That's what we do with silver

Chapter 131 On the package arrangement, Huni started to collapse

Chapter 131 On the package arrangement, Huni started to collapse
[IG, Lancer killed SKT, Huni]

Not even half a minute had passed since the last kill.

The same voice broadcasting sound resounded over the canyon again.

Huni's Jax is dead again!

And the place where he died was still under the tower of the first tower on the SKT road!

If the first blood last time made many people think it was an accident, then this time, it really surprised everyone.

Like the previous time, the first burst of cheers still came from the venue.

The moment the barbarian king killed Jax, deafening cheers suddenly exploded in the stadium,

The audience was extremely excited. Many people couldn't help but stood up from their seats. They blushed with excitement, put their hands by their mouths, and shouted with all their strength towards the live broadcast screen.


"Cow batch!"



"Give it strength!"


All of a sudden, the shouts of that dialect in various places came and went, and when they came together, they formed a shocking sound wave, which resounded through the audience, making all the audience feel the excitement and excitement contained in the voice. excited.

At the same time, while the audience cheered enthusiastically, at the LCK commentary booth, several LCK commentators were at this moment, everyone's commentary voice was raised by a notch at the same time, and the normal speaking tone turned into an exclamation in a second. .

"Oh ↓ Mo ↑... Jax has soloed again, what's going on, Smecta!"

"Lancer! Lancer once again hit a solo kill in the top lane!"

"No... not... What happened on the road, Smecta, he was killed not long ago, why was he killed again!"

"...1 minute? Isn't it 30 seconds? Maybe 20 seconds?"

"Huni! My Chengxun! How could you be singled out again!"

"Ah ↓ ah → ah ↑...It's not right, it's really wrong, the situation is not right, everyone, I was solo-killed twice in a row in less than 3 minutes, isn't it on the road... Isn't this going to crash the line?"

"Break the line in 3 minutes? My God, this is really crazy! I can't accept it!"

"If it can be said that the impact of the accident was not big last time, then this time, with so many minions in the line, Jax even died under his own tower. He has no TP to return to the line. What should we do, Smecta !"

"Ah~ I feel a little headache."


All of a sudden, the LCK commentary booth, which was full of confidence and laughter a few minutes ago, turned into a scene of wailing, and the overall style of painting became extremely exaggerated in a second.

Except for the LCK, the commentators from other competition regions, although they all exclaimed and were full of shock, none of them were as exaggerated as they were. It's just exclamations like "Si Guoyi's hissing" and "Keep to the north, it's too exaggerated."

Then, as the official commentary seat of LPL, which is the local home court, it is the one with the most normal reaction.

Seeing the scene where Jax was hacked to death with a critical blow from the barbarian king tower, and at the same time he walked out of the tower with more than 100 blood left, I remember that he couldn't hold back, and slapped his right hand with his left hand, making an obvious "crack" One sound.

"Wow! Ness!"


"Solo kill again!"

"Not long after the last solo kill, Lancer's barbarian once again made a wave of laning solo kills!"

"Sorry, it's wrong, to be precise, it's a wave of one-on-one tower jumping solo kills!"

"Handsome, Lancer! This wave of solo kills is really cool!"


I remember the tone was full of excitement.

Guan Zeyuan next to him was also full of excitement.

"To be more precise, 20 seconds after the last solo kill, Lancer's barbarian once again crossed the line of soldiers and rushed directly under the tower, once again completing a solo kill against Huni's Jax!"

"And this time, it's a tower jump kill!"

Guan Zeyuan clicked his tongue while talking, and continued to add in a voice full of laughter.

"Hey, this Huni really looks like someone who has never watched the LPL regular season. The young man is too young and impetuous, otherwise he will be players like 957 Legs, Holy Gun, and Letme in our division. The first wave may be hard to say, but the second wave is a bet, they will definitely not die.

If he asked about it, he would definitely know that the first rule of the Lancer Barbarian King is that after being single-killed at the first level, this TP must not be a T-pawn line, brother. "

Seeing that the Man Wang took another head, Guan Zeyuan's tone became more relaxed.

Rita next to him also smiled.

"Buy one get one free, double death at the first level, we have seen this scene many times in LPL, but since the barbarian king was banned for half of the regular season and the whole playoffs, I really didn't expect it, You can see it in the opening game of the first round of the World Championship group stage.

It just feels, uh... quite kind. "

On the LPL side, no matter the commentator or the audience, seeing such a friendly picture at this moment, everyone is sincerely full of joy and joy.

In the game, the few people on SKT were in another mood.

If Huni was still a little angry when he was solo killed for the first time, his teammates didn't care too much.

Then this time when he dies again, the situation is really completely different.

"Ah, why did you die again?"

Facing the doubts of his teammates, Huni gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"He has a problem with the barbarian king. He keeps attacking me when he kills me. This is so strange."

Regarding Huni's explanation, several teammates didn't believe it at first, but Faker frowned slightly and asked one more question.

"Is it a bug? Do you want to call the referee directly?"

Huni was silent for two seconds, and finally shook his head.

"Forget it, let's take a look."

Although he was very dissatisfied, Huni just complained and didn't really have such thoughts.

Hearing this, the teammates didn't say anything more.

Only the jungler Blank continued to speak.

"This time I'll come directly at level three. Rexai is at the same level as me. If he comes here to catch you, you will be killed alone."

Huni nodded, took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, and once again controlled his first-level Jax to walk towards the line.

Then, I didn't buy equipment or medicine.

There is still a lonely Dolan on his body.

Because there is no money.

Both times, a soldier died and went home before making up the money. The money for passive jumping alone was not even 50 yuan, and he couldn't even afford a bottle of blood medicine.

After the last wave of killing people by jumping over the tower, Zhao Yun's barbarian king returned after pushing the line.

So this time it came out, the line of soldiers was perfect.

Jax and the Barbarian ushered in their third meeting in just 3 minutes.

Then, while Huni was still agonizing over how bad it would be for Barbarian King to take control of the lane directly.

Zhao Yun also used the most practical actions to directly dispel his distress.

Don't be afraid, I don't control the line, so I will push it all over.

Just do what you say, the third-level barbarian king, go online and start pushing the line again with A soldiers.

However, for Zhao Yun's 'kindness', Huni did not dare to be happy at the moment.

On the contrary, he just got a tight heart.

Listening to the sound of the barbarian king's sword slashing at the soldier, Huni felt that every knife was slashing at his heart.

"Shanjiu, hurry up, their junglers feel that they have arrived, this person is pushing the lane, and they want to jump over the tower to kill me!"

Huni urged the jungler Blank nervously.

Blank replied OK, controlling Zac and immediately went around from behind to SKT's top lane one tower behind.

It can only be said that although SKT does not have a comprehensive understanding of IG's style of play, as a top team, its understanding of the game is still there.
Seeing the moment when the barbarian pushed the line, Blank decisively chose to protect Jax.

Then, without too many accidents, he really squatted down for him.

Zach put the partition wall in the eye of the triangle grass, and successfully saw King Ning's excavator appear.

"Don't worry, with me here, they dare not touch you in this wave."

Jungler Blank said this to Huni.

Seeing Zac with a red buff standing behind him, Huni breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to finish this wave of tower knives first before making a long-term plan.

But at this moment, the next move of the excavator in front of him made both SKT Ueno stunned at the same time.

I saw the excavator in front of me, but when I saw Zach taking the initiative to show his head, he had no intention of leaving at all.

Not only did he not leave, he also went straight back to the position behind SKT Tower [-], and put a ward in front of everyone.

Then, under Huni's terrified gaze.

In the next second, a blue TP light beam suddenly lit up on the eye inserted by the excavator.

This is the TP of the mid laner Lissandra.

"No way..."

Thinking of his conjecture, Huni's voice trembled a little.

And soon, with the appearance of Lissandra's figure, Huni's eyes were already full of despair.

Because after going online, Jax has no chance to make up the knife at all, watching the barbarian king push the line can only watch.

Therefore, at this time, he is still only level one.

Three packs of one.

And there are still three third-level ones killing one first-level one.

It can only be said that the picture is a bit brutal.

Even if there is Zach interfering by the side, it will not make any surprises in the end of this wave of tower jumping and killing.

[IG, Lancer killed SKT, Huni]

The same system announcement sounded again.

The Ice Girl fights against the tower, the excavator supplements the follow-up control and explosion, and the barbarian king is responsible for the explosion. Finally, the Ice Girl flashes to avoid Zack's control and exit the tower safely.

Skillful cooperation, smooth operation.

Jax was instantly killed by the Ueno trio in IG and instantly set fire to him under the tower.

(End of this chapter)

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