That's what we do with silver

Chapter 16 Patience?lol, no patience at all

Chapter 16 Patience?lol, no patience at all
Commentary seat.

"On the road side, the barbarian king took the lead in chasing Gnar and forced a blood exchange. After defeating Gnar, he wanted to jump over the tower, and was killed by the defensive tower just short of the last blow."

"But at the same time, King Ning's excavator arrived in time, added a set of skills to take away Gnar's head, and finally used flash to open the distance and escaped successfully."

"Until then, Sofm's pig girl was long overdue."

"Sigh, Sofm's sense of smell is already very sensitive, and he has been moving up the road, but his speed is still a bit slow, so he still didn't catch up in the end. I can only say that it's not that the teammates are slow to support, but the opponent's movements are too fast."

In the screen, with the sound of Guan Zeyuan's voice, the director also gave the replay of the wave just now.

From the perspective of God, everyone also clearly saw that the moment the barbarian king started to cut Gnar, the pig girl, like the excavator, had already started to drive on the road.

It's just that the speed of the pig girl is still a little slower than that of the excavator.

Looking at the positions of the junglers on the screen, Guan Zeyuan also continued.

"In the beginning, we thought that the barbarian king's actions were superiors, but now looking back, this is not a temporary superior, it is simply planned for a long time!"

"As you can see, in fact, when Gnar was TP, the red team had already sent a signal that it was on the road, and the excavator was already walking on the Internet. This was already planned to target Gnar."

"But at this point in time, if the barbarian king really has to wait until the excavator arrives before doing it, with Gnar's E skill in hand, if he waits a little longer, this wave will definitely be squatted by the pig girl.

But IG is very clear that the excavator has a tunnel, so it must arrive before the pig girl, so the barbarian king chose to change blood in advance, and he did not hesitate to chase into the defense tower to disable Gnar's state.

This extremely decisive decision completely disrupted Zhumei's anti-squatting rhythm and bought precious time for the excavator. The last silk blood Gnar was easily accepted by the excavator. When Zhumei arrived Time is all over. "

Speaking of this, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It can only be said that Sofm's consciousness is already in place. When he saw the barbarian king attacking, he had already moved to this side, but the Ueno duo of IG seemed to have foreseen the position of the pig girl in advance, relying on the perfect tacit understanding And the execution ability to carry out the tactical goal to the end, still forcibly caught Gnar to death."

"Although the heads were changed one by one in the end, the barbarian king didn't miss a single pawn, but Gnar was not only defeated by TP, but also lost nearly three waves of pawn lines, and his experience was completely blown up. This wave of IG has earned blood!"

After some crazy analysis, Guan Zeyuan also came to a conclusion.

"I can play such a perfect communication and cooperation for the first time on the court. Compared with the previous Duke and Theshy, the tacit understanding between IG's rookie top laner and Ning is really much higher."

Seeing Gnar die after this wave of tower jumping, his experience was completely shattered.

At the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan analyzed wildly, boasting about the linkage between the barbarian king and the excavator.

It made most of the audience look stunned, feeling that the cooperation of the professional players is awesome, and they all directly buckled 666 on the barrage.

In the game, Zhao Yun didn't know anything about it. Facing Ning's question, he was at a loss.

How do I know pig girl is around?
You ask me who am I asking?

How do I know that sister pig is here?

I am silver you ask me?

Zhao Yun complained inwardly.

But in his mouth, he replied with a smile.

"Uh, I feel, I feel that the pig girl should be here soon, ha ha."

Zhao Yun's laughter was full of embarrassment.

But in Ning's ears, he felt a sense of indifferent self-confidence.

A wave of rhythm easily harvested a head, which made Ning, who had always started against the wind, feel extremely comfortable at that time. The more he looked at his barbarian king, the more pleasing he looked.

"Okay, anyway, it's over if you're awesome."


The game continues.

After experiencing the last wave of rhythm, Gnar, who was on the road, was completely suppressed by Zhao Yun's barbarian king, no matter in terms of economy or experience level.

The level is one and a half levels ahead, which directly makes Gnar, who has low damage in the early stage, completely no threat to the barbarian king. In addition, he has learned the lesson of being overtaken the tower last time, so Gnar dared to hide far behind and throw darts to eat With experience, I dare not take the initiative to exchange blood with the barbarian king.

No idea!

As long as Gnar dares to slay the barbarian king with A, Zhao Yun immediately slaps his face, and when E goes up, he will get a knife.

This kind of huge damage gap directly made Holy Gun brother completely give up the idea of ​​​​winning the line, and waited for the long-distance wretch to make up the knife, and waited for the barbarian king to push the line to eat.

Switching to a seasoned king and savage king, in this case, it is bound to take the opportunity to expand the advantage wildly, relying on line control to suppress, and steadily widen the development gap with Gnar step by step.

But Zhao Yun did not.

He did not choose to control the line.

Instead, he chose to push the line.

The mindless kind.

On the line, A soldier, with A and E, quickly pushed the line of soldiers under Nalta, then hid back, and disappeared in the grass.

This made Holy Gun, who was already prepared to resist stress and gain experience, feel flattered. Immediately, he started to replenish the tower sword happily, relying on his profound basic skills, and slowly began to replenish his development.

Zhao Yun didn't feel much about this.

The reason why he chose to push the line is quite simple to be honest.

Because his mending knife is rotten.

This is also the reason why he basically doesn't play AD and mage very much, and prefers to play heavy warriors.

Because melee heroes have high attack power and fast basic attack speed, it is easier to make up the knife!

As we all know, the least difficult way to make up the knife is to push the line without thinking.

So, he did just that.

'Hey~ As long as I don't make up and push the line wildly, I'll see who can see that my last is rotten! '

Zhao Yun thought so.

In addition, after the pawn line was pushed, he shrank directly into the grass, even if the pig girl on the opposite side wanted to catch him, she couldn't catch him.

Ok, with this, the jungler can't catch him anymore, so he can only catch other teammates.

Anti-Gank awareness is also directly full!
I just want to play like this, and when the time comes, the director won't show the camera, so who can see my dish?

This is the conclusion that Zhao Yun finally came up with after pondering from yesterday to now.

Gain a little advantage in the lane, and then start messing around, never letting anyone catch him!

Before the start of the game, he planned it like this, and kept reminding himself not to mess around.

He kept doing this for more than six minutes into the game.

Seeing that everything was going according to plan, Zhao Yun felt relieved, and the original tension dissipated a lot.

But in this state, everything changed the moment the barbarian king reached level six.

The old saying goes well.

There are no bastards in the silver rank.

To be precise, there are no real bastards.

Because, anyone who understands the game and how to play the game is no longer in Baiyin.

Most of those who stay in Silver are basically bad mentality, impatient, easy to get ahead, and feel that the game is more important than winning the game.

Zhao Yun is such a typical example.

Therefore, even if he wanted to be stable, his real strength and the mentality he had cultivated for a long time did not allow him to have such strong patience and self-control.

When the barbarian king was promoted to level six, he looked at his sprint, which had already turned his CD, and Gnar, who was only level five and had just grown bigger.

Zhao Yun's heart was moved.

'Or, kill him and forget it. '

(End of this chapter)

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