That's what we do with silver

Chapter 152 That kick at level 2 killed your life at level 1

Chapter 152 That kick at the second level kills your life at the sixth level

"Blue side SSG, top laner Kegas, jungler Prince, mid laner Rock Sparrow, bottom laner Fengnv and Verus."

"Red Fang IG, top laner Nocturne, jungler Qinggangying, mid laner Lucian, and bottom laners Sivir and Luo."

After briefly introducing the lineups of both sides.

On the LCK side, several commentators in the commentary booth were cheering for Crown loudly.

The tone was so excited, it was as if as long as Crown could stabilize the middle lane, SSG would definitely win.

Then, under the expectant eyes of the audience, the second round began.

'thump thump thump thump~'

A familiar voice sounded, and ten heroes appeared in the spring, and soon rushed out of the base by stepping on sparks.

In this round, IG, as the red side, did not make another first-level invasion move.

Just a normal start.

However, even if the IG side did nothing, the commentary on the LCK side still couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Ah~ I don't know why, it's rare to see IG start normally once, and I feel inexplicably relieved, Smecta."

"Well, it's mainly IG's previous opening design, which left a deep impression on everyone."

"As long as they make a special opening design, the opponent's jungler will definitely suffer a big loss. No one can bear this kind of thing."

"Anyway, it's a good sign to be able to start normally!"

"It's kind of sad to think that we've been reduced to the point where we're just happy to see a normal start."

"The IG team, invisibly, put so much pressure on everyone."

"Ah~~ Mainly during this period, first SKT and now SSG, we really suffered enough from IG."

"Ah! It has tortured us for so long! Please SSG! We must defeat IG and help everyone regain their wavering confidence! Please!"


In the LCK commentary booth, several Korean commentators prayed for SSG.

At the same time, in the game, the two sides have officially started to face each other.

Just when most of the LCK viewers thought that since such a lineup was selected, the two sides should maintain a peaceful development situation for a few minutes, at least until the sixth level of the two sides. There will be no too much friction Time.

The first move Ning's Qinggang Ying made after taking the red buff immediately made them widen their eyes.

After he hit the red buff, he walked straight to the middle, and then caught off guard and flashed an E, and kicked the rock sparrow firmly in the face.

Good guy!
This really caught Crown off guard. He knocked out half of the Chaffinch's HP on the spot and forced the Chaffinch to flash.

And in order to cooperate with Qinggangying's sudden gank, Lucian even learned an E skill directly at the first level. The E who was very skilled at that time came up to help him level A twice.

Then, after Qinggangying hit the Rock Sparrow, he didn't want to chase after him, and immediately turned his head and walked away very simply.

That relaxed look is almost as casual as buying vegetables in the vegetable market.

Seeing this scene, not only Crown himself was a little dazed, but most of the LCK audience were also a little dazed.

"What, this Qinggangying is playing like this? You don't even brush wild, so why don't you just run over and exchange flashes with Rock Sparrow?"

"The second-level flash fight is just for the sake of changing flashes?"

"How can anyone play like this?"

"This wave of skills is called too casually. Although it is said that I exchanged flashes with Rock Sparrow, it is obvious that the jungler's flashes are more important at this time."

"Ning's style of play is really a bit unconstrained."


At the beginning, everyone didn't understand the meaning of Qinggangying's gank at all.

But soon, the follow-up choices of the two sides' junglers in the next game answered the audience's doubts.

In the picture, after kicking the rock sparrow in the middle, Qing Gangying turned his head and walked into the upper half of SSG, going straight to prepare to fight against the blue.

SSG didn't have a vision to see it, but at the same moment, the prince who was playing F6 also made the same choice.

After the prince finished playing his own F6, he immediately walked over to IG's blue zone, with an obvious purpose, to play blue.

Seeing this scene, several commentators in the LCK commentary booth couldn't help but speak.

"Ah, Camille's forced gank just now seems a bit reckless, but now it seems that he went to catch the chaffinch just by chance, and the real purpose is actually to change the wild area."

"Indeed, at the first level, the Taliyah flashed out, and even knocked out half of its health, which directly caused the Taliyah to lose the right to the middle lane. In this way, even if Camille went to fight against the blue, the middle lane must still be the enemy because of the pawn line. Lucian will provide support first."

"There is also the top lane. Nightmare starts to push the line as soon as it goes online. Once something happens in the wild, Nightmare will definitely arrive before the big bug."

"Ah, it's a premeditated plan again, IG. It's clear that they want to force SSG to switch wild areas with them."

"Speaking of which, this is really a habit of IG. Whether they are on the blue side or the red side, they always like to take the initiative in the upper half of the field in the early stage. For this reason, they can always do various things. Such a tactical arrangement to achieve this effect."

"On the blue side, team up and change lanes to invade. On the red side, then red open and grab a wave of mid laners, and then use the mid lane and top lane to achieve the goal of changing the jungle."

"No matter what lineup you choose, you will eventually choose to play around the upper half of the team. IG is really the only one."

"However, Ambition's response in this round was very correct. Although the time was a bit slow, I still got the blue buff from IG. Overall, I didn't lose much."

"IG forced to switch to the upper half of the zone like this. Although they achieved the goal of changing the wild zone, as long as Camille didn't do anything in the upper half of the zone before the rock sparrow flash improved, then Playing like this will actually make SSG more profitable."

"Because compared to the upper half, there are still dragons in the lower half."

"Such an opening feels completely acceptable."


The commentators talked a lot, and expressed that they were completely acceptable to the current situation.

I think that as long as the big bug doesn't give a chance on the road and is stable in the early stage, then once Prince Rock Sparrow reaches 6, the situation on the field will definitely be better for SSG.

They think so.

However, what they never expected was that the real purpose of King Ning's second-level kick in the middle was not just to change the field.

The most direct reason why he did this was actually what Zhao Yun said at the beginning.

"Brother Ning Wang, you go straight to the middle lane with the red at the second level, and kick the opponent's mid laner Blink, and I will fly straight to the sixth level later, and then you come to eat the meat and I drink the soup, OK?"

As early as the beginning of the game, Zhao Yun had made up his mind that his big move for the entire game was destined to be assigned to Rock Sparrow.

That's why I talked to King Ning beforehand.

This is how the previous Qinggangying secondary flash-for-flash operation came about.

The wave of flashes at the second level was used to pave the way for Nightmare's first big move at level six.

And this unpretentious plan not only did not have any accidents in the process, but even went smoothly unexpectedly.

The game time was 55 minutes and [-] seconds. Zhao Yun, who was the first to reach [-] by pushing the line, directly controlled the nightmare to disappear from the line and walked into the dark river.

Soon, he came within the casting range of the ultimate move.

At the same time, Rookie, who was leading in the middle lane by relying on his experience in pushing lines, also suddenly grabbed the sixth in a wave at this time, directly adding a set of skills to the baptism of the holy gun, and was ruthless to the rock sparrow under the tower. .

Most of the rock sparrow's blood was washed out on the spot.

Then, when many LCK fans were thankful that this wave of damage was not enough.

Zhao Yun lightly pressed the R key with his left index finger.

Turn off the lights when it gets dark.

The nightmare came.

(End of this chapter)

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