weibo.

What's "broom star" and "horizontal incompatibility" are considered light. A group of WE fans who are in a bad mood seem to have found a rare outlet. The curses are even worse. .

Zhao Yun didn't pay attention to these things at all.

After all, he is someone who has experienced various rhythmic scenes in the future. He has long been familiar with the rhythm among fan groups in the e-sports circle.

What really made him speechless was that someone came to his live broadcast room to scold him again.

It wasn't long before the live broadcast was turned on at night, and suddenly a large number of students came in and scolded.

"I dare not show my face when I open a live broadcast. It's so shameful. No wonder I like playing with Sean to steal things. I don't look like a good person at first glance."

"If you can't fight head-on, you know how to steal, right? I like to play despicable heroes like Sion in one day. Isn't it cheap!"

"I look down on people who can't win in a head-to-head duel and can only win the game by insidious means."

"Don't think that winning WE in a BO5 round is so great, winning is disgusting! Disgusting, disgusting and disgusting!"

"Heh, IG will never get my approval to win the game with this method."


Although it felt very inexplicable, but after thinking about other professional players who had suffered more outrageous slander, Zhao Yun quickly ignored them all.

After all, he still remembers which team was playing OMG back then, because the jungler Leopard interrupted Nuo Xia's Thresh's return trip several times, just such a normal game operation, could be caught by Nuo Xia's fans madly Scolding, he understood from then on.

Not everyone has a brain.

If you waste time and emotion on this kind of thing, you will only lose yourself.

Just ignore it.

As soon as the barrage is blocked and the chaos starts, no matter what gossips gossip about him outside, he will go straight to the abyss of howling every day!


Then soon, the game between EDG and RNG also started the next day.

The final result surprised Zhao Yun a bit.

He originally thought that because of his butterfly effect, it might bring about a lot of changes.

But what he never expected was that the most exciting highlight of this summer's playoffs still happened.

In the critical third game, the factory manager made another wave of second-level catches.

EDG still gave RNG a wave to let the second chase the third!
 (7k/1w) Woohoo, today's [-]D update task failed!

  But compared to before, I still have obvious progress!

  This shows that as long as the goal is set high enough, the lower limit will also become high!
  Continue to pursue Wan Geng tomorrow!

  Believe in yourself, I can do it!
(End of this chapter)

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