That's what we do with silver

Chapter 14 Sprint 1 open, no one loves

Chapter 14 Sprint away, no one loves

Start laning.

Zhao Yun's first reaction was to press the TAB key to see what equipment the holy gun brother brought out.

'ok, it's the most uncut Doran sword, that's fine. '

Seeing that Gnar chose the Dolan Sword as his go-out outfit, Zhao Yun nodded secretly immediately.

Although his hands still trembled a little due to nervousness, at this moment, Zhao Yun already had a rough idea in his mind about how to match up next.

'At level one, save your anger first, don't rush, don't rush. '

'At this time, E is very difficult to kill. '

'To create an illusion that I am afraid of him at the first level. '

'Wait for the second level, if he dares to push forward a little, he can directly attack! '


With a high degree of concentration, Zhao Yun took a deep breath, controlled the barbarian king, and relied on his own and only little understanding of laning, and began to make up the knife very carefully.

At this time, on the live broadcast screen, the director's camera shot just happened to hit the road.

Guan Zeyuan's voice sounded.

"OK, it seems that the director also understands everyone very well, and knows what everyone wants to watch. Now we see the road, Gnar and the barbarian king officially start to match."

"As we expected, Gnar still has a small advantage at the first level because of his long hands. Holy Gun frequently enters and exits the grass to card vision and minion aggro, sneaks two more A's against the Barbarian King, and gains a little HP advantage. "

"And the Barbarian King played very cautiously, and his position was relatively late, and he didn't give Gnar too many opportunities to consume."

"Okay, Holy Gun's Gnar successfully grabbed the second level by pushing the line advantage, and started to press forward. Now the line of soldiers is very bad. The barbarian king is only at the first level, and there are two small soldiers with experience to reach the second level. In this case, we should also retreat."

Guan Zeyuan watched the live broadcast and gave a real-time commentary.

In the screen, Gnar, who is full of blood at this time, is already at the second level, with a new wave of soldiers, ready to continue to press forward.

But at this moment, because the first level was stolen by Gnar two or three times, the barbarian king's blood volume is less than [-]%, and the level is only one level.

In this case, almost everyone agreed that the barbarian king must retreat and eat the tower knife honestly.

But in the next second, the action of the barbarian king made everyone stunned at the same time.

In the picture, the barbarian king with [-]% of the blood volume at the first level not only did not retreat, but directly turned towards Gnar with a whirlwind.

"Wait! What's going on!"

Guan Zeyuan's voice suddenly raised a notch.

"The barbarian king didn't retreat, but directly turned back with the E skill whirlwind. At this time, he is only level [-]. What does he want to do!"

Not only was the voice of the commentary full of doubts and surprises, but the audience was also at a loss.

"What are you doing, bro, it's time to send it off?"

"Isn't it the reverse E of the shaking hands?"

"I'm going, are you so nervous?"

"Level one beats level two, and there are still so many soldiers."

"No, brother, you dare to come here?"


Everyone was stunned at the same time, and subconsciously felt that the barbarian king was dead.

Brother Holy Gun thought the same way. Facing the barbarian king who had reversed E on his face, his eyes lit up and he decisively started outputting.

But at this time, the follow-up operation of the barbarian king left everyone dumbfounded.

In the picture, a barbarian king who turned around in a whirlwind was slapped on the face by Gnar, and the barbarian king also raised his sword, but the target of his attack was not Gnar, but the bloody soldiers beside Gnar .

With a single slash, the little soldier with residual blood died on the spot.

At the same time, a white light shone on the barbarian king.

This is an upgraded white light.

The barbarian king has been promoted to the second level.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan's commentary sounded in real time.

"Here! The barbarian king has been upgraded!"

"The whirlwind just now killed a small soldier with residual blood, and the barbarian king took another small soldier once he tied A. The experience of the two small soldiers just promoted the barbarian king to the second level!"

"But even so, with Gnar at full health and so many minions, if this wave continues to fight, it still feels like it won't be able to beat it."

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, in the live broadcast screen, the barbarian king, who had been beaten by Gnar to only 60.00% of his health, raised his hand and slashed out.


Gnar's blood volume instantly decreased by a quarter.

Brother Holy Gun raised his brows slightly when he saw this, but the operation was still smooth. While controlling Gnar to distance himself from taking drugs, he raised his Q skill to shoot, and the boomerang hit the barbarian king to trigger the deceleration effect.

At this time, the barbarian king's blood volume was only half, and Gnar still had nearly [-]% of his blood volume when he took the drug in time.

And because of the many soldiers around him, the barbarian king was also blocked by the soldiers, which made him unable to catch up with Gnar who was pulling back for a while.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"Oh, it's broken. The room leaked in the rain all night, and the barbarian king was actually stuck in his position by the soldiers. This wave of feeling is likely to be beaten."

The audience also laughed out loud.

"I'm dying of laughter haha, this stupid barbarian king can actually let the little soldiers get stuck."

"It's amused for Grandpa."

"No more, no more, this wave of discord flashes to death."


Everyone seemed to have foreseen the panicked appearance of the barbarian king being beaten.

In the next second, as everyone expected, the barbarian king did flash.

But the flashing direction is not retreating.

but to attack.

"My God, the barbarian king didn't run away, he just flashed in front of Gnar!"

Guan Zeyuan's voice was extremely surprised.

And in the picture, the barbarian king who flashed onto Gnar's face made another strike.


Gnar lost another quarter of his health.

The huge red crit number made Saint Gun couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

"Damn it, it hurts so much!"

Brother Holy Gun let out a strange cry, decisively used the useless skill points he had specially reserved, quickly added the Ctrl+E skill, learned the E skill temporarily, and jumped back to open the distance.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan's voice also became excited.

"Here, the output of the barbarian king is a bit scary, Gnar directly handed over the E skill to pull away."

"But here, the barbarian king despises with a W skill, calling the chicken to slow down Gnar! He started sprinting! He directly started sprinting!"

"Oh my god, the barbarian king seems to be really murderous, so he started sprinting and chased after him!"

"Running so fast, Gnar was caught up, Holy Gun brother is still turning around to output, but it doesn't seem to be very painful after being reduced in attack power!"

"Here we come! Another critical strike! Oh my god, Gnar seems to be unable to withstand the damage!"

"Brother Holy Gun flashed and wanted to run, but the deceleration effect is still there, he can't run at all, and the barbarian king is still chasing after him!"

"He's still chasing, he's still chopping!"

"It's over, it's over, I can't run at all, and the barbarian king can easily catch up with a knife."

"There is no critical strike, but the damage is still very high. Gnar only has the last residual blood left!"

"It's another knife! It's a critical strike!"

"Single kill! The barbarian king killed Gnar directly!"

"On the road! First blood is born!"

"Five swords and four swords, one-on-lane kill! My God, it's unbelievable. Is this the dare to rebel version, and still have the confidence to choose the barbarian king!"

Guan Zeyuan explained passionately throughout the whole process, his voice full of excitement.

At the same time, the familiar system announcement sounded.


This scene directly caused countless audiences to watch with passion.

Seeing the barbarian king sprinting and slashing Gnar one after another with such force, the whole venue immediately erupted into extremely enthusiastic cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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