That's what we do with silver

Chapter 148 is very pure, simple laning can't beat it

Chapter 148 is very pure, simple laning can't beat it
In the picture, five people from the IG level [-] group invaded, and after confirming that the red buff was not accidental, the duo of Xia and Tam went directly to the top, while Thain came to the bottom lane with TP.

Such a scene directly stunned many spectators and commentators outside the competition area.

"This, this, this, IG actually chose to change the line?"

"Wow, it's just to grab a red buff. As for mobilizing so many people?"

"Playing jungle in IG is really a joy."

"As expected of IG, it can bring us different surprises every time."


The audience was just watching the excitement, and it was rare to see this kind of opening feeling very fresh.

The commentators in many competition areas are different. Before they commented on the game, they all did their homework for the two teams. Therefore, IG’s previous classic games in the LPL playoffs were basically all commentators. Have understood.

Because of this, they were also very surprised.

Miller sighed immediately.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that SSG has really studied IG's previous games. Knowing that in the case of Thain, once it is reversed, the rhythm may be disrupted, so they sent four people to defend. Luo's position is obviously based on the experience of eating fewer soldiers.

In order to ensure a safe start for the jungler, he sacrificed the support experience cruelly. To be honest, this is really decisive and cautious enough.

But never expected, they are ruthless, and IG is even more ruthless!

Four people are not stable, so five people will come. The top laner sacrifices a TP just to help the jungler get a red buff at the beginning of the game. There is something to say, let alone LPL. Among the professional LOL teams in the world, IG is probably the only one. This one. "

The doll next to her also nodded.

"Indeed, when IG played against WE in the LPL playoffs, IG relied on one-handed four-man invasion to grab the red, and then Thain's idea of ​​​​using his own red buff directly beat WE to the bewilderment, but the same routine was used. After that, everyone was prepared, so SSG saw Thain and directly defended with four people, which is enough to show that they came prepared.

But they really didn't expect that Thain would come together!
Lancer is really the only player who can defeat the opponent with a DPS Carry hero, and can immediately become a perfect tool man with a meat tank top laner. If you want C to C, stability and stability, you need to sacrifice yourself for the team He also did not hesitate to give decisively at the time, and the hero pool was simply unfathomable.

People often say that every aspect is the ultimate, and the legendary hexagonal God of War with no shortcomings feels like that. "

In the commentary seat of LPL's own family, Miller and Wawa were not stingy with praise, and the tone was full of admiration for Zhao Yun.

In the game at this moment, facing IG's opening design.

SSG was at a loss for the first time, but soon, relying on years of rich experience, they still made a good response.

Corejj's Luo went halfway and turned his direction directly. Instead of going to the bottom road, he went to the top road to help Kenan deal with the IG duo.

As for Ruler's Verus, he is normally not moving in the bottom lane.

At this point, the situation on the entire field changed drastically in an instant.

The top lane becomes a two-player lane, with Xayah and Tam facing Kenan and Luo.

The bottom lane becomes a single lane, and Sion and Verus 1v1.

IG's jungler Qian Jue successfully invaded the red zone of SSG, and then continued to brush F6 after brushing the red buff, while brushing back and leaning towards the middle. Every move at this time was watched by Crown in the F6 position clearly.

On the SSG side, the head of An beat the wild boar girl. Facing such a disadvantaged start, he originally wanted to go to the red zone of IG to fight the red buff of IG, but when he took a detour, Qian Jue had already finished the red buff, and Still brushing F6 while leaning towards the middle.

And at the same time, Lissandra of Rookie was still deliberately pushing the line, and went to the river intersection in the IG red zone in front of Crown to insert an eye.

Immediately, after two seconds of silence, An Zhang resolutely gave up the idea of ​​going to the IG red zone.

No way, this is really too dangerous.

Looking at Qian Jue's wild route, he knows that at this time, he is a first-level pig girl. If he really dares to go to the red zone of IG to buff, then Qian Jue will definitely come back immediately. The second-level red Qian Jue Not much to say about combat power, when the time comes, the middle and wild 2v2 will really break out. Not only will he die as a pig girl, but Crown Syndra will also be brought down by him.

So after weighing the balance, Head An had no choice but to choose to play blue alone.

If you lose at the beginning, you can lose a little, anyway, just play slowly, it is not a big problem.

Head An thought so.


In this way, maintaining such a stable situation, 5 minutes passed quickly.

During these 5 minutes, no heads broke out on the court.

It seems that it is still a very harmonious pair development situation.

Such a situation undoubtedly made countless LCK fans secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

"As long as the laning is stable and nothing happens, don't let IG get too much advantage to snowball. If there is no accident, SSG has a great lineup advantage in the middle and late stages of this round."

They thought so.

Then, to everyone's surprise, an accident happened soon.

The first small accident that occurred was that Syndra of Crown in the middle lane was flashed by Rookie's ice girl in the fourth level.

Without the participation of any third person, just purely relying on personal ability, the ice girl crippled Syndra in the lane, and directly forced Crown's flash.

This makes people feel a little surprised.

Everyone knows that this year's Crown's status has indeed declined a bit, but at the fourth level, Syndra, who was obviously stronger in the lane, was knocked out by a Lissandra in a single lane, and it still made many people completely unexpected .

"Uh, the mid laner got knocked out at the fourth level, Crown's laning seems to have a little problem."

"Sindra, who was held by Couter behind, was suppressed instead, and it feels a bit inappropriate, Crown."

"Rookie's position is so strong. Corwn, Syndra's five Qs, was twisted by him four times. It's really outrageous."

"There is a gap in the middle?"

"But it's okay, it's fine if you don't get killed alone."

"Compared to SKT's collapse at the time, SSG has already done a good job in this early stage."


For many LCK fans, it seems that SSG's current situation is completely acceptable.

However, what they didn't know was that in the game at this moment, the players of SSG were playing quite uncomfortable.

First of all, the jungler An is in charge. After Qian Jue invaded and grabbed the red at the beginning, his pig sister has basically been beaten all the time.

At the beginning, I lost a piece of Ueno area, and then I didn’t get any of the river crabs. As a result, in the comparison of the experience of the two junglers, at level 5 vs. level 3, Qian Jue directly leads the pig girl by two full levels, and it is about to reach the red soon When the buff was refreshed for the second time, the gap between Zhumei and Qian Jue was still widening, which made Head An feel uncomfortable.

Then there is Cuvee, the top laner. Originally, Kenan was chosen as a hero who is very high-level. He was specially selected for team battles in the middle and late stages of development. Now IG changed lanes and made a move. He was forced to cross the tower by IG, but the pawn line that was originally developed by one person is now divided into two people, which made his Kenan level up very slowly, and he felt aggrieved.

Originally, he also wanted to switch lanes with Verus soon, but when both the middle and the field were suppressed, there was the threat of Qian Jue and the ice girl TP. Kenan, there is no problem with the development of the lane, but he dare not push the lane too much.

If you don't push the line, you won't find a good time to go back to the city and change the line at all, so you can only continue to waste like this.

In this case, IG has been pushing the line, and naturally it will miss the knife because of the tower knife.

In the early 5 minutes, from the perspective of God, except for the support, the other four players of IG all have obvious advantages in making up damage, and the economic panel even leads by [-].

When it was originally selected, it was supposed to be an excellent lineup for SSG's early three lanes, but now it is inferior to four lanes. Except for Verus, the number of last hits can still follow the time normally, and the other three are behind by more than a dozen. Twenty knives, how can this make a few people in SSG not upset?
Of course, the most uncomfortable one must be the mid laner Crown.

Before that, because Malzahar and Galio were both banned, he chose Syndra, his once unique hero.

The purpose is to gain an advantage in the middle lane.

When choosing this hero, he was still quite confident.

However, after a few minutes of laning, his self-confidence began to become weaker and weaker.

Because he found that although it was only a few minutes of fighting, his laning operations and details were completely blown out by the opponent.

Skills and skills have been dodged all the time, and every wave of blood exchange is a loss. As a result, Syndra, who was supposed to have an advantage in the lane, was teased by Lissandra on the opposite side. At 4 minutes, he directly Lissandra forced out her flash.

In the mid-lane mage duel, Syndra, who was in the second counter position, was suppressed by Lissandra's pure operation, crippled in 4 minutes and forced to flash, and at the same time, suppressed 12 knives.

This first situation simply made Crown feel unacceptable.

"It's okay, it's just that I was thinking too simply just now, and frequently looked at the situation on other roads, resulting in a lack of concentration and misoperation. Next, be more serious, and it will definitely be fine."

When he was beaten home for the first time, Corwn comforted himself in his heart.

Ever since, after returning home to update his equipment and go online again, his attention began to become more concentrated, and he took every operation and position more seriously, making sure to use 100% of his true strength in every move, and prepared to use his full strength, Focus more on laning, and fight back all the disadvantages caused by previous mistakes!

"In this wave, I have updated equipment when I go home. Lissandra hasn't been back yet. I have a great advantage in the fight. As long as he is disabled and forced out of TP, then this wave is not too bad."

Crown thought so.

After a minute and a half.

He was caught off guard by Lissandra in front of him with a wave of details. He forced a set of skills to increase his moves and beat him to death under his own tower. Come here, take the head with a general attack.


[IG, Ning killed SSG, Crown]

Looking at this scene, the commentary seat on the LPL side couldn't help but exclaim.

"First blood! The first blood broke out in the middle!"

"What everyone didn't expect was that after barely understanding IG's opening design, the first problem on SSG's side was actually the middle lane."

"It's just a pure laning match. Rookie took the lead in opening up the situation in the middle. After defeating Syndra's flash before, a wave of detailed tie-breakers and a big move beat Syndra to blood. In the end, he was defeated by King Ning. Take this head!"

"Nice! In this way, the whole game has once again entered the familiar rhythm of IG!"

"Good job! Rookie!"

(End of this chapter)

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