That's what we do with silver

Chapter 149 Syndra is dead again!

Chapter 149 Syndra is dead again!

The game time is five minutes and 50 seconds.

Seizing the chance that Syndra was beaten home in the previous wave, and therefore lagging behind in experience, Rookie successfully grabbed the six major moves in details, and finally cooperated with Qian Jue's one-level A to successfully kill Syndra.

Play the first blood of the game.

From the audience's point of view, perhaps this kill only represents 400 yuan of blood money.

From Rookie's point of view, it may just mean that he successfully played the laning advantage and got the right to the middle lane.

In King Ning's view, perhaps this only means that his Qian Jue's development has been further accelerated, which can help him better suppress the jungle and rhythm of SSG.

But for Zhao Yun, it has a completely different meaning.

At the moment when Syndra, Crown, was killed in battle, Zhao Yun saw it and was immediately overjoyed.

"Nice! This game is over."

If before that, you asked him how to win this game, then he probably wasn't sure, so he could only reply to you and let it go.

But now, after seeing the middle lane open up so quickly, Zhao Yun felt instantly that his game thinking became extremely clear at this moment.

The saying goes well.

The horse needs to be pulled strong.

Persimmons should be picked up softly.

Now that the middle road is like this, there is nothing to think about, just catch the soft persimmon and kill it, but it's over if you make it right!
As we all know, when Zhao Yun is not playing games, the game ideas and logic are very clear.

In many cases, he can even put forward quite effective suggestions to the team. All kinds of game theories are sound, and he can generally execute his own plans more self-disciplined. Among other things, in the IG team, that is simply The standard hardworking little pacesetter is often loved by the coach.

However, once he started playing, he immediately seemed to be a different person on the field.

To sum it up in one sentence, it is.

'Intermittent thinking jumps, and often think about it. '

Just like now.

It happened to be the time when Syndra had just returned to the line after her death and resurrection, and at the same time, Rookie's ice girl had just returned to the line for a while.

Seeing the moment when Syndra's head appeared on the opposite side, Zhao Yun's Sain was still making up the knife down the road, but he yelled in his voice.

"This wave has a chance brother, this wave of Rookie I directly TP drove him from behind, pay attention, pay attention to me!"

While talking, Zhao Yun also marked the second tower of his home road, and at the same time, "ding ding ding" crazily made several signals on the top of Syndra's head on the opposite side.

Rookie hadn't answered yet, Zhao Yun was already talking, and at the same time, controlled Thain to walk into the grass in the bottom lane, and used his TP very suddenly.

As for Thain's move, SSG couldn't be said to have no reaction, it simply didn't think about it at all.

After all, who would report a miss to his teammate when he saw the opponent walk into the bushes in the lane?
At most, I just wonder if the B on the opposite side wants to hide from Cao Lika's vision and shade me, similar to this kind of thinking.

Ruler was no exception. When he saw Thain entering the grass, his first reaction was to take two steps back, and then subconsciously glanced at the mini-map to see if Kindred was coming to catch him.

Then, Qian Jue didn't see it, but suddenly heard a loud 'clang' in the earphone.

At this moment, Ruler's mental activities were full of twists and turns.

Fuck!Thain is hiding in the grass and it's getting bigger, back up quickly!

Wait, something is wrong, why is there no one?

What's the situation, man?


There was no sign of Thain in his field of vision, and Ruler's first reaction was to be stunned for a moment, unable to figure out what was going on.

Then soon, Crown's exclamation suddenly sounded in the SSG team's voice, and his doubts were instantly answered.

"Xiba! Why is Thain in the middle!"

"Don't, don't, don't! Don't come here! Don't hit me!"

"It's over, Xiba'er! I can't hide at all."

"Ah! I'm dead!"


Crown's four consecutive exclamations in the team voice directly attracted the attention of all four teammates, and Ruler was no exception.

The other four members of SSG, almost at the moment when the voice sounded, switched their perspectives and looked towards the middle road at the same time.

Then, I happened to see Syndra being hit head-on by a dump truck that rushed out from behind the first tower in the IG middle lane, and was then set on fire by Lissandra and Sion, who directly controlled the full set fire and instantly killed it.

[IG, Rookie killed SSG, Crwon]

In this way, the game time was 7 minutes. Not a while after being resurrected and going out to the line, Syndra, who just inserted a river hole, and even a wave of soldiers hadn't replenished two, was sent back to the spring again.

This sudden wave of rhythm not only disturbed Guan Guan himself, but also made several commentators in the LCK commentary stand exclaimed again and again.

"Ah! Syndra is dead again!"

"What! Why would Thain choose to appear in that kind of place at this point of time to activate his big move to catch him? Who would have thought of that, Smecta?"

"I have to say that Lancer's play by Thain is really too wild, not to mention Crown's unexpected, even our commentators couldn't think of it."

"TP was good for a while, and I used it to help my teammates immediately. Lancer is too good at using TP."

"The situation is even worse now. Originally, the middle lane was a disadvantage. Now that she died twice in a row, Syndra feels like she is going to collapse."

"To be honest, you can't blame Ruler for this matter. After all, the person you were in line with suddenly walked into the grass. No matter how you think about it, you can't think about it."

"An unexpected wave of spiritual Gank, IG started their signature offensive rhythm again."

"Looking at it this way, it looks like SKT used all means to target top laner Huni crazily in that game, and now Crown is obviously also targeted."

"Fortunately, the middle route is short. No matter how you say it, it is impossible to have a situation like the second tower on the top road."

"How is it possible? That kind of situation is impossible in the middle lane. No matter how you say it, the development must be fine."

"Indeed, you have to know that SSG still has two TPs outside, and Zhumei has been near the middle lane all the time. The risk of IG trying to jump the tower is too great."

"Sion's wave was too sudden and he didn't realize it. If he really wanted to cross the middle road tower, Kenan and Luo would definitely be able to support him immediately."


In the LCK commentary booth, several Korean commentators expressed their opinions on Crown's current situation in the middle lane.

Perhaps out of optimism, or perhaps out of self-comfort, everyone still feels that Syndra's current situation is still "barely salvageable".

Many LCK fans also think so.

But soon, the sudden change in the middle lane gradually changed their views.

The game time is eight minutes and 30 seconds.

On the SSG side at this moment, because Sion TP went to the middle lane to make trouble just now, although Syndra suffered, both the upper and lower lanes took the opportunity to get relief.

God, Sion is finally gone. Verus, who has been in the bottom lane for so long, finally found a suitable opportunity to push the line into the tower, and then returned to the city and successfully completed the line change with Kenan.

All of a sudden, the three people in the upper and lower lanes of SSG secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a lot more relaxed.

Then, just when they finally returned to normal laning and Verus was ready to play well with his high level ahead of the opponent, there was another bad news in the middle.

Syndra was caught again.

This time, it was Tam and Qian Jue who came.

It happened to be the time when the CD of Ice Girl's second big move was turned well, and a wave of pushes into the tower, King Ning's Qian Jue decisively detoured from the blue zone in the lower half of SSG when he saw that SSG had successfully changed lanes in the upper and lower lanes All of a sudden, he walked out from the right side of one of the towers, and cooperated with Rookie's Syndra to launch a tower jumping and strong kill against Syndra under the tower.

Then this time, when Qian Jue appeared, Crown was not particularly worried, because the pig girl happened to be next to him, and since Kenan and Luo both had TPs, he didn't believe that IG would still Dare to be tough.

That's what he thought at first.

Then, the choice made by IG left him dumbfounded.

Because, even when she saw the pig girl showing her head beside her, Lissandra still didn't hesitate at all, and walked into the tower decisively, her hand-raising skill still forcibly hit Syndra's body.

Come hard!

"Damn it! You really don't think of me as a human being! Then die with me!"

At this moment, Crown was extremely angry inside.

But his anger did not cause any substantial harm to the IG Nakano and the wild at all.

Because, his level and equipment are really too bad.

Without time to accumulate Q, Syndra hastily threw out a set of skills, combined with her ultimate move to hit the ice girl with mercury shoes, and lost only one-third of her HP in total.

On Lissandra's side, in the absence of Syndra's flash and purification, Lissandra first used a big move to hold a set of skills to full damage, and Qian Jue jumped up to make up for a few flat A and a third ring, and the two lightly Syndra's blood was easily evaporated.

At the same time, the pig girl on the side entered the field, and tried to control Lissandra, who was resisting the tower, with a big move, but Rookie reacted quickly and flashed out of the tower to avoid it.

At this time, the two TPs of SSG's top laner and support lighted up, and when the pig girl wanted to chase after her, she saw a gray water whirlpool appearing under Lissandra's feet.

Baolan's Tam, who opened his mouth first and arrived in time, opened his mouth and directly ate Lissandra who had little blood.

TP is very fast, but unfortunately, it is not as fast as Tahm's ultimate move!
However, seeing the two TPs on the SSG's side landed on the ground, Baolan didn't even think about it. With Lissandra in her stomach, she went to the right wall and handed over the flash.

Kenan and Luo, who landed, naturally couldn't let IG and the others go easily, almost subconsciously, Corejj's Luo started his big move, and rushed all the way to keep people.

Cuvee's Kenan is similar. He directly activated the E skill to speed up and rushed over together. When Luo W skill successfully lifted Tam, Kenan decisively activated the ultimate move, preparing to take Tam and Lisan in this narrow position. Zhuo stay here together!
Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prisoners!
All of a sudden, the 'sizzling' sound from Kenan's big move made countless LCK spectators watching the game ecstatic.

"This Bonays! I'm finally going to fight back!"

Many LCK fans said so happily.

But in the next second, the effect of Kenan's big move made everyone's hearts tense.

Neither Tamm nor Lissandra died.

After Kenan's big move was activated, he was completely out of electricity and died.

Because at the moment when Kenan's big move entered the field, a familiar figure jumped out of the grass on the right side at the same time.

Qian Jue also activated his big move, the spirit of sheep.

All of a sudden, the ultimate moves of the two sides overlapped perfectly, and Wan Leitian's control effect was full, but Lissandra's blood volume, which was already in poor condition, did not drop at all after being covered by Qian Jue's ultimate move.

Seeing this scene, Cuvee couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"Keep killing Lissandra."

Kenan, who deliberately reserved his Q and W skills, stood next to Lissandra, his eyes fixed on him, ready to kill Lissandra with his skills at the moment when Qian Jue's ultimate move ended.

Even in order to prevent accidents, Cuvee deliberately inserted a hole through the wall, so that even if Lissandra calls the E skill to pass through the wall, he can leave the flash and follow it.

This wave, at least this Lissandra, will definitely die!

Cuvee thought so in his heart.

But in the next second, when he pierced the wall with one eye into the river grass on the right, his eyes froze for a moment.

Because right here, in the bushes of the river just on the edge of Qian Jue's ultimate move, he suddenly saw a person.

A huge figure who was carrying a huge ax to charge up, and was about to smash it down in the next second.


(End of this chapter)

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