Chapter 6 uzi: G

1v2 wonderful battle on the road.

The barbarian king single-handedly crossed the tower to kill the RNG bottom lane duo, and finally played a one-for-two.

Such a result directly made several other IG teammates exclaim 666.

And Su Xiaoluo, who had been watching the battle, couldn't help but his eyes lit up again, he yelled "Nice", and subconsciously slapped Mafa's thigh next to him.

But this time, Mafa, who had been prepared for a long time, quietly moved to the side when Su Xiaoluo exclaimed.

'Clap' sound.

Su Xiaoluo slapped the air, and landed on the soft sofa.

'Um? '

Su Xiaoluo felt that the touch was not right, so she subconsciously turned her head to take a look, only to find that Mafa had changed positions at some point and was quietly watching the game screen.


Su Xiaoluo scratched her head in embarrassment, but quickly changed her expression, coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, and then put the topic on the training match again.

"I feel that our rookie's top laner is really good. He played through the line directly on the top lane. You must know that the current RNG is a complete RNG. He can beat Letme like this in the first training game. , is simply too rare."

Su Xiaoluo's tone was full of surprise.

"This game has such a big advantage, it feels like it should be won steadily."

Mafa also nodded when he heard that.

"That's right. After the two waves of bot and road, their development all collapsed. There should be no accidents in this round."

And as the two said, after experiencing these waves of rhythm, RNG's upper and lower lanes completely collapsed.

A few head money is a trivial matter, after all, Calista also took the end money of the barbarian king.

More importantly, Uzi's Kalista originally lost a lot of experience and development because of changing lanes, but now she was forced to kill by the barbarian king when she just reached the top lane, resulting in at least three or four waves of minions not being eaten.

After going back and forth, by the time he was resurrected again, he had lost too much experience.

Letme's Gnar is about the same.

In the top lane, he can't fight the barbarian king, but in the bottom lane to face the IG duo, he also has no good fruit to eat.

One of his top laners is only level [-], but the opposite duo has two level [-]. In addition, Gnar hasn't flashed yet, so he can't even gain experience under the tower. .

What makes everyone in RNG even more uncomfortable is that they can't find any way to break this situation!

Facing a barbarian king who directly attacked the speed shoes with an electric knife for more than seven minutes, there was no difference between two people arresting him and sending him away.

What's more, IG has more than one top laner who is well developed. When everyone in RNG is drawn by the barbarian king, Rookie and Ning's middle and wild are also perfectly developed.

The barbarian king has a single belt, and RNG's one person guarding the tower is 100% free.

If two people guard the tower, it is almost equal to free.

If three people went, the barbarian king hacked two of them directly, and the remaining one was easily taken down by Nakano who came from IG.

The game time was 9 minutes, and everyone in RNG made a wave of decisions, directly sending three people to the field, and cooperated with Gnar TP, who had finally reached level [-], to go around and grab the barbarian king.

"Brother, they are all going to catch you, four of you, run!"

Rookie reminded Zhao Yun immediately, and at the same time controlled Xingla to go up.

Ning also controlled the praying mantis to move up the road, shouting while leaning.

"You retreat first, we will rescue you!"

There was a little nervousness in the voices of both of them.

However, Zhao Yun ignored them.

It doesn't exist, why should I run when I have such a great advantage over the barbarian king?
Seeing that the opponent, Thresh, dared to flash and keep him, and pulled the blind monk back to the lantern, Zhao Yun didn't think about running away at the time, and his first reaction was to turn around and chop.

Once you call the chicken, don't mess with anyone.

When you sprint, no one loves you.

Xiao Ming's Thresh, after handing in his skills, was hacked to death on the spot by a three-knife crit, and Uzi's Calista didn't even react to his ultimate move.

Once Thresh died, blind monk followed.

He was no more resistant to beatings than Thresh, and he was sent away with four critical strikes, and in the end he even handed in a flash of death and a big move in a panic.

In an instant, the blind monk also fell to the ground.

Until this time, the enlarged Gnar had just landed. Seeing the Barbarian Dynasty rushing towards Calista, Letme was anxious. How could he dare to save his skills?

Looks cool to operate.

It's a pity that it didn't hurt at all, and only one set only knocked out less than two-fifths of the barbarian king's blood volume.

The barbarian king insisted on this set of damage, and saw that Calista next to him was still jumping left and right. He immediately ignored Gnar next to him, and when the stun time disappeared, he used his big move with half blood.

Endless anger!
The barbarian king flashed directly to Calista's face, and frightened Uzi's flash with a critical strike.

Calista's front foot flashed, and the Barbarian King's rear foot Whirlwind followed, another critical strike, and another critical strike.


With the damage of the electric knife, Calista was directly electrocuted to death on the spot.


Three kills!

In the blink of an eye, RNG's long-planned plan to catch four and one has now been hacked to death three.

Only Danar, who has completed the last skill, is left.

Looks big, full of puffiness.

The feeling of chopping is not much different from that of ADC.

Go down with three swords and take it away directly.


Four kills!

With the sound of the system's passionate broadcast, the entire up route was already littered with corpses, leaving only the last barbarian king standing alone.

At the same time, two lines of messages appeared in the everyone channel.

[RNG, Uzi: G gone]

[RNG, Xiaohu: Subordinate]

(End of this chapter)

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