That's what we do with silver

Chapter 124 I, Baiyinzi, won the championship?

Chapter 124 I, Baiyinzi, won the championship?
The tower is licked.

He was also knocked away by Sean.

Without any accidents, Galio directly killed himself.

[IG, Lancer killed EDG, Scout]

And the spider and Kled next to them, seeing that there was no pawn line, turned their heads and ran away decisively.

All of a sudden, the EDG Naka Ueno trio, who had been aggressively attacking the tower, died and fled in an instant, and went their separate ways.

It came from the wave of tower jumping plans they initiated, directly declaring a fiasco.

The scene in front of the first tower on the next road made the three commentators sigh again and again.

Guan Zeyuan: "Oh, EDG is playing a little too forcefully. Didn't you pay attention to see that Tamm is carrying teleportation?"

Remember: "Or they actually thought of it, but were confident it would be over before Tamm TP'd down?"

Ruofeng: "The TP brought by Baolan really made a great contribution in this wave. Spider's first gank was unsuccessful, and Galio died once after handing in a flash. Now the rhythm of EDG's middle and wild is about to start to go wrong."

Guan Zeyuan: "More importantly, this wave of spiders was directly caught by Su San. Instead, Olaf has been farming the wild. Now the wild monsters in the lower half of IG have not moved at all. Wait until Olaf finishes the first half. After eating this field of wild monsters in the area, this development can't take off, right?

This wave of EDG is really a big loss! "


All of a sudden, the three commentators were filled with emotion at the failure of EDG's tower jump.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room began to refresh frantically at the moment Galio was killed.

"Hahahaha this jumping over the tower really made me laugh."

"Spider Kled, you are better than a dog (except for Tamm on the opposite side)"

"Tahm really did a great job with TP."

"Is it okay, Qijiang, I learned how to kill the spider Klei by jumping over the tower, why don't you feel like you haven't learned the essence?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... IG counted every move as dead, and TP Tamm was directly crushed by Spider Kled."

"Take a good look at Dianbao! How to prevent the opponent from jumping over the tower and forcefully killing, I will only teach you once!"

"IG has to be proficient in playing this game, EDG really sucks!"

"Oh, after this wave, the entire wild area of ​​the spider will rot."

"Hey, I was blown away by others in terms of decision-making again."

"One teleportation, one Tahm, I will teach you how to make the opposite spider Kled break through the defense."

"Wu~Olaf is going to take off~"

"Come over my blue brother's tower? If you don't ask before you come, what will happen to those who want to go over IG's tower?"

"God clam descends from the sky!"


As the commentator and the audience said, after EDG failed to cross the tower, the chain effect brought about quickly affected the overall situation.

In the wild area, Galio died, and after the spider failed to jump the tower and was forced to evacuate, he dared not enter the IG wild area again, and fell into a situation where there was no wild to fight.

On the other hand, Olaf swiped from the red zone of EDG to the blue zone of IG, and then swiped from the blue zone of IG to the red zone of IG. After finishing the brushing, he went to level five and even soloed Xiaolong.

Directly performed a wave to the audience, what is called "true square jungler".

The tempo takes off and the development is perfect.

The level directly crushes the spider by two full levels.

The middle lane, the middle lane does not have too obvious influence.

After all, the hero Malzaha is just like that. Although Galio has died once and still has no TP, but at such an early point in time, he is just a little behind in CS and pawn line.

As for the duo that is on the road, although there is no support Tamm, but because they know that Olaf is nearby, the EDG duo did not dare to press too much. .

If we only look at the data on the surface, then the gap between the two sides is just a field economy with one blood and a few hundred dollars.

However, because of the subsequent impact of this wave of rhythm, it is the most deadly thing for EDG.

Because, the rhythm of the spider is broken.

As the most important engine in the early stage of EDG's lineup, after experiencing this wave of defeats, the factory manager's level was crushed by Olaf, which directly led to the bankruptcy of EDG's originally planned early offensive rhythm.

Five and a half minutes into the game, King Ning's Olaf became the first person in the game to reach level six.

Originally, Olaf's wild area was relatively restrained from spiders, but now that the level has been pulled, it has completely made it impossible for spiders to survive.

Level [-] spider and level [-] Olaf, at this moment, almost no one would doubt that if a spider is caught in this Olaf wild area, even if Galio comes to support, Olaf will use his big move to charge, and if he controls it better, maybe it will be given to him. You come to a wave of strong one hit two!

The factory director, who is well aware of the gap between the two sides, even if he saw Olaf eating his beloved F6 by stepping on his eyes, he had no choice but to watch, gritted his teeth and left with tears in his eyes.

And once the wild area collapsed, naturally, the mid laner Galio was also restricted.

Without flashing, in the early 7 minutes, he was directly blocked by Rookie's Malzaha's flashing big move, and then he was chased and hacked to death by Olaf who rushed out of the river.

So just like that, after the jungle spider collapsed, the mid laner Galio became 0-2, and then collapsed together.

As we all know, although the hero Galio is said to be very strong in team fights, has strong support, and is also very powerful in pushing the line.

However, once the laning collapses in the early stage, it is easy to become a big stupid who is firmly tied in the middle.

That's what Scout is now.

He was killed twice in a row, not only made him fall behind in level, but also poor in economy. There was absolutely no way to face Malzaha's push line.

So far, EDG Nakano has all misfired.

On the other hand, the middle field on IG's side, with the advantage getting bigger and bigger, began to exert force crazily.

EDG's combination of Ashe and Luo was originally selected for the team's rhythm. Now that Nakano has collapsed, the shortcoming of insufficient output is undoubtedly revealed.

Facing a well-developed Olaf and a fully fleshed-out Sion, there is also a fixed-point suppression and stable control output of Malzaha who is also not low.

With such a huge advantage, IG's mid-field combination began to gradually take over the game.

The game quickly became one-sided.

And in this situation where the spiders were poorly developed and Galio was brutally suppressed.

Nakano fried first.

EDG's bottom lane duo started to be overwhelmed by the successive attacks from IG Nakano. Although the two wanted to carry as much as possible, no matter how the hero Ashe played, it was just like that. It didn't take long before they were on IG's side A steady stream of middle and Ueno siege continued to die.

At 20 minutes, the head on the field directly scored 17:2.

The two heads were killed by IG fighting the tower while jumping the tower.

In this way, EDG originally planned to encircle and suppress Thain with the central and Ueno linkages, and even until the end of the game, they failed to play a wave of real style.

After persisting for 24 minutes, IG's big dragon team played one for five, and ended the game directly.

"Accompanied by a wave of group destruction, IG played one for five, and the four of them pushed together in a group, and the game ended in a wave!"

"Congratulations to IG! Successfully won the BO5 victory of this round [-]-[-] cleanly! Successfully won the championship of this LPL Summer Finals!"

"If you don't break, you can't stand, the new king is on the throne! IG's undefeated golden body! It's still going on!"

"Congratulations IG!"


In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan's voice was full of excitement.

The audience was also extremely excited, all kinds of excited "Wuhu" sounded together, and enthusiastic cheers resounded through the sky. At this moment, it seemed that the entire venue was going to be overturned directly.





When the contestant Zhao Yun stood up from the chair, he took off his earphones and heard the roaring warm cheers. He felt the enthusiasm rushing to his face. In an instant, he felt in a trance.

I am Zhao Yun.

A mere silver boy, really won the championship?

(End of this chapter)

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