That's what we do with silver

Chapter 11 The next game, you go

Chapter 11 The next game, you go
When Zhao Yun lay down, he felt a mess in his heart.

'Oh, I'm so worried, it looks like I'm going to suffer from insomnia again tonight. '

He thought so.

After 2 minutes, he fell asleep deeply.

This time, I fell asleep until dawn.

When I opened my eyes, it was already ten o'clock.

Soon, after having lunch in the cafeteria with other team members in the club, at three o'clock, I took the club bus to the stadium with everyone.

Although today's IG game is at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, it does not affect the team's need to go early.


2017, April 6.

Shanghai Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center.

As the largest official LPL venue in Shanghai, whenever there is a game, it will become extraordinarily lively.

At this moment, when everyone from IG arrived at the stadium lounge, the game was also going on on the field.

The two sides of the battle are WE and IM.

As one of the e-sports giants that has existed since ancient times in the LPL, the WE team's performance in 2017 has always been very strong.

As for IM, although S6 successfully entered the World Championship, it was very sluggish throughout 17, and was weaker than WE in all aspects.

Like now, in the ongoing game on the field, IM was suppressed by WE across the board, without much resistance at all, and easily won the first game.

Seeing that WE easily won the first round, the entire venue erupted into extremely enthusiastic cheers in an instant.




The excited cheers of WE fans were heard clearly even by the IG people in the backstage lounge.

With such a large number of fans, the brothers felt very envious at that time.

At the same time, because the game of their own team has not yet arrived, at this point in time, when everyone in IG is sitting in the waiting room, they also start to watch the game that is being played together, discussing while watching.

"Tsk tsk tsk, WE is still WE, it's so fierce."

"I feel like I've been knocked out."

"It's not on the same level, IM feels completely hopeless."

"Well, but there is one thing to say, we are now 1-4, and if IM loses, it will be 0-4. To a certain extent, we and them are also considered difficult brothers."

"It hurts."

"But Snake doesn't seem to be doing well recently, they are also 1-4 haha."

"Today's wave belongs to brothers and sisters hurting each other."


In the lounge, the attitudes of the IG people are relatively optimistic, and they are still joking with each other.

However, Zhao Yun, who was sitting in the corner of the lounge, behaved completely differently from other teammates.

While everyone was laughing and playing and watching the game, he was silently looking down at his phone.

However, he is not just playing with his mobile phone.

Seeing that in a while, after the match between WE and IM is over, it will be IG's turn.

At this point in time, Zhao Yun was not in the mood to watch other teams' matches, let alone bragging with his teammates.

He is under a lot of pressure!
At this last point in time, he was still wondering if there was any way to increase his chances of winning as much as possible.

So, he watched Snake's recent games again, and observed Saint Gun's playing habits from these videos, to see if he could find some flaws and shortcomings that he could take advantage of.

While watching, he also posted a post on the anti-stress bar using his own account.

After thinking about it, the title of the post is directly named.

[One thing to say, pure passerby, no one should have any objection to saying that Brother Saint Gun is the number one top laner in China, right? 】

Then, say so directly in the post.

[No bragging, I feel that Sanke's top laner Holy Gun is really strong, the kind with no weaknesses at all, he is the LPL's first domestic top laner, if it wasn't for Sanke's dragging down, he would have taken off long ago. 】

[This post is a rational discussion, let's argue if you don't agree! 】

After posting this post, it didn't take a while for Zhao Yun to receive many replies.

Then, in a bunch of elegant and easy-going fragrant words, he really made him pick out a lot of useful things.

[Laughing to death, Brother Holy Gun?Batch the gun brother!He can't help but show his face to others casually. With his broken mentality, he is destined to be played and applauded by other old people! 】

This works!

Seeing this, Zhao Yun's heart shuddered, so he quickly remembered this.

Brother Saint Gun at this point in time has a bad mentality and is easy to get on top!

Then, continue to look down, trying to collect as many different information as possible.

But at this moment, a voice sounded beside his ear.

"What are you looking at with your head down, so engrossed?"

The sudden sound made Zhao Yun's hands tremble, and he almost lost his grip on the phone, so he almost didn't drop it.

Looking up abruptly, he suddenly saw Su Xiaoluo leaning over curiously, wanting to see what was on his phone.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun reacted quickly, immediately exited the post bar interface and put his phone in his pocket with his backhand.

"Ahaha it's you, Brother Su, I didn't watch anything, I was just sitting and bored, just scrolling through Weibo."

Zhao Yun scratched his head and laughed aloud.

Su Xiaoluo laughed when she heard the words.

"Swipe posts, let's go to Weibo? You kid, you were so nervous yesterday, but you look much better today."

He patted Zhao Yun's shoulder and continued to laugh.

"However, don't play with your mobile phone at this time, our game will start soon, let's go and watch together over there."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun suddenly realized that during the period of time when he was looking at his mobile phone unconsciously, both WE and IM were actually finished.

It is now [-]:[-] in the evening, and it will be the turn of IG and Snake soon.

The first five IG players have already entered the field ahead of schedule and are undergoing final equipment adjustments.

Coach Mafa is also in place.

And other IG staff, including analysts, and several other rotating substitutes, are already sitting in front of the live broadcast screen in the lounge, ready to watch the game simultaneously.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun immediately put away his mobile phone, went over with Su Xiaoluo, and sat down to watch the game.

Soon, on time at seven o'clock, the game officially started.

The live broadcast camera suddenly cut to a group of players. In the live broadcast, there were two familiar voices of commentators.

It's Guan Zeyuan and Rita.

"OK, with IG's final selection of Camille, the lineups of both sides have been officially determined, and the match will begin immediately!"

Zhao Yun looked at the lineups of both sides in the screen.

SS blue side.

The top laner is Dashu, the jungler is Prince, the mid laner is Clockwork, and the bottom lane is Dazui and Bron.

IG red side.

Top laner Qing Gangying, jungler Kayn, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Verus and Zyra.


Looking at the lineup comparison, Zhao Yun can only use one word to describe IG's selection based on his understanding of the silver game.


Obviously, IG's side is a standard rhythmic fast-break lineup, and Snake's side is a standard steady 5v5 late-game strong lineup.

IG's offensive pressure is very high. If they can't exploit enough advantages in the early stage to snowball, the further they go, the more useless they will be.

What he can see, other people are naturally very clear.

"In this round, we had a lot of offensive pressure in the early stage. It depends on whether Rookie and King Ning can open up the situation."

Su Xiaoluo rubbed his chin while muttering.

At the same time, after the BP was over, coach Mafa also returned directly to the waiting room, and sat down with everyone to watch the game.

In the beginning, relying on the strength of Camille and Galio's ultimate moves, IG also managed to find a wave of good opportunities in the early stage, catching and killing the big tree of the holy gun brother on the top road, and took the lead in winning the first blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help shouting nice.

Seeing that IG gained the advantage, Zhao Yun shouted more excitedly than anyone else.

'That's it, hold the pressure for me on the top road, and win the first round smoothly, and then you can continue to the second round! '

'please!Cheng Lu! '

Zhao Yun thought so.

However, soon, the direction of this game made him understand what it means to rise first and then suppress.

He really didn't expect that the nice sentence he yelled just now was actually the last sentence he yelled in this round.

After getting the first blood, Camille turned off the flames.

IG's Nakano, who held a strong lineup in the early and mid-term, failed to continue to open up the situation and expand their advantages. Instead, they made frequent mistakes, their operations were poor, and their rhythm stagnated.

Among the waves of low-level coordination mistakes, everyone in IG knew it at a glance. Obviously, most of them were caused by miscommunication with other people on the road.

Every time this happens, coach Mafa can't help frowning.

On the other side, it was the big tree that Holy Gun was targeted in the early stage, and a few waves of beautiful TP directly helped Sanke to play a huge advantage.

In the end, 35 minutes into the game, Snake made a head-on attack. The huge economic advantage directly overwhelmed IG's defense and ended the game.

At the moment when the crystal exploded, Zhao Yun also saw Mafa turn his head to look at him, and said the sentence he was most afraid of hearing.

"Get ready, next round, you go up and try."

(End of this chapter)

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