That's what we do with silver

Chapter 147 Are You SSG Ruthless?My IG is more ruthless than you!

Chapter 147 Are You SSG Ruthless?My IG is more ruthless than you!

Then, after watching the pre-match video, under the expectant eyes of countless spectators, the game began.

The screen switched and officially entered the BP link.

And this time, the two commentators in charge of the LPL side are Miller and Wawa.

"OK, we also know before that, the two teams decided to choose the side first by tossing a coin, and IG's player Lancer came forward to win, and successfully won the first side selection in rounds 1-3-5."

"Now in the first round, IG has chosen the blue side, and SSG has chosen the red side. The two sides have officially started BP."

"First of all, the top three bans of IG: Kalista, Twara, Malzaha, still the inherent style of IG, I don't want to shoot Kalista and don't want to put it on the opponent, so I simply ban it myself, and then Takura and Malzahar is a very obvious hero pool for the mid laner Crown."

"Then the top three bans on SSG: Barbarian King, Galio, and Qinggangying, there are not too many problems. After the SKT1557 incident, Barbarian King should not be unavailable for a short time, and then there are two IG Nakano heroes who are good at banning alone. one."

"Then now, it's IG's turn to choose. If there are no accidents, Xia should be right."

It is almost habitual, not only the commentary, but even the audience can probably guess what IG will choose in this situation.

Then, without any special surprise, the first floor of IG quickly locked in seconds.

One choice, Ni Yu, Xia.

On the SSG side, the first two moves were also quickly selected.

On the first floor, Huan Ling, Luo.

On the second floor, Winter's Wrath, Sejuani.

Anzhangmen's classic signature pig girl, took it out first, without too much hesitation.

Then the second and third hands of IG.

Second choice, Frost Witch, Lissandra.

Three choices, Lord of the River, Tamm.

As for the third hand of SSG, Verus was selected.

At this point, the first round of BP between the two sides is over.

Start the second round of bans.

IG chooses to ban: Ryze, clockwork.

SSG chooses to ban: Gnar, Spider.

Then, in the fourth hand, SSG determined the mid laner Syndra.

And the last two moves on IG's side were also quickly selected.

On the fourth floor, the Twins of Eternal Hunting, Qian Jue.

On the fifth floor, Undead God of War, Thain.

The IG lineup is confirmed, leaving SSG as the last top laner who has not yet been selected.

Then soon, SSG didn't think too long, and finally selected Cuvee's hero with the highest winning rate so far.

Five choices, Heart of Rage, Kenan.

"OK, with Samsung's final selection of Kenan, the lineups of both sides are completely determined."

"Blue Fang IG, top laner Sean, jungler Qian Jue, mid laner Lissandra, bottom laner Luxia and Tam."

"The red side SSG, Kenan in the top lane, Wild Boar Girl, Syndra in the mid lane, and Verus and Luo in the bottom lane."

After talking about the final lineup of both sides, Miller also continued to laugh.

"Speaking of which, it's nothing on IG's side. They're all familiar heroes they've used before, but on SSG's side, Brother Crown actually took out Syndra, which really surprised me."

The doll next to her also nodded.

"Indeed, looking at the entire group stage, Brother Crown has basically won three heroes, Chalice Galio and Malzaha. The last time he took Syndra was in the LCK playoffs."

"In this case, with such a hero who pays more attention to development and laning, whether Syndra can play effectively against Lissandra in the middle lane in this round is very critical."

"Also in the top lane, Thain and Kenan basically can't play anything, so looking at it, it depends on the middle field in this round."

The two commentators also believed that the focus of this round was on the middle field.

In this regard, the LCK commentary booth also has the same opinion.

"Ah, ssg has a good lineup in this game, and the three routes are all superior lines."

"Yes, if you can stabilize the development in the early stage, the SSG has a great advantage in team battles in the middle and late stages."

"To be honest, I was really relieved when I saw that Lancer took Sion just now. I'm afraid that besides the Barbarian King, he will take out some fierce heroes to open up the situation in the top lane."

"Sean's words are much more reassuring. After all, this hero can't be as exaggerated as snowballing like a barbarian king."

"Indeed, if there is not so much pressure on the road, it is just like focusing on the overall operation and rhythm. I am very confident in SSG in this regard."

"There is also Crown's Syndra, who used to be good at it. If you play Lissandra in the middle with purification, you have a lot of room to play."

"The bottom lane is also an advantage, and Ruler's Varus is also trustworthy."

"Looking at it this way, the lineup is really good, and SSG has a great chance."

"Come on SSG!"

"come on! Come on!"


In this way, under the eyes of LCK commentators and many fans looking forward to it, the game officially started.

It is worth mentioning that both sides supported this game with TP.

Rookie's Lissandra is also TP, and Crown's Syndra has purification.

There is one thing to say, among the only eight teams left in the current World Championship, if you really want to talk about the emphasis on the jungler in the team, IG is definitely ranked first.

Since the change of play style in the summer split until now, IG has basically changed its tactical system, and most of the time it is based on the premise of the jungler advantage, around Ning's hero pool collocation.

It is precisely because of this that so many unique lineups have been derived, and so many brilliant middle-upper-field linkages have been played.

This is undoubtedly a very special existence among the current mainstream teams that mostly revolve around double Cs.

Then, if there is a ranking of the importance of junglers, the first is IG, and the second must be SSG.

As the absolute core of team building, SSG's middle and wild linkages are also dominated by Ambition most of the time. This can be seen in Crown's hero selection during the World Championship.

Galio, Malzahar, and Rock Sparrow are all standard rhythm-driven heroes, and their ability to cooperate with the jungler is first-class.

This also proves from the side that they also attach great importance to the jungle position.

Therefore, when the blue side of IG selects Thain, SSG, which has studied IG's previous style of play, has a full field defense at the first level.

For a while, except for the ADC Verus who was in the lower field, the other four people, including the assistant Luo, helped defend in the upper half at the beginning, just to prevent IG from invading.

Seeing this scene, the two commentary dolls and Miller on the LPL side also laughed.

"It seems that SSG has indeed studied IG. They know that IG likes to invade on the blue side, so at the beginning of the game, five people directly sent four people to defend. They are really quite vigilant."

"Indeed, according to previous experience, teams that are often invaded by IG at the beginning will be easily led by IG's rhythm in the early and mid-term. SSG is really full of defense.

The four of them were helping to defend the red, and they didn't leave for more than a minute. It seemed that they had made up their minds to prevent all accidents. Anyway, Tam and Xayah on IG's side didn't have much killing ability, and Luo was the support. It doesn't matter if you lose a few soldiers' experience. From this point of view, the status of head An's team is really high. "

In the commentary seat, Miller and Wawa couldn't help feeling a few words at that time.

But soon, everyone was stunned when they saw IG's response.

Because in the screen, everyone can clearly see that just seven or eight seconds before the wild monsters were refreshed, the five people on the IG side who were originally scattered, unexpectedly completed the assembly without knowing it.

Then just like what we did in the previous game, five people appeared in a group on the upper river, and rushed into the red zone of SSG together with the overhead scan!
Immediately, everyone was dumbfounded.

"What is IG doing? Oh my god, it's already this time, and five people appear in this position!"

"They are coming to invade!"

"Wow, it's too fierce. It's a fight, and the five of them came here in a group."

"My God, I thought it was exaggerated enough for SSG to help defend the red buff with four people. I didn't expect IG to be even more ruthless. All five people including ADC came!"

"Here it comes, IG really brought everyone unexpected surprises and frights once again."

"Obviously SSG was frightened. Originally, the four people stood with their hands spread out to defend. Now, who is not afraid to see five people? Where has the head of An seen such a battle? Don't be red. Just slipped away."


In the picture, the pig girl was directly scared off by the five IG people on the spot, and disappeared while riding a pig.

After IG's successful invasion, the bottom lane duo also went directly to the top lane, and Zhao Yun's Thain used TP to teleport to the bottom lane.

Switch lanes up and down.

A group of five people at the first level forcibly invaded.

Thain wasted a TP at the beginning, just to help the jungler grab the red buff.

In the current S7 game, where the mainstream style of play has basically been fixed, such an extremely unique opening directly shocked those audiences from all over the world who didn't know much about IG on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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