That's what we do with silver

Chapter 9 In my home, there is a Cheng Lu

Chapter 9 In my home, there is a Cheng Lu




Facing Su Xiaoluo's suspicious eyes, Zhao Yun choked on the spot, unable to say a word.

Seeing his reaction, Su Xiaoluo frowned slightly, and looked at him thoughtfully again.

While watching, he touched his stubbled chin at the same time, and a bit of bewilderment slowly appeared in his eyes.

"So it is! I understand!"

Caught off guard, he suddenly slapped his palm hard again.

The sound of 'pa' directly startled Zhao Yun a little.

what's the situation?
understand what?

Did he understand what I really mean?

Do you know I'm a real dish?

Zhao Yun was surprised first, then delighted.

In this case, it should be able to avoid playing for the time being.

Zhao Yun thought so in his heart.

But in the next second, Su Xiaoluo's words completely surprised him.

"Hey, Ayun, your state is simply a typical syndrome of lack of confidence and too much pressure before the game!"

Su Xiaoluo stretched out her hand and patted Zhao Yun's shoulder heavily, with a look of 'I understand very well'.

"Rookie, when you are going to play for the first time, you look like you."

"Small things, take it easy, don't be too stressed, understand, in fact, the difference between the official game and the training game is not that big, you just need to perform normally."

He had a relaxed smile on his face.

"Besides, let's take a step back. If you go up to play a game, even if you lose, it's no big deal. It's normal to win or lose in e-sports. When you don't play, we IG always lose. ?
Now it's 1-4, it's okay, just relax! "

Su Xiaoluo comforted her with a smile.

"Professional e-sports, there is no one who really never loses a game, there is no such thing as Faker, who is No.1 in the lol world. When he first debuted, he was educated for a long time, and finally he really practiced.

No one's self-confidence is born, it is all accumulated through actual combat.

So, really don't be too stressed and nervous, listen to Brother Su, you are a very talented seedling, play a few more hands and practice, and you will definitely be able to take off in the future! "

Speaking of this, seeing that Zhao Yun was still in a daze, Su Xiaoluo was also talking to himself, turning around and leaving while waving.

"OK, take a good rest today and get ready. I'll just report the starting lineup, and that's it."

Su Xiaoluo talked to herself, and walked out of the training room in a happy mood.

The rest of Zhao Yun stood there in a daze, scratched his head, and finally heaved a long sigh.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time, let's talk about the meal first."

Zhao Yun stood up, ready to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Just as he stood up, he realized that the training room, which he thought was empty, had a figure standing up from a seat in another corner at the same time.

He has a young face, a tall and thin figure, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and a head of curly black hair that looks like a chicken coop.

The moment he saw this man's face, Zhao Yun subconsciously blurted out his name.

"Cheng Lu?"

That's right, this thin and tall boy is one of the two top laners in the IG team at this time, Theshy Jiang Chenglu.

Looking at the slightly young and thin young man in front of him, Zhao Yun also had complicated feelings.

Without him, in his previous life, he was also one of the witnesses who won the S8 championship. In the dark age of the absolute domination of the LCK, it was the five members of IG who brought him unforgettable excitement and passion.

Although the last five people got separated, Shy, who used to dominate the road, also became Cheng Lu, who likes to do crazy work and create program effects, but this does not affect Zhao Yun's love for them in the slightest.

For more than a month since time travel, Zhao Yun has been playing ranking in a daze, and basically has not had much communication with other people. It is really the first time that he is alone in this situation like now.

Therefore, looking at the person he had only seen on the screen before, but now standing in front of him in real life, Zhao Yun couldn't help feeling a kind of inexplicable complex emotion in his heart.

On Theshy's side, when they heard Zhao Yun's voice, they froze for a moment.

Because, he has been in China for so long, and this is the first time he has heard someone call him that in Chinese.

For a moment, he almost didn't react.

But soon, when he saw teammates from the same team, he immediately reacted, nodded slightly towards Zhao Yun, and at the same time politely replied in rather unfamiliar Chinese.

"Ah, exhaustion."

When he opened his mouth and heard a familiar voice, Zhao Yun's first reaction was to laugh.

But he held back.

"Uh, hello."

"You eat too? Let's go to the cafeteria together?"

Zhao Yun expressed his meaning with a smile as simple as possible.

Theshy understood, and nodded with a smile.

"Dining together? Oh, okay, okay, let's go together."

"Can you speak Chinese?"

"Chinese? A little bit, a little bit."

"What do you think of IG's food?"

"Kuo Yi, it's so good, it's good."

"Hahaha, I've seen your video of the wild leopard girl before, you are very good."

"No, no, the leopard girl used to be rich, but now, she plays less and is not rich."

"Will you go to tomorrow's match?"

"The game? Oh, tomorrow, I will go too, the coach said I will be in the first game."

"Really! Remember to work hard when the time comes, and try not to lose even one game. It's best to win two games in a row. Don't give me a chance to play!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? It's too fast for me to understand."

"No, I said come on, Fighting! Aza-Aza!"

"Oh~ Kuo Yi Kuo Yi, we are all Fightin! Fighting!"

In this way, the two of them were also together, communicating in simple Chinese while walking towards the cafeteria.


That night.

In the IG training room, after the daily training matches, most of the night, everyone is playing Rank free training.

On Zhao Yun's side, after Su Xiaoluo's nonsense during the day and the simple and funny conversation with Theshy, the tension in his heart has been washed away a lot at this moment, and he is not as at a loss as he was at the beginning.

However, the pressure in my heart still exists.

Thinking of the possibility of playing tomorrow, Zhao Yun panicked.

In order to avoid embarrassment and shame tomorrow, he decided to take advantage of the last time to sharpen his guns and prepare as much as possible.

What he is doing right now is watching the recent LPL game videos.

Because the Korean Rank version he has been playing is different from the LPL game version, and he basically doesn't pay attention to the game, so except for the daytime training game, his mainstream lineup and version heroes for the LPL game are completely blank.

Therefore, at this last time, Zhao Yun wanted to learn more about this situation as much as possible.

It's impossible, when he is really allowed to compete on stage, he will still play like today, playing with a barbarian king and blind base bully, right?
Or, like when playing Rank, rely on that illusory luck to win the game?
Give me a break!

That's LPL!

Just like that, Zhao Yun saw it for two hours.

Then at the end of the day, the feeling in his heart can be summed up in two words.

Pull out the cool down!

"Gnar, Big Bug, Camille, Big Tree, Prince... I'm dizzy, I only play stupid and heavy-armed fighters in the top lane, these mainstream top lane heroes are either tanks or manipulations, I don't know I'm not good at any of them, and I can't even remember the skills, what should I do!"

"Is there any anti-stress support, four guarantees and one, how can I play this kind of execution!"

"More importantly, Snake's top laner tomorrow will still be Holy Gun! Fuck, the future S11 champion top laner! I'll fight him with the head!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Send!"

All of a sudden, Zhao Yun felt extremely tired.

However, in the last remaining time, he still continued to work hard and continue the final preparations.

After thinking about it, he decisively closed the Korean server client and opened his own national server game client.

Then, click on your own hero list to find the top lane heroes with the highest appearance rate in the current LPL game version.

Finally, take a deep breath and start looking at the skill descriptions of these heroes one by one...

At the same time, open the OPGG website to view the restraint relationship and outfit teaching of these heroes.

After all, even if he lost, was single-killed, or was beaten, at least he had to know which skill he died on.

at least at least!

It can't be too obvious!
(End of this chapter)

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