That's what we do with silver

Chapter 8 Is there something wrong with you calling this a hero pool?

Chapter 8 Is there something wrong with you calling this a hero pool?
The training match is over.

On the small blackboard in the training room, IG's training results in the past few days were originally written.

Losers are written in red chalk and winners are written in white chalk.

And at this moment, amidst a large row of red records, finally a line of eye-catching white characters appeared.

RNG, 2:0, win.

All of a sudden, seeing Mafa writing this line with his own hand, all the IG players couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Ning: "I'll go, I don't know if I don't look at it, we have lost so many games these days, it's hard to lose, it can be regarded as a win."

Rookie: "The more important thing is to win the RNG, full of gold, hehe."

Baolan: "One thing to say, although we basically didn't do anything in the bottom lane after the two rounds, it still feels good now haha."

Xihuang: "Don't talk about it, it feels really comfortable to lie down and win. Not much to say, the top laner is awesome and it's over."

All of a sudden, in the IG training room.

Although it was just an ordinary training game, after a few days of big losses, everyone in IG, who had won the next game, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and their mood became a lot easier.

But now, seeing that it was already dinner time, everyone was not in the mood to continue Ranking after the training match, and simply stood up, ready to go to eat first.

"Eat, eat, walk around."

"Okay, when I think of the tragic experience of Letme on the road in the two rounds just now, my whole body has a big appetite, and I wish I could eat a few more bowls."

"Eat, eat, go cook!"


Amidst a burst of chatter and laughter, several people walked towards the cafeteria with their shoulders crossed.

Zhao Yun originally wanted to eat, but just as he stood up, he saw Su Xiaoluo coming out from the other side and shouted at him from a distance.

"Ayun, don't go, I have something to tell you later."

Su Xiaoluo walked all the way, with a serious expression on his face. .

"Ah, Brother Su, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Su Xiaoluo came here specially to look for him, with such a serious expression on his face, Zhao Yun's heart skipped a beat.

That was the first thought that popped up at that time.

'It's bad, maybe the training match just now made him find out that I'm actually a silver rookie. '

Zhao Yun couldn't help feeling uneasy, and suddenly became nervous.

But what he didn't expect was that Su Xiaoluo's originally serious expression suddenly changed when he walked in front of Zhao Yun, and he laughed directly at him.

"Why are you so nervous, relax, relax!"

"Good news, I'm here to tell you good news!"

Seeing Zhao Yun's nervous expression, he directly reached out and patted Zhao Yun's shoulder hard twice, and continued to laugh.

"After the coaching staff's discussion and my struggle, we decided to take you with us in tomorrow's game. If the situation permits, we will let you play a game in rotation."

"Well, isn't this great news?"

Su Xiaoluo laughed, apparently in a very happy mood.

In his eyes, a rookie player of Zhao Yun's age sat on the bench for so long not only for a chance to play, but now that he has won such a chance for him, the opponent should be very happy.

However, what he didn't expect was that when Zhao Yun heard these words, there was no surprise on his face at all.

On the contrary, it is more frightening than surprise.

His face paled, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

Zhao Yun did feel frightened.

'Are you kidding me? I'm just a stinky silver. Playing games and making shows is not bad. How can I really play games! '

"Fortunately, it's fine to take the barbarian king to win two training games, but if he really wants to play, he won't be beaten to the head by other professional brothers?" '

With such thoughts in mind, when Zhao Yun heard Su Xiaoluo's words, he immediately wanted to refuse.

"Ah, let me play the game?"

"Brother Su, this...I...I..."

Zhao Yun faltered for a long time, scratched his head, but for a while, he couldn't think of any suitable reason for refusing.

After all, you can't really tell the other party that you are very good, so you can give it away when you go up.

Seeing Zhao Yun's reaction, Su Xiaoluo couldn't help but wonder.

"Why are you hesitating, you seem...not very willing to play?"

Zhao Yun glanced at him, and nodded with embarrassment.

Zhao Yun couldn't help but tremble when he thought that he would really be beaten and humiliated in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers, and then sprayed wildly.

Seeing Zhao Yun's reaction, Su Xiaoluo couldn't help frowning.

"No, why, I really can't figure it out. You have been on the bench for so long and finally got to play, why are you unwilling now? You have to give me a reason!"

Su Xiaoluo's tone was full of puzzlement.

Regarding this, Zhao Yun's thoughts changed sharply, and he subconsciously made up an excuse.

"Well, I feel that I am not ready yet. My personal strength is far from enough compared to the other top laners or the two starters in the team. Therefore, I want to study for a while and wait for my strength. Improve a little bit and play again.”

In just one second, Zhao Yun came up with an excuse that he thought was extremely reasonable.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoluo was stunned for a moment.

"Do you feel that your personal strength is insufficient?"

He glanced at Zhao Yun suspiciously, and then his face revealed a sudden expression.

"Oh, you mean that you feel that your rank score is not high enough, so you don't feel confident enough."

He waved his hand indifferently.

"How important is it for me? It turns out that this is it. Then you really think too much. Let me tell you that Rank and competition are two games. There are many people with high Rank scores and high scores in competitions. Rnak scores are not enough. High, but there are also a lot of random kills in the game, so this thing is just a reference.

Points, you can go up if you play more, you can care about it, but you don't have to care about it so much. "

Su Xiaoluo smiled and patted Zhao Yun's shoulder. Seeing that Zhao Yun still looked unnatural, he immediately reached out to hold Zhao Yun's mouse.

"Let me take a look, maybe it's because you've dropped too many points on your knees recently, so you've lost your confidence."

Su Xiaoluo smiled, and casually clicked on the ranking record of Zhao Yun's Hanbok account.

Here, Zhao Yun was still thinking about a more reasonable excuse. Seeing Su Xiaoluo's move, he suddenly thought of something, and subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to stop him.

But, it's too late.

Su Xiaoluo clicked the mouse lightly, and his Hanbok ranking record has been opened.

Suddenly, Su Xiaoluo's eyes froze for a moment.

On the screen in front of him, all the achievements of Zhao Yun in the past few days were impressively displayed.






Looking around, all of Zhao Yun's ranking records during this period are all green.


Dalian winning streak!
Just for the part visible to the naked eye, there are at least a dozen consecutive victories.

At the same time, the score of Zhao Yun's account is also clearly displayed on it.

[The strongest king 1275 points]

Su Xiaoluo looked at this scene, and subconsciously continued to click on the current battle zone ranking.

Then, clearly saw Zhao Yun's current ranking.

The strongest king of Hanbok, No.7.

Suddenly, he fell silent.

After a while, he slowly turned his head to look at Zhao Yun, his eyes full of shock.

"I'll go, No. [-] in Hanbok, when did you score such a high score?"

As soon as he spoke, he immediately came back to his senses.

"No, what I mean is, you have already scored this score, but you still feel that your personal strength is not enough?"

"Then according to what you said, everyone else in our team has much lower points than you, so do you want to live?"

When Zhao Yun heard this, he waved his hands again and again.

"No Brother Su, that's not what I meant!"

His tone was a little hasty.

Su Xiaoluo was even more puzzled.

"Then what exactly do you mean?"

Zhao Yun scratched his head, thought for a long time but couldn't think of a suitable excuse, so he just bit the bullet and said.

"To tell you the truth, Brother Su, the problem with my hero pool is really big. If I'm lucky, I can play a barbarian king. Other heroes are not good at it. If you really want me to go up and play the game, I will definitely make others miserable. of."

Facing Zhao Yun's confession, Su Xiaoluo's eyes were full of disbelief after hearing it, first he glanced at him suspiciously, then moved the mouse again, and clicked on Zhao Yun's ranking record.

"There is a problem with the hero pool. There will only be one barbarian king? Is it true or not? Let me see."

He looked carefully at the row of game records, which heroes Zhao Yun used.

Then, he fell silent again.

Because in front of his eyes, the heroes used in Zhao Yun's game records are impressively called a hundred flowers blooming.

Juggernaut, Xin Zhao, Stone Man, Big Tree, Taita, Card, EZ, Qian Jue...

After reading this page, there are all kinds of heroes in the upper, middle and lower fields.

Even some unpopular heroes that can't even be seen in the current version, such rare species as Udyr Urgot, all appeared here together.

What's even more outrageous is that, looking at it all the way, in the [-] rounds of the game, there was not a single round of Barbarian King!

Su Xiaoluo scrolled the mouse to scroll down, looked at the records of thirty or forty rounds in a row, and finally, finally couldn't help but turned his head, frowning, his eyes were full of shock and bewilderment.

"That's it, you call it a hero pool?"

(End of this chapter)

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