That's what we do with silver

Chapter 125 We are strong enough, we are worthy of this championship!

Chapter 125 We are strong enough, we are worthy of this championship!

"Fuck! We won the championship, brothers!"

"Three to zero! We won!"

"we are the champion!!"

"Wu~ Brothers are amazing! We are the champions!"

He was in a trance for a while, until the ecstatic cheers of his teammates exploded in his ears, and Zhao Yun regained his senses in an instant.

Realize that everything in front of you is the reality that really exists.

Really won!

I won the championship!
Nima's!I really won the professional league championship!

Zhao Yun jumped up from the chair all at once, followed by King Ning who was next to him, and let out a cry of excitement.

This wave is really happy.

The other IG members who had been watching the game from the audience, whether they were substitute players, coach Mafa, manager Su Xiaoluo or even Principal Wang, who rarely appeared, also rushed onto the stage excitedly.

"Good job everyone!"

"We won hahaha!"

"Three to zero! Well played, brothers! Awesome!"


"We've entered the World Championship! No. [-] seed!"


Su Xiaoluo, who was the most excited, rushed up and gave Zhao Yun a bear hug, shouting while hugging.

"Damn it! That's awesome guys! [-]-[-] EDG! We've entered the World Championship! Awesome!"

He hugged each of them directly, his expression extremely excited.

And soon, after everyone in IG cheered, they were also led to the center of the stage by the staff.

There, there is an exquisite and domineering championship trophy!

At this moment, as the host, Zhu Zhen also came out with a smile, stood beside the IG crowd, and shouted with excitement.

"Now! Let's be on this stage dedicated to champions!"

"Let's hold the cup together! IG!"


In an instant, all the team members will be lifted up at the same time, the lights on the stage gather, there is a loud explosion, ribbons are flying all over the sky, and the eyes are full of silver rain!

At this moment, in the entire venue, the enthusiastic cheers of the audience suddenly exploded like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.






The voice was mighty, resounding through the sky.

Standing on the stage, feeling the enthusiasm of thousands of audiences, Zhao Yun suddenly felt his heart pounding, and his whole body boiled up.

After holding the cup, in an extremely warm atmosphere, the host Zhu Zhen also continued to laugh.

"So now, after defeating EDG 7-[-] and successfully winning the summer championship, and becoming the No. [-] seed in the LPL Division of the S[-] Global Finals, I have a question that I really want to ask the five guys."

"That is, from the poor state at the beginning of the summer split, until now it has won 22 consecutive big games and [-] consecutive victories in small games, until now it has defeated EDG [-]-[-] to win the championship. In your own opinion, IG has completed What is the most important reason for such a miraculous transformation?"

Zhu Zhen asked such a question.

As for this, the five contestants looked at each other a few times, and quickly answered with a smile.

AD Xihuang spoke first.

"The most important reason is that the atmosphere and communication are getting better and better, and the training is much harder than before.

Also, the arrival of Brother Yunzi has really completely changed the overall atmosphere of our team. He is so hardworking that we can only work hard together, slowly becoming stronger and stronger. "

After Xihuang finished speaking, he handed the microphone directly to Baolan next to him.

"As for the reason, I really feel that the team is becoming more and more united, and the communication has become more and more, because everyone really wants to win, so they always think of ways to discuss new tactics and new systems together. Everyone We all trust each other, so the more we fight, the better.

What's more, because our middle and upper field are really fierce, we can play the ban position every game, which makes us play so comfortably in the bottom lane. I think this is the most important point. "

Then the mic was given to Rookie in the mid laner.

At this moment, Rookie still had an excited expression on his face, his face was still red, and he looked a little nervous. He took two deep breaths in a row before opening his mouth slowly.

"Before this, because the team's performance was not good, so in fact, my mentality was always a little anxious, I always wanted to have an advantage in the lane and then I was always caught by the jungler.

But after our new top laner Lacner came this season, because he is very strong and can always play a big advantage, it made me feel at ease and made me play very comfortably in the middle, so I didn't play well. So anxious, after everyone actively communicated and played slowly, the team's performance became better and better.

So I think the most important reason is that everyone's mentality has improved and communication has become more active. "

After Rookie finished speaking, he handed the microphone to Ning who was next to him.

As for Ning, his words were much more concise than those of the previous three.

"Nothing else, I feel that after Brother Yunzi came to play in the top lane, I can always play very comfortably in the jungle. This feeling is really good, and then slowly, the more I play, the more confident I am."

After Ning finished speaking, the microphone came into Zhao Yun's hands.

At this time, under the focus of thousands of spectators, Zhao Yun couldn't help thinking of that sentence in his mind with excitement.

'I had to think that this might be my only chance in this lifetime. '

Standing on the LPL championship stage, as a champion, say what you really want to say.

In an instant, a moment of hesitation flashed in Zhao Yun's heart.

Is it polite to say something modest, or is it crazy to think and say something?
In an instant, he already had the answer.

If you don't say it now, you may not have a chance in the future.

So, his final answer was yes.

"I think there are many reasons why we have been able to win until now, and then what everyone said before is almost the same."

"And then I think those reasons are actually secondary. In my opinion, there is only one most important reason why we won.

That means we are strong enough!

We are the strongest team in LPL right now. Our current IG should win this championship! "

"thank you all!"

After expressing his true thoughts, Zhao Yun only felt comfortable, and bowed slightly to the audience after speaking.

As soon as he said those words, there was a second of silence off the court.

Then, the cheers of mountains and tsunami broke out suddenly.






Thousands of viewers shouted his IG excitedly at this moment.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room who were watching the live broadcast were deeply affected at this moment. Excited, the barrage flooded the live broadcast room for a while.

"Fuck! Zilong!"

"Well said!! There are not so many reasons!! We can win because we are strong enough!!"

"Brother Blue is so handsome!"

"We can win because we are strong enough!"

"Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy!"

"Damn it! Well said! My blood boiled when I heard it, and I punched myself on the spot!"

"Zilong!! I am Superman!!!"

"Squeezing, Lancer's words almost made my buddy wet."

"I'm super! Brother Yunzi!"

"We are the strongest, we deserve to win this championship, we should win this championship!"


"Zilong! I am a god!"

"A man should be like this! You should be vigorous when you are young!!"

"Ten years of Lancer fan, come here uninvited!"

"This era belongs to the era of IG!!!"

"Brother Blue!! Invincible!!"


(End of this chapter)

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