That's what we do with silver

Chapter 160 Come on Khan!Try the Luxian set menu specially prepared for you!

Chapter 160 Come on Khan!Try the Luxian set menu specially prepared for you!

'We are here to overthrow the Korean team's rule! '

The language is amazing!

As soon as Zhao Yun said this, there was an uproar at the scene.

Then, cheers broke out like a mountain roar and a tsunami.





The sound waves are like waves, deafening.

The audience shouted with excitement.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded at this moment.

"Ahhh! Brothers, I'm on fire!"

"We are here to overthrow the Korean team! Well said!"

"Tears, God knows how difficult it is for me to watch the games against the South Korean team in the past few years."

"Damn it, every time I watched the Korean team's game before, I felt like I was asking for trouble."

"One thing to say, these past few years, because I always watch LPL lose LCK, I lost at least half a year of life because of this!"


"We're here, so we won't have to live this hard life in the future."

"IG awesome~"

"Zilongzilong! I am a hero!"

"Woooooo~ Is there a day when our own LPL team can break through the darkness?"

"Go on IG!"

"I've lived in the shadow of the LCK for too long, so long that I have forgotten what it's like to win, tears in my eyes."

"IG rushing duck!"

"Kill IG! Kill them all!!"

"Big guys! Raise your hands! Lend your vitality to IG!"

"Let's save energy, right? Count me in!"

"Don't stop, the brothers of bronze and silver are free. I am afraid that I can play it.

"Damn it! It was a very passionate matter, but this bastard made me laugh out loud."

"Anyway, IG cheers and it's over! Come on!"


All of a sudden, the already enthusiastic atmosphere at the scene became even more passionate because of Zhao Yun's words.

Then, under such an atmosphere, the game started.

"OK, now the game has officially started. As before, IG sent Lancer during the coin toss and successfully won the right to choose the side first."

"The difference from before is that IG took the initiative to choose the red side this time."

"Now the two sides start BP."

"The top three bans in Blue Fang Dragon Ball: Galio, Barbarian King, Qing Gang Ying."

"OK, it's also a Ban person that everyone expected. Facing IG's first ban Barbarian King, Rookie's Galio, and Ning's Qinggang Ying, there is no problem."

"And then there are the top three bans of the red side IG: Calista, Fengnv, Lulu."

"Well, it's also a very IG-style ban person. All three ban positions have been given to the bottom lane ad and support. The two aces of the incense burner, Lulu, are all banned, and all the middle and upper wild heroes have been released."

"So now, Xialuo is outside, and I feel that it is impossible for them to release all of them to IG, so how will Dragon Ball choose? Naxia or Naluo?"

In the commentary booth, the commentators were all guessing.

And soon, LZ also made a choice.

One choice, Ni Yu, Xia.

IG didn't have much hesitation here, so it was quickly selected.

One choice, Huan Ling, Luo.

The second choice is Undead God of War, Thain.

There were not many surprises and specials in the first-round picks of both sides.

Then the next two choices on LZ's side suddenly caught the audience's eyes.

Second choice: Soul Lock Warden, Thresh.

Three choices: Future Guardian, Jess.

As soon as these two heroes came out, the audience at the scene burst into exclamations of excitement.

In the commentary booth, several South Korean commentators on the LCK side also made surprise voices on the spot.

"Woo~ Thresh and Jess! LZ is very confident. Here, in the first three hands, he directly selected the three heroes he is very good at."

"Khan's Jess is also unique, Smecta, he is an invincible player who has played all over the LCK."

"Indeed, although Cuvee and Huni's Jayce are also very strong, but in my eyes, Khan is the real Jayce No. 1!"

"I saw that IG didn't ban, so I directly locked Jess in the first three moves, Khan! I'm very confident, Brother Donghe!"

"Gorilla's Thresh is also very good at it, and he has been banned in the LCK."

"In any case, being able to pick a hero who is very good at the first three moves is a very happy thing for LZ, who is very strong in personal strength."

"That's right! Trust them! Come on, LZ!"


All of a sudden, out of confidence in the strength of the No. [-] seed in the LCK, the tone of several Korean commentators became excited.

At this time, IG's third hand is also confirmed.

Without too many accidents, without Xia, Xihuang directly took Sivir.

Then, without other people knowing, IG's in-team voice at this time is also quite interesting.

"Okay, brothers, take Jess directly on the opposite side, and start the No. [-] tactic directly."

"It's here, it's finally here, it's finally going to make me feel good, brothers."

"Khan directly believes in Jess, this round of Rookie, you must let him have an unforgettable memory, okay?"

"Don't worry, brothers, it's up to me to play this game!"

"Come on! Arrange the package directly!"

"Let's do it!"


Amidst the laughter, Rookie's voice seemed particularly excited.

Then, the second round of BANs from both sides ended soon.

LZ chooses to ban: Lissandra, the clockwork monster.

IG chooses to ban: pig girl, spider.

And when IG was in the fourth hand, it directly determined the blind monk in the first hand.

Then, it was LZ's last two choices.

Without too much hesitation, they also chose confidently.

Four choices, Dark Heads, Syndra.

Five choices, the prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV.

So far, all the heroes in the five positions of LZ have been selected.

The remaining IG has not yet chosen the last move.

At this time, many people subconsciously began to guess.

"The last mid laner, what does Rookie get?"

"I feel like Ike, Ike has an advantage over Syndra, and it must be Ike who reserved the counter position for Rookie."

"Even I think Yasuo is pretty good haha."

"Rookie choose quickly, I can't wait to see blood flow!"


Without making everyone wait too long, ig's last hero was quickly determined.

"Everyone is mortal, and some people need a little help."

Paladin, Lucian!

Once the hero was confirmed, after all, he had chosen it before, so it didn't surprise the audience.

In the LCK commentary seat, several Korean commentators also began to analyze the lineups of the two sides.

"This lineup feels pretty good."

"Each lane got the heroes they are good at, and the three lanes on LZ's side are all advantageous lanes."

"Especially Jess on the road, there is no developmental pressure at all."

"Sindra and Lucian in the middle lane are actually split [-]-[-], but the more you drag to the back, the greater the advantage of Syndra, and the better performance of Syndra in team battles."

"The most important thing is that our bottom lane is Xayah and Thresh. This combination looks very reassuring."

"Come on, Liz."


The first time they saw the lineup, basically everyone felt that there was no problem, and both sides were quite normal.

But soon, the reading is over.

Accompanied by the sound of 'thump, thump, thump, thump', the game officially started.

When the audience saw the IG branch, their eyes widened instantly.

Because the picture in front of him clearly shows that both Lucian and Thain are carrying TP.

IG didn't do anything like that at the first level.

However, when the pawn line appeared, Lucian walked straight up the road.

But Thain, who originally thought he was the top laner, went straight to the middle.

"This is... top laner Lucian, mid laner Thain?"

"My God! It's beyond all our expectations. When everyone thought that IG started normally, he brought us another wave of surprises!"

Seeing the top two on the IG who had switched lines with each other on the screen, Miller was startled, and couldn't help but raise his voice a notch.

In the game, after going online, the upper middle and upper middle of LZ, who saw Lucian and Thain switching lanes, couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

what's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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