That's what we do with silver

Chapter 115 EDG's temptation, give them a try with heroes who are good at it

Chapter 115 EDG's temptation, let them try heroes who are good at it (15)

It can only be said that in the short period of time when most players dare not even talk nonsense because they are afraid of being slapped, Zhao Yun's sudden behavior really surprised many viewers.

"Fuck! Zilong! Crazy!"

"If you don't sing, you will become a blockbuster. Everyone else will just talk nonsense, and you will start a big group as soon as you open your mouth, right?"

"It's awesome, Brother Lan, it's true that he's a team-starting top laner. Not only is the game a fierce team-starter, but even the reality is that he's starting a team all the time."

"Others can't even understand a single piece of trash talk, so it's just you driving once and driving both at the same time, crazy!"

"Hahahaha WE is lying innocently."

"Although what he said is true, why do I feel a little uncomfortable?"

"Low EQ."

"Laughing to death, trash talk has to be like this to be strong enough, brothers feel crazy and type crazy characters on the public screen!"

"Crazy crazy crazy!!"

"WE cried, and he was dragged out to flog his corpse even if he didn't have a match."

"Hehe, I'm dying of laughter. I'll wait until IG loses, and Zhuza and 60e will come out and settle the old score."

"It's too difficult to say one thing and another. Forgot how WE was defeated two days ago, right? EDG and WE split [-]-[-]. I don't know how IG will lose."

"Brother Yunzi is awesome!"


The atmosphere at the scene was warm.

Although EDG and IG played in the finals, there were not only fans of the two teams at the scene, most of them were just passers-by who joined in the fun.

Therefore, although a large number of EDG fans were upset with Zhao Yun's speech, it only accounted for a small part of the total audience. Wuhu' sound.

Then, seeing the last 15 minutes of the game to start, the camera was routinely shown to the pre-match commentary booth.

"Hi everyone, I'm Remember, today's commentary."

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator Zeyuan."

"Hi everyone, I'm Misaya Wakaka."

That's right, in the most critical summer finals, although there was no WE, the official still invited Ruofeng as a special guest commentator for this game.

Then, as usual, the three commentators also began to express their views on this game, as well as the final score prediction.

Remember: "In my opinion, although EDG made a miraculous second-to-three chase against RNG a few days ago, we all saw the strong resilience and strength of this EDG team, but the current state of IG is really a bit unstoppable, so I still feel that IG can win.

In terms of score, maybe 3:1 or 3:2, it is very likely to play five rounds. "

Guan Zeyuan: "For me, if there is no two-chasing-three a few days ago, then I am 100% sure that IG can win, but now I have a different opinion after watching the duel between EDG and RNG.

The main reason is that in my impression, it is really rare to see IG have played against the wind in the true sense. Their games so far have been a bit too smooth, and EDG is very experienced in this regard, so I think In terms of feeling, EDG still has a big advantage against IG in the BO5 game. In addition, EDG has already entered S7, and the pressure on the players is not great, so I feel that EDG has a slightly higher chance of winning, 3 :2 Let's play five innings. "

Ruofeng: "As the two said, so far IG's crazy winning streak is still going on. In my opinion, the IG team really has a feeling of bloody rebirth. The momentum of the whole team is really too full , has always been forced to open and has been fighting, and the offensiveness is directly full.

On the other hand, EDG is still relatively stable in operation. Vision and map control are their strengths that they are proud of. This is actually very similar to WE, but before that, WE was beaten badly by IG. So I feel that EDG's style of play and IG are mutually restrained.

If IG can win the first game like a rainbow, then it is very likely to win the game 0-3, but if it loses the first game, it is possible to fail again, and even lose [-]:[-]. maybe.

Compared with offense, defense is definitely more difficult, so my prediction is that IG has three to zero EDG. "

As soon as Ruofeng finished speaking, there was a heated debate at the scene.

However, after all, it is only the subjective prediction of the commentator, and the audience just took it for fun, and habitually teased a few words, "If you don't hate the traitor team the most", "I wish EDG would die", "We don't want to see it if WE is already dead." EDG ok' kind of remarks.

Then, under the extremely lively anger, when the time came at 03:30, the game officially started.

"OK, with the screen switching, the game starts, and we officially enter the BP screen."

"After tossing a coin before the game, Lancer of the IG team successfully won the right to choose the side, and took the initiative to choose the blue side in the first game."

Remember the voice of commentary sounded.

"Now that both sides are starting BP, the top three Ban choices of the blue side IG: Kalista, Bullhead, and Verus. Like the previous game, the three heroes in the first round are all aimed at the EDG bottom lane combination."

"And the red side EDG chose to ban in the first three bans: Barbarian King, Spider, Nightmare, two top laners and one jungler, obviously targeting bans, Lancer and King Ning performed very well before that hero.

Needless to say, Barbarian King, the current LPL playoffs against IG teams are almost 100% banned, and everyone does not want to try the gold content of this hero with a [-]% winning rate in the hands of Lancer.

Banning spiders is obviously used to dismantle the linkage combination of Klein spiders. Nightmare banning can prevent the previous Nightmare Galio Yasuo from forcibly opening the system. "

After a brief analysis of the top three bans of the two teams, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Hey, really only when playing against IG, the BP style on the field will be so special, no matter IG is on the red side or the blue side, they have only one Kalista fixed, and the other two bans Bits can always be used for precise targeting.

As an opponent of IG, not only must a position be vacated for the barbarian king, but Rookie and Ning's middle field Qinggang Ying Galio Spider also have to be banned. This ban position is simply not enough, and BP is too difficult to do. "

Guan Zeyuan next to him also nodded.

"Indeed, as it is now, after EDG chose to ban Spider and Nightmare, Galio Qinggangying and Xia Luo were also released together. As far as I know, the factory manager does not play Qinggangying, so now the Under the circumstances, I feel that IG should grab Xia first, and then EDG will take Luo and Galio with a backhand."

The commentators began to analyze by themselves.

Then the next second, the two sides quickly completed the first round of selection on the live broadcast screen.

As everyone expected, IG chose to grab Xia.

Then on EDG's side, the first two picks.

One choice, Huan Ling, Luo.

The second choice, the prince of Demacia, Jarvan.

Then on the IG side, two or three choices.

Second choice, Qing Gang Ying, Camille.

Three choices, Colossus of Justice, Galio.

Then EDG's third choice was to take an AD small cannon.

The first round of BP between the two sides is over.

Seeing this top three pick, everyone was very surprised.

"Here, EDG directly released Xia, Galio, and Qinggang Ying to IG. This must have made IG play too comfortably."

"Maybe they let it out on purpose, did they really find a way to deal with it?"

"At present, it seems that IG has already got the most comfortable system hero. Next, we will see how EDG will respond to the last two choices."


The two sides started the second round of bp.

EDG chooses to ban: Ryze and Kled.

IG chooses ban: Malzaha, Rock Sparrow.

(End of this chapter)

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