That's what we do with silver

Chapter 159 We are here to overthrow the rule of the Korean team

Chapter 159 We are here to overthrow the rule of the Korean team
On October 10st, EDG lost to SKT.

If it was the World Championships in previous years, if the LPL team was defeated by the South Korean team, then no matter how you say it, the fans who broke their defenses on the Internet would definitely be blasted.

But this time, although EDG lost to SKT, the firepower they encountered was not as fierce as imagined.

Except for some loyal fans whose defenses were broken, most passers-by and viewers did not criticize them too much. Even most of the discussion posts were analyzing why they lost with reason and evidence. There aren't many of them.

The reason can be summed up in one sentence.

Without expectations, naturally there will be no disappointments.

Originally, it was only the second seed. From the beginning, everyone's expectations for EDG were not so high.

Just experienced IG's big victory, which has already relaxed everyone's mentality a lot, and it seems that they are not too involved in the next game, and there is still an RNG behind, so when they see EDG lose , everyone's heart is naturally not so uncomfortable.

In this way, the defeat of EDG did not cause too much sensation and discussion at this point in time.

Then the next day, the RNG game started.

RNG played against FNC.

And this game.

It can only be said that there was no danger, RNG was also forced to the fifth game by FNC, but in the fifth game, RNG played steadily and won the game, successfully becoming the last team to advance to the semi-finals.

At this point, the top four of this World Championship have been officially decided.

Upper half: IG and LZ.

Bottom half: SKT and RNG.

The game time for the semi-finals has also been officially released, which is exactly one week later.

IG and LZ will play first, on October 28th.

RNG and SKT will fight later, on October 29th.

Then when the time comes, the venue of the competition will be transferred from Guangzhou to Shanghai.

During this period, the four teams have a week to adjust rest and prepare for the battle.


Among the semi-finals, two Chinese teams faced off against two South Korean teams.

It can only be said that such a semi-final matchup between China and South Korea is really full of topicality.

During this offseason, in various forums around the world of LOL, everyone is frantically discussing various topics related to it.

Not only the fans of LPL and LCK are arguing and criticizing each other, but even players from LCS Europe, America and major wild card regions are discussing on Twitter or other well-known forums.

Even in the two major international cities of Seoul, South Korea and Shanghai, China, there have been many billboards and promotional videos supporting the two teams.

In addition to ordinary viewers and fans, even commentators from major competition areas, active players, retired players, club owners, well-known anchors, well-known event hosts...etc. Support your favorite team.

There was a lot of boiling and the smell of gunpowder was full.

This time, the semi-final matchup in Shanghai was really full of heat before the fight started. Even many people who don't pay attention to LOL are not consciously attracted by this huge publicity, and can't help but start paying attention. This passionate duel.

Then, under the focus of this much-anticipated gaze, the days passed day by day, and the match between IG and LZ finally came.


October 28st.

Shanghai Oriental Sports Center.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, there was still an hour before the start of the game, and the entire venue was already full of traffic and crowds.

Most of the people wore team uniforms and flags to support IG, and many fans even printed the IG team logo directly on their faces. The faces of every man and woman were full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Excited.

Although the game hadn't started yet, the official live broadcast had already started at the scene.

Then, the first thing that appeared in the camera was the guest commentary for today's game.

This time, the guest commentators are new faces that surprised everyone.

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator Zeyuan."

"Hi everyone, I'm Su Xiaoyan, the commentator."

"Hi everyone, I am your good friend, Li Jiahang."

In the guest commentary, apart from the usual Guan Zeyuan and Su Xiaoyan, the guests invited by the official this time are star summoners nicknamed 'Zhang Wei', 'Snake' and 'Zhang Yida'. Li Jiahang.

As a popular actor and star, Li Jiahang's familiar smiling face appeared in the camera, almost subconsciously, and the audience burst into laughter.

Then at this time, Guan Zeyuan also spoke first.

"First of all, we welcome our good friend Jiahang to be a guest in our comment box. Then on this important day today, do you have any opinions on this crucial semi-final match? For example, what do you think? Who's going to win, and then who's your favorite player and all that?"

As for Guan Zeyuan's question, Li Jiahang laughed and replied very naturally.

"To be honest, I'm actually an old player. I have been watching the games in the past few years, and then we lost many times against the Korean team. So every time we meet the LPL and LCK in the past few years, I was extremely nervous and scared, and felt that they were really too strong, the kind who didn't know how to win at all.

Before the start of this World Championship, I really wanted to watch it but didn't dare to watch it, but since I watched the IG game, everything has changed. "

Li Jiahang in the camera looked confident, patted his chest twice, and continued to laugh.

"Now I am a loyal fan of IG. There is no need to ask this kind of question. If you ask, IG is awesome. IG will win. I will always believe that IG is invincible!"

His passionate speech also caused a burst of equally enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

And then, he continued.

"Then I would like to talk about my favorite players. I like all five players from IG. If I have to say my favorite, it must be the top laner Blue. I was really excited to see the two games against SKT. Yes, SKT cut everything with one knife, and I couldn't hold back after watching it, so I went directly to the rankings to play a few rankings, I was so excited!"

"From that moment on, he is the number one top laner in the world in my mind, bar none!"

Li Jiahang's tone was full of excitement and excitement, and he even stretched out his hand a few times while talking, which caused the audience to burst into laughter again.

Then, at the official request, the three guests in the commentary gave their pre-match prediction scores.

On the big screen of the live broadcast, the predictions of the three appeared in an instant.

Guan Zeyuan: 3:1, IG wins.

He insisted that LZ could win at least one game.

Su Xiaoyan: 3:1, IG wins.

Li Jiahang: 3:0, IG wins.

At the same time, when the pre-match predictions are made in the commentary seats of the LPL, the commentary seats of other competition areas are also going through the same process.

Among them, their own team has been completely eliminated, and now the LCS commentators who are all incarnations of fun people, all kinds of speeches are also the most bold and straightforward.

"With all due respect, I don't think LZ's current strength is much better than SSG's. I feel that they will be broken at the first touch against IG, and they will be sent away happily with [-]-[-]."

"LZ's top laner Khan has made a big splash in the LCK division, but to be honest, his performance in the World Championship is not very impressive. I think it is not even as good as Cuvee. I have no doubt that when he is facing Lancer, he is very likely. Will become Huni2.0”

"Jungler Cuzz's performance in this World Championship is not even as good as that of some North American junglers, and he was even blown away by the jungler of MSG, so I hope he will not be in such an embarrassing situation when facing Ning's invasion .”

"LZ? It's just the number one favorite. In front of my powerful IG team and their God of War, Lancer, I will definitely be crushed to pieces!"

"I'm already looking forward to the faces of those who thoughtlessly boasted that LZ is number one in the world before the game when LZ is defeated by IG three to zero hahaha."


When there was no team of their own, the commentators of the LCS really said what they had to say, without concealing it, and the program effect was full as soon as the layer was opened.

Then when the predicted score was displayed on the live broadcast screen, there were four 3:0s all in one.

The position can be called a firm one.

Then on the LCK side, several Korean commentators cheered for their teams before the game.

"This is undoubtedly the most difficult battle for LZ so far."

"Yeah, facing IG, which is currently undefeated, the pressure is really great."

"However, the boys in LZ are also very strong. As the No. [-] seed of LCK, I believe that as long as they show their true strength, they will definitely win!"

"To be honest, compared to SSG being restrained in style, I really feel that LZ will have a higher winning rate against IG."

"Indeed, the players on each line of LZ have very strong personal abilities, and their style is very similar to IG, and they are all very aggressive. I think they will definitely bring you an extremely exciting fight against IG. showdown."

"Go on the road! The most important thing is to go on the road! Khan! Dongha! You must come out with the momentum of being the first top laner in the LCK, and avenge the good brothers (referring to Huni and Cuvee) who were bullied by Lancer before."

"The same is true for the BDD in the middle lane. He is also a laning player. I think he can compete [-]-[-] with Rookie."

"Our bot lane has a clear advantage, so as long as the middle and top are stable, the chances of defeating IG are really great."

"Come on, Khan! Come on, LZ!"


All of a sudden, with the resentment accumulated against IG from the previous games, several commentators in the LCK commentary booth shouted support slogans to LZ before the game.

Then, after a series of pre-match warm-up activities, soon, the players from both sides also began to go on stage for debugging.

At this time, seeing that the time was approaching, the screen on the LPL side also switched to the commentary booth.

The three commentators in charge of the commentary this time, besides the remember who is in charge of controlling the field, the other two are Miller and Wawa.

Then, the three briefly analyzed the situation of the two teams.

The prepared pre-match interview video was also released on the court.

"OK, now that the players on both sides are about to finish their preparations, let's take a look at what the players on both sides said before the match."

As the voice of remembering fell, the video that had been recorded in advance also began to play on the big screen of the live broadcast.

The first to appear was the player from LZ's side, the top laner Khan.

On his chubby face, Khan still had his trademark goofy smile.

"For IG, to be honest, the dominance they have shown so far really surprised me. I also see the strength of Lancer, but it doesn't matter. They have been winning before because they didn't meet us. Today, we will definitely let IG taste the bitterness of failure."

With a friendly smile, Khan spoke harsh words that were quite oppressive.

Then the camera was shown to IG, and it was Zhao Yun who appeared in the camera.

As always, there was a bright smile on his handsome and handsome face, Zhao Yun squinted his eyes slightly, and smiled to express his thoughts.

"Perhaps before we came, our LPL fans have been living in the shadow of the Korean team all these years. Every time we go to the World Championships, we are afraid and trembling."

"I was very saddened by this phenomenon."

"So here we are."

"We came here with only one purpose from the very beginning, and that is to defeat all opponents and win our own first championship trophy for LPL."

"We are here just to win the championship, to overthrow the Korean team's four-year rule of LOL!"

"So, all enemies who dare to block the road will be ruthlessly crushed by IG."

"As far as the Dragon Ball team is concerned, you are not the first."

"Also, it won't be the last."


 Moving tomorrow, I don’t think I have time to code, so I will write tomorrow’s update in advance tonight, and it will be gone during the day.

  Let me explain in advance here.

(End of this chapter)

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