Chapter 156

To be honest, Cuvee is quite good at the proficiency of the hero Jess.

Although the hero Zhao Yun himself is not good at it, he can still see that Jess on the opposite side is really proficient in some details.

Facing such a Jess, if Zhao Yun is asked to take a warrior hero to line up with him without a barbarian king, such as a top laner like Crocodile Nuoshou to interoperate with him, then Zhao Yun will almost You can be sure that you will definitely not be able to play online, and you may even be crushed badly or even threaded.

Regarding this point, Zhao Yun has no doubts at all.

'Hey, it's okay, I don't need to operate with him at all. '

Wretched development, make up the tower knife.

This level of laning requirements, in fact, as long as you can bear your temper, then there is hardly much difficulty at the operational level.

As for Zhao Yun, who had already been psychologically prepared, it was naturally impossible for him to exert much pressure.

Plus Cuvee, with a Jess in the early stage, he didn't even think about solo killing in the lane, so he basically focused on pushing the lane and didn't exchange blood with the big tree too much.

Therefore, Zhao Yun's state of mind was actually quite good during the time when he was under pressure under the road tower.

At one point, I even had a leisurely thought of 'it's good to develop slowly like this, and just wait for the team battle to win'.

But soon, the game lasted for 7 minutes, accompanied by a wave of normal pawn lines meeting, and a wave of operations by the opposite leader An with a wine barrel, directly and instantly changed Zhao Yun's game thinking.

Grabbing the eye CD of the big tree's jewelry, the triangular grass on the next road is just in the gap of the vacuum period of vision, the wine barrel sneaks around, and the moment it emerges from behind, facing the unsuspecting big tree, it is directly a big belly with E skill Just bumped into it, and the person threw his big move directly in mid-air.

There is one thing to say, Heping has been developing for a while, and now he suddenly saw a wine barrel coming out of his face and trying to hit him, Zhao Yun felt shocked at the first moment.

In such a pawn line situation, if the big move of the wine barrel is really going to be blown up, Jess jumps up to focus a wave of fire. Regardless of his being a big tree, it is probably a bad ending.

For ten thousand dollars, even if he doesn't die, he will definitely be beaten up and handed over to Flash.

Almost the moment he saw the barrel's big move, Zhao Yun thought of the worst ending.

Therefore, he resolutely handed over his flash.


The wine barrel made a big move, directly blasting the flashing tree to the front of the defense tower.

Then the next second, he was hiccupping himself, turned around and left without even looking at him.

From SSG's point of view, this wave of wine barrels is simply using a big move to replace a big tree's flash, which is very profitable.

At that time, several commentators of LCK exclaimed with joy.

"This wave is very profitable, Ambition, the big move is flashing."

"Killing the flash of the big tree is very important. If the next wave of Lissandra can come, there is a good chance to set fire to kill the big tree together and expand the laning advantage for Jess."

"Hmm~ Cuvee's Jess has a huge laning advantage now."

"The feeling is coming! The feeling we are familiar with has really come. If we continue to play like this, SSG will really have a good chance of winning this round with its strong operational capabilities!"

"Although there is a Lancer player known as the 'LPL God of War', when Dashu is selected, it doesn't seem to be much different from other players."

"Come on SSG! Keep going!"


The LCK commentators are very excited about the slight advantage that SSG has gained in the early stage.

What they don't know is that from this moment on, the nature of the game has actually changed.

Because, from Zhao Yun's point of view, the explosion of the wine barrel immediately made him a little angry.

'What's the meaning?It's so over the top, isn't it? '

'I have chosen a big tree, full of blood, you still want to kill me? '

As we all know, when Zhao Yun was playing a tank hero, it didn't matter if he was crushed by the knife or the blood volume of the defense tower was consumed, but once there was someone, he would want to do more excessive things under the circumstances that he was already wretched enough to give in enough Time.

He was already a little emotional, and he would really get a little angry for no reason.

'Damn it, you can't catch me if you catch me, and you can't kill me if you kill me, so just forcefully throw a big move, disgusting people, right? '

'Squeeze Mamadi, you must come here to mess with my mentality, and don't let me have fun! '

'Then don't think about it!Stop playing! '

With a mentality that turned from embarrassment into anger, Zhao Yun resolutely stated that this matter is endless!
Just you stinky wild wine barrel messing with my mentality, right? Wait for me!

For just a few seconds, Zhao Yun really became more and more angry.

Before that, he tried his best to develop the supplementary knife, and strived to successfully complete the task of resisting pressure.

But after that, he changed his mind.

The sudden outburst of embarrassment and anger directly caused him to get out of the state of focusing on laning to make up the knife, and switched his perspective to pay attention to the laning situation of other lanes.

Then I just saw that Lissandra's HP in the middle lane was lowered a lot by Rookie's Syndra, and the two even exchanged big moves.

Immediately, looking at that Lissandra with only half blood left, Zhao Yun saw in his eyes that he was an evil-hearted man!

Dog day's stinky wine barrel, I can't cure you, and I can't cure your poor little mid laner?
"They're under the barrel, Rookie, give them an eye at the position one tower behind them, I'll come directly to help you overtake him in this wave!"

The communication is concise and the language is amazing.

Although Zhao Yun's words were rather abrupt, Rookie, who has long been used to his temper, quickly reacted. Surprised, she immediately turned her head away, quietly, without Lissandra's knowledge, at the right rear intersection of SSG Middle Road, a blind sight Out of an eye.

Five seconds later, as Syndra pushed the line into the tower, Zhao Yun directly ignored the wave of pawns being pushed down the tower by Jess. Card's vision hid in the grass behind his tower, and forced TP to the middle.

Then, facing Lissandra who was mending the sword under the tower, Dashu released his ultimate move directly through the wall.

Afterwards, his own body showed up, and Syndra, who cooperated with Rookie, decisively challenged Lissandra under the tower to jump the tower.

The process of climbing the tower was quite efficient. Lissandra, who was focusing on the tower knife, didn't even notice when the big tree next to him used his big move. When he really realized it, he was already tied up by the big tree's big move.

Then, facing Syndra's QE connection control, and the hug of Dashu's W skill love.

Lissandra no longer had any room to resist, and was directly killed on the spot.

[IG, Rookie killed SSG, Crown]

Seven and a half minutes into the game, the first blood finally broke out.

The head was happily accepted by Syndra of Rookie.

And at this point in time, the wine barrel near the bottom lane simply didn't come to the middle lane to make up the line. Instead, together with Jess, they took down the first earth dragon.

From here, the rhythm of the game, which seemed harmonious and stable, suddenly began to speed up.

Zhao Yun has figured it out, if he really wants to face off with Jess, he is a big tree and suffers in prison on the single road, and it is useless to stay for a lifetime.

Anyway, sooner or later, they will be pressed so much. Wouldn't it be better to start the rhythm earlier and completely disrupt their business development rhythm?
With this in mind, Zhao Yun showed off a pair of cloth armor shoes after returning home in the first wave, and then started to take the rhythm crazily.

After Shangbo finished grabbing the middle lane, he didn't continue to go back to the bottom lane. Instead, he let AD Xihuang push the top lane and go directly to the bottom lane to develop, while he himself called Shang Baolan and let his Galio reach the sixth. , Immediately come to the road to make trouble.

All of a sudden, the sudden line change on IG's side was also noticed by SSG, and they also changed lines immediately.

Soon, Jace came to the top lane, while SSG's Xialuo duo went to the bottom lane.

After that, the rhythm of the game in this game finally began to become more and more compact.

The game time was ten and a half. Facing the just-born Canyon Pioneer, Zhao Yun directly called his own jungler and support, and in front of SSG's sight, he decisively broke off to play the Pioneer.

The purpose of doing this is also very clear, to tell SSG that I am fighting over there, and if you want to fight, just obediently come to pick up the group.

As for SSG, after careful weighing, they also decisively chose to join the group.

Longkeng River 4v4.

Except for AD, the two sides are still developing in the bottom lane, and the other four players are all present.

Then at this time, IG will be the first to stand on the field in advance, and the effect of having a vision advantage will be reflected.

Rookie hid Q in a wall and suddenly QE, directly fainted Lissandra, who was leaning against the wall to check his vision.

So, without the slightest hesitation, Zhao Yun decisively controlled the tree and hugged it.

At this point, the team battle started.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it is definitely not a wise choice to open Lissandra in a team battle.

But fortunately, Crown's Lissandra is a bit underdeveloped at this point in time due to the stretching of the lane, her level is a bit low, and her equipment is a bit rotten.

It directly caused him to be stunned by Syndra first. After Dashu caught up with the control, he followed up with Galio's ult and entered the field, and was forced out by Lissandra's ult in an instant.

Then, in the face of the strong pressure of the four IG players against Lissandra, the other SSG teammates also had to rush to the field immediately.

At this time, the advantages and disadvantages of the lineups of both sides are reflected.

Before the team battle started, Lissandra was forced to use her big move to save herself. As a result, when the team battle started, her E skill was even used to run outside, which directly led to the appearance of 4V4. In fact, SSG Lissandra, the mid laner, is missing at all, and his combat power will be weakened by a quarter first, which is 20.00% five.

Then, Jess joined the group without any prior Poke consumption, and his combat power dropped by half.

On the SSG side, it is really considered to be at full strength, but in fact there are only wine barrels and Luo.

And these two heroes understand everything. The first wave of attack when starting a group is very handsome and fierce, but the follow-up battle after that is completely impossible.

The lineup on IG's side is completely different.

Although Dashu and Galio's big moves were used at the beginning, the small skills of these two heroes are equally powerful, and the continuous combat power of Syndra and Qian Jue is also very powerful.

The difference in status between the enemy and the enemy is directly displayed in the follow-up processing after the team battle starts.

After IG Shangsuke opened the team, SSG Nosuke entered the field immediately, Luo's W and the big move of the wine barrel successfully played a beautiful field control effect.

Then...there is no more, Lissandra without a big move is almost as good as nothing, just relying on a Jess who only has a demon sect on his body, the output is really not good, it is not comparable to Syndra on IG's side With Qian Jue, he was chased and beaten immediately after fighting.

After a wave of team battles, IG directly played one for three at the end.

Galio died on the IG side.

On the SSG side, except for the successful escape of the wine barrel, the other three were all killed in battle.

In this case, it is logical for IG to win the Canyon Pioneer.

And after that, as the next wave of IG's big move CD improved, they immediately chose five people in the middle to push down ssg's first tower in the middle, and the rhythm of the whole game was once again forced to speed up.

The game time was 4 and [-] minutes, and the five members of IG huddled together in the middle lane, and released the vanguard to push down the first tower in the middle lane of SSG.

At the same time, Cuvee's Jess did not come back to defend the tower, but chose to continue to lead the line in the bottom lane, wanting to tear down the IG bottom lane tower as a resource replacement.

Seeing this situation, IG can continue to get used to him?
Without any hesitation, take the vanguard and continue to rush to the second tower!
SSG defends under the four-man tower.

Then when Lissandra was dangling around, she was suddenly pushed unconscious by Rookie Syndra's QE. She poured a set of skills on the spot to catch the big move, and combined with Sivir's long-range Q skill, Lissandra's blood volume dropped wildly on the spot. Chenggong was forced to hand over his ultimate move, and he also tricked out his own AD Xia's healing technique.

And although he was lucky enough not to die in this wave, she was no longer capable of frontal combat with residual blood and no big moves, so she could only be forced to return to the city to make up for her condition.

There are only three people left in the second tower of the middle road. Looking at Dashu and Galio who are eager to try on the IG side, the three people in the SSG tower have no choice but to abandon the tower and retreat.

The game time was 4 minutes and 40 seconds, and the second tower in the middle of SSG was broken.

At the same time, Cuvee's Jess successfully dismantled the first tower of IG's next lane, and then retreated immediately, not giving the IG people a chance to encircle him.

IG responded equally quickly, and directly asked Qian Jue and Sivir to switch lanes to the top lane. Qian Jue played in the upper half of the SSG wild area, and Sivir took the top lane.

Then after the two of them finished eating, they pushed down the SSG and went to the first tower together.

As we all know, the prerequisite for the four-one division is that the 'four' side must be able to withstand the pressure from the opposite side, so that the 'one' can be divided with peace of mind.

But now, the situation of SSG is that their "four" can't withstand the pressure of IG's five-member group.

The most important reason is that Lissandra didn't dare to start a group casually in the face of Galio and Dashu's powerful backhand control under the situation of ig who has always been in a group.

Luo is also in the same situation. The big tree stands in front, and there is no advantage of vision to go around the back or enter the field from the side. It is even more difficult to drive over the big tree to the back row.

In addition, Crown was severely suppressed online in this round, his equipment level was all behind, and his damage was terribly low.

Facing the big tree full of armor and outfits, not only is Xia at this point in time unable to hit at all, but Lissandra's skills are not only painless when hitting the big tree, but even clearing soldiers is difficult.

Under such circumstances, as soon as IG's big move was good, they decisively pushed forward in a group, and the remaining four players in SSG were helpless. There were fewer top laners in team battles. If you can't beat it, you can only be forced to constantly abandon towers and release resources.

At 7 and [-] minutes, SSG went down the road and broke a tower.

In 8 minutes, SSG's second tower on the top road was broken, and Jess took down most of the health of IG's second tower on the bottom road.

In 10 minutes, everyone in IG got off the road and held a small group, and Jess turned to take the route.

In 22 minutes, the second tower of SSG's bottom road was broken, and Jess pushed down the first tower of IG's top road.

At 22 minutes and 30 seconds, Luo, who came out of the wild area to do vision, was knocked out by the wall of Syndraka's vision, and the big tree directly flashed W to keep up with the follow-up control. .

Immediately, SSG had no key support here, and IG directly chose five people to join a group and switch lanes, and went straight to Dalong.

This time, Jess finally didn't dare to continue to lead the line.

He brought the luxury equipment he made in 22 minutes of crazy development, decisively TP and his teammates came to the dragon team battle and prepared to take over the team.

At this time, seeing that Jess is almost the highest economic development in the audience, and that luxurious equipment, the LCK commentators are full of excitement, both nervous and looking forward to it. They all think that Jess is a deterrent. Should not dare to continue fighting.

And soon, they found out they were wrong.

Facing the hasty confrontation of the four SSG players, all IG, who had the upper hand in their field of vision, immediately stopped fighting Dalong and started a team instead.

In an instant, with the roar of Sivir's big move, the five members of IG rushed towards the four members of SSG.

The big tree running in the front didn't flash, so he didn't pick anyone at all, just grabbed the nearest wine barrel and hugged it.

In an instant, the team battle started and there was chaos.

The final ending made the majority of LCK fans extremely desperate.

It's true that Jess, who was dressed in luxurious armor, did a lot of damage, but in the face of such a sudden close combat, Jess, who had no poke chance at all, really had too little room to play.

As soon as the big tree hugged him, Galio took the taunt. Even as long as Syndra pushed him unconscious for a second, Jess, who had the best level development in the audience, was immediately evaporated into ashes by the concentrated fire in the next second.

[IG, Rookie killed SSG, CoreJJ]

[IG, Ning killed SSG, Ambition]


In the end, two for four.

Jess struggled before his death and replaced Galio and Sivir, and the rest of SSG were three people who couldn't kill a big tree for half a day. In the end, they could only be relieved by Syndra and Qian Jue who had dealt with the wine barrels kill.

The team battle was over, and IG was left with three middle and upper field players, who successfully won the ownership of Dalong.

At this point, almost everyone knows that the SSG round has gone far.

And the fact is that.

Before they fought the dragon, they could still use Jess to single-play and sub-lead.

Now that the big dragon is down, facing the strong advance of IG's Baotuanlong buff, Jess naturally loses the qualification to go solo.

The game time was 25 minutes, and IG, who handled the three-way pawn line well, made a strong push with five people in a group.

SSG chose to start a group under a wave of ruined towers on the high ground.

SSG was defeated by three-for-five under the highland tower in its own middle road.

In 26 minutes, IG was left with Dashu and Qian Jue at the end, and the two played directly.


Crystal explosion.

game over.

26 minutes and 45 seconds, which is the game time displayed at the end of the final game.

"Let us congratulate IG for defeating SSG, winning the final victory of this BO5, and successfully advancing to the semi-finals!"

"Congratulations IG!"

 OK, finally figured it out.

  Squeezing Ma Ma ground, finally still did not break his promise.

  Uh, SSG's quarter-final match was supposed to end sooner, but I didn't expect it to drag on for so many days--
  To answer the question that some book friends said that SSG won too easily. I mentioned it before. Now the style of this IG team is really to completely restrain SSG, so after the overall fight, after Rookie opened the situation in the middle, he relied on the middle field to suppress SSG The middle field, so that they can't get up the rhythm, IG is very easy to win.

  So overall, in fact, the protagonist doesn't need to do too much at all, he just needs to help the middle and field to expand their advantage to win, which is why I briefly wrote about this BO5.

  And then, in the semi-finals against LZ, who is similar in style, against Khan, it will actually be the highlight of the top laner Carry!
  That's it, good night brother Moe!

(End of this chapter)

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