That's what we do with silver

Chapter 10 Grinding the gun before the battle is neither fast nor not only

Chapter 10 Grinding the gun before the battle is neither fast nor not only
In the corner of the training room, Zhao Yun hung the game client, but his attention was always on the opened webpage.

Finally, after watching for more than an hour, I finally got a general understanding of most of the top lane heroes that appeared in the last week of the game, as well as their mutual restraint relationship.

However, the more he understood, the more he felt that he was under a lot of pressure.

Although he himself is good, it doesn't mean he can't understand the game.

Therefore, by watching these recent game videos, it directly allowed him to understand more deeply how big the gap between his real level and these professional players is!
Skill accuracy, team execution, laning strength, pawn line handling, support awareness, last knife skills...

Everything made Zhao Yun sincerely feel that he and this stinky silver are not in the same dimension at all!
"Ah ~ send!"

"Can't fight, can't fight, can't fight at all!"

"If I really want to go up at that time, how the hell can I stand it!"

Zhao Yun couldn't help but slumped on the chair behind him on the spot, completely distraught.

However, it has come to such a time, and it is meaningless to think about it any more.

"Forget it, let's hit two ranks first to suppress the shock!"

Zhao Yun simply didn't think too much about it, switched to the Hanbok client, clicked on the game and started ranking directly.

However, under such circumstances, under a lot of pressure, even in ordinary rank rounds, it is naturally impossible for his hero selection to be as random as before.

"Uh, let me see, if Snake is playing against the blue side recently, the top laner will probably go first, the first three moves must be big bugs and big trees, and the fourth or fifth moves will probably choose Gnar Qinggangying..."

"If you are a meat tank hero, you basically have extremely high requirements for the timing of entering the field, the timing of the team, and the timing of TP support. It is equal to zero, and I will show my true colors in a team battle, so I must not choose meat to fight with him!"

After careful thinking, Zhao Yun resolutely ruled out the possibility of choosing meat himself.

"So, in the face of the opponent's first attack on the road, my best choice is to solo the hero! This will not only avoid being solo killed by the tank in the lane, but also reduce the care of the director's camera with the lowest probability. Just do it like this !"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun nodded secretly, decisively clicked on the OPGG official website, and took a closer look at the two heroes, Big Chongzi and Dashu, and their stats and restraint relationships with other heroes in the top lane.

After comparing the operation difficulty of several heroes, in the end, I resolutely chose the hero I want to play in this round.

Lost Tooth, Gnar!
The biggest reason why he chose this hero that he hadn't played much before was that based on his experience from watching so many games in his previous life, he told him that this hero is such a mess!
Once you choose this hero, you don't need to press people in the lane, and you don't need to play a lot of output in team battles.

It doesn't matter for laning, it doesn't matter for equipment, even if you are crushed to the point where the second tower hangs up and develops poorly.


As long as you can unleash a fairly normal ult in a wave of team battles, the audience will forget about your laning disadvantages and only remember your highlights in this wave.

To sum up, this is a top laner hero who has a very high tolerance for both the audience and the commentator!

It is very suitable for him now!

"It's up to you, Bobby the Dart!"

Zhao Yun decisively confirmed Gnar's choice, and entered the game with a glimmer of expectation.

"After all, it's a high-end game in Hanbok, and the opponent's top laner is also a king. Rounding it up, he is considered a semi-professional brother. I will take Gnar to play against him in a game, and it should be considered as an early experience of the intensity of the game."

Zhao Yun thought so, and wanted to use actual combat to improve his hero proficiency as much as possible.

Before the game started, he was looking forward to it.

Then, 25 minutes later.

At the end of the game, looking at the settlement interface in front of him, Zhao Yun fell silent.

This game won.

However, it has nothing to do with him.

He chose Gnar to go on the road, facing the solo Qinggang Ying.

Originally, Zhao Yun was a little nervous at the beginning, and he couldn't even make up the knife stably, worrying whether he would be pierced by this Qinggang shadow in the lane.

But he thought too much.

From the third level, the jungler Leopard on his side has been crazily invading the anti-jungle and killing people, and the rhythm is called an explosion.

As a result, Qing Gangying, the top laner on the opposite side, disappeared from the line at every turn, and went to the wild area to support.

Zhao Yun himself was unresponsive, and every time the support was almost finished, he went slowly.

But even so, the jungler Leopard Girl and the mid laner Jie on my side are still strong, and the middle and wild teamed up to kill, completely took off, and directly dominated the entire game together.

On the opposite side, Qing Gangying, the top laner, managed to collapse himself after several failed support attempts.

In the whole game, Zhao Yun didn't have a few minutes of real laning, he just made up swords and pushed towers, and when he became angry, he slapped and jumped casually.

In the end, Dalongkeng got four kills with one shot and four kills for no reason, and the opponent surrendered directly.

Seeing his score rising again, Zhao Yun couldn't see any joy on his face.


What is the situation!

Who wants this broken score!
I really want to improve my laning ability. This whole round has been done with nothing to make up, and I'm playing with a hammer!

Unwilling to be reconciled, Zhao Yun fired Gnar again.

Good guy, this round is even more outrageous. I don’t know which LCK’s starting AD and support is the bot lane duo. The ADC is super god in 10 minutes, and the bot lane is threaded, making the opponent unable to come out. Surrendered in the last 10 minutes thing.

Zhao Yun and the opposite dog's head hadn't even made up their swords, so the game was over.

"Come again!"

Zhao Yun opened the third one.

This game is finally normal. The opponent's single crocodile looks very strong, full of details, and smooth operation. Not only did Zhao Yun feel the huge pressure during the online period, but also had a gap to support the wild area, and killed Zhao Yun. The wild spider here.

Then, just when Zhao Yun was overjoyed, thinking that he could finally learn from the pressure and grow up.

But the crocodile didn't know which tendon was wrong. During the crucial wave of tower jumping, because of the misalignment of Gnar and the defense tower's perspective, he flashed red and stunned. The little soldier made a major mistake, and was taken down by Zhao Yun's Gnar headed.

From then on, the whole game became completely weird.

The most critical big dragon decisive team, the five people on the opposite side were forced to rush the big dragon with their vision. Zhao Yun, who was half angry, happened to pass by. He shook his hand and jumped off the exploding fruit, just in time to find five residual blood.

In the end, in the face of the concentrated fire of five people, Zhao Yun rolled the keyboard wildly in desperation. In a burst of exaggerated keyboard 'slaps', Narhao took pentakill to take down Dalong, and played GG again on the opposite side.

Zhao Yun was almost numb.

What's more, because this time is approaching the break time, some people have stopped training, so his sound of rolling the keyboard attracted many people in the training room to watch.

When they saw his residual blood, Narhau took five kills and took down the big dragon, they all cast surprised eyes.

"Fuck, what a fierce Nargaga!"

"One hit five five kills! Brother Yunzi is awesome!"

"My God, the king has 1460 points, brother Yunzi, when did you hit the second place in Hanbok!"

"Invincible, invincible, brother Yunzi, call me Yunshen!"

"In our team, there is actually a super boss who ranks second in Hanbok, that's awesome, brother Yunzi!"

"I said why the daytime training match is so fierce, it turns out that Brother Yunzi has evolved a long time ago!"

"Uh, if you think about it this way, Letme was defeated by Hanbok No. [-], so it doesn't seem ashamed to say it."

"There is one thing to say, indeed."


All of a sudden, a group of IG players let out lively laughter.

Even the coach Mafa happened to pass by the training room and took a look when he heard the movement.

When Zhao Yun saw the score on the settlement interface, he couldn't help showing surprise.

Unknowingly, did you hit the second place in Hanbok?

So before we didn't know, you really did a lot of hard work in silence, not bad, not bad.

There is deep appreciation in Mafa's eyes.

'Perhaps, what Su Xiaoluo said is right, he is really a talented player with great potential. '

'Tomorrow's game, let him try it too. '

Mafa secretly made some decisions in his heart and quietly left the training room.

At this time, Zhao Yun, facing the surprise and praise of other players, coupled with the admiring look when he saw Coach Mafa looking at him for the last time, made his heart thump instantly.

'what's the situation?What kind of look is this? Could it be that Coach Mafa looked at my score and really felt that I have become stronger! '

'Originally, it was only possible to play tomorrow, but now that it's done like this, wouldn't it be more likely? '

'No!Coach, you misunderstood, listen to my explanation! '

Thinking of Mafa's last approving look in his mind, Zhao Yun only felt the pressure on his shoulders become heavier.

People say that if you grind your guns in battle, you will be light if you are not quick.

He was fine, the gun was as if it hadn't been ground.

It's useless, send it!

Seeing that Rank had no effect, the rest time was saved immediately. He got off the plane decisively, greeted other team members symbolically, dragged his exhausted body, went back to the room and fell asleep.

'Oh, never mind, let's take one step at a time'

 Double updates will start in April, and the shelves will be launched every day!
(End of this chapter)

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