That's what we do with silver

Chapter 153 1 Middle Road Collapses, 4 Roads All Collapse

Chapter 153 The Middle Road Collapses, All Four Roads Collapse
In an instant, night fell.

A black shadow pierced through the air from the river, and with a sound of 'woo~', it rushed straight to the chaffinch under the tower.

[IG, Lancer killed SSG, Crown]

Without any room to resist, the Rock Sparrow, which was already low in blood, was directly scratched to death by Nightmare's paw on the face.


A blood is born.

Seeing this scene, the commentary booth on the LCK side also heard a familiar wailing sound instantly.

"Ahhhhh! Moteng is coming with a big move, does Crown have room to maneuver! Can you resist!"

"Ah~ it's over, there is no way to resist!"

"Xiu will be gone after a while."

"The rock sparrow's blood volume is too low, and it doesn't flash. It feels like it's being slaughtered."

"It really happened, that most worrying situation."

"In the lineup of SSG, everyone can make mistakes, but the rock sparrow in the middle must not be a breakthrough."

"Really, it feels like I've completely fallen into IG's calculations again! The second level, Napo Camille, came to kick off the Traglar, and then invaded the upper half to ensure the development of Nocturne. Wait until Nocturne is the first to reach the sixth place The big move immediately came back to feed the middle lane, and the chain is intertwined."

"In the next worst case, it is really possible to return to the situation of the last game."


All of a sudden, when I saw the Rock Sparrow was killed by the Moteng Tower, and also lost a large wave of troops.

The commentators of the LCK are also worried about this.

And soon, the direction of the next game was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Among them, the one that makes LCK fans and casters feel the most hopeless is.

What they said just now is that they are worried about the situation in the previous game, not only are they not overly pessimistic.

On the contrary, it is a bit too optimistic.

In the last game, IG killed Crown's Syndra in the early stage, and it would be safer to use at least two people at a time.

But this time, Rookie did it all by himself.

In 6 minutes, Rock Sparrow was crippled by Lucian's 6th ult with his ult, and then killed by Nocturne's first ult under the tower.

Two minutes later, it was also in the middle.

When Rookie's CD of Lucian's second ult turned well, he directly seized the opportunity of Crown Twara to go to the river grass to insert eyes, and suddenly made a wave of embarrassing E-faces to forcibly output the Twain.

Then, a wave of smooth moves followed by a level A+ big move, da da da da hit a huge output.

Immediately afterwards, he not only flashed decisively to avoid the ledge of the rock sparrow's backhand, but also predicted the location of the rock sparrow's flash in great detail, so that his ultimate move, the holy gun baptism, still hit the rock sparrow's body after the flash, and on the spot Beat the rock sparrow into blood.

In the end, at the end of the ultimate move, he added two basic attacks and easily took the head of the rock sparrow.

[IG, Rookie killed SSG, Crown]

Solo kill!

In the true sense, there were no assists from any teammates. Rookie only relied on his own personal operation to play a wave of pleasing counter-kills.

All of a sudden, when the Lucian tower shot down the chaffinch, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the venue.

Just like some time ago, in the intercontinental competition, Xiye used Lucian to beat Faker's clockwork.

In world competitions, the match-up kills of teams facing the LCK are always enjoyable for the audience to watch.

Rookie's beautiful operation drew cheers and thunderous applause from the audience on the spot.

Mafa's coach and manager Su Xiaoluo in the background even stood up on the spot and yelled Ness.

In the team voices of the five players on the IG field, the other four teammates shouted out on the spot.

Zhao Yun: "Damn it! Just cinnabar! Old Song is awesome!"

Jungle King Ning: "Handsome, Rookie!"

AD Xihuang: "Awesome!"

Auxiliary Baolan: "Wuhu, Brother Ji Niuniu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu!"


When the IG people saw this solo kill, they were all very happy.

Because in the previous tactical design, the core focus of everyone in this round is the opposite mid-lane rock sparrow.

Catching the rock sparrow directly is the most important strategic goal in the eyes of everyone in IG in the early and mid-term of this game.

Originally, everyone was still thinking that perhaps a few more waves of teammates would be needed to work harder in the middle to complete this task.

But unexpectedly, Rookie killed himself solo!
Good guy!
Everyone knows how difficult it is to hit a wave of single kills in the middle lane.

On the contrary, after playing a single kill, the benefits that can be brought are also extremely rich.

If it is said that the last time Nightmare flew to death, it could increase IG's winning rate by [-]% in this game.

So at this moment, Rookie's brilliant solo kills can be said to have directly increased IG's winning rate in this game by another 20.00%.

If you use Zhao Yun's own words.

That is.

"The moment I saw the mid laner Lucian kill the Rock Sparrow solo, my game thinking for this game became extremely clear in an instant."

Not only Zhao Yun, but the game ideas of all other teammates became clear at this moment.

After this game, everyone's gameplay became easier.

In the next 15 minutes of game time, everyone's itinerary is basically summed up.

Top Lane Nightmare: Push the line, develop, and go to the middle to catch the rock sparrow after the ultimate move is completed.

Playing wild Qinggangying: Clear the jungle, develop, and do vision. If you have the opportunity, go directly to the middle to catch the rock sparrow.

Auxiliary Luo: Do ​​vision, give the incense burner to Lucian in the middle, and swim to the middle to catch rock sparrows if possible.

AD Sivir: Hold on, shrink the tower, clear the troops, repair the tower knife, use a big move to deal some AOE damage in team battles, and wait for the brothers to carry.


It's simple, it's pure, it's effective.

At the same time, it completely made the people on the SSG side feel helpless.

There's no way, it's just that Lu Xi'an just relies on damage to force it, but Nightmare's big move, Qinggangying's big move, and Luo's R flash W.

Faced with these skills, Crown is a rock sparrow, and the whole mental journey after the whole game is simply tormented.

Be caught off guard.

have to guard against.

But it is hard to guard against.

At 8 minutes into the game, his mid-laner Rock Sparrow's record has become 0-8, which is completely super ghostly.

Among them, five times were arrested and three times were killed alone.

In the entire game, from the beginning to nearly 10 minutes, Taliyah basically never made a big move that really had a positive effect.

Every time he is either dying or on the way to death.

The only two ultimatums that were used were also in the case of forcibly abandoning the line of troops, and wanted to burn the boat and use his last remaining heat.

Then those two times, IG's vision on both sides of the middle lane was detected in advance, and there was no effect at all.

Just like a generation of Chinese e-sports legend, Shan Niruo once said.

If two teams face off against each other, and one of the team's shortcomings is infinitely magnified, and is completely played by the opponent as an ATM, then there will be no suspense at all about the outcome of this game.

This game is exactly that.

In a team game with five people, if one person collapses, can the other four escape?
IG is really good at things like pinching soft persimmons and rolling snowballs.

The collapse of the mid-single rock sparrow directly led to the collapse of the jungler first, and then the two lanes of the upper and lower lanes were soon implicated.

The side road collapses, collapses all the way.

Hit wild collapse, collapse one piece.

The middle road collapses, and the four roads collapse.

In the end, facing the hole that was torn open in the middle of the rock sparrow, no matter how hard the others in SSG tried their best, they could not make up for this biggest shortcoming in the end.

There is no way, IG will not send it by itself, it is really too difficult to stand out purely by Verus.

In 23 minutes, facing the five IG players with a huge advantage and the big dragon buff, SSG was beaten out of the group on the high ground in the middle, and suffered a wave.

When the game ends, the game time is displayed.

23 minutes 24 seconds.

So far, the second game of BO5 in the quarterfinals.

IG, easy to win!
 There are two more chapters coming later, I will finish writing this BO5 tonight.

  ok, due to force majeure, there will be no more tonight, and I will apologize tomorrow (ˇ﹏ˇ)
(End of this chapter)

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