That's what we do with silver

Chapter 15 Brainless? It's a decisive decision!

Chapter 15 Brainless is decisive decision-making!
A blood is born.

Just over two minutes into the game, Gnar sent out his first blood on the top lane.

Suddenly, the barrage exploded in the live broadcast room.

"Damn it! Counterpoint cinnabar!"

"Is this the legendary second-level savage king! Fuck, it's so cool to watch!"

"This crit damage, it feels like the main artery hasn't been cut!"

"It's so cool to watch!"

"Brother Man!! I am Brother Man!"

"Can the top lane of the LPL still play so passionately?"

"Tearful eyes, the road is finally not the pair of two pieces of meat to make up for the development."

"Handsome handsome!"


All of a sudden, the originally boring atmosphere of the arena was completely ignited by this wave of second-level solo kills. The audience cheered up and talked about this game.

As one of the parties involved, Holy Gun brother, the expression at this moment is quite exciting.

"I'm such a god, this can kill me!"

Holy Gun scratched his messy hair, with a look of disbelief on his face.

But soon, he took a deep breath and immediately adjusted his mentality.

"Mine, brothers, this wave of mine, this barbarian king is really a bit evil, I underestimated the enemy."

While talking, he also took advantage of the short resurrection time to open the store.

Glancing at the only 100 yuan he had on him, the corner of Saint Gun's mouth twitched slightly.

He has played professionally for so many years, and has experienced countless competitions, large and small.

But thinking about it like this, the second level was killed and went home alone, and the money on his body was so small that he couldn't even afford a 150 healing orb. This was really the first time he encountered a situation.

He hovered his mouse over the system store for a full second, finally heaved a sigh of helplessness, and simply bought a real eye and a bottle of red to settle the matter.

The way to buy, you can only afford this, and there are too many.

Afterwards, he took a look at the situation on the top lane, and saw that the barbarian king had killed someone and immediately turned back to push the lane, Brother Holy Gun did not hesitate at all, and decisively chose the TP teleport back lane.

At the same time, on IG's side, seeing Zhao Yun reappear on the road and once again hit a solo kill in the second level, several teammates cheered up.

Among them, the voice of the jungler Ning is the most exciting.

"Fuck, it's a second-level solo kill again! Brother Yunzi is awesome!"

"By the way, is Gnar still flashing on the opposite side?"

In line with the basic qualities of a professional jungler, Ning immediately asked the most critical question when he was excited.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun, who was controlling the barbarian king's A-pawn to push the line, was taken aback.

That's right, this is not my own silver ranking, this is a professional arena, it's not good to play alone, no matter what, you have to give key information feedback to your teammates.

In addition, he thought of more.

An image of a person could not help but appear in his mind.

Jin Yasheng, one of the three saints of LPL.

FPX mid laner Doinb, Kim Tae Sang.

As a well-known mid laner who won the S9 world championship in the future, Doinb's situation at this time is unknown to Zhao Yun, but in his previous life, one of the distinctive characteristics of Doinb that people are familiar with is that he remembers the summoner skill CD time and remembers it very diligently .

And this is one of the reasons why everyone praised him for his professional attitude and dedication.

Zhao Yun has watched Doinb's first-person perspective and live broadcast several times before, so he was very impressed by his act of recording the CD time of the summoner skill.

In the subconscious, Zhao Yun unconsciously acquiesced to a common sense.

'Recording the summoner skill CD time is the basic quality that most professional players should have. '

At this moment, upon hearing Ning's question, in order to make himself less amateurish, Zhao Yun also verbally answered 'Gnar didn't flash' and typed these three messages on the chat box.

"TOP F 7.07"

"TOP F 7.07"

"TOP F 7.07"

Like Doinb, in order to be more eye-catching, three identical ones are copied directly.

Seeing this information, Ning was taken aback.

"what is this?"

Zhao Yun replied while continuing to push the line.

"What else could it be, Gnar flashed the CD time."

Hearing this, Ning was silent for a second.

Because in his past experience, everyone can only remember the time of the flashing in a vague way, and it is the first time he has seen someone like Zhao Yun who specifically remembers such details.

'I'm going, not only the personal strength is great, but also the professional attitude is so dedicated, do you want to be so perverted? '

All of a sudden, Zhao Yun's move made Ning, who has always been carefree, a little touched in his heart.

However, it was a game after all, and his attention was quickly shifted to the game.

"OK, you wait for me on the road, the next wave depends on the situation and you can change your blood as much as possible. I'm three, so I'll go over and help you get him!"

Hearing Ning's words, Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly brightened.

There is one thing to say, if you let him play team play support, he may know nothing and be confused.

But if the jungler asks to help him climb the tower, then he won't be sleepy.

"OK, come quickly, I will exchange blood with him immediately!"

Zhao Yun agreed decisively.

But soon, as soon as he finished speaking on his front foot, he saw the blue TP light beam light up on his back foot. It seemed that TP was about to land, and the position of TP was not far away from him.

From the looks of it, it is clear that they want to rely on the last three soldiers to block the line of soldiers outside the tower.

At this moment, looking at Gnar's TP position, Zhao Yun's heart was moved immediately.

'Hey, isn't this the best time to change blood? '

Zhao Yun resolutely controlled the barbarian king and walked straight to the place where Nar TP was placed.

In the next second, Gnar TP landed.

At this moment.

Barbarian king level three, half blood.

Gnar is two levels, full of blood.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan's commentary sounded instantly.

"Here, the top barbarian wants to push the lane, but Gnar directly TPs back to the lane. The barbarian only has half health, and because he just used Q to restore blood, he is not very angry."

"But even so, the barbarian king still stayed in the position of Gnar TP and did not move. My God, does he still want to fight?"

As the commentary said, what Zhao Yun wanted was to take the opportunity to exchange blood with Gnar head-on.

The moment Gnar landed on the ground, he cut it decisively with a knife.


A quarter of Gnar's HP disappeared immediately.

Brother Holy Gun twitched from the corner of his eye, raised his hand to hit an AQ, and at the same time decisively chose to pull away with the E skill.

This time, there is a small soldier as a springboard, so his E skill double-jumps a long distance, and he directly distances himself from the barbarian king, and he can directly enter the tower after two steps.

Commentary seat.

"The Barbarian directly guards the TP in place. Obviously, he doesn't want Gnar to get stuck in this wave of soldiers, because the Barbarian has no TP, and it will be very uncomfortable to face the line after being stuck in the line."

"OK, I was lucky and hit a crit with a knife. Gnar jumped back with his E skill, and the distance was far away. The pawn line here should not be stuck. The barbarian king's goal has been achieved. After pushing these two pawns, he should have to return. "

Guan Zeyuan explained in this way.

But in the next second, the barbarian king's choice on the screen left everyone dumbfounded.

On the live broadcast screen, the barbarian king controlled by Zhao Yun directly raised his hand with a W at the moment Gnar jumped back, slowing down Gnar who turned around.

Then at the same time, he swung his broadsword, and another whirlwind slash followed Gnar.

He raised his hand and slashed Gnar's head.


Gnar's blood volume was even less, and he had only half of his blood left.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Gnar turned around and retreated decisively, and walked directly into the range of the defense tower in two steps.

The barbarian king continued to chase after him with a broadsword in his hand.

"My God, what does the barbarian king want to do? Do you still want to chase after entering the tower? No, it can't be so fierce!"

Guan Zeyuan's voice was full of shock and doubt.

In the next second, the barbarian king's actions completely opened his eyes wide.

The barbarian king really dragged his sword and continued to chase Gnar into the defense tower.

"He really chased after him! It's over, the barbarian king is on top!"

Yes, that's right, Zhao Yun is indeed on top.

Originally, he wanted to slash Gnar twice and leave, just like what Ning said, just change some blood.

However, the two consecutive critical strikes directly changed his mentality.

'Two more knives, two more knives and you'll be killed! '

At this moment, Zhao Yun's eyes lit up, and he chased directly under the defense tower, facing the damage from the defense tower, and slashed at Gnar's body again.


Gnar only has the last quarter of his blood left!

'One more knife, one knife kills! '

Zhao Yun only had that bloody Gnar in his eyes.

At this moment, Ning's voice suddenly sounded in the earphones.

"Fucking brother, don't! Don't be impulsive!"

Ning's voice was already loud, but now that she was excited, her voice became even louder than usual.

The sudden sound directly made Zhao Yun, who was highly focused, startled a little at that time, and shook his little hand.

Ever since, the barbarian king who saw that he would be able to reach Gnar with just one more step, raised his sword ahead of time, and slashed... on the defensive tower.


The damage from the defense tower flew out at the same time, killing the barbarian king under the tower on the spot.

[SS, Flandre killed IG, Lancer]

The barbarian king is dead.

Looking at the gray screen in front of him, Zhao Yun froze on the spot.

The brain that was originally full of blood also regained consciousness in an instant.

'It's over, this wave of idiots' operations, I'm sorry. '

Zhao Yun's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help howling in his heart when he thought that he had made such a low-level mistake under the gaze of so many people.

But at this moment, in the screen, a dark tunnel suddenly appeared on the wall on the right side of the barbarian king's corpse.

Then the next second, the excavator got out of it, went straight to the bloody Gnar under the tower, flew up with W, and made a clean combo, directly took away Gnar's head, and then smoothly handed over the flash, successfully Escape from the range of the defense tower.

'Huh~ Fortunately, the teammates are strong, otherwise this wave will commit a serious crime. '

Zhao Yun's heart suddenly relaxed.

Then, just as he was about to apologize to his teammates and say "this wave is mine", Ning's excited voice rang through the earphones first.

"Fuck, brother Yunzi, your decision-making is too decisive. This consciousness is simply invincible."

"How do you know they're junglers around?"

Ning's words directly made Zhao Yun swallow the words on the spot.

What the hell?

Decisive decision-making, invincible consciousness?
Wasn't my boss sending this wave just now?
Zhao Yun was startled, and subconsciously looked at the game screen in front of him.

Then, I happened to see that at the moment when the excavator left the range of the defense tower, a pig girl full of blood came out of the grass on the right side behind the tower on the blue side.

 Chapter 2 is being written, it will be later, it is recommended to read it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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