That's what we do with silver

Chapter 121 Nothing else, this big tree really has a strong sense of existence!

Chapter 121 Nothing else, this big tree really has a strong sense of existence!

And at the moment when EDG was wiped out and Dalong was taken down by IG.

The audience also saw the system broadcast that appeared on the game screen at the same time.

The second tower on the blue side has been destroyed.

That's right, during this period of time, they were basically fighting passionately. When no one went to the top lane, EDG's top lane second tower was naturally pushed away by the minions.

When the director turned the camera, he happened to see one after another of the dark purple void bugs, crawling forward in an orderly manner on the EDG top lane, bumping into the EDG side soldiers again and again tirelessly.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion in the commentary seat.

"Hey, it can really be said that the second tower of EDG's top lane was broken, and the portal is the veritable number one hero!"

"This thing is really a bit too perverted. To be honest, the ability to draw soldiers is already outrageous. The little bug can actually cause damage to the defense tower. In the absence of any heroes coming over, the little monster who relies purely on the portal Worms and soldiers are grinding hard, and three portals directly wiped out a second tower, can you believe it?"

"Brother Lancer, brother Lancer, how did you grow your brain? How can you be so smart, and you can do such a hard job for everyone every time?"

"Whoever said that the meat tank hero can't push the tower, whoever said the meat tank hero can't split the belt, Brother Lancer told him today, even if I take the tank, I still have the heart to split the belt and destroy the tower!"

"It's just that the single-belt method is a bit special. It has changed from the traditional four-one-point putt to a more special five-one-point putt."

At the commentary booth, looking at the portal that was still producing small bugs in the game screen, the three commentators spoke with each other, and they also expressed their emotions again and again.

The commentators were all shocked by IG's brand-new split-push tactic, and the audience who were watching the game were all exclaimed and shocked.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has been refreshed crazily in the past few minutes.

"Fuck, shit, shit, can this game still be played like this?"

"Squeeze Ma Ma Tei, May 100 minute push, it shocked my mother for [-] years!"

"This Lancer is really a fucking talent, I'll go!"

"I'm not on the road, but there are always legends about me on the road. This tactic is too stupid."

"One thing to say, I was really surprised."

"One piece of equipment, one wing, 8 minutes, one second tower, one chin."

"I have raised my posture, I have really raised my posture, I will try it right away!"

"Zilong! It's him again! He's done a tough job for everyone once again!"

"Big trees can also play with flowers, what a gift, Zhao Zilong!"

"EDG is completely numb."

"I looked at Shen's helpless look after being annoyed by those little bugs, but he didn't dare to chase him out to find the location of the portal. I felt a little sick myself."

"The mentality is about to collapse."

"On this day, IG and Lacner used practical actions to tell everyone the real gameplay of tank heroes!"

"That is! In addition to his No. [-] front tank position, he is also the No. [-] single belt position + No. [-] jungler position!"

"Shen's several rounds of team battle support successfully destroyed his own support, while Dashu's several rounds of team battles directly became fatter and fatter. One in and one out belonged."

"Hi~ At first I thought that WE's Sion had a good start with changing lanes, but I didn't expect that within a few days, brother Lan gave me a new wave of knowledge."

"EDG, it should be far away~"


As the audience said.

Originally, EDG was only behind by less than 3000 yuan before this wave, but after this wave, after 10 minutes, it was changed from 0 to 5 to increase the dragon, IG has not yet started to advance, but just removed the top The second tower and search for some minion lines and field economy. On the economic panel, you can already see that EDG is almost 7000 yuan behind.

The original lineup of EDG was not as good as IG's lineup when Lucian had no effect at all in the early stage.

Now falling behind so much in the economy will directly make the situation worse, completely making EDG's frontal team battles completely impossible to fight.

The front row is not hard enough.

The combination of Shen + Galio + Wine Barrel is no big tree can resist.

The output of the rear row is not ruthless enough.

The output position of EDG is the stunted Lucian who only has a dilapidated + magic-drinking knife so far, and Verus, who can barely see a dilapidated split bow.

But the three output points on IG's side are Qian Jue, who already has the 10th-level and [-]th-level imprint in the early [-]s, and Malzaha, who also has the same [-]th-level magic shoes + ghost book + big mask, and even the original Xia, who had a bad start, caught up with the economy at this time, and also figured out her own two-piece suit.

The frankness is incomparable, the output is incomparable, and even the means of starting a group and the means of control are incomparable.

At this moment, EDG really feels unbeatable at a rough look.

Then take a closer look... Tsk tsk, it's better to take a rough look.

With such a huge advantage in hand, IG didn't delay at all. After Zhao Yun went out, he continued to throw a portal into the EDG blue buff grass, then turned his head and followed the big team directly to push.

All of a sudden, the army came under pressure, and the two lines of troops came crushing them mightily.

In the face of EDG's stubborn resistance, Zhao Yun directly transformed into a ruthless team-starting machine, and flashed an Asian bondage controller standing sneakily under the highland tower, completely starting this wave of explosive team battles.

"I rushed, I rushed, I rushed!"

With such a huge economic advantage, there are no surprises in this wave of team battles.

Except for the big tree covered in armor on the portal, even if it was the first to resist the tower, it still survived to the end.

IG's three output positions exploded, and played 0 for 5 again, destroying the EDG five-player highland group.


The five-person regiment was wiped out, and they drove straight in.


The game time is 22 minutes and 22 seconds, the crystal explodes, and the game ends.

"OK, with the destruction of the base crystal, let us congratulate the IG team, once again won the game cleanly, successfully broke the score to 2:0, and won the match point of this game's BO5!"

"Congratulations IG!"

In the commentary seat, the voice I remembered was full of excitement.

The spectators off the field were also watching with passion, and all kinds of enthusiastic "Wuhu" sounds kept coming and going.


Then, in the commentary booth, the three commentators were still excited and began to discuss who is the MVP.

Guan Zeyuan: "One thing to say, maybe this portal tactic may have been thought up by the IG coaching staff and the entire team, but the big tree in this round of Lan Ge also has a full sense of presence. If nothing else, just Just saying that he came to kill Lucian with the wave of TP rivers at level five, I think it was the most critical turning point in the game, and I feel that it is no problem for him to be the MVP."

Remember: "How should I put it, although Qian Jue and Malzaha's statistics are really gorgeous, but to be honest, compared to these, I think Dashu's key rhythms are more critical. This man really changed my perception of The inherent cognition of a hero like Dashu, if I were me, I would also give it to Brother Blue."

Ruofeng: "Indeed, his sense of presence is too strong. Although it is a big tree, it somehow attracts my attention. If there is no big tree to catch Lucian at level [-], I feel that even if there is a portal strategy involved , IG will not win so easily. In this round, it is said that the top road opened the situation and there is no problem at all.

So I also feel that there is no problem with giving Dashu the MVP. "

Three people express their views.

Then the next second, the MVP candidate appeared.

It is a big tree!

(End of this chapter)

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