That's what we do with silver

Chapter 5 I think this wave can kill, so do I

Chapter 5 I think this wave can kill, so do I

"Fuck, it's not dead! Handsome, bro!"

Ning's voice was full of excitement.

On Zhao Yun's side, the barbarian king cut off two heads to win a double kill, so naturally he couldn't do it comfortably.

"Haha, luck, luck, it's all good luck."

Zhao Yun also grinned from ear to ear.

At the same time, after this wave, RNG's top laner Gnar directly became 1-3-1. It seems that the data is barely acceptable, but the level is still only one level.

After Zhao Yun's barbarian king took the double kill, he took a wave of pawns before returning home, and his level had reached level four.

On the road, the fourth level hit the first level, and the barbarian king also took a double BUFF.

At this moment, everyone looked at the situation and knew very clearly that Gnar had officially declared his collapse.

And the plot behind this round is also officially developing in this direction.

After this wave of tower jumping and killing one for two, King Ning's Mantis saw the difference in equipment level between the two top laners, and his jungle thinking instantly became extremely clear.

Go out and brush two wild monsters casually, and immediately run up the road.

The barbarian king went home and made up for the attack speed shoe, the little yellow fork, and the speed of pushing the line was even faster.

Gnar huddled under the tower and hadn't eaten a few knives yet. He had just been promoted to the second level, and the mantis appeared again.

There were not too many accidents, the barbarian king called the chicken to slow down first, and Gnar was quickly taken away by two people jumping over the tower to set fire.

The head was also taken by Zhao Yun's skillful critical strike.

As for the blind man of Mala Xiangguo?
He is going down.

"Junze, you go on the road and ask for blessings. I really can't help you brother."

Xiang Guo expressed his true feelings to Letme in the most euphemistic tone.

Because after sending the barbarian king a big wave in the last wave, Xiangguo fully understood that this round of top road was completely useless, and it was just a waste of time to continue, so he resolutely gave up on the road. When he saw Ning's mantis appearing After the top road, at the same time caught a wave in the bottom road.

Both sides gained a lot, and RNG Gnar was brutally killed by jumping over the tower.

IG's bottom lane assistant Bron, also cooperated with Gank's blind man to kill when the RNG bottom lane duo handed over the double call initiative.

The two sides played one for one.

It doesn't look bad on the head.

But in the overall situation, after this head swap, it was officially announced that RNG was inferior.

The death of Gnar on the top road completely disqualified Letme from the top lane.

After being resurrected again, the second-level Gnar faced the immediately fifth-level barbarian king, coupled with the pitch-black upper half of the field, Gnar didn't even dare to look at the barbarian king, and could only watch and hang up in the second tower.

Zhao Yun couldn't see Gnar's people, so he was naturally happy and relaxed. He pushed the line frantically and then forcibly demolished the tower.

"Brothers, I think we have to switch lanes in this wave, otherwise we won't be able to play."

Being beaten and forced to switch lines made Letme's voice full of aggrieved.

Faced with this situation, the rest of RNG were also forced to give up their laning advantage in the bottom lane. At 6 minutes, after the three of them took down the first baby dragon that was just born, they were forced to The duo can only forcefully switch lanes to the top lane.

However, it takes time for RNG to change lanes and take dragons. During the delay, Zhao Yun's Barbarian King developed another wave, and the blood volume of the first tower on the road is already that of the Barbarian King who was blocked by the yellow fork attack speed shoes Torn apart more than half.

Wait until the duo officially goes online against the barbarian king.

The barbarian king has reached level six first.

RNG's Calista and Thresh were wasting time running around, so at this time one is level [-] and the other is level [-].

But at this time, Ning's mantis had two assist bonuses, and the blind man went to the lower half to control the dragon, so the wild monsters in the entire upper half were eaten by the mantis, and they were already level [-] at this time.

Seeing Calista and Thresh under the tower, Ning also said excitedly.

"The opposite duo didn't flash, I think this wave can kill, what do you think, Brother Lancer?"

After hearing this, Zhao Yun subconsciously replied.

"Ah, I think I can kill it too."

After finishing this sentence, before Ning said "then you wait for me", I saw the barbarian king in the screen just entering the tower with a wave of soldiers. After swiping, the W skill called the chicken and slowed down. After passing Thresh and Calista, he sprinted away and rushed over full of anger.

"Fuck, brother, don't wait for me impulsively!"

Seeing this scene, Ning gave up the half-hit toad decisively, turned around and rushed over immediately.

Under the defensive tower, Uzi, who had just reached the top lane and hadn't started to make up his sword, was shocked when he saw the barbarian king suddenly sprinting.

"Holy shit, jumping over the tower and hitting two, this barbarian king is crazy!"

Xiao Ming's Thresh responded quickly and was very detailed. He took the initiative to walk in front of the barbarian king and got stuck, wanting to wait for the barbarian king to attack him to trigger the hatred of the defense tower before giving the skill.

But Zhao Yun didn't care about this at all. As soon as he slowed down, he only had an ADC in his eyes, and he went straight past Thresh and rushed towards Kalista.

Calista decisively raised her hand and began to output the barbarian king, while moving backwards and jumping with the help of passive.

But it's a pity that he jumped with a bit of difficulty when he was slowed down, and he couldn't keep the distance at all.

Zhao Yun looked at Kalista, who was in front of Jhin, and impatiently turned to the E skill to slash, but was interrupted by Thresh's quick E skill, and at the same time hung up the deceleration.

Not only that, because the AOE attack of the E skill Whirlwind also rubbed against Thresh's body, which immediately attracted the hatred of the defense tower. Xiao Ming immediately connected a Q skill hook to control the barbarian king.

Seeing this scene, the RNG duo was overjoyed.

"Nice, Xiao Ming, this wave of barbarian kings is sending them off haha!"

Uzi couldn't help laughing out loud, and controlled Calista to continue outputting the Barbarian King.

However, in the next second, he couldn't laugh immediately.

Because Zhao Yun saw that his Barbarian King E skill was interrupted, and immediately became angry on the spot. Regardless of the ADC, he turned his head and slashed at Thresh.

At this time, there is only Thresh at level [-], and besides his salary, he only has a pair of straw sandals. How can he hold the barbarian king's sword?

One knife, critical strike!
Two knives, critical strike!
Three swords, critical strike!
Four knives, take it.

【IG and Lancer are already unstoppable!】

Kalista hit the barbarian king three or four times, and cooperated with the defense tower to beat the barbarian king to only one-third of his blood.

The barbarian king slashed Thresh four times, directly hacking Thresh to death at his feet.

"Fuck! What the hell is this hurting!"

Xiao Ming, who has always been quiet, couldn't help but swear.

At the same time, after killing Thresh, Zhao Yun didn't even think about his skills at all. One-third of his health was directly activated, and he rushed towards Calista against the defensive tower with his head on fire.

Endless anger!
Relying on the acceleration of sprinting, Calista was instantly stabbed by the barbarian king.


One-third of the blood disappeared instantly.

Uzi panicked at the time, and decisively chose to pull out the spear directly to slow down, and at the same time jumped back to widen the distance, preparing to die when the barbarian king's ultimate move disappeared.

But in the next second, the follow-up action of the barbarian king made his heart skip a beat.


E skill, whirlwind!
The barbarian king swung the big knife and moved to Calista's face in an instant, and he swung the big knife with one blow.

The lower the blood volume, the higher the attack!

The barbarian king in the state of ult is activated, and the damage is directly maximized.

Two stabs down, directly emptied all of Calista's last blood volume.


[IG and Lacer have already dominated the game]

And after killing people, the barbarian king's ultimate move almost ended, and he was killed under the tower by the attack chased by the defense tower.

At this time, Ning's praying mantis was long overdue.

Didn't even get the experience.

But looking at the three corpses under the tower, Ning was speechless for a while, but at the same time, he could only walk over, and conveniently removed the tower on the road that was almost demolished by the barbarian king, and cooperated with the soldiers to directly demolish it.

At the same time, he easily ate a new wave of troops.

Uh, after all, everyone is here, so there is always something to do.

(End of this chapter)

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