That's what we do with silver

Chapter 158 Perhaps, This Is Fate

Chapter 158 Perhaps, This Is Fate

Our jungler is better than them, our mid laner is better than them, and our bottom lane is better than them.

As soon as Zhao Yun uttered this answer, he directly entertained the audience.

"23333 died laughing, and started the classic business bragging again, right?"

"The mid laner and AD support in the jungle have all been mentioned, anyway, I never mentioned my top laner, right?"

"I reasonably suspect that he is deliberately creating hatred for his teammates, putting all the pressure on his teammates to resist, and then secretly having fun."

"It's really you, Zhao Zilong."

"Only Cuvee has earned Blue Brother's recognition."

"Although he was transparent in the first two rounds, Jess in the last round said that it's okay to do his best."

"At this moment, Cuvee in the background is tearing up: I really thank you!"


Amidst the cheers and laughter, Ren Dong also continued to ask the third question.

"OK, now we also know that IG is the first team to advance to the semi-finals among the top eight. In the remaining three days, the next six teams will start to play one after another, and those who belong to the same half as IG It is the LZ team in the LCK division and the MSF team in the LCS·EU division.

So what I want to ask you two is, what do you think, or rather hope, which of these two teams will advance to the semi-finals and become the opponent of IG's semi-finals? "

In this regard, Rookie also gave a very honest and positive answer.

"I think it should be LZ. I think they are stronger. After all, they are the No. [-] seed of LCK. We are the No. [-] seed of LPL. I want to try with them to see who is stronger."

Zhao Yun's answer was much simpler.

"Uh, to be honest, I didn't think too much about it, because it doesn't make any difference to me, it feels the same to hit everyone."

He scratched his head with a smile, his tone full of innocence and shyness.

And at this time, in the close-up screen on the big screen of the live broadcast, everyone could clearly see that when Zhao Yun said this sentence again, his expression was obviously embarrassing.

One thing to say, when he said that, he was really embarrassed.

Because in Zhao Yun's own opinion, without getting the Barbarian King, he really felt that he was basically messing around in every game, and it was only because of his teammates' crazy C that he won so easily.

Thinking about the possibility of not getting the Barbarian King's own C in the next game, and having to hang around and rely on his teammate Carry, he really felt very embarrassed.

He thought so.

But after saying it, it fell into the ears of the audience, but it had a completely different meaning.

"Aha? It's the same for everyone?"

"Implying that the No. [-] seed of the LCK, Dragon Ball, is essentially on the same level as Euro-Americans?"

"Lancer: It's the same against anyone, it's three to zero anyway."

"The brothers felt crazy and typed the word 'crazy' on the public screen."

"Awesome! The domineering side leaks!"

"This! This is the confidence of my IG and Lancer!"

"Is there any expert in psychology who can analyze how he can still show an embarrassed and shy smile when he says such cupping words?"

"Maybe it's because I thought of something funny."

"What's so funny? For example, in the game just now, the rock sparrow that was hit by Thain's car and knocked out of his mind?"

"Or did you think of SKT that was hit 1557 before?"

"I can't figure it out, why does he feel embarrassed? Could it be that he looks down on the other party too much when he tells the truth, and he is apologizing in his heart while filling his mouth?"

"Crocodile tears, right?"

"Lancer: Although I'm telling the truth, I'm still a little embarrassed to admit it in front of so many people."

"He's gentle, I cried to death."


In this way, amidst the cheers and laughter of countless audiences, the post-match interview of this game ended quickly.

On the same day, the news of IG's [-]-[-] defeat of SSG also appeared on Weibo's hot searches.

At the same time, in addition to this, many related hot search terms have also gained extremely high popularity.

[IG advanced to the semi-finals]

[Gap between mid laners]

[Crown played three mid-laner super ghosts in a row]

【Lancer said hitting everyone is the same】

[Lancer said he mixed three]

[LPL's most promising year]


Anyway, in the various online forums after the game, especially the ones where fun people gather to resist the pressure, let's blame it. Various discussions about today's BO5 round are in full swing.

The hearty 3:0 game was directly entertaining to the major domestic fans. After the game, there were countless replays and analysis tasks. At one time, the popularity of the anti-stress bar rushed to the TOP1 hottest day of Baidu Tieba.

Then, while celebrating IG's big win.

Other remarks related to RNG and EDG have also begun to appear on the Internet.

[In addition to IG, EDG and RNG also have great hopes! 】

[Is there a possibility, maybe this year is really the most promising year for LPL, and the LCK seems to be like that at present! 】

[Both SKT and SSG have been beaten violently. They feel delicious. They are not as good as the previous RNG and EDG. At least these two teams can still go back and forth with IG! 】

[I think there may be a civil war in the Bird's Nest. 】

[Clear the lower half of RNG and the upper half of IG, wouldn't it be perfect? 】

[I feel that RNG has obviously changed in the World Championship, maybe it can complete revenge on IG in the finals! 】

[Wuhu~ I have a hunch that EDG will beat SKT in the game the day after tomorrow, just like MSI in 15! 】

[Analyzed with reason and evidence, the probability of IG losing to LZ, and then RNG passing through the lower half to enter the finals and winning the championship is really high! 】


All of a sudden, this kind of remarks became popular, and the fans of EDG and RNG, who already had much more fans than IG, soon began to have sweet dreams.

And in the quarter-finals match on the second day, in the match between LZ and MSF, the European team MSF, which was originally regarded as a baby of experience, suddenly won two rounds of LZ in an upset, dragging LZ to fifth place unexpectedly Bureau.

Although LZ still won in the end, such a result once again made the fans of LPL happy.

Everyone had such an idea.

'SKT pulled the cross, SSG was useless, LZ was almost overturned by the wild card, it seems that this year's LCK team is really not good! '

'So, it seems that LPL really has a chance this year! '

With such an idea in mind, many LPL viewers, especially fans of EDG and RNG, are full of expectations for the upcoming games.

Then, in such a warm atmosphere where everyone was full of anticipation, the games in the next few days started one after another.

But the final result was to quickly extinguish the enthusiasm of countless people.

October 21.

EDG played against SKT.

EDG, which was given high hopes by everyone, was defeated by SKT [-]-[-] and was eliminated miserably.

In this BO5 round, Zhao Yun also watched the whole process from beginning to end.

Then, the way EDG lost made him feel very familiar.

The classic BP is no problem, the lineup is no problem, and the early rhythm is no problem.

But in the decision-making and team battles in the middle and late stages, every time EDG has a person who stands up and habitually falls ill and sends Boda, and then one or two key groups directly ruin the game.

At the end of the game, looking at the disappointed EDG players on the screen, Zhao Yun curled his lips and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Perhaps, this is the fate in the legend.

(End of this chapter)

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