That's what we do with silver

Chapter 119 Zzlot Portal, Did He Make a Mistake?

Chapter 119 Zzlot Portal, Did He Make a Mistake?

Lucian sent out a blood in the middle.

The audience who watched the whole process felt surprised at the time.

The barrage in the live broadcast room refreshed crazily.

"What is this, the timing is too good, right? If Lucian is dead, he will definitely give him a chance at level six?"

"Scout's Lucian, here's your chance!"

"The big tree doesn't even have level [-]. At level [-], TP down and ask the jungler to catch it together. It's hard not to believe that they have thoroughly studied Scout's killing habits."

"Is he so sure that Lucian will give him a chance at level six?"

"Others may not, but one thing to say, at least in my impression, it is absolutely impossible for Xiye, Rookie and Scout to get this kind of hero tie-breaker."

"Squeeze Ma Madi, Brother Lan feels different from others even playing a big tree. He really is IG's No. [-] jungler!"

"What's more, Lucian has the mark of Qian Jue on his head. It's been three levels to win Qian Jue's head this time. Fuck, Ning can take out Qian Jue so smoothly every time. It's so cool!"

"Refreshing, Twisted Dryad!"

"This Lucian sent first blood in the early stage, and the laning advantage was lost immediately. EDG felt that this round was difficult."

"To be honest, this wave of big trees only left after pushing the line into the tower, so in fact, even if Lucian didn't take the initiative to press forward to give the opportunity, Dashu and Qian Jue could at least defeat Lucian's flash, and then go back to the top road without much loss Soldiers."

"Lancer! It's him again! He's taking the rhythm again!"


Not only were the audience surprised, but EDG was also a bit unexpected.

Mouse subconsciously opened his mouth when he saw Lucian was caught dead by a big tree in the middle.

"Ah, my brother, I saw that he went home and thought he wouldn't go online so soon, but I didn't expect him to go directly to the middle lane to arrest people."

"The state of Dashu was directly handed over to TP."

Mouse said slightly apologetically.

Scout didn't pay much attention to it. He was not particularly fluent in Chinese at this time, so he tried to say something as concisely as possible.

"The big tree is not flashing, and there is no TP."


After such a wave of rhythm, the originally harmonious situation on the field changed significantly in an instant.

IG Nakano began to slowly take the lead.

Originally, the development of the wine barrel was a little behind Qianjue, but now Qianjue has a blood in his hand. When he went out to go wild and walk across the river, he happened to bump into his fourth mark, which happened to be brushed on the three wolves that EDG had just refreshed. .

Without any hesitation, Qian Jue rushed directly into the wild area and began to farm.

As a matter of course, Qian Jue must be followed by a big tree at this time.

Naturally, it is impossible for IG Ueno to let go of the advantage they played in the upper half in the early stage, and they will decisively carry out the invasion to the end.

Similarly, Malzaha in the middle lane has already made the missing chapters, and pushing the line has become easier. After pushing a wave of soldiers, he also moved towards the wild area.

Seeing this scene, the barrels on EDG's side are actually nearby, and the three of them have big moves, but the factory manager thought about it, looked at the blue zone with no vision at all, and then looked at his home. There are soldiers entering the tower, after a simple weighing of the pros and cons, they finally decided to avoid the battle.

"Forget it, leave it to them. I'll go get the blue buff on the opposite side. Malzahar and Kindred both have ultimate moves. It's too risky for us to fight them in the wild."

Saying this, the factory manager directly controlled the wine barrel to go to the IG blue zone.

Then, it was quickly seen by the IG bottom lane duo inserted in the blue zone in advance.

"The barrel is hitting us blue."

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun, who had just returned to the route, had another brainstorm on the spot.

'ding ding ding~'

The three consecutive signal marks hit Xia Shen on the head of the road tower.

"They're not in the jungle! Fuck, f*ck, f*ck!"

Although the words were not very clear, after a period of running-in, both Rookie and Ning have long been accustomed to Zhao Yun's communication methods.

Many times, the tacit understanding of 'look at me and do things' can be achieved.

And this look, reflected in the form of the game, is a signal mark.

So at the moment when Zhao Yun signaled, Ning and Rookie understood what he wanted to do.

All of a sudden, Malzaha had just finished getting the mana, and Qian Jue had just finished beating the three wolves and getting the mark, the two of them simply didn't leave, and went directly to EDG from the inside of the blue zone and went on the road for a tower and then covered it.

On the front, in order to quickly push the line and avoid delays, Zhao Yun used all his big moves directly.

A wave of soldiers was quickly pushed, and by the way, this big move also tied up Shen Ye under the tower.

And then, Malzaha and Qian Jue came out from the bushes behind the tower, and the three of them launched a wave of strong tower jumping extremely quickly!

It can only be said that with the big tree and Malzaha around, it is too easy to kill someone by jumping over the tower.

Even if Shen has a 1.75-second sword array, it won't help.

Dashu resisted the tower first, Malzaha gave the big move directly, Qian Jue dealt crazy, and then Dashu resisted twice and turned W to escape the hatred of the tower. The three of them easily surpassed Shen.

[IG, Ning killed EDG, Mouse]

Something happened on the road.

Seeing this, the director of the bottom lane also decisively jumped over the tower directly against the bottom lane of IG.

The sixth-level wine barrel has a big move in hand, coupled with the foolproof Galio W taunting flash, the IG bottom lane duo also suffered directly.

Baolan's Luo was instantly defeated on the spot.

Xihuang's Xia was quite clever, seeing that the situation was not right, she dodged Galio's taunting flash by dodging. At the same time, the barb controlled Meiko's Galio and successfully replaced one.

[EDG, Clearlove7 killed IG, Megan]

[IG, West killed EDG, Meiko]

[EDG, Iboy killed IG, west]

Under the first tower of IG in the bottom lane, a wave of one for two was played.

All of a sudden, the upper and lower lanes fought independently, and both achieved the results they wanted.

But in terms of skill exchange, the three of EDG's lower junglers handed over the jungler and auxiliary flashes, as well as AD's treatment.

On the IG side, Naka Ueno did not surrender other summoner skills except for the ultimate move.

The game time is 7 minutes, and the head-to-head ratio is 3:2.

It seems that the situation on the court is still [-]-[-].


Soon, after another 2 minutes, Malzaha disappeared from the middle again, and Shen immediately entered the tower with a large wave of soldiers.

EDG made a surprising decision here.

Lu Xi'an and the wine barrel went to the bottom lane with four packs and two, and then Shen directly gave up this wave of soldiers and didn't want it. He followed his teammates to encircle and suppress the IG bottom lane duo.

If it turns out, it goes well.

Xialuo both died in love.

But in contrast to this, the first tower of Shen's top road is gone.

Another wave of exchanges, it seems that EDG has a better rhythm.

"I feel that if we continue to play like this, EDG will play better."

The audience said so.

However, soon after 13 minutes of the game, when Zhao Yun's top laner Dashu made his first complete outfit, the situation on the field began to change dramatically.

"Wait, Dashu's equipment, did I read it wrong!"

"Lacner's big tree, the first piece of equipment directly produced a portal?"

Looking at the game screen in front of him, Guan Zeyuan's voice was full of surprise.

 Today everyone celebrates the holidays, try to write as much as possible, I wish you all a happy holiday.

  On the first day of June, let out a loud roar!

  "Me! Qiuyuebai!! June will never be Bailan!"

(End of this chapter)

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