That's what we do with silver

Chapter 117 You are Galio and I am a big tree, the roles are switched!

Chapter 117 You are Galio and I am a big tree, the roles are switched!
first round.

25 minutes straight to the end.

After the whole round, it was basically IG Nakano Qinggangying and Galio who were frantically leading the rhythm.

Zhao Yun's Gnar, who was on the road, has been pushing the line without thinking anyway, and then his anger and situation all follow suit. Big Gnar followed and jumped in to shoot people, and Jr. Gnar was always an AD.

When you are in a group, you don’t even need to insist on how good the shots are, even one or two shots are enough.

Because the Snake Girl was screwed, the Meat Prince and the Big Tree couldn't do anything against him, so Gnar, who had this advantage, was always leading the line. No one in EDG could deal with him, and he just made him crazy for the whole round. It's cool to develop.

The advantageous game is still the advantage game where the opponent's output is seriously insufficient.

No one gave him the strength of the lane, Zhao Yun, Gnar, played so comfortably, he won after playing.

You don't need so many extreme operations, you don't need to play a big advantage in the lane, you just need to stabilize the development, and then keep opening the situation around the advantageous teammates to win.

This! This is the treatment that a real bastard top laner should have!
Wuhu~ I was really excited!


The first game was easily won, everyone in IG was full of momentum, and they returned to the lounge with smiles on their faces.

On the other side of EDG, each of them looked more or less serious.

Then in this round, the MVP gave Ning's Qinggang Ying.

Commentary seat.

Guan Zeyuan: "Hey, I can only say that IG's system is really too proficient. From the beginning to the end, the rhythm is all well controlled. EDG is completely led by the nose, and the snake girl in the middle lane collapses. Taking advantage of the trend, the jungler also followed suit, and IG seized the opportunity to open the situation, and just like that snowballed to end the game."

Remember: "I feel that in the next game, among other things, it is definitely impossible to play Qinggangying and Galio together. Even if you know that he wants to play like this, but you just can't handle it, it will be very uncomfortable."

Ruofeng: "I also think that not only this round, but also the lessons learned by many teams before this. It seems that the mid-laner Snake Girl prepared by EDG has no effect now, but it once again makes everyone more deeply impressed. I realized how strong IG's Galio system is.

Scout can play Galio by himself, but in this way, IG can come up with the Malzahar and Kindred system. As far as I know, the factory manager himself doesn’t play Kindred very much. No matter how you look at it, this BP is very difficult to do. .

Alas, due to the limitation of the hero pool, it should be impossible to play this Galio EDG in the next game. "

The commentators made reasonable analysis and guesses about the previous game.

Then soon, the intermission ended quickly, and the second game officially started!
"OK, now the second round of BP officially begins."

"In this round, EDG took the initiative to choose the blue side, while IG played the red side."

"In the first three moves of EDG, I chose to ban Barbarian King, Spider, and Qinggangying. OK, King Ning played well in the last game and Qinggangying was banned, but Galio is still there."

"For the first three moves of IG, they chose to ban Kalista, Fengnv, and Niutou, with one AD and two supports. They are still targeting EDG's bot lane hero pool."

"So in the current situation, Xia Luo and Galio are both on the outside, what choice will EDG make? Should Galio be released to IG again? I don't think this is a good choice."

In the commentary seat, remember to continue to explain to the real-time screen.

Then at this time, the first floor of EDG on the blue side was selected.

Colossus of Justice, Galio.

"Here we come! EDG chose to rob Galio in this round. Although it has the taste of replacing ban with robbing, Scout is also an excellent user of Galio. There is no doubt about this."

"Then on IG's side, without any hesitation, Xialuo won together. West and Baolan once again won their strongest combination after many days."

"The next round of EDG's second and third picks, the second floor took the barrel Gugalas, and the third floor took Verus."

"And IG's last choice, just as we thought, is eternal hunting for twins, Qian Jue is sure!"

In an instant, the first round of BP between the two sides ended.

EDG's first three hands are determined: Galio, Barrel, and Verus.

The first three hands of IG are confirmed: Xia, Luo, and Qian Jue.

Then start the second round of bans.

IG chooses ban: Japanese women, Thresh.

EDG chooses to ban: Gnar, Ryze.

The next IG's fourth choice.

Without too much hesitation, seeing that EDG was not banned, IG directly locked Malzaha.

Seeing this selection, everyone is also a little emotional.

"Tsk, it's really a surprise that EDG didn't ban Malzaha in the second round."

"I don't feel like I should either."

"Everyone knows that IG has the Qian Jue Malzaha backhand system, but EDG still released it, and then chose to ban Lancer's two top laners. This choice is really unexpected."

"This can't be the head iron."

"Could it be that EDG released it on purpose and made other countermeasures?"


Everyone was talking about EDG's second round of bans, full of doubts.

Then EDG's final two-handed selection quickly dispelled everyone's doubts.

EDG's fourth choice, Paladin Ranger, Lucian.

EDG's fifth choice, Eye of Twilight, Shen.

Seeing this choice, the audience suddenly realized.

The three people in the commentary seat even exclaimed directly.

Guan Zeyuan: "Come on, it's swinging again! Before IG used Galio's middle assistant swing, this time EDG directly came to a classic re-enactment. First, Galio tricked IG's Malzaha, and finally He directly moved Galio to the support, and backhanded out a mid laner Lucian."

Remember: "This move is really wonderful. IG is a double shooter, and EDG is also a double shooter. More importantly, not only is Galio and Verus a good combination of Xialuo, but Lucian in the middle is still a good advantage against Malzaha. Coupled with the two global supports of Shen and Galio, EDG's lineup is complete in an instant."

Ruofeng: "The more important point is that the hero's ult, the wine barrel, can actually restrain Malzaha and Qian Jue's ult. With such a lineup, I feel that EDG is really preparing for IG. There are many things."

"So now, IG is the last player to make the top order, and what choice will it make? We are very much looking forward to it."

At this moment, although everyone on IG was a little surprised by EDG's hand swing, they were not too surprised.

Then, in the team voice, Coach Mafa said the same thing.

"Ah Yun, what do you say? If you want to make up for the front row on the road, what do you want to play?"

Regarding this, Zhao Yun carefully looked at the five heroes of EDG, hesitated for a moment, and spoke slowly.

"I think it can be a big tree."

At this point, IG's final top order is confirmed.

Twisted Dryad, Maokai.

EDG took Galio, while IG took Dashu.

In an instant, the exchange of roles directly entertained the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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