That's what we do with silver

Chapter 116 Let Galio Try, Try and Die

Chapter 116 Let Galio try, try and die (4k chapters)

The ban ends, and the red side EDG picks in the fourth hand.

The Serpent's Embrace, Cassiopeia.

Snake came out.

Speaking of it, the hero of Snake Girl is also quite strange. It seems that any first-class mid laner can use it and love it, such as Flyco broiler Hitterscott, which can basically be used.

In many cases, whether it is matched with a strong lineup or a backhand lineup, it is quite similar.

After all, the petrification of Snake Girl's ult and the ground binding of W skill are pretty good regardless of the first hand or the backhand.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that the winning rate of this hero is really bad, and every famous scene that is really impressive basically exists as a background board.

To a certain extent, her performance on the field is not even as good as Victor, and she is not even worthy of lifting shoes compared to clockwork.

Anyway, in Zhao Yun's eyes, this hero is also a unique skill brother. He is good when he is used in ranking to level up abuse dishes. It is better to get an advantage in the lane and move to a better position. It is easy to form a dimensionality reduction blow, and what a hit Two one hit three wonderful shots.

In the arena, what both sides pay attention to is a simple, rough and immediate effect. Snake Girl's skill mechanism is not up and down. If you go up, you can't take over the game in the later stage, and if you go down, you can't roam and support in the early stage. If you can't go up, you can't come down. That's true. The winning percentage is impressive.

Originally, Rookie liked to use it in training matches.

Then, after more than a month of persistent painstaking persuasion (chattering) by Zhao Yun, now almost together with Victor, all of them have been rehabilitated and thrown into limbo.

And now, seeing Scout on the opposite side coming out with a single Snake Girl in his hand, the people on IG also felt a lot more relieved.

Then, IG made the final two selections.

On the fourth floor, the Lord of the River, Tam.

Fifth Floor, Lost Tooth, Gnar.

Immediately, IG's lineup was selected, which was an ordinary IG-style regular strong team-opening lineup.

On EDG's side, although the counter position was reserved for the last top laner, in the last selection, a big tree was selected in the end.

"Okay, with EDG's final big tree selection, the double-reversal lineup is completely determined."

"The blue side IG, the top laner Gnar, the jungler Camille, the mid laner Galio, and the bottom lane are Tam and Xayah."

"Red Fang EDG, top laner Dashu, jungler Prince, mid laner Snake Girl, bottom lane is Luohe Xiaopao."

"Wait a moment, the game is about to start!"

The commentary I remember sounded, and the live broadcast screen stopped at the stage of lineup determination.

Regarding the lineups of both sides, the three commentators also began to analyze.

Remember: "I feel that both sides are relatively good at the lineup system. IG's standard strong team fighting lineup, EDG is the classic double C development, and then take over the game's operation system in the later stage. It depends on which side plays well. "

Guan Zeyuan: "From the lineup, EDG's overall lineup is more solid, with AD and AP, front row and back row. Basically, everything is stable. IG is a little more aggressive and pays more attention to the early and mid-term rhythm. If it can be delayed to 10 minutes later, I am optimistic about EDG, otherwise I am optimistic about IG."

Ruofeng: "If you feel it, it still depends on the early rhythm of Ning and Rookie. EDG doesn't seek advantages in the early and mid-term, but if it's just a little inferior, I feel that I can accept it."


It can only be said that after playing in the summer split for so long, everyone has long been aware of the unique styles of the top-ranked teams.

Everyone knows that the early and mid-term rhythm of IG in this game is extremely critical, so everyone watched it with great interest from the beginning of the game.

With the lessons learned from WE before, everyone now understands that IG must not be allowed to take advantage of the start in the jungle, otherwise the snowball will definitely get bigger and bigger.

What the audience understands, of course EDG also understands.

Therefore, in the opening field defense, they decisively spared no effort.

In order to prevent IG from invading again, when EDG's factory manager's Prince Hong opened, not only the mid laner and top laner were there as bodyguards, even meiko's Luo didn't go online with AD, but chose to cover nearby , ready to support at any time.

The degree of attention is evident.

As for Scout's snake girl, she also carried a purification very steadily.

Fortunately, IG did not choose to invade, and a normal start came.

The second half of Qinggangying opened red, and the two-person lane helped to fight, and the standard formula opened the field.

Then, just after King Ning finished playing Red, he saw that Snake Girl was moving a bit forward at the first level, so he rushed to the middle without going wild, and kicked strongly to propose Snake Girl's purification and flash.

Well, it is a very personal wave of gank.

At the beginning, first destroy the snake girl's flash purification, which seems to be just two summoner skills, but for Rookie, facing a snake girl who has no flash and dare not press the line, Galio directly has no pressure and is instantly released.

As soon as the middle lane got the lane right, Qing Gangying didn't return to his own jungle area, and went directly to the upper half of EDG's jungle area on the way, just in time to bump into the prince who was playing F6.

Immediately, with Galio's assistance, Qing Gangying grabbed the first group of wild monsters from the prince very forcefully in the first 2 minutes.

And this is just the beginning.

After Snake Flash was defeated, EDG lost the upper half, and Qing Gangying swiped F6 and continued to go to the Stoneman. The factory manager could only be forced to switch to the wild area.

From the perspective of development, there is not much difference between the two sides.

However, even if the prince went to the lower half of IG immediately after finishing his blue zone, the detour was still a waste of time.

On IG's side, it's just a time difference!

Because of this time difference, when Qing Gangying reached the third level after brushing the stone man, the prince was only at the second level.

It is also because the Snake Girl didn't dodge, so Galio can use skills to clear the pawns without thinking, and directly preempt the Snake Girl's wave of soldiers to get to three.

Seizing such a precious time difference, even though the two Nakano and Wild knew that EDG had a spot in the red zone, they still swaggered and forcibly stepped on the spot to cover the top lane.

Similarly, IG Nakano has a level advantage, and of course Zhao Yun's Gnar also has it.

Since he went online, he has been pushing lines without brains and changing blood without brains. Although the big tree on Mouse's side is already very stable, he still can't stand Gnar's face-to-face. There is really no way to beat long hands with short hands. The blood line was still lowered in the first two levels. When Gnar was at level three and a half, Dashu was also at level two and a half.

Right now, a large wave of soldiers are entering the tower, which seems to be a small profit for a big tree.

But at this kind of time, I just watched IG's Nakano come to the top road, and his own family and field couldn't come. If it was Theshy, he might just eat this wave of soldiers and die, but how could Mouse do this kind of thing? He didn't dare to stay any longer. Under the tower, he had no choice but to abandon the tower, and ran to the second tower to close himself in the grass and hang up.

On IG's side, seeing the big tree and the tower knife, Galio turned around decisively and returned to the middle in the middle of the run.

Such a wave in about 3 minutes directly caused Dashu to lose a whole wave of soldiers, and his experience was more than a full level behind.

It's pure conspiracy.

Everyone knows that IG chooses this lineup to play like this, but this wave of rhythm, you just can't guard against it, so you can only pinch your nose and suffer from this dumb loss.

And this is still just the beginning.

In this situation, IG is really playing too skillfully!

In the level three wave, Mouse was able to escape by admitting cowardice, and went on the road and sat in jail for a few more minutes, but in the level six wave, EDG still couldn't stand it.

After the early wave of wild area exchanges, Ning's Qinggang Ying basically never left the upper half of the area. Although he didn't arrest people, he just showed up from time to time, which still put huge psychological pressure on Dashu and Snake Girl, and was directly jailed. Firmly grasp the upper-middle-line right in your own hands.

With the line right in hand, Gnar and Galio naturally reached level six first.

As soon as Galio disappeared from the middle lane, the factory director's prince immediately leaned up to the top lane, preparing to protect the big tree from IG's upcoming wave of jumping towers.

It can only be said that the director's awareness is really good, he guessed what IG was going to do, and his anti-squatting awareness was very good.

But still the same sentence, when the development level is behind, sometimes even if you know what the opponent is going to do, you can't guard against it at all.

With the vision of the wild area in the upper half of EDG lost, seeing Gnar enter the tower with a large wave of soldiers, the prince of the factory manager came to support from the line, and Scout in the middle also subconsciously rushed from the wild area to support.

Then, the IG Nakano, who was occupied by the field of vision, directly launched a wave of ambushes. When they leaned up, the grass next to F6 also discovered the movement of the snake girl.

Immediately, Galio and Qinggangying turned their heads resolutely, and were directly stuck in the position next to the red buff pothole. Qinggangying's long-distance E flash stunned the snake girl who was caught off guard.

Then, Galio made a big move.

The hero debuted in a two-on-one, and the two successfully killed the snake girl who hadn't flashed.

The game time was 45 minutes and [-] seconds, and the first blood in this game was won by Galio.

It can be said that Snake Girl died this time instead of Dashu.

It looks like it's just a head, but after that, it officially represents the collapse of EDG's middle-field rhythm.

As soon as the snake girl died, the prince's second red buff fell directly, and all the wild monsters in the second round of the first half of the field fell into Qing Gangying's hands.

Originally, the prince was a little behind in the development of the field because of the early change, but now he was delayed a little longer on the road, and the first half of the field was taken by Qinggangying, and the level was pulled again.

The classic sixth-level Qinggangying beat the fifth-level prince, and the wild area fell again. IG Nakano officially took the initiative in rhythm.

And in this process, Zhao Yun's Gnar has been pushing the line without thinking anyway, because the uncle lost a wave of pawn experience before, and now the prince has shared a wave of experience, which directly makes the experience level of Dashu and Gnar go further. Widen the gap.

The game lasted seven and a half minutes. Although only one kill broke out on the field, on the economic panel, there was a [-] economic gap between the two sides purely relying on the difference between Naka and Ueno's last hits.

"Tsk tsk~ This rounding up means that one of the three Ueno members in EDG was single-killed once."

Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, after that, such a gap began to widen.

Game time is 9 minutes.

With IG occupying the field of vision in the upper half of the field, King Ning controlled Qing Gangying to stand in the grass of F6 and directly inserted an eye, then went to Gnar, who had just grown bigger on the route, pushed the line and hid in the grass and directly TP This eye position.

Ueno and Ueno suddenly launched a tower jump to the snake girl under the first tower in the middle road.

Qinggangying's E skill displacement big move is directly given, and Galio's big move in the original place follows the landing, plus Gnar's big move to hit the wall.

Scout's snake girl frantically operated to no avail. After all the flashing moves were handed in, she was brutally shot to death under the tower.

[IG, Lancer killed EDG, Scout]

Snake Girl went straight to 0-2.

Still the same sentence, when the initiative is in his own hands, the IG Nakano who holds Qinggang Shadow Galio in his hand, the rhythm is like a flood passing through the border, and the endless stream is unstoppable.

In the early 9 minutes, the snake girl was caught, and in the early 10 minutes, the canyon pioneer refreshed Qinggangying and immediately went to fight. EDG has no line rights in the middle and top, even if they know it, they have no strength to fight for it.

The factory manager can only go to the lower half of the area to change Xiaolong, to see if there is a chance to catch IG to get off the road.

But it is a pity that the current IG bot lane is no longer the previous IG bot lane.

Maybe there are still some shortcomings in other aspects, but when it comes to obedience and obedience to command, Xihuang and Baolan have definitely reached the level of a top team.

Ue Nakano is playing the vanguard, so let alone give me a chance, I don’t even have soldier experience in a position without vision, so I just hang under the tower!

Want to surpass my tower?
Laughing to death, Tam eats in one bite, Xia flies feathers all over the sky, I really beg you to get more and more!
Of course, EDG didn't dare to overstep.

After the snake girl died twice, she was forced to become a ground binding spirit in the middle lane, unable to walk away at all.

It is naturally impossible for the prince alone to cross the tower to kill the two healthy duo of IG.

As for the big tree on the road, I dare not move it even more. Gnar has already worn down half of the blood on the tower. If this wave goes down again with TP, I might not be able to catch it. Anyway, the tower on the road will definitely fall.

Without absolute certainty, EDG chose to forbear!

Wait, wait for a better opportunity to do it again!

Ever since, with such a forbearance, a round of forbearance will soon end.

Again, IG's offensive rhythm may be very straightforward and rough, but as the defensive side of EDG, when the Snake Girl collapses in the middle, the field of vision is limited, and it is even more difficult to do everything in detail.

This time, it was the prince who suffered the most.

It's still the same picture, and it's still a very standard middle and Ueno rhythm.

The prince couldn't find the rhythm on the road, and wanted to come over from the lane to brush a stone man and protect the big tree at the same time.

Then, he was directly spotted by the field of vision, and was directly arrested by Qing Gangying!

E took the big move, Galio's big move fell, and the underdeveloped prince's EQ was still used on the wild monsters, and he was directly caught in the fire and lost his head.

[IG, Rookie killed EDG, Clearlove7]

In addition to mercury shoes, Rookie's direct AP equipment in this round has a scary damage.

As soon as the prince died, Mouse's big tree reacted quickly. Seeing that the line of soldiers hadn't entered the tower yet, he stood under the tower and ran away decisively with TP.

With this shot, he was fine.

However, facing the unguarded top tower, IG directly chose the vanguard to release.

One tower, broken!
The second tower, broken!

Highland, after forcing the EDG duo to come back to defend, he decisively bumped his head and turned away.

Blood earned!
In ten and four minutes, the economic gap was directly widened by 4 yuan, and the rhythm took off!

There is one thing to say, in such an early and mid-term advantage game, IG really played too much and is too skilled.

The audience and commentators from the perspective of God, seeing this scene, couldn't help but feel that EDG's game has gone far.

indeed so!

IG, which has gained a huge advantage, once again showed everyone what a smooth Chinese operation is.

Those who fight are poor in development, those who fight are more and less, and those who fight are just a disagreement.

Faced with the forced opening of Qinggang Shadow Galio, EDG was able to barely hold the big tree at the beginning when the snake girl was underdeveloped, but it was only a small loss.

But soon, as team battles became more and more frequent, every time IG was in a team fight, IG had the advantage in the line of troops, and there were people in EDG who lost the line when there was no team battle.

After three waves of fighting, in 10 minutes, IG's C position became fatter and fatter, while EDG's double C position became worse.

Xiaopao could barely keep up with the development, but the snake girl rotted directly, and her development was completely avalanche.

In 10 minutes, the head score on the field was 17:6.

EDG has completely entered the embarrassing situation where it can't lead the line, can't play the team, and the economic gap is 1 yuan. The comeback can only rely on a miracle.

Then, the miracle did not happen.

At 24 minutes, there was another wave of team battles. Xiaopao, who had been stable for the whole round, made a careless move, and was directly hit by Qinggang Shadowblind Vision E's big move.

Immediately, this directly became the last straw that crushed the pig.

Calabash Baby rescued Grandpa and directly played a wave of one for five.

game over.

At 25 minutes, the EDG crystal exploded.

The first round ended directly.

At this moment, many of the audience who watched the game couldn't help but have an idea.

'It's broken, I told you not to put Galio in EDG, you just wanted to try, and you died after you tried it. '

Seeing the end of the first round, Zhao Yun looked at the screen in front of him, and his heart was also full of joy.

It is not in vain that they have been crazily grinding and practicing this lineup system since the beginning of the season. Now the tactical play has been completely mature. This kind of feeling that he only needs to follow along casually, and his teammates can madly carry and win the game.

It's so cool!
(End of this chapter)

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