That's what we do with silver

Chapter 7 If I take the crocodile, I will train him the barbarian king!

Chapter 7 If I take the crocodile, I will train him the barbarian king!
Seeing that RNG had already played GG, IG immediately understood. The opponent felt that there was no need to continue this round, so they voted directly.

"Retire, they have already retreated."

"OK, back off."

Soon, the two sides directly withdrew from the game.

According to the long-standing habit, the two sides each rest for 5 minutes, and then continue to the second hand.

In the BO3 training matches between LPL teams, it basically follows this pattern.

And until the end of the game, several other people on IG's side, especially the bottom lane duo, still had a little dazed look on their faces.

"I'm going, it's a bit outrageous to be true. I haven't done anything yet. I made up the damage and then it's over. This training game is too magical."

AD Xihuang scratched his head, still a little unresponsive.

The assistant Baolan next to her took off her earphones and let out a long breath, with the same surprise on her face.

"I can only say that the top laner is really a bit too aggressive. 1v4 scored four kills, and I would order it for me. It's still a hammer."

The duo has no sense of participation throughout the whole process, so the biggest feeling for this training match is magic.

But Nakano is different.

Not to mention Ning. In this round, Mantis' eyes were basically on the road. Zhao Yun's barbarian king's every big move was seen by him. It can be said that he has witnessed the growth trajectory of his top laner.

The same goes for Rookie. The mid laner Syndra doesn’t have anything to say about the clockwork. When the jungler is not moving, it’s just two people burying their heads and brushing each other. Therefore, he has no pressure at all in the lane and spends most of the time cutting. Check other roads on the screen.

Zhao Yun Manwang's several waves of kills were also seen by him, and even in two of them, he helped hold Xiaohu's mainspring and prevented him from supporting him.

Therefore, the two brothers basically know best how outrageous the performance of their top laner Barbarian King is in this round.

As soon as the game ended, Ning immediately put down the earphones, walked to Zhao Yun's seat, and excitedly patted Zhao Yun's chair.

"Fuck, brother, you barbarian king is really awesome! It's too fierce to slash the whole audience with four slashes!"

As a native of Dongbai, Ning has a standard self-familiar personality. In addition, he and Zhao Yun have actually talked a few times before, so they are very familiar with each other now, lying on the chair behind Zhao Yun and grinning. .

Regarding this, Zhao Yun quickly put down his earphones and stood up, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's just luck, it's not as exaggerated as you said, everyone played very well haha."

In response to Zhao Yun's reaction, Ning was still half leaning on the chair, while stretching out his right index finger and shaking it slightly, while tsk-tsk.

"Humility, too modest, let me tell you that it's not okay to be too humble when playing professionally."

"If you kill through, you will kill through. The courage to admit that you are awesome, this is the self-confidence you should have as a professional player."

Ning half leaned on the chair, looking foolish.

When Zhao Yun heard him say this, he didn't know how to answer him, but Su Xiaoluo's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Prince Ning, you just stay here all day to talk nonsense with newcomers, don't you?"

The door of the training room opened, and manager Su Xiaoluo walked in with coach Mafa.

Su Xiaoluo first glanced at Ning, and Ning immediately shrugged her shoulders, looking indifferent.

"Brother Su, I'm not talking nonsense. I'm clearly imparting experience to our rookie brother and helping him quickly build up his self-confidence, okay?"

Su Xiaoluo laughed when he heard this.

"You're talking about a hammer. Zhao Yun didn't perform much better than you in the last game, so he needs you to teach him? That's all right, stop talking, sit down quickly, and get ready to start the next game right away."

Su Xiaoluo waved at Ning, then turned to look at Zhao Yun, her impatient expression instantly became kind.

"Ah Yun, don't listen to King Ning telling you this nonsense. You performed very well in the last round. If there is any problem, we will talk slowly when we resume the game. From now on, you just need to continue to maintain your state, don't worry about it. Psychological pressure OK?"

Su Xiaoluo smiled and patted Zhao Yun's shoulder the whole time he spoke, and his tone was full of encouragement and support for the younger generation.

This attitude, compared with the impatience at the beginning, is a 180-degree turn.

At that time, Zhao Yun was a little flattered.

"Uh, okay, Brother Su, don't worry, I'm fine, there's no pressure."

"OK, then there's no problem, sit down and rest, and play hard."

After a few simple conversations, soon, the second training match began.

This time, the two sides replaced the red and blue sides.

However, Zhao Yun was a little surprised that the first few picks on RNG's side basically remained unchanged. One handed counter position.

On IG's side, the double Cs in the bottom lane and the middle lane have not changed. They are also Syndra and Dazui, but the support has been replaced by Niutou who is more suitable for roaming and starting groups.

Next, it was the blue side's IG's four or five hands to choose the jungler and the top laner.

"Coach, what top order should I choose?"

Zhao Yun still asked out of habit.

And Mafa thought for a while, then said.

"They reserved a counter position for the top laner. It's clear that they want to target you. You can choose a hero who is more confident and not afraid of counters."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun, who already had an experience, subconsciously began to think.

Be more confident.

Not very afraid of counter.

After much deliberation, I always felt that choosing other heroes would be inexplicably guilty. After hesitating for a moment, I moved the mouse to the portrait of the barbarian king.

"Then I, just take another barbarian king?"

Hearing this, Mafa couldn't help being taken aback.

Even if the top order is placed first, the barbarian king still has to be taken?
It's really that confident, right?

"Okay, then choose the barbarian king, and see what the opponent will use against him."

Mafa nodded.

Zhao Yun heard the words and decided to choose.

Seeing that the barbarian king was sure, Ning immediately smiled too.

"Hey, picking a praying mantis in the last game is not easy to catch people, so I haven't eaten much meat all the time. This will help me a lot."

"Brother Lancer, tell me, what kind of jungler do you want?"

Ning's tone was full of confidence.

Zhao Yun thought about this for a while and blurted out.

"Then choose one, a hero who can climb the tower?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ning immediately became happy.

"Haha, I thought about jumping the tower before the fight started, yes, I like it enough violence!"

"If that's the case, then I'll give you the whole fuck!"

As soon as the words fell, Ning directly confirmed his hero choice.

Void Excavator, Rek'Sai.

So far, all five people on IG have selected heroes.

It was RNG's turn to be the last choice. When Letme was asked by the coach what hero is good for fighting the barbarian king, the first thing that came to mind was the figure of the stone man.

However, when he thought that this was just an ordinary training match, and he was ruthlessly beaten in the previous round, he was full of dissatisfaction and urgently needed to vent, so he decisively chose a hero who used violence to control violence.

Butcher of the Desert, Renekton!

Big crocodile!
"Gnar was restrained by the barbarian king in the last round, and I gave him a chance by underestimating the enemy. This round will definitely not happen!"

"Xiangguo, grab this one, let's give the newcomer on the opposite side a solo experience, what is the thrill of military training!"

Letme took a deep breath and smiled confidently.

Xiangguo also nodded.

"Okay, let's see if I mess with him or not!"

All of a sudden, RNG's Ueno and Ueno both entered the serious mode, making up their minds to recover from the previous defeat.

At the same time, on the IG side.

In the final countdown, Mafa also saw that Zhao Yun's summoner skills had chosen sprint and flash again, and immediately asked a question in doubt.

"When you play Barbarian King, you only use flash and sprint all the time. Have you tried teleportation?"

In this regard, Zhao Yun scratched his head with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Ah? How can the Barbarian King kill people without flashing and sprinting? Isn't this hero useless for playing like this?"

Is it useless if you can't kill people?

Hearing this, Mafa was stunned for a moment, then remained silent for a moment, and could only reply.

"Okay, according to your usual habits, as long as you are happy."


Before the start of the laning, Letme is very confident.

After all, he is the alligator known as the top laner. In the lane, he is confident that he can not lose the wind against any hero.

So, even before the start of the laning match, he had already thought about how he would pass the first three levels stably, and how to cooperate with the blind man to catch the Bengman king when the blind man came up.

But soon, the reality severely shattered his fantasy.

Still the same level, still the same style of play.

Even though the crocodile was hiding in the pile of soldiers, the barbarian king still didn't care about it. After a few A's, the soldier built up a little anger, and turned around again in a whirlwind to fight the crocodile.

Letme was overjoyed.

"With so many little soldiers, how can you beat me?"

He didn't hesitate to fight back immediately, and didn't even learn the skills in advance. He wanted to learn the W skill in seconds to catch the barbarian king by surprise after fighting a wave of red anger with the barbarian king in his own army.

He thought perfectly.

Operation is also no problem.

However, the ending was tragic.





The barbarian king smashed all the bells and whistles with a wave of swords four times in a row, and chopped the crocodile into a dead fish very roughly.

Take it in one blood!

After that, Letme was afraid that the plot of the previous round would repeat itself, so the crocodile TP returned to the line, directly teleported to the defensive tower, and prepared to develop wretchedly under the tower.

The barbarian king did not have anything to do with him for the time being, but soon Ning came, and the excavator swiped up from the lower half of the area, reaching the third level as quickly as possible. With double buffs, it dug in directly from the side wall of the defense tower.

The crocodile with no anger at level two was easily killed by the barbarian excavators at level three.

Then, there is the endless nightmare.

Jump over the tower and kill.

Jump over the tower and kill.

Jump over the tower and kill.

Compared with Mantis, the hero Excavator not only has control and burst, but also has a big move that can avoid damage and kill.

Coupled with the high damage of the barbarian king, it is not too easy to jump the tower!
If we talk about the last round, Barbarian King's several deaths were all because he was too impulsive and didn't wait for his teammates.

Then, in this round, under Ning's active communication, Zhao Yun also became more patient, waiting for the excavator to arrive before starting together, without giving the crocodile and the blind man any chance at all.

In 8 minutes, the road was officially threaded thoroughly.


RNG played GG again.

"We actually managed to beat RNG 2:0!"

"Fuck! Cool! Why didn't I realize that this game can be played so easily?"

Ning cheered, her tone full of joy.

And Mafa and Su Xiaoluo, who had been watching the whole game, couldn't help being surprised when they saw the barbarian king with exaggerated statistics on the scoreboard.

"I'll go, we seem to have found a treasure this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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