That's what we do with silver

Chapter 132 They said, this is called the sophistication of the canyon

Chapter 132 They said, this is called the sophistication of the canyon
[IG, Lancer are killing special kills]

The game time was 50 minutes and [-] seconds. Jax was surrounded by three people, and he was vaporized under the tower by the fire.

The record has successfully become 0-3-0.

And Blank's Zach managed to play the Ice Girl's flash as much as possible.

The wave of tower jumping that seemed extremely passionate, in fact, from the landing of the ice girl TP to the moment when the ice girl flashed out of the tower, the entire tower jumping time did not exceed five seconds at all.

IG Ueno's extremely fast and efficient wave of cooperation once again made Huni realize what true despair is.

And at the same time, seeing Jax die again.

Several South Korean commentators in the LCK commentary booth also wailed in pain.

"Ah~ No, why is Lissandra here too!"

"Counterstorm! How about Counterstorm, can Jax operate it!"

"Ah~ it's over, Jax at the first level has no room to maneuver at all, Smecta!"

"The three of them set fire to each other, Jax was vaporized almost instantly with 'biu'!"


"It's the third time I've been killed in battle, my god is a nightmare!"

"Blank! Blank, what did Zach say! Can you change it, can you change it! Lissandra is fighting the tower!"

"Ah~~~ I can't change it! Lissandra flashed to escape Zac's control!"

"Although the distance is very close, Rookie reacted quickly and easily dodged Zac's skills."

"It's over, Lissandra has left the tower, and the only person who can be replaced is gone."

"Zero bar three! Zero bar three in 3 minutes! Huni's Jax was beaten to zero bar three at 3 minutes! Oh my god I can't believe this is actually happening."

"It's too scary, IG. Ueno's serial offensive directly crushed SKT's top lane at the beginning!"

"How could this happen! Obviously this game has only just started for 3 minutes!"


In the LCK commentary booth, a few commentators beat their chests, stomped their feet, clenched their fists and gritted their teeth, screaming and wailing for a while, with painful expressions beyond words. At first glance, the overall style of painting is simply extremely exaggerated.

On the LPL side, the three official commentators are extremely excited and delighted.

Guan Zeyuan's mood is even more exciting and high-spirited.

"It has appeared! After the ruthless solo kill of the barbarian king, IG has brought out the most classic traditional art of this season! Naka Ueno lightning linkage strong tower jump!"

"Lissandra TP Three Guarantees One, Huni's Jax failed to make any resistance at all, and the counterattack storm above his head was still instantly evaporated by the IG middle and Ueno trio!"

"It's still Lancer's Barbarian who gets the kill. After 3 minutes of game time, the Barbarian is already 3-0. IG and Lancer are killing each other!"

I remember being excited too.

"It has been staged countless times in the LPL. Today in the World Championship, IG once again performed for everyone their best tower jumping drama!"

"This wave of kills is over, and Jax can basically declare a complete collapse!"

In the commentary seat, the voices of the two male commentators were full of excitement and excitement.

And just when countless LPL fans were deeply delighted and excited by IG's beautiful three-pack and one-strong tower jump.

On the big screen of the live broadcast in front of them, the next move of the members of IG left everyone dumbfounded once again.

Because, after killing Jax, the Naka Ueno of IG in the screen did not choose to leave immediately.

On the contrary, after Lissandra came out of the tower, he immediately turned around in the next second, and formed a siege with Rexai, the barbarian king who was already in good condition, and surrounded Zac under the tower.

Seeing this scene, everyone became even more excited.

In several commentaries of the LCK, the pitch of the voice has changed.

"Wait, wait, what do they want?"

"The situation is not good, they seem to want to kill people!"

"Don't, don't, please don't!"

"The middle and Ueno trio of IG seem to keep killing!"

"Zac has used all his skills just now, and the most critical E skill is still on CD. This wave is very dangerous!"

"But the line of soldiers, there are only the last two soldiers left, this wave should be insurmountable!"

"It should be fine!"



Looking at the game screen in front of them, the voices of several LCK commentators couldn't help but slow down, staring at the live broadcast screen full of apprehension.

Then at this moment, a blue beam of light suddenly lit up on the last two remaining soldiers, making everyone's eyes widen.

It's TP again!

TP from the blue side!

"What! Why is it TP again!"

"Where did TP come from!"

"It's Luo! It's the TP from the bottom lane supporting Luo!"

"Oh my god, I almost forgot that Luo is carrying TP!"

"He chose TP to protect Xiaobing!"

"Broken! Zach is in danger!"


The moment they saw this TP, almost everyone agreed that Zach was in danger.

And the fact is that.

The moment the Luo TP lights up, Naka Ueno's side moves immediately.

Facing Zac who was standing alone under the tower, King Zhao Yun called the chicken first and succeeded in slowing down. At the same time, Rexai went straight to W and hit him, and the ice girl came to make up for the damage.

The third-level Zac may be more fleshy than the first-level Jax, but in the face of the concentrated fire of the three, his meager blood volume is still not enough.

In the short control time of Rexai's knocking into the air, the burst of damage from the concentrated fire directly emptied Zac's blood bar, knocking Zac out of passive on the spot, and turned him into a pitiful four small group.

After gathering the fire, Rexai, who was fighting the tower, turned around and drilled out of the tower.

At this time, the conspicuous blue TP beam of light dissipated.

TP protects soldiers before the battle, and cancels TP after the battle.

From the start of the tower jump to the end of the tower jump, the whole process took less than four seconds, which did not delay Luo's laning in the bottom lane.

The magic pen comes at your fingertips.

Such a picture is directly for the audience and commentators to watch together.

In the LPL commentary seat, I remember being as excited as ever with Guan Zeyuan’s voice.


"Blank's Zack directly got the same ending as Jax. In the gap of the E skill CD, he was directly killed by the IG three people in a wave of fire, playing his own passive!"

"Although Baolan's Luo is far down the road, but a wave of TP guards with a magical touch still sent an extremely crucial divine assist to his teammates!"

"It looks like it's just a solo top laner, but in this short tens of seconds, the IG side directly used the power of four people!"

"Two people are not good enough to climb the tower, so come three people! Three people are not enough to climb the tower, so let's go down the road and continue to charge with TP guards! Powerful effort and money will pay for it! One side can climb the tower, and all parties will support it!"

"At this moment, IG also used practical actions to show SKT and Ueno what is the correct way to open the tower! What is the strength of a large number of people, and what is the sophistication of the world!"

"Zac was broken into four small pieces, and slowly healed under the tower, but Rexai and Lissandra knocked out a small piece, and they were very cautious back and forth to test the attack of the defense tower, without allowing themselves to be attacked once."

"Then the last two small pieces were directly A by the barbarian king, and the last E skill Whirlwind took them all!"

"4-0 barbarian king!"

"My God, it's only been 3 minutes since the start, but Lancer's barbarian king!"

"That invincible man! He! He's almost gone berserk!"

"... "

[IG and Lancer are close to going berserk]

In the screen, the system's emotionless broadcast sounded again.

And at this moment, the director just happened to give SKT a close-up close-up of Zach's body under the tower.

There is no Jax in the picture.

Because he has risen.

(End of this chapter)

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