That's what we do with silver

Chapter 12 Shaking hands and panicking, choose the barbarian king

Chapter 12 Shaking hands and panicking, choose the barbarian king

Backstage lounge.

After finishing the first round, IG's first five players have also entered one after another at this time.

They just lost the first round, and although they were not in a depressed mood, their expressions were not much better.

Anyway, no one was laughing.

Under such circumstances, Mafa, as a senior coach, naturally couldn't say anything to criticize. He simply said two points and made a mistake in the general direction of the previous game, and then directly started the tactical layout of the next game.

Zhao Yun sat on the side, originally wanting to listen carefully.

But after listening to it for a long time, I was confused, and in the end, I remembered the most clear sentence.

"Theshy will take a break in the next game, and Ayun will play, and we will play around the top lane."


In the waiting room, both teams were discussing tactical arrangements during this short break.

At this moment, in the official live broadcast room, Guan Zeyuan, who was analyzing the results of the previous game, also suddenly heard the news of the substitution from the director in the earphones.

"OK, audience friends, now we have also received a notice. In the next round of the game, the IG team will choose the top laner position and carry out personnel changes."

"Replace Theshy player and replace Lancer with a rookie."

The moment his voice sounded, a replacement prompt appeared in real time in the lower right corner of the live broadcast screen.

IG, Theshy↓

IG, Lancer↑

Hearing the news, the audience in the live broadcast room didn't have much reaction to be honest.

After all, at this time, the IG team itself didn't have many fans. Except for the old fans left in ancient times, IG's performance in the past two years did not attract many new fans for the team.

So far, it seems that the popularity of the live broadcast platform of this game is not low, but in fact, a large part of it is the remnants of fans from the previous WE game.

Everyone doesn't care much about IG's personnel replacement.

However, unlike ordinary audiences, as the commentator Guan Zeyuan, who had received the news in advance, this time, he also dedicated himself to doing relevant homework in advance.

Guan Zeyuan: "Speaking of which, when it comes to IG's rookie top laner, I was the same as everyone else before. I may not be very familiar with him, but after some simple understanding, I did have a great feeling for this rookie player. Great interest."

Hearing what Guan Zeyuan said, Rita, who played the role of a vase, also started to take over the conversation very skillfully.

"Oh? Could it be that there is something special about our new player?"

Guan Zeyuan nodded.

"Hey, Rita, you are really right. I just checked it out yesterday. Although our Lancer player has not played yet, his Hanbok Rank score has reached an astonishing 400 points. , directly ranked No.2 in Hanbok King, only a few points away from No.1!"

"I don't know if I don't see it. I was shocked when I saw it. Among all the professional players in our LPL, his Hanbok Rank score ranked first. To be honest, this is really a very scary thing."

Hearing Guan Zeyuan's words, the audience who didn't pay much attention at first were also aroused some interest.

The barrage in the live broadcast room refreshed crazily.

"This rookie is the second in Hanbok? Fuck, it's so awesome!"

"It's useless to have a high score. Have you forgotten that Wei Shen Diamond beat Xiye back then?"

"One thing to say, the current Hanbok rank score is still good. This really made me curious."

"Another passer-by king? Laughing dead, who is not a passer-by king among the professional players now? Brother Saint Gun was also a passer-by king when he was a genius boy, and Theshy was the number one leopard girl in Hanbok. It's useless to wait for the passer-by king to be killed." Blast!"

"Wow, I just checked the Korean server rankings, and the second-ranked ID is really Lancer. This game might be interesting!"


for a while.

The spectators who were originally interested in this game aroused a lot of curiosity.

And soon, a few minutes of intermission ended, and the players from both sides played again.

During the IG backstage break, watching the other four teammates walk out one after another, Zhao Yun also walked out with his own peripherals in a nervous mood.

Soon, he sat in the exclusive position of the top laner.

Mouse and keyboard debugging ends without any problems.

And as a rookie for the first time, the director of the game was also very considerate, and specially got a close-up shot for Zhao Yun.

Immediately, the expression on his face at this time was also clearly presented in the eyes of the audience.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, he looks handsome.

Originally, Zhao Yun's good looks belonged to the upper class, but now he was wearing the black team uniform of IG, and he looked clean and cheerful in the camera.

Immediately, it attracted the attention of many female viewers.

"Lancer? Lancer Lucky E, right?"

"Damn it, it's kind of handsome, brother."

"It feels a bit like Yan Yikuan."

"Squeeze Mamadi, grow up to be such a professional with a hammer, let's make a debut!"

"Isn't the number two in Hanbok always staying up late to score points? How could it be possible to look like this? I don't believe it!"

"It might be a bit shameful to say it, guys, I feel like I'm in love (shy~)"

"Mom, I'm in love!"


All of a sudden, whether it was the audience or the barrage in the live broadcast room, there were bursts of exclamations because of Zhao Yun's appearance.

Compared with the second place in Hanbok, his appearance surprised the audience even more.

Then, in such an atmosphere, BP started.

Different from the training match, everyone's position and floor are fixed in the official match.

Therefore, Zhao Yun experienced for the first time what it was like to be a BP in person.

Anyway, honestly, he will do whatever the coach says.

Soon, the first round of BP between the two sides ended.

In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan also described the results of the first round of BP in real time.

"Blue side Snake, red side IG."

"Now that the first round of BP between the two sides is over, Snake has selected Ashe, Bron, and Pig Girl. And IG has selected Enchantress, Verus, and Morgana."

"In the second round of bans, Snake chose to target the jungler, banning Zac and Spider, while IG targeted the top laner, banning big trees and big bugs."

"Now it's the red side's IG's turn to select players. The fourth move directly determines the jungler's excavator, and the counter position on the fifth floor is given to the rookie top laner Lancer in the last move."

"On Snake's side, the final mid-top combination didn't hesitate, and directly locked the clockwork and Gnar, a very solid lineup combination."

"So now, only IG's final top laner position is left with no choice. Facing Gnar, who is good at Holy Gun, what kind of hero will Lancer use to deal with it?"

Everyone is looking forward to IG's final choice.

At this time, in IG's team voice, Zhao Yun and Mafa were also having the final communication.

"Gnar is singled out on the opposite side, Ayun, what are you going to play? Choose one of Kenan, Prince or Qinggang Ying, which one do you think is better to win?"

These three choices are the tactical system set by Mafa in advance.

Before that, Zhao Yun was also mentally prepared.

However, when it came to the critical moment of playing in person, he was in a daze throughout the BP process, and he woke up suddenly when it was his turn to choose someone.



Green Steel Shadow?
These three heroes made him feel very strange. When faced with a choice, he didn't know which one to choose.

He has only played Kenan and Qinggangying in Smash Bros.

The prince has played a few games, but they are all junglers, and he doesn't know how to match up at all.

"Huh? Which one is better to win?"

Under the extreme tension, Zhao Yun only felt his heart beating faster and his mind went blank.

He couldn't imagine at all, if he really let himself use one of these three heroes, how to play to win the game.

"I, I think none of these three is easy to win."

Head dizzy, Zhao Yun directly said what was in his heart.

Immediately, coach Mafa and other team members were stunned.

"Then what do you want to play?"

what do i want to play
what will i play
Zhao Yun was stunned on the spot, watching the countdown to the final 20 seconds of selection, he became more anxious, trembling all over, and sweating from his palms.

"Brother Yunzi, hurry up, time is running out!"

Seeing that Zhao Yun didn't speak, Baolan, who was selected on the fifth floor, also had a voice full of eagerness.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun's already confused thoughts instantly became more confused.

Which one can win?
Which one can win?
Which one can win?

The brain turned rapidly, and the eyes swept over the more than 100 hero portraits in front of him, and finally, the eyes stayed on one of them.

The moment Zhao Yun saw this avatar, he finally imagined for the first time that he won the game with this hero.

So, in the last three seconds, under the eager urging of his teammates, he finally spoke.

"Choose the barbarian king!"

If your hands are trembling and flustered, choose the barbarian king!
(End of this chapter)

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