That's what we do with silver

Chapter 146 Battle against SSG!South Korean commentators are anxious

Chapter 146 Battle against SSG!South Korean commentators are anxious
[There is a saying that if IG wants to win the championship, in the worst case, it is very likely that they really need to beat three Korean teams all the way. Do you think they can do it? 】

For such a post, the following reply also highlights a group of demons dancing wildly.

"Don't be funny bro, you mean that EDG and RNG in the second half will be defeated by SKT in a row? Is there any mistake, we are the first of the three groups this time, can we have some confidence!"

"That's right, after watching the group stage, don't you understand? The LCK has only one dragon ball team this year, and the same goes for Samsung and the barbecue stall."

"Did I hear you right? What do you mean, SKT, which has been defeated by IG twice in a row, is going to enter the finals in the second half? How much do you look down on RNG and EDG?"

"That's right, the performances of RNG and EDG in the group stage are blind, right? Although they are not as crushing as IG, they are the first in the group and they are not black."

"One thing to say, I'm really not optimistic about EDG and RNG. Don't look at the smooth sailing of the group stage. In history, the BO5 records of these two teams against LCK teams are worse than the other. , I have no doubt that these pig and dog brothers will send Boda at a critical time."

"Laughing, the people upstairs are really optimistic. SKT lost to IG, and it has nothing to do with RNG and EDG. It's still in the game. It's true that SKT lost [-]-[-] to IG. But where are your EDG and RNG going?"

"It was also beaten by IG, big brother, don't laugh at second brother, your three to zero is greater than my two to zero?"

"Not to mention, from the perspective of this group stage, I feel like SKT is like that. If I switch to EDG, I feel that it is also 01-30. After all, RNG is better than IG in the bottom lane. It is not [-]:[-]."

"Taking a step back, don't you think that this script is actually very good? IG played the Korean team in the upper half of the region, and eliminated the unstable factors SSG and the strongest LZ. Then in the finals, they were revenged by RNG, and finally the whole team was defeated. Huaban RNG successfully won the championship, perfect script!"

"Huang Za is crazy, right? I've been dreaming like this for most of the day."

"Anyway! This year is really the most promising year for LPL! Brothers!!!"


It can only be said that it really has the characteristics of the LPL competition area.

No matter what the post is, in the end it will turn into a classic scolding battle between fans of each family.

After watching for a long time, Zhao Yun also lost interest.

Throw away your phone, close your eyes and go to sleep.


The next day, Guangzhou Stadium.

The weather was clear and cloudless.

Compared with the group stage, the venue for the quarter-finals is larger, covering a wider area, and the number of spectators that can be accommodated has also increased.

And an hour before the start of the game, the entire venue was already crowded with people and it was very lively.

Then, in the warm-up stage of this kind of competition, although the competition has not yet started, the commentary booths of each competition area have already started live broadcasts, inviting commentators and guests from each competition area to warm up the upcoming competition.

On the LPL side, when the screen switched, I also saw the three commentators.

"Hi everyone, I am Long Hair."

"Hi everyone, I'm PDD."

"Hi everyone, I'm Xiaoxiao."

That's right, in the key eighth battle exclusive to the IG team, the official also directly invited two famous IG "stars", the fat PDD, and the bald Sun Yalong, to serve as guest commentators.

Then, Changmao, who is the host of the control field, was the first to speak with a smile.

"OK, then first of all, welcome PDD and Xiaoxiao to the guest commentary. I believe everyone is looking forward to today's game. Before the game starts, I would like to ask you two. Regarding the result of today's BO5, what do you guys think? How do you see it? Is there any prediction for the score?"

It can be seen that PDD and Xiaoxiao are also very happy. From the beginning to the present, the smile on their faces has never stopped.

Especially PDD, the eyes are small when people are fat, he has been smiling and squinting his eyes, it seems that the eyes are even smaller, it looks like a slit.

PDD spoke first.

"In my opinion, IG has a great chance of winning. I can only say that compared to IG's invincibility, Samsung's performance in the group stage is very average.

And even in the LCK, Samsung couldn't beat Dragon Ball and SKT, so I feel that if the final result goes well, IG will win [-]-[-] if it goes well, and [-]-[-] if it doesn't go well. This is my prediction. "

Then there is Xiaoxiao next to him.

"I think it's similar to PDD, [-] to [-] or [-] to [-]. Whether Samsung can win the next round depends on whether Cuvee can withstand the pressure of Lancer in the top lane. From my own feeling, Cuvee should be stronger than Huni. Stronger and more stable.

And another advantage of Samsung is that their BP is not as strong as SKT, so it is visually estimated that the barbarian king will not come out in a game. Under such a premise, they should not lose as badly as SKT. "

Hearing this, Changmao also smiled.

"It seems that both of you are also full of confidence in IG. Coincidentally, I am too."

"However, to be honest, so far, everyone has not really watched IG play a full round of BO5. In the LPL playoffs, they also won two 5-[-] games, so I am more worried about their lack of experience in BO[-]. .

On the contrary, Samsung is well-known as the king of bubbling matches. It is simply a BO5 professional. Its experience in this field is extremely rich. This is also the reason for this, so I will be conservative and predict an IG three to two. "

Along with the three people's speeches, the score they predicted appeared in the lower right corner of the LPL live broadcast room.

Xiaoxiao: 3-1.

PDD: 3-1.

Longhair: 3-2.

At the same time, in addition to the LPL side, other major competition areas are also making pre-match predictions at the same time.

In the European and American live broadcast rooms on the LCS side, the five commentators also gave predictions one after another.

"It feels like IG is three to zero. To be honest, I can't imagine how SSG can win against such an IG."

"Lancer in the top lane is a god. I unconditionally believe that IG will win. I also think it is [-]-[-]."

"Samsung's only advantage is the bottom lane. If they can make good use of this, they may be able to win the next game. I predict [-] to [-]."

"Although I like this tough Samsung team very much, to be honest, IG is really terrible at the moment. All the teams that are inferior in the early stage are basically impossible to hold back against IG. This is very important for Samsung. It's deadly, and I feel like it's three to zero."

"The top laner Lancer is now the world's number one top laner in my eyes! Ning and Rookie's mid-jungle suppression is obviously better than Ambition and Crown, and SSG's only advantage is in the bottom lane.

Reason tells me that IG will win, but this time I had a sudden whim, and somehow felt that SSG could perform miracles, so I predicted [-]-[-], SSG would win. "

Of the five LCS commentators, four believed that IG would win, and the last one chose to believe in miracles.

For the predictions in other regions, the commentators are more humorous and the atmosphere is more relaxed.

Then when I came to the commentary seat of the live broadcast room on the LCK side, the style of painting changed immediately.

These Korean commentators sighed and frowned, almost writing the word 'anxiety' on their faces.

Then the words he said were also full of worry.

"Ah, SSG encountered the big devil directly in the quarterfinals. It's not very lucky."

"There is no way, taking the second place in the group is destined to encounter such a thing."

"Ah! No matter how I think about it, I feel that this game is extremely difficult."

"Ah~ SSG, who is only the third seed, has to face the IG team that everyone agrees is the strongest so far. The pressure is really great."

"More importantly, I feel that IG's team's style of play and staffing, in a certain sense, restraint SSG, it is simply more serious than SKT."

"Anyway, the Barbarian King will definitely not let it go again, it is a big killer that the brother team SKT tried out with bloody lessons for everyone."

"Cuvee should not be as strong as Huni in this regard, and SSG's coaching staff can be trusted."

"Also, the map-controlling and operational jungler like Ambition is really not good at the offensive rhythm jungler like Mlxg, not to mention that Ning is somewhat more aggressive than Mlxg."

"Crown's hero pool and personal ability also feel one level worse than Rookie's."

"Ah~ It seems that no matter how you look at it, SSG can only take advantage of the bottom lane duo. This situation is really stressful."

"Ah~~ I can only hope that the players of SSG have performed exceptionally well. In this version, bot lane AD can carry the game! Please SSG, please Ruler and CoreJJ!"

"No matter what, let's cheer for SSG together! Everyone!"


In the pre-match predictions in each division, most people basically think that IG will win.

Only on the LCK side, all four commentators predicted that SSG would win [-]-[-].

Then soon, after a series of warm-ups in the commentary and commentary seats, the game was finally about to start.

As usual, before the start of the game, the pre-match video of both sides was released.

The first thing that was released was the video from SSG, their ADC, Ruler, who appeared in the camera.

"For the IG team, I feel that it is really a strong offensive team. If we met them for the first time before this, we might be caught off guard, but after this period of understanding, we have now found a way to deal with them.

So we are very confident that we will be able to win the final victory. "

In the screen, Ruler, wearing the SSG black team uniform, said such a passage in a slow tone, quite peacefully.

Then, the screen switched in a second, and it was IG's turn.

Appearing in the camera is also IG's ADC, Xihuang.

"For SSG, although their bottom lane combination is very powerful, we don't have any pressure on the bottom lane, because I always firmly believe that before our bottom lane is at a disadvantage, their middle and upper jungle will be defeated first."


Perhaps because of their personalities, both parties are more restrained in speaking.

However, to a certain extent, the content of this pre-match interview is exactly what many viewers really think.

If SSG wants to win, the bottom lane is the key.

(End of this chapter)

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