That's what we do with silver

Chapter 155 In the hands of IG, the only 11 balance of power obtained

Chapter 155 In the hands of IG, the only balance of power obtained

In an instant, the lineups of both sides were determined.

Blue Fang IG: top laner Dashu, jungler Qian Jue, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner Galio and Sivir.

Red side SSG: top laner Jess, play wild wine barrel, mid laner Lissandra, bottom laner Lu Xia and Luo.

Seeing this lineup comparison, the commentators in each division have roughly the same views.

"This round, it feels like SSG has won the best round since the three rounds."

"Bottom lane Xialuo and top laner Jess, it's no exaggeration to say that these are already the best and strongest hero choices for SSG's top and bottom lanes."

"The laning strength is full, SSG."

"At the cost of releasing Galio, I got the ideal advantage of the upper and lower lanes."

"Crown's Ice Girl in the middle lane is not very optimistic about Rookie's Syndra... To be honest, he can't beat the superior heroes, and now he can't beat the inferior laners, but I don't expect him to be able to play the lane advantage. Just use Lissandra's roaming advantage."

"OK, the upper and lower lanes are all advantaged lanes, and both the middle and the field have got the rhythmic teamfighting heroes they are good at. This round can be said to be the most ideal lineup that SSG can get."

"If you can't beat this, then there is really no way."

"Come on! SSG!"


It can only be said that people always subconsciously sympathize with the weak.

Therefore, when it came to the third game, apart from the fans in the LPL's own competition area, basically most of the audience in other competition areas subconsciously thought about the problem from the perspective of SSG, guessing what SSG should do to win in this game. The game defeated IG.

And just like that, the game started.

'thump thump thump thump~'

The familiar game sound effects sounded, and ten heroes from both sides rushed out of the base.

Then, after coming to the blue side again, IG also habitually made the same move.

As soon as the game started, the support Baolan rushed to the SSG red zone first, and directly inserted a ward through the wall.

Obviously, as in the blue side before, this is the precursor of IG's preparation for the opening invasion.

Since the start of the World Championship, relying on this start, the invasion has been successful almost every time, more or less able to gain some advantages and benefits for the team.

But this time, as soon as Baolan had finished inserting his eyes, everyone in IG realized a problem at the same time.

That was this round. Their original plan to start the invasion was probably going to fail.

Because, just above the eye position that Baolan inserted just now, everyone in IG clearly saw two people.

A person who shouldn't be in this place or that.

Xia and Luo.

That's right, SSG's bottom lane duo directly appeared in the red zone of their top half.

Such a picture, the meaning behind it is obvious.

In this round, in order to avoid the disadvantageous start of being invaded before, SSG decisively chose to strike first.

They didn't know the IG branch at all, but they chose to change the line first.

The duo appeared directly in the upper half, and they made a special trip to help Wine Barrel guard the red buff.

Seeing this scene, several people on IG also laughed.

Zhao Yun: "Good guy, I suffered a loss in the first two moves, and I learned to preemptively strike at the beginning of this round."

Ning Wang: "Niuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Rookie: "Uh...then let's not make trouble at the beginning of the game, let's start normally."


Seeing that SSG is like this, it is naturally impossible for the few people on IG to continue to fight hard.

After all, before the opening invasion was successful, the IGF was either four-on-three or five-on-four, basically relying on the advantage of a large number of people.

Now that SSG has taken the initiative to switch to a duo, and without the advantage of numbers, they have to make a hard invasion. The risk is too great, and the gain is really not worth the loss.

Ever since, in the face of SSG's response, IG resolutely chose to give up the invasion after paying the price of a position.

The two sides started normally.

And in the absence of an invasion, naturally there would be no open-field advantage, and there would be no need for IG to let Dashu go on the road to resist the pressure. The duo went straight up and chose to face the SSG duo.

In this way, in addition to the upside down and upside down, in today's critical third game of BO5, the two teams finally appeared once, a truly peaceful start.

Seeing this scene, one thing to say, several commentators in the LCK commentary booth almost wanted to cry.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! What did I see, SSG actually got a start without any disadvantages!"

"Oh my god, this is really rare. They didn't fall behind at the beginning."

"It's really not easy to get a normal start in the hands of such a cunning IG, Smecta."

"Two games in a row were snowballed because of a bad start. I was even prepared for the third game to be still bad. I didn't expect them to be normal!"

"Very good! The BP lineup has an advantage, there is no problem in the start, and the jungle area has no losses. For SSG, this round is simply the most wonderful start of this BO5."

"Very well, that's it, as long as we continue to maintain, we are still very hopeful!"

"Don't rush and take your time, come on SSG, come up with your best operation style, you can do it!"

"Come on SSG! Come on!"


Perhaps it is really because of repeated setbacks in the previous start, which has caused everyone's expectations to be lowered all the time.

Although the game just started and SSG didn't gain any advantage, but at the LCK commentary booth, everyone immediately became excited.

Many SSG fans were even excited.

He said something like 'I don't expect you to win, I just hope that you can play normally in the normal rhythm and bring fans a complete viewing experience, please SSG'.

There is no hope of winning, just like watching a wonderful game.

This kind of words can be said.

It can be seen from this that what kind of psychological torture was caused to these SSG fans after watching the first two games.

Changed to the language of the fan circle here in China, it is probably "it is impossible to pet fans, but it is possible to abuse fans".

As a result, no one dared to expect more.

Then, maybe there is really something to say about whether it is extremely peaceful, or maybe SSG has really figured out something after the fiasco of the first two games.

In the early stage of this round, they really played pretty well.

Except for Crown who is habitually suppressed in the middle, in the overall situation, everyone else played quite stable.

The only thing worth mentioning is that at 5 minutes, Crown's Ice Girl lived up to expectations and once again had a clear disadvantage. She was beaten by Rookie's Syndra [-] times, and at the same time beat the remaining HP to force out TP.

To be honest, if it was normal, Zhao Yun would have to shout "Rookie is awesome" when he saw that he had gained a big advantage in the middle lane.

But this time, he rarely spoke, nor did he pay too much attention to the middle lane.

Because in this game, he was really uncomfortable in the lane.

Originally, Jess and Dashu were not in the same dimension in terms of laning ability, and they couldn't be compared at all.

What made Zhao Yun even more depressed was that the wild wine barrel on the opposite side was painted from top to bottom by Hongkai, while his own Qianjue was painted from bottom to top, which directly led to his big tree. Doomed to become a lonely patient in the second half.

As we all know, when he didn't have a barbarian king, it was absolutely impossible for him to suppress others online and gain an advantage.

What's more, this game is playing a big tree!
Big tree!
Twisted Dryad!

What is the soul and essence of this hero?
It's bullshit!

Mix steadily!

Mix it safe!

Make sure that you will never become a breakthrough, a bastard with an extremely clear position on yourself!
For this point, Zhao Yun has always had a very deep understanding.

Therefore, in such a situation, his laning purpose was already thought out almost at the beginning of the game.

'As long as the blood line is high, the last knife is not important. '

No matter there are thousands of routines or tactics, one of the most important core beliefs is.

do not die!
Adhering to this concept, he thought about it from the very beginning, and he must be stable in the lane and be able to endure loneliness.

A dangerous knife would rather not mend it than give the opponent any chance to touch him and hurt him.

Then he did it.

The price paid was 47 dollars for Jess and 30 dollars for him in five and a half minutes.

He thought that he had wronged himself by doing this step.

But what he didn't expect was that the opposite wine barrel was even more inappropriate.

Obviously, Jess has been pushing the pawn line all the time, and the blood volume of his big tree has been maintained very well, but the wine barrel has always had a big belly, and he wanders around the bottom lane when he has nothing to do.

It doesn't catch people, and has a super hard brush with presence.

The truth put a lot of psychological pressure on Zhao Yun, and made him deeply resentful towards that wine barrel.

"I've made a mistake, I've made a mistake, if I had known it was Jess, I wouldn't have attacked the big tree first, if I had brought a stone man at that time, how could I have suffered such grievances. '

Zhao Yun frowned while thinking about it, but at the same time he was quite detailed, and the wave of tower knives was perfectly complemented by fancy operations.

Hey~ Don't tell me, this time I've been with these professional guys for a long time, fighters and heroes counterpoint suppression or something, because of the proficiency problem, he really didn't learn how to abuse food.

On the contrary, the handling of the tower knife of this tank hero has become more proficient visible to the naked eye.

It's ok, don't rush, let's mix things up slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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