That's what we do with silver

Chapter 157 Mixed 3 rounds, very happy

Chapter 157 Mixed three rounds, very happy

game over.

With the explosion of SSG's final crystal, the first round of the quarter-finals of the S7 World Finals officially came to an end.

On the big screen of the live broadcast, there was also an extremely eye-catching settlement screen.


At this moment, the five members of IG excitedly stood down their headphones and stood up from their seats.

And in the venue in Guangzhou, there was an instant burst of incomparably warm and huge cheers.





The sound waves soared into the sky, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

One wave after another, one wave is stronger than the other, as if it is going to completely overturn the entire venue.

Watching the eye-catching 3:0 score on the big screen of the live broadcast.

At this moment, sitting in this huge stadium in Guangzhou, watching their own LPL team triumphantly and triumphantly on the stage of the World Championship, all the LPL audience felt extremely excited and excited from the bottom of their hearts.

"Nice! IG!"

"Three to zero! Three to zero! IG is awesome!"


"Who said IG can't play BO5?"

"Damn it, I'm not dreaming. After OMG had zero white shields, we still have a team that can beat the Korean team [-]-[-] in the World Championship?"

"Three to zero! Pure crushing! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! I'm really enjoying myself now!"

"IG is awesome! (Broken sound)"



All of a sudden, the entire stadium applauded and shouted loudly.

The continuous cheers and applause reverberated crazily. Even the audience who sat in front of the computer and watched the live broadcast were infected by the deep excitement and excitement of the audience at the same time. Many people couldn't help but snapped hard Touch the thigh of a classmate or friend next to you.

And when the audience was extremely excited, the five members of IG on the field, as usual, quickly went to complete the post-match handshake session with the five members of SSG.

At this time, the director's camera once again showed a close-up picture of the two parties shaking hands in real time.

There is nothing special about the five people on IG, and the one with a smile on his face is extremely happy.

On the SSG side, the facial expressions of the five players are really a bit like "everything in life".

Top laner Cuvee, with obvious depression on his face, still smiled politely when shaking hands with everyone on IG.

The jungler Ambition, I can only say that he is a married man after all, and his mentality is really stable. Even after he had just experienced a disastrous defeat, he did not see obvious expression fluctuations on his face, and he was still the same as usual Calm and serious.

ADC-Ruler, the expression on his whole face is "not reconciled". Even after the game is over, he is still taking deep breaths to adjust his emotions, feeling very irritable.

The auxiliary Corejj is similar to his own ADC, with obvious unwillingness on his face, but compared to Ruler's irritability, he is obviously sad and lost, and the smile on his face seems extremely reluctant at this moment .

Then, the most eye-catching facial expression belongs to the mid laner Crown.

He was completely dumbfounded.

His eyes were dull, his lips were pale, and he looked like he had lost his soul.

When everyone in IG came to shake hands, he was still sitting on the seat staring at the screen in a daze. He suddenly came back to his senses thanks to the reminder from the head next to him. He stood up from his seat like a frightened bird. I bent down apologetically and shook hands with the people on IG one by one.

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room was frantically swiping there.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Crown looks really depressed."

"Being the breakthrough point of the three rounds, the MVP of the matchup, I will collapse if I go."

"This child, everyone has been knocked out, right?"

"His expression is exactly the same as the expression I had when I walked out of the Internet cafe after kneeling thirty times in the queue for 24 hours all night."

"It's true that all members of IG lead villains, and their mentality has been broken."

"Well played IG, the more painful their expressions are, the happier I am!"

"When I think of all the SSG members going back to the quilt and crying bitterly at night after the fight, I'm so excited, jojo!"

"Laughing and crying at the same time, it is indeed a classic world famous painting 23333."


At such a moment of victory, everyone's discussion of the loser is also quickly skipped.

At this time, the MVP of the third round was also shown on the big screen.

It was given to Rookie's mid laner Syndra.

Then, the host Ren Dong also came out. After a summary and introduction, the post-match interview session of this game began.

And this time, it was Rookie and Zhao Yun who were interviewed.

Ren Dong: "First of all, I would like to congratulate the IG team for successfully defeating SSG and becoming the first team to advance to the semi-finals of the semi-finals. Then, regarding the result of [-] to [-], how do you two feel now?"

In this regard, Rookie and Zhao Yun also looked at each other with a smile, and quickly picked up the microphone to answer.

Rookie: "I'm very happy, I played all three rounds today very well."

Zhao Yun: "It's okay, I played three times with the mid laner thigh, and I was very happy."

The answer of the two directly made countless audiences who were watching the interview unstoppable, and laughed out loud on the spot.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded on the spot.


"I can't hold back hahahaha, Lancer is a B."

"How can he be so serious and say such nonsense in front of so many audiences?"

"Pfft hahahaha, I'm so laughable, it's you, Zilong!"

"(laughing and crying)"

"These two let's talk about cross talk, and they sing together."

"Give me a Coca-Cola laugh."


All of a sudden, as Zhao Yun opened his mouth, the entire audience burst into laughter.

On Ren Dong's side, he continued to ask the second question with a smile.

"In today's three games, IG basically ended the game cleanly with a big advantage. Before that, did you think it would be so easy?"

Regarding this question, Rookie and Zhao Yun didn't think too much, and just opened their mouths.

Rookie: "I thought it might be [-]-[-], but I never thought it would be so smooth."

Zhao Yun: "I must have thought about it. When I knew that we were going to play SSG in the quarterfinals, I felt that we were probably going to win this BO5."

Zhao Yun's straightforward answer naturally aroused Ren Dong's curiosity instantly.

"Oh? When you knew you were going to play SSG, did you feel that you could win? It seems that our Lancer players are also quite confident. So can you tell me, what is the fundamental reason why you think you can win?"

In this regard, Zhao Yun directly grinned and opened his mouth.

"It's nothing else. Our mid laner is better than them, our jungler is better than them, and our bottom lane is better than them. It's as simple as that."

 OK, call now.

(End of this chapter)

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