That's what we do with silver

Chapter 120 The more you fight, the poorer you become, and the more I fight, the fatter you become

Chapter 120 The more you fight, the poorer you become, and the more I fight, the fatter you become

The first piece of equipment produced by Zhao Yun Dashu immediately attracted the attention of all the audience.

"Why does this piece of equipment feel so strange to me? I haven't mentioned it before."

"I just remember calling the portal."

"I'll go, what's the use of getting this equipment, brothers."

"I have one thing to say - I can't figure it out, but Brother Lan must have his deep meaning. I have a hunch that he is going to mess around again."

"Wow, Kaka, brother Lancer is going to work again!"

"Although everyone knows that IG likes to play in the upper half and EDG likes to play in the lower half, but after these two rounds, EDG will suffer a lot."

"Laughing, what does it mean that EDG has lost a lot, and there is only one Shen who is losing money, okay, and the others are all making money, okay?"

"This wave of big moves went down the road to jump over the tower, and Shen Yi's tower fell directly, and he was even crushed by a big tree for more than 30 knives. This is too miserable."

"If it is another team, then I will feel miserable, but if it is in EDG, it will be fine. Isn't it normal for EDG to sacrifice the top lane to help other lanes?"

"Now one side is Ueno fat and the other side is fat. I don't know who can open the situation first in this round."

"I'm really curious about the use of the big tree coming out of this portal."


It can only be said that in this season when hero outfits have basically become a formula, a strange new equipment suddenly appeared on the field, which really made the audience very fresh.

Then, just when everyone was questioning the effect of the equipment produced by Dashu, Zhao Yun soon told everyone with intuitive reality how stupid this equipment is.

The game time was 15 minutes, and the junglers of both sides had a wave of encounters in the blue zone of the lower half of IG.

Because of the gap in hero characteristics and development in the early stage, the wine barrel was directly chased and beaten by Qian Jue.

Then naturally, with Qian Jue in hot pursuit, the bottom lane duo and mid laner of both sides were soon involved in the battle.

The top laners of both sides also handed over Dashu TP and Shen's big moves for support.

For a while, a wave of 5v5 was played directly in the river.

At this point in time, although EDG's side Verus is also in ruins, with the barrel's ultimate move and Galio's ultimate move, the combat effectiveness is very strong.

But the three middle and Ueno brothers on IG are more fierce. The big tree top is at the front, and you don’t control your back row, just keep the front row and keep fighting, cooperate with Malzaha’s big move suppression and the output of Qian Juexia’s double shooters , Barrel and Galio couldn't stand it at all.

In the end, when the team battle was over, EDG was very restrained. After seeing the wine barrel was killed by Qian Jihuo, they decisively chose to retreat. Except for Shen who was chased to death, the others retreated smoothly.

One for two.

EDG died in Ueno, and IG lost an auxiliary Luo.

Then, IG took the second wind dragon smoothly.

It seems that it is just a wave of head swaps that have little impact, Fengnv is not critical, and the overall situation is harmless.

But soon, not a while after this wave of fighting, after the dead were all resurrected, several commentators quickly discovered something was wrong.

"Wait, why is the difference in CS between Dashu and Shen suddenly so much, 135 vs 90, this difference in CS seems a bit outrageous."

While talking, Guan Zeyuan also noticed the ranks of the top laners on both sides.

Dashu is at level ten, Shen is only at level eight, two levels short.

"This... the level is also lowered by two levels. This is really a bit wrong. Although Shen died once before, and he went down the road with his ult once, the difference is a full two levels. So much is too much Bar."

When he said this, the people next to him remembered to react.

"That's right, level eight versus level ten. I also feel that the level difference between the top laners on both sides seems a bit too much."

"Theoretically speaking, even if Shen died and flew once, but Dashu also caught him once, and the TP came down to join the regiment, there shouldn't be such a big difference in experience."

"I'm a little puzzled as to what caused such a developmental gap."

The tone of several explanations is obviously suspicious.

Soon after, they followed Dashu for a while with the director's camera. After seeing Dashu's actions, everyone finally understood the reason for the developmental gap between the top laners of the two sides.

Because, just 2 minutes later, everyone clearly saw that after the big tree pushed the line, he continued to walk slowly to the grass on the upper line and placed a portal, then turned his head and rushed to the lower line for thousands of miles. Rhythm play group.

Dashu fights in the lower half, and Shen Ye, who was originally developing, can only follow the TP to fight.

And the result of this wave of team battles was earned by IG.

Another one for two.

With Dashu taking the lead, Galio and Shen, the lowest level players on EDG, couldn't handle the output from IG at all. Even with Shen's W sword array and Galio's W damage reduction, they still died very quickly.

Luo on IG is similar, because of the existence of the wine barrel and Galio, Luo rushed over and wanted to go back after starting the group, but was directly controlled by Galio's backhand and the wine barrel's big move, and the level was too brittle. Under such circumstances, after the group starts, there will be no return.

Classic EDG-style team battles, when the advantage is not big, the development of the double C has not yet taken shape, this kind of team battle situation is not good, just withdraw, stop the loss as much as possible, and sell the support and top order decisively.

After a wave of fighting, it seems that IG is just making a small profit.

Because I didn't get too many map resources.

However, at this time, Guan Zeyuan suddenly let out an exclamation in the commentary seat.

"Wait, pay attention to the ranks of the top laners on both sides!"

"Big Tree is already level eleven, but Shen's side is only level nine!"

"Although the level difference is still two levels, the experience difference has become bigger! And from Shen's experience bar, we can find that he has just reached level nine experience."

"I said why Shen fell so fast in a team battle, and the top laner's level is the same as that of AD, how could he still be able to handle it?"

"The two top laners have been fighting all the time, but Dashu has become fatter and fleshier as he fights, while Shen has become poorer and poorer as he fights, and his level is lower as he fights. Neither of them has time to develop. What's going on?"

Guan Zeyuan couldn't figure it out for a moment.

The audience was also puzzled when they heard this, and they were a little confused.

Then at this moment, after his voice paused for a moment, after listening to the director's backstage staff in the earphones, he suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

"OK, after the director's explanation just now, I'm here to share with you a new little knowledge I've learned."

"That is, the equipment of Zz'Rot Portal, the summoned objects it summons can provide gold coins and experience for heroes by killing minions, and the cooling time and duration of this equipment are both 120 seconds."

"That is to say, as long as it is not artificially dismantled, this piece of equipment can theoretically achieve unlimited battery life!"

"In this way, all our doubts just now make sense."

"It seems that Dashu and Shen are present in every team battle, but Dashu placed teleportation gates on the top lane before joining the team, which led to the fact that although others fought in the lower half, they still had teleportation on the top lane The summoned object of the door is helping him deal with the line of soldiers."

"That is to say, although it seems that Da Shuren is not online, there are still a group of loyal younger brothers to help him grow."

"It is also because of the economy and experience generated by the portal push that the two top laners who are both playing in the team have such a huge development gap."

"In the past, we always said [-]-point push and [-]-point push, but now ig directly staged a wave of unique [-]-point push for us. To be honest, I was really shocked."


In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan's tone was full of shock.

And after the audience heard this explanation, they were also very novel by this never-before-heard style of play.

Outside the arena, everyone was still deeply surprised by IG's portal split push tactics.

In the game, EDG was also involved by this portal, because the top line was always on their side, and they couldn't get out of the field of vision at all, which made everyone on EDG burnt out.

And after these waves of team battles, the gap between Shen and Dashu's roles on the frontal battlefield became wider and wider.

Zhao Yun, a big tree, has never died so far, and EDG is full of AD output, so he can use all armor except for the portal, and he can resist the output of Verus and Lucian. .

As for Mouse's Shen, his development was originally poor, and because of the lineup, he couldn't produce armor shoes and could only produce mercury shoes. As a result, when the team battle started, he couldn't stand Qian Jue and Xia's output at all. W sword As soon as the burst of two seconds ended, it was evaporated instantly.

In terms of the frankness of the front row on both sides, EDG was completely blown out.

If it is said that EDG was only a small loss in the first few waves of team battles in the early stage, then the subsequent few waves of team battles really caused them to directly avalanche.

In 10 minutes, it was another encounter between the two sides playing Wild River.

But this time, when the wine barrel was held down by Malzaha first and was directly evaporated by the output of the two shooters, after the big tree TP landed and joined the battle, EDG was defeated immediately.

[IG, Ning killed EDG, Clearlove7]

[IG, West killed EDG, Meiko]

[IG, Ning killed EDG, Mouse]


【ACE! 】

The unprepared wave of annihilation completely defeated all EDG's struggling situation so far, and instantly defeated it.

In 10 minutes, zero changes and five groups were wiped out, and IG directly took advantage of the situation to take down the newborn dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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