That's what we do with silver

Chapter 151 Breakthrough in the Middle Road, Go!

Chapter 151 Breakthrough in the Middle Road, Go!
"OK, with the explosion of the base crystal, let us congratulate the IG team for successfully winning the first game!"

"Congratulations IG!"

Seeing the SSG crystal directly explode in the screen, there was an instant burst of enthusiastic cheers from the venue.





In the commentary seat, Miller and Wawa also had joyful smiles on their faces.

Miller: "How should I put it, it feels like a pure crushing game. After the situation was opened in the middle, the whole rhythm was smooth and smooth all the way, and it was won very smoothly."

Wawa: "Mid laner Syndra was directly beaten 0-7, tsk tsk tsk, Brother Crown's game experience in this game is simply terrible."

Miller: "I can only say that he really has problems playing himself. Even before the jungler came, he was suppressed miserably by Rookie in the lane. The 4-minute flash, the level [-] wave, even if Qian Jue didn't come, Ice Girl's dodge and two draw A must have killed it alone, it's a pure mid laner gap."

Wawa: "As we all know, it doesn't matter if you are a little weak in the bottom lane against the IG team, but you must not have shortcomings in the middle and upper field, otherwise if you are caught and have the opportunity to make a face, you will really be targeted and crash.

Huni, the top laner of SKT before, and Crown, the mid laner of SSG in this round, feel like the same script.

He was unable to fight online and was suppressed or even solo-killed. Immediately, what awaited him was a steady stream of ruthless targeting from IG. Once the situation was opened from the line, it would soon radiate to other paths, and the snowball would just get bigger and bigger. Can't stop it. "

Miller: "More importantly, IG's start is really as sharp as ever. A lane change not only helped Qian Jue gain an advantage, but also counted Kenan on the opposite side. It was perfect."

Wawa: "Also, have you noticed that Lancer's Sean is really getting more and more flamboyant, that wave of TP in the middle lane drove into Syndra, and that wave of Q in the grass knocked out two of them, directly becoming the whole The key turning point of the game.

After that, SSG was completely unplayable. "

Miller: "To sum it up, it's just that the middle, upper, and wild are all blown up, and there is no solution."


In the commentary seat, the two commentators began to analyze as usual.

What they didn't know was that at this moment, during the short intermission, the IG team was in the backstage lounge.

During the communication and discussion with his teammates, Zhao Yun also expressed his thoughts on the next game.

It's very concise and clear.

"They can't beat Rookie in the middle lane, and their mentality is not very good, so just hold him in the middle lane and let him slowly develop in the middle lane and it's over."

"Seize this breakthrough, and we will fight well."

As for Zhao Yun's statement, the teammates also expressed their opinions after a brief discussion.



Ever since, the general tactical arrangement for the second game was quickly determined.


The short 10 minute passed quickly.

With the end of the break, the players from both sides returned to the field again.

But this time, SSG took the initiative to choose the blue side.

Without too much nonsense, BP starts quickly.

"OK, now the BP starts, the blue side is SSG, and the red side is IG."

"First of all, SSG, the top three bans are Barbarian King, Qian Jue, and Xia."

"OK, this time SSG's BP is obviously different from the previous game. In the case of the blue side, they didn't ban Galio themselves, but banned Xia. This should be because they want to get Galio by themselves, and then dismantle IG at the same time. Xia Luo, and Qian Jue’s words, it is very likely that he wants to take Malzahar himself.”

"Then on IG's side, the top three bans choose Calista, Galio, and Malzaha."

"The current situation is that Qinggangying and the rock sparrow are both outside. What does SSG say, should you choose to take out your own signature rock sparrow?"

The first round of bans on both sides is over, and it's SSG's turn to choose.

Then, as everyone guessed, SSG locked the rock sparrow in seconds on the first floor.

And IG here.

Choose Luo.

The second choice is Qinggangying.

Then the second and third hands of SSG.

The second choice is Verus.

Three choices of wind girl.

And IG's third choice is to take Sivir.

Immediately, the first round of selection at the top ended quickly, and the second round of bans began.

SSG chooses to ban: Sion, Lissandra.

IG chooses to ban: Pig Girl, Kenan.

Then IG is the fourth choice.

Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne.

As soon as this hero came out, SSG really hesitated for a while, and began to communicate within the team.

"Did they take Nocturne on the fourth floor?"

"Could it be that Camille is on the road and Nocturne is playing jungle?"

"It's also possible that Nocturne is on the road and Camille is in the jungle. They have played like this in the LPL before."

"Maybe it's the Nightmare mid laner?"

"No matter what, these two heroes are very powerful when they start a team."

"Then you need to make up the front row?"

"The output is enough, we have Fengnv who can protect us, just make up the front row."

"OK, then Kogas."


After a brief communication, SSG made a final decision with both hands.

On the fourth floor, Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia.

Fifth floor, fear of the void, Kogas.

Then, when it was IG's final choice, the audience and commentators also began to guess.

"I feel that IG's lineup is very good with Clockwork Syndra."

"However, Rookie hasn't played this kind of brush for a while, and he likes to bring rhythm recently."

"What about Ike?"

"The opposite wind girl, Ike doesn't seem to be very good at it."

"How about Ryze, it seems to be pretty good, the rock sparrow can also drive Ryze, and the support ability is full."

"Indeed, Ryze is quite suitable for the IG lineup."

"Recently IG likes to play rhythm. In this round, I feel that Rookie will also choose a rhythm hero to support each other with Rock Sparrow."


For a while, watching IG's last move was delayed, everyone subconsciously guessed that he would still choose a rhythm hero as before.

But in the next second, IG's last pick left everyone stunned.

"People are mortal, and some people need a little help."

IG's fifth choice.

Paladin, Lucian.

When this hero came out, many people really didn't expect it.

But after a brief surprise, the commentators on the LCK side all showed worried expressions.

"Ah, I didn't expect that the last choice was actually Lucian?"

"Well, this hero feels like he really has a bad relationship with Crown."

"It seems that during the summer split, the only time Crwon was defeated in the true sense of the line was when he was defeated by Faker's Lucian."

"I don't know why, but there is an ominous premonition."

"IG has really done some research, and actually chose this hero in the last hand."

"I have to say that if the personal ability is strong enough, the hero Lucian is indeed a hero who can show great oppressive power in the middle lane."

"Rookie just happens to belong to this type."

"However, Crown's rock sparrow is also a signature, and it is also worthy of our trust!"

"Anyway! Come on, SSG! Come on, Crown!"


 Chapter 3 is late
(End of this chapter)

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